//------------------------------// // S1E10 Upgrade Inside // Story: Sunset's Journey // by Alphajeager1 //------------------------------// Kamen Rider Dante and his sister Ruby Shimmer also known as Kamen Rider Symbol walked alongside the Phantom who called himself Phineas as Bob Barbas continued to blabber on about Wiseman. “So you were blinded and imprisoned here?” asked Symbol. “Yes,” replied Phineas. “For how long?” asked Dante. “Hundreds of years,” replied Phineas. They were on the broken part of the bridge that the train had broken when it came speeding through. “You sure you know your way around?” asked Dante. “Like the back of my hand,” replied the Phantom in question. “Watch out!” shouted Symbol as she and her brother pulled Phineas back. He had been about to walk over the edge of the destroyed bridge. “Are you nuts?!” demanded Dante. Phineas looked at them both in confusion for several seconds before realizing something. “I forget,” he began. “That’s comforting,” snarked Dante. “I’m starting to think this was a bad idea,” muttered Symbol. “You and I see things differently,” finished Phineas. He turned to look at the tower. “Seeing things differently can open new paths.” “Huh?!” demanded Symbol after several seconds of silence. “What do you mean?” asked Dante. “You,” Phineas looked at Dante. “Only see evil in me because I am a Phantom. At least she,” Phineas looked at Symbol. “Is trying to see past that. Try opening your mind. It’s all a matter of perspective,” he explained as reached up and turned a dial on his eye. It shot out a beam of green energy that looked to turn back time. The bridge repaired itself as the train flew back into place. “Wow! You can turn back time?!” demanded Symbol. “No,” replied Phineas. “Any Phantom and manipulate the Slip Dimension to a degree. This far away from the Phantom that created it, I have near complete control. But the closer I get to him the less control I will have over the Slip Dimension and you will have to make the rest of the way on your own after that point.” “Just get us as close as you can,” ordered Dante. “We’ll make the rest of the way on our own.” “As I said, I see things differently. We’ll meet up ahead and take a slight detour. I have something to show you,” with that he vanished into thin air. “What do you think he wants to show us?” asked Symbol. “I don’t know, but it had better be worth our time,” replied Dante as they ran down the bridge. They reached the end of the bridge, but the way into the building was blocked by a brick wall that was blocked with a crisscrossing red energy barrier. [SET!] [OPEN!] [A-R-B-I-T-E-R!] Dante transformed into the Arbiter Style and used the Arbiter Axe to smash the wall down. “Do not question authority. Especially my authority,” Bob continued to blabber on. The two of them ran through the building while ignoring him and arrived at an opening in the side of the building while Phineas appeared. Floating in the void of the Slip Dimension was a statue of a Kamen Rider in a black suit, with green armour, a silver helmet with two circle-shaped red visors of eyes, silver gloves, black boots and a red scarf. “His name was Ichigo. An ancient one,” explained Phineas as he looked at the statue sadly. “A Kamen Rider like the two of you.” “I thought we were the first!” exclaimed Symbol. “We didn’t know there were other’s,” added Dante. “The Kamen Rider’s were the third race. Sadly they were hunted down and slain when the Phantoms and Gem Maidens joined forces,” Phineas explained the horrific fate of the Kamen Rider race. “Why?” asked Dante. “I thought the two hated each other and would never team up,” added Symbol. “If the two races thought each other were crimes against nature then the Kamen Riders were abominations as far as they were concerned,” replied Phineas. “The Kamen Rider’s inherited the one thing made both species such a big threat. Not their strength, speed or power, but their ability to adapt and for a Kamen Rider it was supercharged.” “Which made them a threat,” stated Symbol. “Like us,” added Dante. “And like you, they held great potential. What a waste,” mocked Phineas. “Why you-!” shouted Dante. “What is that supposed to mean?!” demanded Symbol. “I saw the fight with the Succubus Phantom. That creature was a female with Phantom powers making her incredible weak and low on the Phantom chain of command. If she had been a Gem Maiden then she would have been extremely powerful. But you barely survived. Bob is a male and high up on the Phantom chain of command. At your current strength, you have no hope of beating him. Surely you have noticed the Phantom’s under Bob’s command are much stronger than the ones that were guarding the Succubus?” Dante and Symbol had nothing to say to that. “You want to reach your full potential?” asked Phineas. “Maybe Ichigo holds the key,” with that he vanished. Dante looked at Symbol. “What do you think?” he asked. “It's unlikely that he would try to kill us after we did him that favour and he did have a point. We barely won against the Succubus Phantom. Let’s trust Phineas for now,” she suggested. “Well you are better at reading people than I am,” admitted Dante. [SET!] [OPEN!] [O-S-I-R-I-S!] He transformed into the Angel Style. [KICK STRIKE GO!] Then Angel Boost to a piece of rubble that was floating in the void and was clearly a piece of the statue that had floated away when it had been broken into pieces. He jumped down to a second piece, across and down to a third piece and then over to a four piece of rubble, which he only just reached before jumping to the statue’s hand. Symbol landed behind Dante as a new Phantom appeared. It had blue skin and wore a robe along with a pointed hat and a long wooden staff. Around it was a bright blue force field for protection. This is a Wizard Phantom. “Why do I feel insulted by that thing for some reason?” asked Symbol as she tilted her helmet to the side. “Not sure, but I feel equally insulted,” added Dante. “Let’s fight!” “Agreed! It’s blue so Swift, Angel and some Burst attacks should work on it!” Symbol pointed out. She was already in Swift Wing Sniper Style so she pressed the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Before scanning her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol flapped the Flight Wings and took to the air, circling around the Wizard Phantom. The Flight Wings were covered in silver light as Symbol dove towards the Phantom. Only for a red spear to appear above its shield and start spinning before firing itself at Symbol. “Woah!” Symbol was forced to change course and call off her attack to avoid the spear. Dante punched the Angel Ring into the back of the Osiris Scythe. [ONE!] The blade of which opened to reveal a single light blue dot. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante spun around. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Light blue magical energy gathered around the Osiris Scythe as Dante spun fast enough to look like nothing but a blur as the scythe shifted into a circle of light. “Karma!” shouted Dante as he sent the circle of light shooting at the Wizard Phantom. The attack started to grind away at its shield before the defence in question exploded, cancelling out the attack but leaving the Wizard Phantom with no form of defence. Something that neither Kamen Rider hesitated to take advantage of. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [SNIPER MAGIC PLEASE!] The Sniper Shooter appeared in Symbol’s gloves as she took aim and fired a single high powered bullet that was surrounded by a light blue feather construct. It slammed into the Wizard Phantom and tore through it making sparks explode from the entrance and exit points. [KICK STRIKE GO!] Dante jumped into the air as he was covered in the light blue wind that focused into his right boot. “Hanger!” shouted Dante as he threw a spin kick that fired a crescent of the light blue wind forwards. It smashed into the Wizard Phantom and enveloped it in a tornado of the light blue wind and spun it around at high speeds. As the tornado dispersed it flung the Wizard Phantom into the air with sparks coming off its body from the damage. Symbol hit the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] She scanned the Wing and Sniper Rings across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING SNIPER MAGIC! THE BEST!] The Flight Wings discharged silver and blue magical energy that gathered inside the Sniper Shooter. “Sniper Sun!” shouted Symbol as she pulled the trigger, firing a beam of father constructs at the Phantom that slammed into it, only for the Phantom to raise its shield and stop the barrage cold. Dante punched the Angel Ring into the back of the Osiris Scythe’s blade. [THREE!] Which opened to show a trio of light blue dots. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante jumped into the air and used the Osiris Scythe as a hook, pulling it through the Phantom’s shield and making it crack in the process. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] [SWIFT! A RANK SPELL!] Symbol charged yellow magical energy into the centre of her chest plate and fired five beams in the formation of an inverted triangle that slammed into the Wizard Phantom’s shield and caused it to crack and shatter into pieces. Only for the Wizard Phantom to fire a red spear at her and a line of rocks at Dante. Both attacks hit and sparks flew from the Kamen Rider’s as the Wizard Phantom teleported back and regenerated its shield. “It’s gonna pay for that one!” shouted Dante as he got back up and ran forwards in a rage-fuelled charge. [TWO!] [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante spun the Osiris Scythe like a vertical propeller, repeatedly cutting into the Wizard Phantom’s shield and causing cracks to spread through it. Dante was forced to jump to the side to avoid a line of blue rocks with light blue veins running through them that the Wizard Phantom fired at him. Now they were heading straight for Symbol. Who struck the left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Before scanning her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT! B RANK SPELL!] She was covered in yellow mana and her perception sped up as the attack slowed down. Symbol took several steps back to get a bit of breathing space. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [WING SNIPER MAGIC PLEASE!] She pulled back both of the Flight Wings and gave them both a hard flap that sent several feather’s shooting at the rock line attack. Halfway to the meeting point the feathers transformed into beams of blue magical energy that tore through the Wizard Phantom and then made sparks explode across its body painfully. Dante saw the Phantom teleport back and make its shield reappear. He turned the Osiris Scythe’s handle. [HOOK MODE!] Making it transform into the Angel Lift which he hooked onto the shield and pulled himself towards the Wizard Phantom. [SCYTHE MODE!] Just before making contact Dante transformed the Angel Lift back into the Osiris Scythe, cancelling the lift. He punched the Angel Ring into the back of the Osiris Scythe’s blade. [SIX!] It opened, reveal six light blue dots. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante was covered in the light blue wind and he thrust the Osiris Scythe into the Wizard Phantom’s shield. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante now looked like a horizontal tornado made of light blue wind. “Streak!” he shouted as the shield cracked from the power of the Osiris Scythe and then shattered into pieces. The Wizard Phantom screamed as it fired a red drill spear and a line of rocks at Dante. [KICK STRIKE GO!] Who kicked against the ground and went shooting into the air, avoiding the rocks and when he kicked to the side he boosted off the air and away from the red spear, letting it smash into the statue and explode. Symbol saw the Wizard Phantom regenerate its shield and shot into the air as she hit the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author while performing a flip. [WING SNIPER MAGIC! THE BEST!] Blue and silver magical energy covered her boots as she went shooting down helmet first before turning in the air and thrusting both of her boots at the Wizard Phantom. “Wing Dive Bomb!” shouted Symbol as she slammed her boots into the Wizard Phantom’s shield, it went sliding backwards with cracks in the shield before they spread and the shield fell to pieces. Symbol landed on the ground and slid back before looking up. Just in time for a spear of red magic energy to slam into her helmet. There was enough force to make her flip twice in the air as she went flying back and was only just able to grab onto the end of the statue as the Slip Dimension tried to pull her into the endless drop. Had she been human the left side of her head would have been torn away and her neck would have broken from the force of the spear. “SUNSET!” shouted Dante. There was no answer as Symbol was barely continuous from the impact. Dante snarled at the Wizard Phantom in rage and for a second his armour looked like it flickered into a new form before returning to the Angel Style. “Your gonna pay for that one!” he shouted in anger. [FIVE!] [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante ran forwards as he pressed down on the Osiris Scythe’s trigger. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] The Osiris Scythe was covered in light blue magical energy that focused around the blade to form a wing construct. “Cleaver!” shouted Dante as he unleashed several spinning slashes. The feathers came off the wing and followed the movements of the Osiris Scythe as Dante ended in a single, hard, powerful downwards slash that caused the shield to shatter. Dante jumped away from the spear that appeared to impale him. [KICK STRIKE GO!] He jumped into the air as the light blue wind covered his body and boosted towards where the Wizard Phantom came out of its teleport. The light blue wind covered both of his boots as Dante unleashed a pair of kicks, followed by a single powerful downwards kick that caused the Wizard Phantom to explode. Dante ran to where Symbol was holding onto the ledge and pulled her up. “You ok?” he asked his sister. “I’ve been better,” replied Symbol as her body finished recovering. Suddenly, another pair of Wizard Phantoms appeared alongside several Lesser Blade Phantoms. “I’d get ready for a fight,” muttered Dante as he knew this was going to be even harder than the last battle. Suddenly, a bright light shone from Symbol’s right glove and started to form into a pair of rings on her right index and right ring fingers. “Now that is a sight for sore eyes,” muttered Dante as he covered his visors from the intense light. When the light cleared, the ring on Symbol’s ring finger was yellow, with a red gem in the centre that had a silver buzzsaw engraved into it. The second ring was yellow, with a green gem in the centre that had light green wind swirls etched into it. These are the Blade and Arrow Rings. “I’ll take out the Wizard Phantoms. You deal with the Lesser Blade Phantom’s ordered Symbol as she pressed down on the right Shift Lever making the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author flip to the left and then to the right. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] “You sure that new ring isn’t for the Lesser Blade Phantom’s?” asked Dante jokingly. Symbol gave Dante a dry look. “I was joking. Yesh!” muttered Dante as he ran towards the Lesser Blade Phantom’s knowing that Symbol would be fine with the Wizard Phantom’s now that she had a form tailored to fighting them. Dante switched the Angel Ring for the Nephilim Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back, then forwards making his Driver’s gate open and close. [OPEN!] The nephilim magic circle appeared in front of him and he ran through it. [N-E-P-H-I-L-I-M!] Dante emerged on the other side in the Nephilim Style, pulling the Rebellion Blade off his back and getting ready. [THREE!] [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante unleashed three slashes on three of the Lesser Blade Phantoms making sparks come from their bodies. Dante quickly pressed down on the Rebellion Blade’s trigger. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] The eyes flashed as the blade was coating in red and blue raging energy. Dante unleashed three more slashes that caused the Phantoms to fall over and explode. He jumped back to avoid a slash from another four Lesser Blade Phantoms that had charged at Dante. Dante jumped into the air as the four Lesser Blade Phantoms charged at him, he punched the Nephilim Ring into the back of the Rebellion Blade. [ONE!] The mouth opened to show a single red and blue dot. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante went shooting down and brought the Rebellion Blade down in an overhead slash that made sparks fly from one of the Lesser Blade Phantom’s as the Rebellion Blade cut through it vertically. But it was not enough to kill the Phantom. [TWO!] [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante spun around in a circle, cutting through the four Lesser Blade Phantom’s repeatedly making sparks fly from their bodies as the Rebellion Blade bit into them. However, this was still not enough to kill any of the Lesser Blade Phantoms. “Phineas wasn’t kidding when he said these things were stronger!” muttered Dante as he pressed the Rebellion Blade’s trigger. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] The eyes flashed as the Rebellion Blade was coated with red and blue magic energy. “Death Coil!” shouted Dante as he started to spin around like a top, cutting into the Lesser Blade Phantoms and drawing sparks from their bodies until they all fell over and were each consumed by an explosion. Dante was then forced to jump out of the way of a bomb from a Valkyrie Phantom. “That was dangerous!” he shouted at the Phantom. Thankfully, this one did not have a shield. Dante pulled out Ebony and punched the Nephilim Ring into the back of the hand cannon’s hammer. [NEPHILIM!] A ring of red energy, a ring of blue magic and a ring of black mana were pulled from the air and into Ebony. [EBONY STRIKE!] Dante let go of the trigger and fired a wide spread of black energy bolts that flew through the air and hit the Valkyrie Phantom along with the three behind it and made sparks fly from their bodies, but they did not explode. Dante ran to the side to avoid the bombs. [NEPHILIM!] [IVORY STRIKE!] He fired four shots from Ivory that transformed into white power beams which punched through the Valkyrie Phantoms and caused them to explode. “That proves that these Phantoms are getting stronger with each fight,” muttered Dante. Once Dante had run off, Symbol scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ARROW BLADE PLEASE!] She threw her left glove into the air and the two new magic circles appeared. The first was three green swirls, inside a silver inverted triangle, inside a green eight-pointed star, inside a silver inverted triangle that had two layers and green runic text between the layers. The second magic circle was a red buzzsaw logo, within a silver inverted triangle, within a red eight-pointed star, within a silver inverted two layered triangle with red runic text between the two layers. These are the blade and the arrow magic circles. The two magic circles fell through Symbol. Her left shoulder pauldron turned green, curved upwards at the bottom and downwards from the top while pointing to the left while having silver outlines. Symbol’s right shoulder pauldron turned red and transformed into a red sphere. Her upper arms gained red skin-tight rectangle shaped armour with a red band around them to hold the armour in place. Symbol’s left forearm guard turned green while her bracelet turned solid silver and had a silver arrow coming from it that rested over the back of her left glove. Symbol’s right forearm guard turned red and had three silver claws coming from it that rested between her knuckles. Finally, the bronze inverted triangle in the centre of her chest plate turned into three green wind swirls and a red buzzsaw logo with silver outlines. Symbol held out her hand and a green metal bow appeared. It had a silver arrow loaded into it with the tip going through a hole in the centre of it. The tip and feather part of the arrow were both coloured green. Going through the bow part was three rust red buzzsaws on either side of the arrow. The weapon is called the Buzz Bow. This is Kamen Rider Symbol Swift Arrow Blade Style. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [ARROW MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol pulled back the Buzz Bow’s arrow and green energy gathered around the tip of it before she let go. From the tip of the arrow flew six blasts of wind that shifted as they formed into the shape of buzzsaws that streaked through the air and started sawing into the Wizard Phantom’s shields. Three saws to each of the Wizard Phantoms caused the shields to crack and shatter in second with Symbol being far enough away to dodge both of the spears that the Phantom’s threw at her with ease. Symbol pressed the right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] She scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BLADE MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol swung the Buzz Bow and fired six buzzsaws from it that weaved through the air and sliced through the rocks that the Wizard Phantom’s threw at her. Symbol then jumped over another rock line as the Phantom’s teleported back to regenerate their shields. Symbol hit the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol spun the Buzz Bow as she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ARROW BLADE MAGIC PLEASE!] She swung the Buzz Bow, firing six Buzzsaws from it before pulling back on its arrow and firing two large wind blasts that shaped into arrow constructs which surrounded the buzzsaws. With three buzzsaws in each of the arrows, the shield cracked and shattered, dispelling the arrows but drawing sparks from the Wizard Phantoms as the buzz saws sawed into them. “Finale!” shouted Symbol as she hit the right Shift Lever four times in quick succession. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ARROW BLADE MAGIC! THE BEST!] Symbol jumped into the air as she was covered in the green wind. She threw a spin kicked that fired a crescent of wind. The Wizard Phantoms each fired a spear at it which dispelled the wind but they could do nothing about the six buzzsaws that had been hiding into the wind. They drew sparks from one of the Wizard Phantoms and caused it to explode while the other had been able to block with a rock wave. “Cutting Wind!” shouted Symbol as the remainder of the wind formed into an arrow construct as she did a flying kick that slammed into the last Wizard Phantom and caused it to explode. “Let’s keep moving!” ordered Symbol as she started to run along the statue’s arm before noticing that Dante was not following. “What’s wrong?” she asked him. Then she saw it. The statue's head moved to look at Dante and Symbol. “Kamen Rider,” it whispered. Both of the Kamen Rider’s materialized their pendants and fingered them. The statue turned its head to look at something and the two Kamen Rider’s followed it to see a silhouette of the mark on Dante’s back hovering above its other hand. “Right, Ichigo holds the key,” Dante quoted Phineas. “I didn’t think Phineas meant that literally!” shouted Symbol in shock. “Me neither,” chuckled Dante. “Let's go!” [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [WING SNIPER PLEASE!] “Wait for me!” Symbol ran in front of her brother. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [WING MAGIC PLEASE!] She gave the Flight Wings a hard flap and launched herself into the air. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [ACTIVE PLEASE!] [LET’S GO!] Symbol transformed into the Active Style. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [BOOST DEFEND PLEASE!] She turned in the air. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Before landed on a rock and jumping to the next one. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [ICE BIND PLEASE!] Symbol changed active substyles. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] Then used a chain of orange energy to pull a piece of the statue out of the way. [KICK STRIKE GO!] Dante hooked the Angel Lift onto a boost ring and pulled himself to it before boosting through it. Then he hooked onto another piece of the statue and pulled himself up as Symbol landed beside him. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol hooked onto another piece of the statue that was floating around as Dante followed her. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [BOOST DEFEND PLEASE!] She changed back. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Before jumping to a boost ring. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [SWIFT PLEASE!] [DASH AWAY!] Symbol shifted into the Swift Style. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [WING SNIPER PLEASE!] Then into the Swift Wing Sniper Style as the boost ring started to affect her. She was sent flying, she and Dante landed next to the silhouette and grabbed it. “Is something supposed to happen?” asked Symbol after a few seconds of nothing happening. Suddenly, she was back in the mindscape. “I just had to say that,” groaned Symbol. When Dante said nothing she looked around in confusion. “Dante? Dante?!” she realised that she was all alone. “Drat!” snarled Symbol. “We must have gotten separated!” she started to run. “I’d better break that last chain and find out what the deal is with that statue!” [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [WING MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol gave the Flight Wings a hard flap to propel her over the gap and landed on another island. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [ACTIVE PLEASE!] [LET’S GO!] She transformed into the Active Style. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [BOOST DEFEND PLEASE!] Then she jumped up to a rock. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Before jumping off it and running up the staircase to the rock hands that were holding the last chain of the statue. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [GIGA PLEASE!] [BREAK THROUGH!] Symbol transformed into the Giga Style. [COME ON A SMASH SHAKE HANDS!] [GIGA SMASH STRIKE!] Then slammed the Giga Axe down, destroying the chain. The rock was destroyed and the hands dropped the chain into the water. The statue’s head turned towards Symbol as its eyes started to glow. The statue raised its hands up, reveal that they were shackled before it pulled its hands away from each other and caused the chains, as well as its chest, to burst into pieces! “Sunset, you are here because I was unable to protect you.” Uncovering her visors she saw an armoured creature walking towards her. It was humanoid and had a female outline. Its body looked to be made of white metal with golden shoulder pauldrons, gloves, forearm guards, knee armour and boot. Her head looked like a golden helmet with a ponytail of red hair coming from the back and her face was in the shape of a circle blue gem. Coming out of her back was a pair of white metallic wings. Suddenly the wings folded around her and then unfolded reveal a human. She had pale skin and blue eyes as well as long blood red hair. She wore a black gothic dress with black wrist length gloves and black knee-high high-heeled boots. Her wings had transformed into a white-silver cape. Symbol had seen this face once before during the last day. It was in the mansion of her former home. “Mom?” “For that, I am truly sorry.” “Mom it's me! Sunset!” “Your father fell in love with me. A love that transgressed rigid ancient boundaries.” “Mom! I’m here!” “We choose our path in the face of certain annihilation. We never regretted our choices, but we never gave you, yours my dear daughter. Now, you will have that choice. You will have great power.” “Mom no! Don’t leave!” “A power that will allow you to forge your own path.” “I DON’T WANT POWER! I JUST WANT YOU TO STAY!” “That my daughter is freedom. Be brave my daughter, I love you.” “Mom! No! Mom! Mom!” The light cleared and Eva vanished as a ring dropped into Symbol’s right glove. “Thanks, Mum,” muttered Symbol after a few seconds of crying. She glanced around as ten Ravager Phantoms burst from the ground. Symbol slid the ring into her left middle finger and pressed the left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] She scanned the ring The ring was grey with a bronze gem in the centre and a yellow cross cut through the centre of it. [ADVANCE PLEASE! ] Symbol held out her left glove and a new magic circle appeared in front of her. It was a yellow X inside a grey A, inside a yellow eight-pointed star, inside another yellow A that had two layers and grey runic text between the two layers. The advanced magic circle moved back through Symbol. For a second her human form appeared in front of her before breaking down into yellow motes of light as the transformation took place. When the yellow light that had surrounded Symbol vanished she had transformed into her Upgraded Form. Her helmet had turned silver with a bronze X in the centre of her forehead, coming out of which was a pair of silver antenna that formed a V. Her faceplate was a bright yellow X shaped gem with a pair of black lines coming from the top of it that looped around the back of her helmet. Symbol’s bodysuit had turned pitch black with the inside of her legs being light silver while the inside of her upper arms were the same colour as well as the forearms of the suit being coloured dark silver. Symbol’s shoulder pauldrons were in the shape of a pair of half domes with an indent in the centre that held a yellow orb. The girl’s forearm armour was coloured yellow and shaped like a rectangle with grey outlines while the armour on the back of her black gloves was shaded silver. Her bracelets and were made of yellow gems that had grey outlines and a bronze line emerging from the side of the gem, looping around the centre of the accessory they connected to the other side of the gem-shaped bracelets. The Kamen Rider’s knee armour had not changed but the shin armour was now silver with a yellow vertical rectangle in the centre of it and her boots and turned silver. Symbol’s robe was now coloured silver and the collar had been folded down, the inside of it was coloured yellow and the piping was bronze. Symbol’s robe was zipped up at the front, preventing her chestplate from being seen, in the centre of it was four black circles in an X formation. This is Kamen Rider Symbol Advance Style. “Wow,” muttered Symbol. She could feel the amount of power running through her body and none of her other forms could compare to this at all. Suddenly one of the Ravager Phantoms charged at her after setting its body on fire. Symbol replied to the threat by pressing the left Shift lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [color=#888888][ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] The rectangle on her right glove shone with yellow magical energy as Symbol turned around and forced the chainsaw to one side with her left forearm guard before uppercutting the Ravager Phantom. On contact a shockwave of yellow mana was released and the Phantom was sent shooting into the air. “Woah!” gasped Symbol. The shockwave that her fist had released on impact had sent all ten of the Ravager Phantoms flying backwards with sparks coming from their bodies while the one that she had actually hit had yellow lightning crackling across its body as it fell back down to the ground and got up painfully. Symbol ran forwards as she hit the left Shift Lever four times to start her finisher. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Symbol pulled back her right fist as she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Yellow energy came from the rectangle on the back of her right forearm and covered her fist as she punched the Phantom. The Ravager Phantom tried to block with its chainsaw only for the thing to shatter on impact and the mana was shot off Symbol’s glove in a fist wide beam that slammed into the Ravager Phantom’s chest before causing it to explode. “I’m going to enjoy using this form a lot!” shouted Symbol as she pressed the left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She let a Ravager Phantom hit her across the shoulder pauldron as she scanned her left glove. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] Symbol collected yellow energy into her right elbow as she pulled it back and slammed it into the second Ravager Phantom sending it flying back through the air as it sparked several times before exploding. The third and fourth Ravager Phantom set themselves on fire and charged at Symbol. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] She gathered yellow magical energy into her forearm armour and her right leg. [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol crossed her arms over her chest, blocking the chainsaws with ease. “Cross Guard Counter!” shouted Symbol as she threw a spin kick with her right leg. An explosion ignited across both of the Ravager Phantoms as they fell to their knees and started to fade away. Ravager Phantoms number five and six revved up their chainsaws and swiped Symbol across her robe drawing a shower of sparks but failing to do any lasting damage or leave a mark on her armor. “That tickled,” chuckled Symbol as she grabbed the two Ravager Phantoms by their heads and slammed the two of them together. As they were recovering Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! ] Symbol scanned the Advance Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] The rectangle panels on her forearm guards discharged yellow magical energy before it was pulled into both of her gloves and Symbol unleashed a punched from each glove that slammed into the chests of the two Ravager Phantoms. They were both sent flying through the air and over the edge of the island they were standing on into the water where they exploded. Seeing three more Ravager Phantoms running at her, Symbol hit the left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol covered both of her gloves with yellow mana that leaked from the rectangles in the back of her forearm guards and brought them down in a hammer blow that smashed one of the Ravager Phantom’s into the ground. “Advanced Hammer!” shouted Symbol. She grabbed the downwards Phantom by both of its legs and pulled it up before swinging it around then slamming it into the other two Ravager Phantoms like a baseball bat and sending it flying. There was one last Ravager Phantom charging at Symbol. She was about to counter it. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [GIGA PLEASE!] [BREAK THROUGH!] When the Advance Style suddenly vanished and was replaced by the Giga Style. “What on earth!?” shouted Symbol with wide visors. Suddenly, the Ravager Phantom’s chainsaw slammed into her chest plate making sparks explode from it and sending Symbol flying backwards. “So there’s a time limit,” realised Symbol as she got back up. “That would have been nice to know sooner!” she shouted. [MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL!] [GIGA C RANK SPELL!] Green mana hummed around Symbol’s right glove as she ran forwards. Symbol hit the left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Before scanning the Giga Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [GIGA! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Green magic energy blazed around her body like a bonfire before focusing in her right glove as she punched the Phantom across the face, sending it flying back before it exploded. All of a sudden, Symbol found herself back in the Slip Dimension on the statue with Dante. “You met one of our parents?” she asked. “It was dad,” replied Dante. “Got a new form?” asked Symbol. “Yep,” replied Dante. “But how are we going to get back up?” he asked. Suddenly, a green light shone over the two of them. They looked up to see Phineas standing near the edge of the building. “Dante, Ruby!” he shouted as he used his eye to bend the Slip Dimension to his will. Several pieces of rubble moved around to make a rough path back up to the floor below him in the building. “Oh right the tower,” muttered Dante as the two of them shook off the dizziness from the experience. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [ACTIVE PLEASE!] [LET’S GO!] “We’re on our way!” shouted Symbol. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [BOOST DEFEND PLEASE!] She crouched. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Then jumped to a piece of rubble before leaping off it and landing on a piece of a building that was floating, before jumping off that and landing inside the building after jumping through a hole in the wall with ease. At that moment a literal swarm of Phantoms appeared from the floor of the building ready to attack. Dante was about to charge when Symbol stopped him. “Let me deal with this lot, you can have the next batch,” she requested of her brother. After several seconds Dante nodded and stepped back. Symbol took several steps forwards and slid the Advance Ring into her left middle finger as she pressed the left Shift Lever. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] The Wizard Driver’s Hand Author flipped to the left as Symbol scanned her left glove across it. [ADVANCE PLEASE!] The advance magic circle appeared in front of her and moved back through Symbol, transforming her into the Advance Style. Dante raised a visor brow at his sisters transformation. He could feel the amount of magic energy coming from it. “Impressive,” he admitted. Symbol ran forwards and punched a Lesser Blade Phantom in the chest, it exploded and her punched had fired a shockwave of yellow magical energy forwards that caused a pair of Lesser Blade Phantom to explode as well. [ TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] Symbol pulled back her left fist as it glowed with yellow magical energy and uppercutted a Rage Phantom that had come spinning at her up into the air. As the Phantom fell back down to the ground Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned the Advance Ring. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] Before spinning around and throwing an elbow strike that sent a shockwave of yellow mana through the Rage Phantom and sent it flying into a wall with sparks coming from its body. Symbol jumped back as she avoided a slash from a Death Knight Phantom and weaved around it. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] She ran forwards and jumped into the air as her right boot was covered in yellow magic, Symbol spun around and kicked the Rage Phantom, forcing it through the wall and causing it to explode. A Hell Knight Phantom and a Frost Knight Phantom both stabbed their blades into the ground, firing a line of ice and a circle of fire at Symbol. She jumped back but the thermal shock of the two colliding caused an explosion that sent her flying back. Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Before scanning the Advance Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] Symbol ran forwards and punched the Hell Knight Phantom with a jab, followed by a hook. The first attack shattered its shield and the second hit it in the head and sent it flying into the Frost Knight Phantom. Symbol blurred forwards and threw a pair of spin kicks that ignited an explosion across both of the Phantoms. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] Symbol ran forwards and uppercutted the both of them into the air with her left fist as it glowed with yellow magic. The Phantoms were sent flying into the air and fell down, through a hole in the floor, into the endless drop where cracks spread through their bodies as yellow lightning sparked over them, they both exploded. Symbol jumped back as a Valkyrie Phantom threw a bomb at her that exploded where she had just been standing. Symbol jumped into the air, towards five Shielded Valkyrie Phantoms as she pressed the left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Symbol scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] She spun around as yellow magical energy covered her left elbow and slammed it into the Shielded Valkyrie Phantom. The force of the blow shattered its shield and sent the Phantom shooting into the ground where it exploded. The shockwave from the elbow making contact with the shield shattered the shields of the other four Shielded Valkyrie Phantoms. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol jumped into the air as yellow mana came from both of the rectangles in her forearm armour. “Cross Guard Counter!” shouted Symbol as she uncrossed her arms and cut through all four of the Valkyrie Phantoms, making them fall to the ground and get engulfed by explosions. Symbol landed back on the ground only for sparks to come off her armour. She looked up and saw five Shielded Icarus Phantoms getting ready to fire at her once again. “This is too easy!” chuckled Symbol before wincing as a burst of pain tore through the right side of her helmet. Dante saw it. “What was that?” he muttered in concern for his sister’s safety. With the amount of Phantoms around her, even the slightest distraction could cause her to be over run. Symbol recovered and pressed the left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] She scanned the Advance Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] Yellow mana covered her left arm as she pulled it back and threw an uppercut. The mana shot off her arm in the form of a beam that slammed into the Shielded Icarus Phantoms and caused their shields to crack in half. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol hopped back as the Icarus Phantom recovered and fired a storm of arrow bolts at her before Symbol threw another uppercut. The magical energy shot off her arm again. Only this time it formed into a column thick beam that slammed into the Icarus Phantoms, washing over them and causing five powerful explosions to ripple through the building. On one of the rafters Phineas was observing the battle. He frowned as he noticed something before vanishing into thin air. Parts of his body faded away, one after the other until he had vanished. Symbol jumped to the side, avoiding a line of ice from another Frost Knight Phantom that had pulled itself from the ground. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] The rectangle on Symbol’s left arm glowed as it leaked yellow magical energy that covered her arm, shining brightly. Symbol dashed forwards and slammed her fist into the Frost Knight. For a second its energy shield looked like it was going to be able to stop it before Symbol broke through and punched the Frost Knight Phantom in the face, sending it flying back. The yellow shockwave that roared out of the impact crushed another pair of Death Knight Phantoms causing them to explode. “WOAH!” shouted Dante as Phineas appeared next to him. His body fading in one piece after the other. “Please don’t do that! I nearly shot you!” he shouted. Phineas shrugged. “I would not be much of a teleport if I announced I was going to do it before I did it,” he stated. “Your as bad as my sister!” Dante grumbled. Symbol hit the left Shift Lever four times as she blocked a Tyrant Phantom’s belly flop with one glove. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] She threw the large Phantom off as she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol ran forwards as her right leg was covered in yellow energy, she spun around. “Advance Kicker!” then kicked the Phantom in the chest, sending it flying back before it exploded. Suddenly, Symbol clutched her helmet in pain as she felt like someone was driving needles into her skull. Then she stood up and deflected a pair of Tyrant Phantoms that had charged at her from either side, sending them running past her and into walls. “Are you seeing what eye am seeing?” asked Phineas. “Yeah, she gets more wild each time she holds her helmet in pain,” replied Dante. Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] Symbol jumped into the air as the rectangles on both her legs glowed. She went shooting down as yellow magical energy wrapped around her legs and impacted one of the Tyrant Phantoms. She back flipped off it as yellow lightning crackled over its body before it exploded. “Somethings wrong,” stated Dante. “I’m going in!” he grabbed the Osiris Scythe off his back and charged forwards. “Good luck!” shouted Phineas. “Eye can see this won’t be an easy battle,” he shouted after Dante. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol jumped into the air as the rectangles on her arms leaked yellow mana which roared around her hands. “Advance Hammer!” she clasped both of her gloves over her helmet and brought them down. Slamming the Tyrant Phantom into the ground and causing it to explode. Dante skidding to a halt. “Huh, I guess I wasn’t needed after all,” he commented. Suddenly, all of his instincts screamed at him to move. Dante dodged to the side, only just avoiding a punch to his helmet. He turned around to face his attacker only to stop in shock. “SUNSET?!” indeed it was his little sister that had attacked him. “What are you doing?!” demanded Dante. [TWO!] [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] He spun the Osiris Scythe like a vertical propeller before holding down on its trigger. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Light blue energy gathered around it before forming into a circle shaped shield in front of Dante. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol jumped into the air and came down with a double kick that shattered the shield and Dante was only just able to dodge. ‘What’s up with her visors?’ he mentally questioned. Symbol’s visors had turned silver with the centre of them being bright yellow and glowing like small suns. “Ok, Dante, think,” muttered Dante as he punched the Angel Ring into the left slot of his Driver. [KICK STRIKE GO!] He was covered in the light blue wind and jumped into the air, avoiding his sister’s next attack as she recklessly charged under him. “When I transformed into my Upgraded Form I felt really angry. From what I remember of that biology course I took before dropping out of school anger is caused by chemicals in the brain but too much can cause brain damage and even cause a person to pass out. Sis must have passed out!” he realised. “I would advise forcing her back into her normal form,” Phineas shouted from a corner of the building. “How do I do that?!” demanded Dante as he switched the Angel Ring for the Arbiter Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back, then forwards making his Driver’s gate close and open. [OPEN!] The arbiter magic circle appeared from his Driver and sent Symbol flying back before passing through him. [A-R-B-I-T-E-R!] The Arbiter Axe appeared in Dante’s gloves and he used it to block a fist from Symbol as she recovered. “Do enough damage to her that she is forced out of her upgraded form!” suggested Phineas quickly. “WHAT?! I can’t do that! She’s my sister!” shouted Dante. “If you have a better idea, then you are welcome to try it!” shouted Phineas before he teleported away. “Coward!” spat out Dante. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] His distraction cost him as Symbol rammed her right fist into his gut, sending him flying backwards from the yellow shockwave. “Sorry sis,” apologized Dante as he brought out a new ring. It was black with a square shaped gem in the centre. Half of the gem was red with a pair of bat or dragon wings engraved into it while the other half was light blue with a pair of dove or angel wings etched into it. “But this is for you own good!” Dante switched the Arbiter Ring with the new ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [TRIGGER!] Dante turned his wrist back to make his Driver’s gate close then he turned it forwards making his Driver’s gate open. [DEVIL GO!] Out of Dante’s Driver came the red image of a Phantom that rammed into Symbol, forcing her back before it moved behind Dante and wrapped its arms around him. [DE-DE-DE-DEVIL!] After a second there was a flash at the two of them merged, forming Dante’s new form. His helmet had turned black with the outlines of it being dark red that had black lines running through them. In the centre of his forehead was a flame red jewel with blood red outlines and a V shaped crest coming out of it. His visors were now blood red with a flame red mouth guard. His gloves and neck were now black with his boots, legs, torso and arms being coloured blood red. He had a flame red demonic face on his chest plate that had blood red eyes and a blood red mouth. The chest plate was linked to his flame red shoulder armour. Finally, Dante’s wristlets, anklets shin armour and knee armour as well as his forearm guards were all coloured deep dark black. A magnum appeared in his hand, it was pitch black with a flame red barrel and blood red outlines. On the side of it was a silver skull face, coming from the back was a pair of silver bones that made a T with the handle and along the barrel was silver rib cage bones. This is Kamen Rider Dante Devil Trigger Style armed with the Rebellion Magnum Devil Mode. Now transformed, Dante pulled the trigger, firing several shots from the Rebellion Magnum that slammed into Symbol and ignited micro explosions across her body as she stumbled backwards. Dante quickly punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum. [ONE! DEVIL!] A holographic red one appeared in front of the Rebellion Magnum's skull. [MAGNUM STRIKE!] Red energy charged into the gun as Symbol dashed forwards. Dante pointed it at her and fired. Out of the Rebellion Magnum came a blast of red energy that threw Symbol into the air where she was helpless for several seconds as Dante bombarded her with shots. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] Symbol kicked off the air behind her and made a shockwave of yellow magical energy as she shot down towards Dante. Having turned into a berserker, Symbol had lost all sense of reason and strategy. Her attacks were now straight forwards and predictable. Which Dante demonstrated by moving out of the way. Then Symbol struck the ground with her elbow, she unleashed a shockwave that Dante used to get further away as he jumped and landed on his boots at the other side of the room. [THREE! DEVIL!] [MAGNUM STRIKE!] Dante took aim and fired the Rebellion Magnum, out of its barrel roared three bolts of red energy. Symbol blocked one but the other two slammed into her from either side and made sparks explode from her body. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol roared as she ran forwards with both of her arms being covered in yellow magical energy. She uncrossed them quickly aiming to chop an X into Dante’s chest plate with her attack. Dante ducked under the attack and tripped his sister up with a boot as he punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum. [FIVE! DEVIL!] Dante pointed the Rebellion Magnum at Symbol as a holographic five appeared next to the Magnum’s skull. [MAGNUM STRIKE!] Dante pulled the trigger, firing a long powerful bolt that slammed into Symbol’s chest plate making her spin around as she fell to the ground. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] Symbol snarled as she got back up and yellow magical energy shone around her arms. Symbol threw a pair of punches followed up an uppercut at Dante. Both of the punches missed but the uppercut clipped him and sent Dante flying back with sparks coming from his shoulder pauldron where he had been hit. “I can’t get hit by to many of those,” muttered Dante as he held his shoulder pauldron. [SIX! DEVIL!] [MAGNUM STRIKE!] Red energy gathered around the Rebellion Magnum as Dante pointed it at Symbol and fired a barrage of red energy bolts at her. Sparks flew from her armour as Symbol roared painfully with Dante regretting each and every hit on his sister. “I’m sorry sis,” muttered Dante as he punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum. [FIVE! DEVIL!] A blood red five appeared in front of the Rebellion Magnum’s skull. [MAGNUM STRIKE!] Dante took aim as he held the trigger with ten rings of red energy appearing in the air and being pulled into the gun. Symbol got back up. “Stinger!” just in time for Dante to fire a massive beam of red energy that shaped itself into a construct of the Rebellion Blade which washed over Symbol, making a powerful explosion ripple across the building. From the explosion Symbol appeared, still standing. “Oh come on!” shouted Dante. Then micro explosions went off around Symbol as she fell to her knees. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [ACTIVE PLEASE!] [LET’S GO!] Her armour shimmered and transformed back into the Active Style. “Sunset!” shouted Dante as he ran forwards and caught her. “You ok?” he asked as her visors came back online. “Dante?” asked Symbol. “Why do I feel like a herd of Tyrant Phantoms stamped all over me?” One explanation later: “I am so, so sorry!” cried Symbol as she bowed to Dante repeatedly in apology. [SET!] [OPEN!] [N-E-P-H-I-L-I-M!] “It’s fine,” replied Dante as he transformed back into the Nephilim Style. “But I have to ask, what on earth happen?!” “In all honesty I have no idea,” replied Symbol. “Each time I used my powers in that form the pain just got worse until I blacked out. The next thing I know your standing over me in your new style!” “Well, until we can figure out a way for you to control yourself in that style. I’d suggest using it as little as possible,” Dante suggested to his sister. “Good idea,” Symbol gave the Advance Ring a sore look. That form was so powerful but the risk was too great. They quickly ran into another room when suddenly, the barriers appeared as did the Phantoms. “Let’s get to it!” shouted Dante as he ran at a Lesser Blade Phantom. He punched the Nephilim Ring into the bottom of the Rebellion Blade’s handle. [ONE!] The mouth opened to reveal a pair of red and blue circles. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante swung upwards, sending the Lesser Blade Phantom into the air before he jumped after it and slashed downwards, sending the Lesser Blade Phantom shooting back down to the ground with a loud slam. While he was still in the air, Dante pressed down on the Rebellion Blade’s trigger. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Red and blue energy gathered around it as the eyes flash. “Helm Breaker!” shouted Dante as he went shooting down and cut the Lesser Blade Phantom in half making it explode. Symbol was fighting a Blade Phantom, she locked blades with it and quickly took her left glove off the Active Blade’s hilt, pressing the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Then she scanned the Active Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE! C RANK SPELL!] Red lightning sparked over Symbol’s body before covering her left glove as she pulled it back and punched the Phantom in the face, sending it staggering backwards. While Phantom was recovering Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever down four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Red lightning surged around her body before gathering in her left glove as she threw a palm strike. “Active Strike!” The Blade Phantom blocked with its sword, only for a beam of red lightning to tear through it and caused the Phantom to explode. Dante ducked under a slash and then leaned to the right as a Death Knight Phantom burst from the ground and made to impale him. Dante switched the Nephilim Ring for the Arbiter Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] He turned his wrist back, then forwards making his Driver’s gate close and open. [OPEN!] The arbiter magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver and moved back through him. [A-R-B-I-T-E-R!] This transformed Dante into the Arbiter Style. He blocked a slash with the shaft of the Arbiter Axe then smashed it into the Death Knight Phantom twice, cracking the Phantom’ shield. Dante punched the Arbiter Ring into the slot at the bottom of the Arbiter Axe’s handle. [TWO!] The holographic dice appeared and spun before stopping on a pair of blood red dots. [AXE STRIKE!] Dante swung the Arbiter Axe down, sending two lines of red energy through the ground that closed in on the Phantom in a pincer move. This sent the Death Knight Phantom flying into the air. While the Phantom was in the air, Dante pressed the Arbiter Ring into the slot at the base of the Arbiter Axe gain. [ONE!] The dice lost a single dot. [AXE STRIKE!] Dante pressed down on the Arbiter Axe’s trigger. [AXE STRIKE!] Blood red energy surged up the Arbiter Axe’s shaft and into its blade as Dante swung it at the Death Knight Phantom. “Flush!” yelled Dante. The energy was fired off and formed into a spinning axe blade construct that slammed into the Death Knight Phantom and cut a glowing red through the Phantom. Red lightning sparked over its body as the Death Knight Phantom fell back to the ground and exploded. Symbol ran to the side as several red bloody spears hit the ground where she had just been standing. She glared at the Wizard Phantom and jumped over a line of rocks, landing on top of a box as she switched the Active Ring for the Swift Ring and pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT PLEASE!] The Wizard Phantom saw the swift magic circle appear above Symbol and fired several red spears at her. [DASH AWAY!] Only for them to be deflected by the magic circle as it fell through her. Symbol saw another line of rocks coming at her and hit the left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] She scanned her left glove across her Driver and let yellow magic energy gather within her chestplate. [SWIFT! A RANK SPELL!] Symbol let the magic energy go and fired a yellow beam that tore through the air and into the Wizard Phantom’s shield. After a few seconds the shield exploded, cancelling out the beam. Symbol added the Arrow and Blade Rings to her right glove and pressed the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she jumped into the air. [ARROW BLADE PLEASE!] The arrow and blade magic circles appeared over her helmet and she jumped through him, emerging in the Swift Arrow Blade Style. Symbol ducked under another spear as she slid forwards and pressed the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol scanned the Arrow Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as green magic energy built up in the Buzz Bow. [ARROW MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol swung the Buzz Bow, firing six blasts of wind that looked like buzzsaws. They cut into the Wizard Phantom and drew sparks from its body before it teleported away and appeared on the other side of the room to regenerate its shield. Seeing this and not willing to allow it, Symbol pressed the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] Before swiping her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as green wind gathered around the Buzz Bow. [ARROW BLADE MAGIC! THE BEST!] Symbol swung the Buzz Bow and fired six more blasts of wind in the shape of buzzsaws. They flew in a line, generating an arrow of wind. “Arrow Cutter!” shouted Symbol as the arrow punched through the Wizard Phantom’s shield and through the Wizard Phantom making sparks explode from its body as green lightning crackled across it before the Phantom exploded. Dante jumped back as a Hell Knight Phantom lunged at him with its sword. He switched the Arbiter Ring with the Eryx Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back, then forwards making his Driver’s door close and then open again. [OPEN!] The eryx magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver and moved back through him. [E-R-Y-X!] He emerged in the Eryx Style and punched the Phantom in the face as it tried to stab him once more. Dante pressed the Eryx Ring into the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet. [ONE!] The holographic dice appeared then it spun for several seconds and stopped on a one. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante pulled back his fists as they caught on fire and punched the Hell Knight Phantom’s shield three times causing it to shatter and stun the Phantom for a few seconds. While he had a chance, Dante punched the Eryx Ring into the slot in the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet again. [THREE!] The dice spun and stopped so that it displayed another two dots. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante pulled back his left fist and punched the Hell Knight Phantom, uppercutting it in the chin and sending it shooting into the air as the flames from the Eryx Gauntlets wrapped around it and drew sparks from its body. Then, as the Phantom started to fall back down, Dante pulled the trigger inside the left Eryx Gauntlet. [FIST STRIKE!] Red flames covered the left Eryx Gauntlet before peeling off it to form a construct of flames that Dante drove forwards, making contact with the Hell Knight Phantom. It was sent shooting back into the air with red lightning and red flames wrapped around it before the Phantom exploded. Dante landed back on the ground and was forced to jump back as a Rage Phantom lunged at him. “Not one of you again!” he shouted as he switched the Eryx Ring for the Angel Ring and slotted it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back and forwards making his Driver’s gate close before it sprang back open. [OPEN!] The angel magic circle appeared in front of him and moved back through Dante, transforming him into the angel style. [O-S-I-R-I-S!] Dante pulled out the Osiris Scythe and used it to deflect the Rage Phantom as it spin dashed at him. While the Phantom was recovering from missing, Dante punched the Angel Ring into the back of the Osiris Scythe. [ONE!] The blade opened to reveal a single light blue dot. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante ran forwards and spun around with the Osiris Scythe, cutting into the Rage Phantom repeatedly. The Rage Phantom roared as it jumped back and then dashed forwards, slashing Dante across the chest plate before jumping off a crate and zooming past him, slashing the Kamen Rider as it did so. “Knock it off!” shouted Dante as he slammed the Angel Ring into his Driver’s left slot a second time. [KICK STRIKE GO!] Light blue wind gathered around his right boots as he spun around and kicked the Rage Phantom in the face. “Karma!” he shouted as the Phantom was sent flying backwards and smashed into a pile of crates, making all of them fall on top of it. While the Phantom was recovering, Dante punched the Angel Ring into the back of the Osiris Scythe’s blade. [THREE!] The blade closed before opening again to display three light blue circles. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante jumped into the air as he pressed the Osiris Scythe’s trigger. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Light blue magical energy surged up the Osiris Scythe’s shaft and into scythe’s blade. “Rake!” shouted Dante as he jumped into the air and tore the Osiris Scythe through the ground. Sending a blast of light blue wind that tore through the Rage Phantom and made it explode. Symbol dodged to the side, only just avoiding a charge from a Ravager Phantom. “You can do better than that!” she mocked as she changed the Swift Ring for the Burst Ring then pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She scanned the Burst Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Ravager Phantom set itself on fire and spun around to slash her. [BURST PLEASE!] The burst magic circle appeared behind Symbol and moved through her, blocking the Ravager Phantom’s chainsaw. [CAST THE SPELL!] With her transformation into the Burst Style complete, Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever three times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] After which she scanned the Burst Ring again. [BURST! A RANK SPELL!] A wall of rock burst from the ground and cut her off from the Ravager Phantom. It wave a roar of anger as it started to cut the wall down with its chainsaw. As the Ravager Phantom started to break through, Symbol pressed the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned the Steam and Radiation Rings across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [STEAM RADIATION PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared behind her and moved through Symbol right as the Ravager Phantom broke through the wall. It set itself on fire and swung at Symbol as she pressed the right Shift Lever once more. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [STEAM MAGIC PLEASE!] Just as the chainsaw made contact, Symbol’s body broke down into steam and moved around the deadly blade before she turned solid behind the Ravager Phantom. Then Symbol pressed the right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Before scanning her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [RADIATION MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol held up her left glove as the Ravager Phantom turned around and fired a stream of green radiation from it that sent the Phantom flying back through the air. The beam had the added benefit of igniting explosions across the Ravager Phantom’s body. With the Ravager Phantom having been thrown a good distance away, Symbol was able to press the right Shift Lever three times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Ravager Phantom weakly pulled itself back to its feet. [STEAM RADIATION MAGIC PLEASE!] Instead of attack, Symbol hit the right Shift Lever four more times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned the Steam and Radiation Rings. [STEAM RADIATION MAGIC! THE BEST!] Symbol held up her right glove as a pair of orbs appeared in the air, one of them was made of green radiation and the other was comprised of white cloud. “Steam Radiation Crusher!” shouted Symbol. The two orbs were fired in a pair of streams that wound together into a hexal. As the attack approached the Ravager Phantom the hexal unwound and the two streams approached the Phantom from either side, crushing it between them and causing it to explode. “This is bad,” muttered Dante as he ran away from a trio of Rage Phantoms that were looking to turn him into mush. “I’ve got no choice!” he slipped on the Trigger Ring before remembering Kate’s advice. He turned the ring so that the angel and dragon wings were reversed before punching it into his Driver’s left slot. [TRIGGER!] Dante turned his wrist back then forwards making his Driver’s gate close and then open again. [GO ANGEL!] A light blue energy construct of a Gem Maiden appeared and forced the Rage Phantom’s back before embracing Dante. [AN-AN-AN-ANGEL!] In a flash of light blue light his body transformed into his second Upgraded Form. It was identical to his Devil Trigger form but everything that was black before was white, everything that had been blood red was light blue and everything that had been flame red was now wind blue. The face on his chest plate looked like that of an angelic woman rather than a demonic male. The Rebellion Magnum had undergone the same colour changes and had two smaller barrels instead of one large barrel. This is Kamen Rider Dante Angel Trigger Style and he is armed with the Rebellion Mangum Angel Mode! Dante took aim and started firing at the Rage Phantoms. The Rebellion Mangum spat out a barrage of bullets rather than the cannon like bursts it had before. One of the Rage Phantom’s was able to get through the barrage and aimed to smash Dante, only for him to vanish and appear behind them in a burst of light blue light. While the Devil Trigger Style might have high defence and strong attacks, the Angel Trigger Style had high speed and rapid attacks. Dante punched the Angel Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum. [ANGEL ONE!] The holographic light blue number one appeared to the side of the Rebellion Magnum’s skull. [MAGNUM STRIKE!] Dante took aim as he held down the trigger for several seconds letting ten rings of mana appear in the air and get pulled into the Rebellion Magnum. [MAGNUM STRIKE!] Dante let go of the trigger. [ANGEL!] The Rebellion magnum fired a trio of light blue beams that transformed into Rebellion Blade constructs. They shot through the air and sent the Rage Phantom’s shooting into the air and through the roof where they exploded. “And I can’t even use my new power against this ting!” whined Symbol as she dodged back from a Tyrant Phantom’s charge. She swapped the Burst Ring for the Giga Ring and pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned the Giga Ring over the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [GIGA PLEASE!] The giga magic circle appeared under her boots and rose up through Symbol. [BREAK THROUGH!] Transforming her into the Giga Style as she pressed the left Shift Lever three times. [MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL!] The Tyrant Phantom set itself on fire and charged at her as Symbol scanned the Giga Ring again. [GIGA A RANK SPELL!] Symbol raised up both of her arms and caught the Tyrant Phantom stopping it after sliding back several feet. As the two of them struggled to overpower the other, Symbol pressed the left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL!] With great difficulty she scanned the Giga Ring. [GIGA C RANK SPELL!] Symbol pulled back her left fist as it was covered in green magical energy and punched the Phantom sending skidding backwards. Symbol added the Hammer and Quake Rings to her right index and middle fingers before pressing the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] She scanned the two rings across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [HAMMER QUAKE PLEASE!] Symbol held her right glove down to the ground and the two magic circles appeared under her boots before rising up through her, transforming her into the Giga Style. Symbol grabbed the Piston Hammer as it appeared and watched the Tyrant Phantom charge. She hit the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Symbol scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [HAMMER MAGIC PLEASE!] The pistons on the Piston Hammer pulled back as Symbol pulled the Piston Hammer back. At the last second she swung it around, hitting the Tyrant Phantom on the side of the head and sending it staggering to the side in pain. “Now’s my chance!” shouted Symbol as she struck the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO! VERY NICE!] She scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [HAMMER QUAKE MAGIC! THE BEST!] The Piston Hammer was covered in black magic energy as she pulled it back and a construct of black spikes covered it. “Spike Hammer!” shouted Symbol as she jumped into the air and slammed the Piston Hammer down making sparks come from the impact point as the Tyrant Phantom exploded. Before Symbol had a chance to see how Dante was doing, another Tyrant Phantom burst from the ground. “Oh come on!” shouted Symbol as she added the Punch and Drill Rings to hr right glove. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol hit the right Shift Lever and scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [PUNCH DRILL PLEASE!] The punch and drill magic circles appeared under her boots and rose up through Symbol, transforming her into the Giga Punch Drill Style. As the Tyrant Phantom lit itself on fire, Symbol hit the right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] The Tyrant Phantom charged as Symbol scanned her right glove. [DRILL MAGIC PLEASE!] She pulled back her right fist and slammed it into the ground, out of which burst a wall of drills that stopped the Tyrant Phantom’s advance. Or at least it should have. The Tyrant Phantom broke through the wall with ease and slammed into Symbol, sending her flying into a wall, which she slid down painfully. “I am not going to lose to you!” shouted Symbol as she pressed the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] She scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [PUNCH MAGIC PLEASE!] Both of her fists burst into flame as she jumped at the Phantom and punched it across the face making it stumble back before she kept up the combo, steadily driving the Tyrant Phantom back while giving it no room to counter. Suddenly, a shadow appeared over Symbol. She looked up. “YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!” a second Tyrant Phantom body slammed her. The situation got worse as the first Tyrant Phantom jumped on top of her. [TOUCH TO ADVANCE YOUR CLASS!] “Sorry Dante,” came Symbol’s voice from under the pile. [ADVANCE PLEASE!] “But now I need to use this!” with that the surprised Tyrant Phantom’s were thrown off Symbol to reveal her in her Advance Style. She ran forwards while pressing the left Shift Lever once. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then she scanned the Advance Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE C TIER SPELL!] Her left glove was covered in yellow magical energy as she jumped into the air and uppercutted one of the Tyrant Phantom’s into the air. The other Tyrant Phantom tried to swat her out of the air but Symbol dodged and ran up its arm to belt it across the face, sending it flying backwards through the air. Symbol ran to the first Tyrant Phantom as it made the mistake of rolling onto its stomach. She hit the left Shift Lever twice. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Symbol scanned the Advance Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as she leapt into the air. [ADVANCE B TIER SPELL!] Her elbow was covered with yellow energy as she came back down and slammed her elbow into the Tyrant Phantom’s back making an explosion go off as the Tyrant Phantom gave a loud bellow of pain. The Phantom got back up and tried to hit Symbol with a back hand, but she ducked under it as she pressed the left Shift Lever three times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL!] Then jumped over a sweep as she scanned her left glove. [ADVANCE A TIER SPELL!] Symbol jumped up and punched the Phantom in the face twice, sending it staggering backwards with sparks coming from its head. Symbol hit the left Shift Lever four times. [TOUCH TO CAST THE NEXT LEVEL! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ADVANCE S TIER SPELL! THE BEST!] She grabbed the Tyrant Phantom and covered it in silver magical energy before throwing it at the other Tyrant Phantom, which she had hit considerable harder and was only just starting to get up. The Phantom’s eyes widened as its fellow Tyrant Phantom turned silver projectile slammed into it, pinning it to the ground. “Advance Hammer!” its eyes went wide as Symbol jumped into the air, covered in silver magical energy that threw a hammer blow that smashed the two Phantoms to pieces and caused them to explode. Symbol clutched her head in pain before her arms dropped to the side and the outside of her visors turned silver. Dante saw this. “No you don’t!” he punched the Trigger Ring into the back of the Rebellion Magnum. [ANGEL THREE!] A holographic light blue three appeared in front of the Rebellion Magnum’s skull. [MAGNUM STRIKE!] Dante held down the trigger for several seconds, letting ten rings of light blue mana appear from the air and get pulled into the Rebellion Magnum, charging it. [MAGNUM STRIKE!] Dante let go of the trigger. [ANGEL!] Out of the Rebellion Magnum zoomed three blasts of energy that shifted into constructs of the Rebellion Blade which slammed into Symbol’s back, igniting a giant explosion across her back plate. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [GIGA PLEASE!] [BREAK THROUGH!] Symbol tumbled out of the explosion, her body flashed as she transformed back into the Giga Style from the damage. “Sunset!” shouted Dante as he ran over to her. “Are you ok?” “I’ve been better,” muttered Symbol. “What were you thinking?” demanded Dante. “I would have been able to help you!” “Because I don’t want to have to rely on you!” snapped out Symbol as she shoved Dante off and ran to the edge of the building. “Ruby! Wait!” shouted Dante. Symbol stopped. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that!” “It’s,” began Symbol before steadying herself. “It’s fine. You were just trying to look out for me and I’m still a bit shaken up from seeing mom,” she admitted with a bit of sadness in her voice. “So am I,” added Dante. “All is forgiven and I’m sorry for shouting at you,” added Symbol. “Accepted.” [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [ACTIVE PLEASE!] [LET’S GO!] Symbol transformed into the Active Style. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [BOOST DEFEND PLEASE!] Then into the Active Boost Style. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] “Come on Dante!” she shouted as she jumped to three pieces of rubble before landing on a larger piece of the statue that had been broken off. Then she jumped over and landed next to Phineas with Dante landed next to her back in his Angel Style. They walked up to the old Phantom. “That was wild,” commented Dante. “You act like you had fun fighting me in berserker mode,” commented Symbol with a slight growl. Dante winced. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.” Symbol sighed. “It’s fine. I know what you meant.” “Thanks,” replied Dante. “Come here,” requested the old Phantom. “What is it?” asked Dante as they approached. Phineas glanced at the two new rings. “I see that you have found your Upgraded Forms,” he commented. “And they rock!” commented Dante. “Yours does,” growled Symbol. “But you have yet to discover your full potential,” commented Phineas. “What do you mean by that?” asked Dante in confusion. Symbol was just as confused as her brother. “You’ll find out in time,” replied Phineas simply. “Why can’t you just tell us?” asked Symbol. “For two reasons,” replied Phineas. “We’re listening,” replied Dante. “One I have seen the future and in every alternate timeline in which I tell you, you both end up dying before beating Wiseman.” Both of them winced. “And two, it’s fun,” finished Phineas. Both of the Kamen Rider’s face vaulted. “Mainly, I just want to kill the Phantom King named Wiseman,” argued Dante. “And if you do kill Wiseman, then who will take his place?” asked Phineas. Neither of them had an answer as they followed Phineas.