Crusaders nude adventure

by ranul

Chapter 4

Chapter 4
The next morning Sweetie Belle woke up and stretched.
“Morning.” she turned over and saw big mac standing at the doorway of the living room” Breakfast.”
“Coming,” replied Sweetie Belle as she removed the blanket. Big mac turned around. Sweetie Belle was at first confused before she realized she was naked. After all, this wasn't a planned sleepover, and she hadn't brought anything, instead of screaming.
She just went ahead and got dressed.
“Is she Awake? “Asked Apple Jack
“Yup,” said Big Mac.
“Something the matter Mac.” Said Applejack.
“Now you all don't get mad. I didn't know.” I started Big Mac.
“Don’t worry, it was an accident, “said Sweetie Belle as she walked into the kitchen When the other looked at her. “Big Mac just saw me naked. “she sat down at the table and grabbed some bacon and an egg from the center of the table.
“You okay, Sweets,” said Applebloom
“Yeah, why do you ask “replied Sweetie Belle
“You are not upset that Big Mac just saw you naked.” Asked Applebloom.
Sweetie Belle sighed and then answered, “A little bit.” She then turned to Big Mac, who was looking down. “At myself, I should have remembered.”
After Scootaloo and her family had breakfast, they got into the car. The boys sat in the back with Dad while Speedster and Scootaloo were in the front seats.
“Scootaloo, what do you think of Snips and Snails joining us in the pool.”
Scootaloo thought for a moment.
“Snails would be okay, But I am not sure about Snips. “
“Why are you worried about snips,” said dad.
“I am afraid that he might just be swimming so that he could see naked girls.”
“We could tell them no. “
She then stopped the car and began to look at her purse.
“Hold it dear, I got this, “said dad and then hands the bank card to speedster.
Who then takes it and asks,” Are you sure”?
“The Army will refund me the money. “
Later after her dad had gone through the checkpoint, and they were heading out of the airport. Scootaloo heard the voice of someone calling for a cab. But couldn't place who it was until they got back to the car.
Scootaloo was about to open the car door when she paused.
“Mom can we gave Rainbow Dash a ride. “asked Scootaloo.
“But she is not here. “replied Speedster.
“I will be back, “said Scootaloo, who then headed back to the airport. She looks around and sees Rainbow dash standing at the curb in a flight uniform carrying a suitcase.
“Hey Rainbow Rainbow Dash.” Yelled Scootaloo as she waited at the intersection for the light to change.
Rainbow Dash looked around and sees Scootaloo. She picks up her Suitcase and walks over to the intersection.
“Stay there, scoots. I am coming over.”
After the light changed and Rainbow dash crossed.
“Hi, Scootaloo, what are you doing here.”
“Were you able to get a taxi?”
“No, it would have been a couple of hours wait.”
“Come with me, Rainbow dash.”
“Okay, but why are you here.”
“We were dropping off my Dad.”
Scootaloo heads to the crosswalk. Rainbow dash picks up her suitcase, and Winces in pain as she does it.
Snails walk into the kitchen, where His Parents and Brother were sitting at the table eating breakfast.
“Go put on some clothes. “said Dad.
“I thought it was okay if we went around naked. “replied Snails
“But not all the time. “replied Snaps.
Snails then went to the cupboard and got a glass out, and then went to the fridge.
“I just came to get a drink before having a shower. “said Snails
After Snails left, Snaps turned around and saw her husband just shaking his head.
“It is just not right to be walking around naked all the time. “
After a minute of silence, Snaps turned to her son.
“Snips, would you go and tell your brother that his breakfast is almost ready.”
Snips got up and left the room.
“Are you okay with the boys going skinny dipping?”
“No, I am not,” replied Dad
“Then why did you suggest that they go naked last night. “
He then Sighed and replied, “I was hoping that they would chicken out, and that would be the end of it. “
“We can still tell them no, they can’t go skinny dipping. “
He then shook his head and said,” No did you see how excited they were. “
Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom were riding their bikes into town.
“Sweetie, are you going to be joining us at Scootaloo this afternoon.”
Sweetie didn't answer right away.
“I don't know. I have to think about it.”
“Well, you know you are welcome to join us.”
“I know. I just not sure about Snips and Snails.”
Snips went upstairs and knocked on their bathroom door before opening it up.
“I am getting dressed, “said Snails.
“Come on, we just spend the evening naked, and you were walking around naked.”
Snails had a great big grin on his face and said, “I know was it a blast. ‘
Snails turned and saw the frown on Snip's face.
“What is wrong?”
“Dad, not too happy about us going naked.” Said Snips
“But he was the one that suggested that we go naked.”
“Did he tell you?” Snips shook his head.” Then how do you know.”
“I overheard them talking. “
Scootaloo and Whiplash were in the back seat, with Rainbow Dash sitting in the middle between them while Break Wheel has seated in the front reading a book.
“What are new Scoots. “asked Rainbow Dash.
“Not much. We got a new swimming pool. “said Scootaloo
“Wanna come swimming with us. “asked Whiplash.
“I didn’t bring my swimsuit with me. “replied Rainbow Dash
“That okay We don’t wear swimsuits, “said Whiplash
After a moment of Silence, Rainbow Dash shook her head and said, “No, I have too much to do today. “
“I was hoping to spend some time. Can’t you come swimming with us for a few minutes. “said Scootaloo.
Rainbow Dash just shook her head. “Are please come swimming with us. “
Rainbow dash turned and yelled, “No, I told you I have things to do. “
Scootaloo flinched back and then turned towards the window.
“I am sorry, Scootaloo. “said Rainbow Dash as she tried to coax her to turn around.
“Just leave her alone. She will be fine. “
They went the rest of the way to Rainbow dash house.
Everyone got out of the car except for Scootaloo, who just sat there and looking out the window.
“Are you sure you can't come swimming after supper.,”
Rainbow shook her head and grabbed her Suitcase and winces as she does
“Are you okay? “asked Speedster as she notices Rainbow dash struggling with her suitcase.
“I am fine, “replied Rainbow dash as she picks up, carries her bag and struggles to she holds her bag in
Rainbow dash then felt a hand on her luggage. She turns and sees Speedster with a hand on her suitcase.
“Let me give you a hand.”
Rainbow dash then just sighed and just shrugged.
The two of them then went into Rainbow dash’s house.
“What is the matter, Rainbow. “
“Nothing the matter. “
Speedster then looked at Rainbow Dash for a moment.
“. Okay, but just take care of yourself.”
Rainbow Dash then nodded and let the speedster out of the house.
She then went and sat down on the chair in the living room and lifted her shirt, revealing the burn that she got from the fire.
When Speedster came out of the house.
“What is wrong with Rainbow Dash.”
“nothing, she is just tired from her trip. “
After Snails finished his shower, the two brothers went downstairs, where snaps and rails were sitting in the living room.
“We change our minds. We don't want to go skinny dipping with Scootaloo.”
Rail turned to his wife.
“I didn't say anything to them.”
“She didn't have to, dad. We could see that you were uncomfortable. “
Just then, there was a knock on the door
Snaps went to answer.
“Who is it, “said Snaps.
“Scootaloo.” Came the voice from outside.
Snaps opened the door.
“We change our minds, Scootaloo. We don't want to go swimming. “
‘Go swimming if you really want to.”
“But Dad, you said that.”
“But I won't be there. “
“Do you mind if we come in? “said Speedster.
They then all went into the living room.
“Do you really swim naked?” Asked Rails
“Yes, we do. You have a problem with that.” Said Speedster.
Rails frowned.
Snips and Snails looked over at Scootaloo.
Snips had a grin on his face.
Scootaloo noticed it and walked over to the boys.
“If you think that you are going with us just so that you can see be naked, then you can forget about it.”
Snips and Snails both shook their heads.
“Not that it wouldn't be interesting seeing you naked. We just want to go swimming with our friends.”
Scootaloo then back away.
“Good, I am glad you are honest about it.” Replied Scootaloo.
Speedster then turned towards Rails, who standing there with a frown on his.
“Is there something bothering you about us skinny dipping.”
He then sighed and said, “I don't agree with it, but I won't stop anyone from doing it.”
“You don't have any problem if your kids come swimming with us. “asked Speedster.
Rail hesitates before answering, “If they really want, then they can along as I don't have to be there to watch.
Speedster then turned to Snips and Snails, who was talking to Scootaloo.
“I am sorry, boys. I don't think it would be a good idea if you came swimming with us today.”
They both frowned and asked, “Why.”
“It doesn't seem that your father is too thrilled about the idea.”
“? But I Said they can go.”
“Let’s wait until tomorrow, okay. “
They then left and headed back to the car.
Rarity was in the laundry room loading the washing machine. When she felt a tap on her shoulder, she turned and saw Sweetie Belle standing there.
“I am going over to Scootaloo to go swimming,” said Sweetie Belle
“Okay, don't be late for supper mom and dad will be here to take home.”
“Okay, Rarity.”
Rarity went back to put the clothes washing machine when she picked up something blue and Red, she held it, looked at it and then went upstairs, but sweetie Belle had already left.
Sweetie Belle arrived at Scootaloo’s.
Sweetie Belle knocked on the door. Scootaloo answered the door.
“Come on in. We will be out back in the pool. Come on out when you're ready.”
Sweetie Belle went upstairs and into Scootaloo's room. She then put her back oak on the bed and began to search through it, but after digging through it a couple more times. Sweetie then went downstairs and outback.
Sweetie Belle got Scootaloo's attention.
“What the matter Sweetie Belle? Aren't you coming swimming.? “
“Just come over here for a moment. “called Sweetie Belle.
“Isn’t Tweety coming swimming with us? “asked both boys at the same time.
Scootaloo got out of the pool and went over to Sweetie Belle.
“What is the matter Sweetie. “asked Scootaloo
“I forgot my swimsuit,” replied Sweetie Belle.
“The boys would be disappointed if you don’t join us,” replies Scootaloo
Sweetie Belle stood there for a moment and then asked, “can you do me a favour. “
Scootaloo nodded, and after a few moments, she went back to the pool.
“Isn’t Tweety coming swimming with us?” Asked break wheel
“She will be coming out in a few minutes,” replied Scootaloo
Sweetie Belle went back inside, and after a couple of minutes, she comes outside covered by a large towel.
She then headed goes to the pool, and she reaches it.
“Boys, could you both turn around. “said Sweetie Belle.
After Break Wheel and Whiplash turned around, Sweetie Belle then removed her towel, and she then climbed into the pool. When she gets in.
“Okay, Boys, you can turn around. “said Sweetie Belle
They turn around, and they both looked at Sweetie Belle for a moment.
And the Whiplash asked, “Are you naked Tweety. “
“Don’t look at me. “said Sweetie Belle, who turns around and grabs the edge of the pool and just stood there.
“What is the matter with Tweety, “asked Whiplash.
“You are Making Sweetie nervous. “replied Scootaloo. Whiplash gave her a confused look “she is not used to be naked. “
Sweetie Belle was still hanging on to the edge of the pool. Apple Bloom swam beside her,
“Are you okay, Sweetie? “
Sweetie Belle then turns towards Apple Bloom and just looks at her for a moment and then Splashes her after Apple bloom splashes back at her. Soon after, Scootaloo and her brothers joined in on the fun. They swam for about an hour or so. At first, Sweetie Belle stayed mostly in the deep end but eventually, she began to swim all over the pool.
Whiplash and Breakwheel were chasing Sweetie Belle all over the Swimming pool and had her cornered when they heard some beeping.
Sweetie Belle then held her hand out.
“Can you two wait a moment? That’s my phone?”
Sweetie Belle then went over her bag and took her phone out of it.
She looks at the screen for a moment.
“His mom just over at the Scootaloo 's swimming.”
“Sorry about that, mom. I will turn my camera on.”
“Sweetie Belle Sweetie Bell “Yelled Speedster
Sweetie then towards the pool and saw Speedster pointing at her.
Sweetie gave a confused look as Speedster continued pointing at her.
Sweetie shrugged her and went back to her phone.
“look at yourself.” Yelled Scootaloo
Sweetie Belle then looked down. “I am naked “she then turns back to the phone. “Mom, can I call you back in a few minutes.”
Cookie crumbs hanged up the phone and just looked at the phone
“Is there something the matter dear? “asked Hondo Flanks.
“I. Am not sure I think Sweetie Belle just said that she was swimming naked.”
“Is there something wrong with that, dear?”
“I am just not sure about it.”
“We can discuss it with our daughters when having dinner with them tonight.”
the cookie then sighed. “That is why I was phoning her in the first place to make sure she was ready.”
Rarity was in the kitchen making lasagna when her phone rang. She picks it up.
After listening for a moment, she then replies, “You were going to tell them when they picked up tonight, right.”
“Ok, see you soon, Sweetie Belle. “
That evening Rarity had just placed the lasagna in the middle of the table, and after everyone took a piece.
“Where you Skinny dipping today Sweetie Belle. “asked Cookie Crumbs
Sweetie Belle looked at her mom and replied, “Is it wrong to Skinny Dipping. “
“Sweetie, I never said that, just wondering if I heard you correctly. “
Sweetie Belle thought for a moment before answering, “Yes, I was, mom. “
“why were you skinny dipping.”
“I forgot my swimsuit at home.”
“And everyone was okay about it, “asked Hondo Flanks
“Yes, there was dad,” replied Sweetie belle. After a pause for a moment, “Nobody wore swimsuits. “
“Who else was there. “
“It was me, my friends Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Scootaloo’s brother’s and their mom. “replied Sweetie Belle.
“Everyone was naked?” asked mom
Sweetie Belle looked at her mom for a moment and then sighed, “Yes, mom, no one was wore swimsuits at their house. “
“You are okay being naked with boys.”
It took a while before sweetie Belle answered, “Most boys no, but because Scootaloo’s brother is so young, I didn't mind.”
“Sweetie, one more question.”
“yes, mom.” Replied Sweetie Belle.
“Were you going to tell us About going skinny dipping?”
“We had planned on telling you when you came for supper. “
“Are you planning on walking around the house naked when you come home? “
Sweetie Belle looked at her dad and said, “I don’t know. I am not sure if I would be comfortable walking around in front of dad naked. “Hondo flanks let out a sigh of relief. “maybe after I have a shower before going to bed. “
“Okay, enough of that, Sweetie Belle. Did you finish your homework. “asked Mom.
“Yes, I did it on the first day.” Replied Sweetie.
“Sweetie “
“Maybe it was the second or third day, “replied Sweetie bell.
Later that evening, Snips and Snails were getting ready for bed. When their bedroom door opened and their father came into the room.
“Boys, are you really sure that you want to go skinny dipping and it is not just so that you could see the girls naked. “
“I would admit that I am interested in seeing Scootaloo naked it. I really do want to go skinny dipping, “replied Snips.
“Are you going to let us go skinny over there tomorrow. “asked Snails.
Rails stood there for a moment before giving his answer, “Yes, I am going to let you go there as long as you follow these rules 1 you tell me whenever you go over there. 2 I want to know who is going to be there. “
The boys nodded.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if Apple bloom or Sweetie Belle would be there. “said Snails
“Really, “replied Snips trying to hide his grin.
“Well, the three of them are good friends. “replied Snails.
“good night. “said rails as he left the room.
Rainbow dash was getting ready for bed. She picks up her phone and begins to dial it before stopping on putting it down for the 16th time tonight.
“I should phone Scootaloo and explain to her what had happened to her today. “she then looks at the clock. “first thing tomorrow, I will go over there and present it in person. “