You're Not My Sister

by DJ Variety

Chapter 2 (Unfinished)

Scootaloo's eyes burst open. "It's morning!" she hollers. "That means camping with Rainbow Dash!"
The previous day Scootaloo had been sitting alone in her home bored when she had heard a loud booming noise. Being the president of the Rainbow Dash fan club she had known right away what it was. She had quickly excited her house to see a rainbow wave cutting across the sky. The remnants of a sonic rainboom.
She had watched the wave cross the sky and slowly fade away into the distance. Even after it had passed she had sat outside admiring the spectacle she had just seen. Her admiration had quickly turned into day dreaming. Eventually her imagination had taken complete control and she was jumping around her backyard pretending to be the captain of the Wonderbolts.
While playing Scootaloo had verbal conversations where she voiced all the characters in her imagination. The basic plot had involved Scootaloo performing daring feats, fighting off monsters, and saving retired Wonderbolt Rainbow Dash from certain doom. The climax was when Scootaloo performed her own sonic rainboom, catching a falling Rainbow Dash just in time. "Thanks Scootaloo, you're the best and most useful pony ever." Scootaloo had said as the fictional Dash.
The joyous filly had been so caught up in her own little game that she hadn't noticed a certain cyan pegasus who was hovering over head until she heard a snicker and the mare speak. "Entertaining story squirt, but even after retirement I'll be too awesome to need rescuing."
At the time Scootaloo had felt extremely embarrassed but after her honorary sister told her about the camping trip she became exuberant. Sccotaloo had barely been able to sleep all night, but that didn't matter now because morning had dawned.
Wasting no time Scootaloo immediately started packing. She wasn't really going to need much so the only thing she packed was her toothbrush and toothpaste. In her rush she actually packed them before having brushed for the morning. Cleaning her teeth forgotten about, Scootaloo poured a tub and took a bath. Since her parents had been away for awhile she had 'forgotten' to bathe daily. Truth was she was just lazy about it. Why bathe every day if you're just gonna get dirty again? The only reason she was bathing now was because she didn't want to smell bad for the camping trip.
After washing herself and rinsing her hair she emptied the bath and proceeded downstairs. Since her parents are away she heads towards the fridge to make her own breakfast "Good morning fridge. What have you got for me today?" Scootaloo asks out loud to the kitchen appliance.
"Morning Scootaloo" Scootaloo says to herself pretending to be the fridge. "I've got a banana for breakfast, everything needed for a jam sandwich for lunch, and left over hay pizza for dinner."
"I'll actually only need the banana today, because I'm going camping with Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo reaches into the refrigerator and plucks a banana from its bundle. She peels and takes a bite before closing the door.
"Wow! That sounds like so much fun!" she says as the fridge, with a mouth full of banana. "When will you be leaving?"
"As soon as I finish eating this." Scootaloo scoffs down another bite from her banana.
"Shouldn't you leave a not in case your parents come home? That way they won't worry about you," suggests the fridge.
"Ha!" Scootaloo scoffs. "Like they'd even notice. I'm just a burden to them. A mouth to feed."
"Come on Scootaloo you know that's not true," pipes up the toaster in a French accent.
"Don't be so hard on them, they care. They just have a different way of showing it." The fridge adds agreeing with the toaster.
Scootaloo takes another bite from her fruit while staring down at the floor in thought. Her eyes tighten shut and a tear runs down her cheek. Several long moments pass where Scootaloo sits quietly, waiting for the tears to pass. Pull yourself together Scootaloo. Don't show weakness. You can take care of yourself. You're strong. You're useful.
Having lost her appetite Scootaloo throws the remaining bites of her banana into the trash. She starts towards the door but pauses. Turning around Scootaloo trots back into the kitchen. Grabbing some paper and a crayon she jots down a quick note in the off chance that her parents come home before she returns from the camping trip.
"You made the right choice dear," applauds the toaster.
"We're so proud," adds the fridge.
"It won't matter. I'll be back before they even know I'm gone," answers a sad sounding Scootaloo. "I'm leaving now. Talk to you guys later."
"Bye Scootaloo. We love you," says the kitchen appliances as Scootaloo opens the door to exit the home.
"Love you too guys," replies Scootaloo. She closes the door behind her and allows one final tear to escape her eyes. She prepares her scooter and dawns her helmet. She sighs, "Every day."
It's almost every morning that Scootaloo sheds a tear over her continuous loneliness and sense of being unwanted. Even more often Scootaloo converses with inanimate objects. Not always the fridge and the toaster but those are two of her favorites.
Not wanting to show that she's been crying Scootaloo decides to ride aimlessly around town for awhile. Allowing her eyes to return to normal and her emotions to get back in check before she heads to Sweet Apple Acres.

Tent? Check. Sleeping rolls? Check. Food? Check. First aid? Check "Seems like we've got everything we're gonna need." Applejack says to her younger sister. Apple Bloom replies with a smile and a head nod. "Well, let's go see if the others are here yet."