//------------------------------// // Celestial Interlude // Story: Darkened Shores // by Silver Flare //------------------------------// The morning of the trip, before the dawn and before any resident of Ponyville had left their homes, Celestia’s personal train clickety-clacked down the tracks far from any town or city. It had left the night before, after Princess Celestia had entrusted the capitol city and the responsibility for raising the sun to her sister Luna. Celestia opened the door to her room and stepped into the narrow aisle connecting the dining car in front with the luggage car behind. As usual for the night shift, one of her bodyguards rested while the other stood guard. The unicorn on duty saluted. “Good morning, your Highness. Should I rouse the wait staff?” Celestia nodded. “That would be lovely. Perhaps some watercress and tea.” “Certainly, your Highness.” As he turned towards the front of the train car he nudged his sleeping companion in the ribs. The leaner unicorn startled awake and glanced around before scrambling to his feet and saluting the Princess, the dignity of his station belied by his somewhat askew helmet. The first bodyguard chuckled to himself and made his way ahead to the dining car and the kitchen car ahead of it. Celestia nodded to her second bodyguard and said with a smile, “As you were.” He lowered his hoof and began adjusting himself, setting his armor straight. Celestia turned to regard the window and the brightening sky beyond it. The train tracks were leading them somewhat north of east, and Celestia fancied she would be able to make out the first sliver of sunrise without walking up to the engine. With a tiny expenditure of magic, she opened the window closest to her so she could see the horizon better. The wind fluttered and gusted around Celestia’s mane, bringing in the sharp, clean scent of pine trees. She sighed. “Is everything okay, your Highness?” The bodyguard walked up to stand beside the Princess and followed her gaze. He was taller than average, but Celestia still had to look downwards to glance at him. Maybe there had been a little touch of sadness in her sigh. She smiled to herself and swept her gaze back out to the east. Her bodyguard glanced up at her expression and nodded in understanding. “Oh, of course. The sun. You know, I didn’t know Princess Luna even could raise the sun.” He chuckled a bit. “It must sound silly, but I’d always just assumed she could only work the night. Um, your Highness.” Celestia offered him a reassuring smile. “I don’t think that sounds silly at all. Preconceived notions can be powerful things.” Celestia knew he was just trying to get her to stop worrying, and she appreciated the attempt. It was a kind sentiment. “I’m not concerned that she can’t do it. I guess I’m only curious to see it the way everypony else sees it.” Her bodyguard smiled and nodded. Just then, Celestia felt another surge of unease. On a hunch, she turned and looked behind them in time to catch a glimpse of movement. It came from the window set in the door to the luggage car. Celestia craned her neck to get a better look and caught a glimpse of icy, pale blue. Celestia frowned. “Has anypony come back this way recently?” Celestia began walking towards the rear of the car. Her bodyguard tried to keep up. “No, your Highness. Stal would have woken me up, I’m sure of it.” He glanced through the window to the next train car and darted ahead to open the door for the Princess. Celestia stalked into the doorway to find a member of the serving staff standing just beyond the end door, out in the wind, staring backwards down the tracks. Celestia called out. “Winter Sage!” It was both a demand and a warning. The pale blue earth pony turned around, and stared at Celestia with blank eyes. Without hesitation, the staff pony threw itself to the side, off of the train and out of Celestia’s line of sight. By the time the Princess emerged onto the slim rear platform, there was no sign of anyone back there, and no body along the tracks behind them. As the sun peeked unnoticed over the horizon behind her, Celestia’s eyes widened and her pupils contracted with terror. She didn’t have to glance through the luggage car to see what had been taken. She knew who was responsible, what they wanted, and what would happen next. She also knew she only had moments left to save the lives of the rest of her crew. “With me!” She cried, turning and galloping towards the engine. She only hoped she wasn’t already too late.