The Dawn of Shawn

by Thunder7669

Chapter 11: Minimum Carnage (Trixie)

I was at my house laying down in bed and reading until I saw a fly enter my room and land on my book of magic. I thought it was bizzare considering how flies just fly around mindlessly just wanting to mess with you. I knew this was a real person turned into a fly. Luckly, I have been studing equestrian magic and was now able to cast some myself without turning evil. "Come here, little one. You want to turn back to normal, don't you?" I said as I extended my pointer finger onto my book of magic. I could also, thanks to my magic, hear everything he was saying. For example, I could hear him stutter in fear and question himself. "There's no need to be afraid. The giant but gentle Trixie promises not to hurt you." He then flew onto my finger and attempted to hug it. As he was hugging me, I scanned his memories and found out that he not only knew Shawn, but was Mrs. Cupcakes long lost husband. I then heard him cry as I got up out of bed. "You must be happy to see me Mr. Cupcake. I need you to hover in place so I can fix you." He then hovered in place and I blew him a kiss that turned into blue dust. When the blue dust hit him, he turned back to normal.

"Thank you so much, Trixie." Mr. Cupcake said.

"Your welcome and thank you for being Shawn's first friend when he first appeared here." I said.

"Your welcome. Oh, speaking of Shawn, you need to help him. He can't defeat Babs Seed alone."

"Babs Seed? What did she do to him?"

"Made his life one heck of a living as well as kidnap his girlfriend and mother along with Sunset Shimmer."

"Shawn has a girlfriend? Wow, he's all grown up now. But why should I be worried about this fight?"

"They're fighting using symbiotes. The Dazzlings merged with him and his friends to form Lasher, Agony, and Scream."

"That was them? I thought the monsters looked and acted a little too familiar. But I thought they were dead. Were they reborn or something?"

"Maybe, but that's besides the point. Walflower Blush merged with Babs Seed and became Carnage. Wallflower Blush was also the one who killed the Dazzlings."

"She was? So two people who caused a great deal of pain onto a little boy who I cared for are now the same person? Say no more, the great and powerful Trixie is going to help put a stop to this. Thanks for letting me know. Now go back to your wife and stay indoors until this is over."

"Okay, but what are you going to do?"

"Let's just say, I've got a solution so good that it burns bright." I then flew out while turning my body into a burning woman. Mr. Cupcake then went home.


I landed on one of the bridge supports and saw she was holding in one hand the special victims and in another, a bus with the elementary students inside. "Carnage, what do you think you're doing?" I asked.

"Lasher, there comes times in life where a person must make difficult decisions. Tonight, that person is you. You either will save the people you care about most or save the innocent children. Now, CHOOSE!" Carnage said as she let go. I then through quick thinking saved the special victims while someone that was engulfed in flames flew by and saved the bus. My best friends then showed up right beside me.

"Not a moment too soon." I said to them. I then turned my attention to the flaming girl and saw it was actually Trixie. "Trixie, long time no see. Thanks for the help."

"No problem. Also, I have a score to settle with Wallflower." She said.

"You knew?"

"Of course."

"You're very clever and crafty bringing you're friends here. But that wasn't even the main event." Carnage said as she grabbed me and threw me into a nearby factory. I could hear my friends screaming my name. When I was inside the factory, I saw that it was the same one I dreamed of.

"Oh no..." I said to myself as Carnage came in and swing kicked me into a wall.

"Misery, misery, misery. That's what you've chosen. I offered you friendship and you spat in my face." She then continued to beat the everliving crap out of me by using a flurry of punches and finishing off using a flying kick. I tried to web zip away but she stepped on my hand and trasformed me back to normal. "You've fought your last fight, Shawn. Had you just listened to me and been a little bit more generous, I would have let Diamond Tiara live a happy life. But now that you've really ticked me off, I'm gonna finish her off in the worst way possible." This made me so angry. I then got up. "Diamond Tiara and I, were gonna have one heck of a time!" She then turned her arm into a spear and tried to stab me with it but I grabbed it and lifted it up using my rage. I then swung her around and out in front of the factory.

Diamond Tiara

I swung down in front of the factory with Fluttershy and Sunset Shimmer and saw that Babs Seed was handcuffed as she reverted to normal. She was then thrown in a S.W.A.T. van. Shawn then came out.

"Shawn, you're alright." I said.

"Of course, Diamond. But my work here isn't done. Not yet. There's just one last thing left to do." He said as he came forth and kissed me on the lips. I then closed my eyes and hugged him as we were kissing.

Vignette Valencia

Three weeks later, I was working on a new section of my amusement park called "Carnage U.S.A.". It was going lots of effects that needed lots of electicity so I decided to work on it myself. As I was working on it, I accidently electricuted myself with over 9000 volts of electricity and passed out. When I woke up, I saw that my body was filled with electricity. "What's going on?" I asked myself.