Twinkling Star in the Night Sky

by Tigerishbook

To Canterlot

Chapter 3: To Canterlot

“Do you really have to go?” Jewel asked her friend.
“Yes. I do.” Twinkle sadly replied.
“Just a little longer!” Applespike pleaded.
“No, you two! I can’t stay!” Twinkle said.
“But you’re my friend!” Jewel said.
“I’m sorry, Jewel. I have to go.” Twinkle responded.
The three and their families all stood on the railroad platform, ready for Twilight Sparkle and her six year old daughter to go to Canterlot.
“But… we may not see you for a couple o’ years!” Applespike said.
“Listen. I’m sorry I have to go. But my mother knows what’s best for me. If she says we have to go to Canterlot, that means that we are going to Canterlot. I highly respect my mother, not just as a princess, but as a mother.” Twinkle said.
“Aww,” Zany said with sarcasm whilst leaning on the building, “The little Princess is saying goodbye. Aren’t we all so sad.”
“Jeez, Zany. Didn’t have to be so mean.” Twinkle responded.
“What? It’s one of my specialties.” Zany said before trotting over.
“Look, Zany, one of your friends is leaving and you should have something nice to say.” Jewel told the half draconequus.
“What? That Twinkle Toes is leaving? How is that a bad thing?” Zany asked.
“It’s better than your attitude, for starters.” Applespike said.
“Wow, best friend. Way to be on my side.” Zany said sarcastically.
“Honestly, if there’s one thing I’m excited about,” Twinkle said to Jewel, “It’s getting away from that jerk.”
“I heard~ that!” Zany said with anger and yet still a sing-song voice.
“You were supposed to hear that!” Twinkle said.
“Look, I don’t want ya to head off to that big city!” Applespike said.
“Yeah! You belong in Ponyville! That’s where you’re friends are!” Jewel added.
“I have to go. I respect my mother and her opinion. I’m sorry.” Twinkle said.
“Oh? Always one to listen to Mommy?” Zany teased.
“Zany!” Twinkle said in anger.
“Hey, petty princess. Jeez. One to get angry, eh?” Zany teased the young princess.
“I’m over here trying to say goodbye to my friends which I might not see for who knows how long and you’re just over there teasing me about every single thing that I say!” Twinkle said.
    “Can you really get mad at the fact that you’ll never have to do deal with me again?” Zany retorted teasingly.
    “I mean, it’s something to smile about, but I’m certainly still upset about leaving my friends.” Twinkle responded.
    “We’re upset about that too.” Jewel responded.
    “What are we gonna do without ya?” Applespike asked.
    “Spend some time with me for once?” Zany asked.
    “I thought we always did that.” Jewel told him.
    “Not as much as Miss Twinkle Toes,” Zany said, “And with her gone, we don’t have to worry about ‘Your Nerdiness’ or anything.”
    “Well, ‘Your Nerdiness’ would like to say that she has friends that actually care about her and would indeed worry about her condition in Canterlot.” Twinkle responded.
    “Hey, I’m not saying it will be immediate. But I’m not getting older either. Immortality, remember?” Zany responded.
    “Sure, just wait for them to like you again after all you’re doing right now. Yeah, that’s a good idea.” Twinkle said sarcastically.
    “I’m not being rude! Just a happy colt that is celebrating the departure of his mortal enemy. Or really immortal enemy. Ya know, cuz you still haven’t decided if you wanna be a mortal like your parents or immortal and have fun forever. Just choose one, genius.” Zany replied.
    “That’s not a part of this! It’s a hard decision! And it’s none of your business, moron!” Twinkle said in return.
    “I’m sure it is. On one side, you’d be mortal and live out life as a normal pony, not having to worry about watching all your friends and family die. On the other, you could be immortal and watch everyone you love die and be left with just my family to live it out. And probably also Granny Smith. She’s like one hundred and forty years old or something by now. How is that mare even alive?” Zany responded to what the filly had to say.
    “It is a hard choice! Stop changing the subject!” Twinkle said.
    They both paused for a moment.
    “Umm..” they both said, “What was the subject?”
    “About how Twinkle was going to leave for Canterlot for Celestia knows how long?” Jewel said.
    “Right. Well, I’m excited about you leaving because I’ll never have to see you again!” Zany said to Twinkle.
    “Never… again…?” Applespike asked.
    “Well, sure! She’s going to Canterlot! Once she gets into magic school, which I’m sure she will, she’s a smart little filly, she’ll grow up there attending her little magic lessons and all that nonsense. But you’ll have me to keep you company, don’t worry!” Zany responded.
    “Oh Zany, don’t be so negative!” Jewel told the young colt.
    “As I said, I’m not being negative! I’m being positive! Happy that Twinkle Toes is leaving forever!” Zany said in a very optimistic tone.
    Suddenly, another voice broke in. “Alright, sweetheart, it’s time to go. The train’s almost here.”
    Twinkle looked down the railroad to see a train approaching. “Alright, Mom.”
    “And remember,” Twilight said to her friends, “We’ll come every Hearth’s Warming. We won’t be leaving forever or anything.”
    Twinkle looked over at Zany and rose her eyebrow.
    “Oh, I’ll make sure you’ll leave forever.” Zany said in response to the gesture.
    When Twinkle was about to make a snarky comment, he train screeched into the station before coming to a stop.
    “Well, Jewel, Applespike, I think… I think I have to go now…” Twinkle told them.
    She began to walk up to her parents towards the now open train car.
    Then, she turned towards her friends, “I’ll miss you two, and, for what it’s worth, I think I’m going to miss you too, Zany.”
    Before anypony had time to say any last words to the three ponies, the train car closed and began to slowly rumble before heading off on its way to Canterlot.
    Jewel looked at the departing train one last time. “Goodbye, Twinkle.”
    Applespike topped his green trimmed hat in sorrow. Then, he looked up happily as if nothing had happened and leaned onto Zany.
    “I think she likes you!” He told the other colt happily.
    “Sh- Shut up!” Zany stuttered.
    “Oh my Celestia,” Jewel whispered, “He does love her.”
    “Love is a strong word. It’s the complete opposite of how I feel about that petty filly.” Zany responded.
    “We’ll see, Zany,” Applespike told him, “We’ll just have’ta wait and see.”