//------------------------------// // An unexpected guest // Story: Sugarcube // by DrRockso2 //------------------------------// Sugarcube By Dr. Rockso Pressing his foot down on the gas, Anon looked down at the old clock radio in his truck. Earlier the clock read 10:00 pm and now it was just turning 11:00 pm, normally, a trip to the lake for an afternoon fishing trip would take 30 minutes however, the weather had other plans. The nice sunny day had turned into a raging thunderstorm complete with intense wind and heavy rain. The sound of rain smacking against the windshield had almost drowned out the Charlie Daniels song playing over the old speakers. Anon turned the volume button and soon the song came back into hearing range although the rain tried harder to drown it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3WsBeepuII Looking from side to side, Anon made sure that there weren’t any downed trees across the road as he proceeded on. After rounding a curb, Anon saw something in the middle of the road ahead of him, he was nearly upon it when he realized what it was……a human being. Slamming on the brakes, Anon felt the entire truck start to fishtail and he prayed that he didn’t end up in a ditch or flipped over. The tires managed to dig into the asphalt and brought the truck to a complete stop, mere feet from the unconscious person. Looking through the foggy windshield, Anon noticed that there was indeed a person in the middle of the road and from the looks of it, it was a woman. Throwing on his coat and turning on his emergency blinkers, Anon jumped out of the truck and ran over to the unconscious woman. Once he reached the woman, Anon noticed the woman was completely naked with the exception of a brown Stetson hat which was completely soaked from the rain. Normally the site of a naked girl would make Anon blush, but the situation he was currently in was anything but funny. God I hope this ain’t a body Anon thought. To his relief he saw the woman’s chest rise and fall slightly. Taking off his coat, Anon wrapped the coat around the naked woman and picked her up. Moving carefully and quickly, Anon carried her back to the truck and set her in the passenger seat. Man I hope, she’s ok…what the hell would anyone be doing out here in the middle of a storm, naked no less……poor thing probably was left for dead…I’d take her to the police station but that’s too far away…and it doesn’t look like this storm is getting any better. Climbing inside the driver seat, Anon sped off along the highway, from the rear view mirror he could see one the powerlines running alongside the road explode sending showers of sparks everywhere as the powerpole crashed onto the road. Driving as fast as he could Anon thundered down the highway for 20 more minutes until he finally reached his driveway. Every now and then he would look over at the girl who would stir once in a while and mutter incoherently. Good……at least she’s somewhat conscious The thunder continued to roll in the sky as Anon parked his truck in front of his humble abode. Walking around the truck Anon carried the cowgirl across the yard and into the house. Making this way through his home, Anon carried the blonde haired girl to his bedroom and placed her carefully in his bed before covering her up with the warm sheets. Taking the Stetson from the girl, he hung the hat on the edge of the bed where it could dry. Turning to his clothes drawer, Anon looked through the drawer to find some clothes that his new guest could wear once she was conscious. He figured a pair of jogging pants and a band T shirt would be the only thing that would remotely fit this girl, he placed them on the floor next to the bed for the girl once she awoke. Deciding it was best to let the poor girl rest; Anon closed the door as quietly as he could and made his way towards the kitchen. In the kitchen Anon ate a fudge round and enjoyed a Mountain Dew as he thought ahead and what the next day would hold for him, hopefully the girl in the next room didn’t flip out too much. Anon let an hour roll by before going to check back up on the girl. Opening the door, Anon peeked in to see that the girl was fast asleep and snoring rather loudly but in a sorta cute way. Smiling he shut the door and headed back to the living room, for tonight his bed was the couch not that he minded, he knew that the girl needed his bed more than he did. Lying down, Anon listened to the rain hitting the window and the low rumblings of the thunder in the distance, in a way it sounded somewhat peaceful. Before long sleep soon claimed Anon as he shut his eyes and fell asleep. The warmth of the sun’s rays reached out and touched Anon’s face as he stirred from his sleep. Raising up, Anon let out a long yawn as the wiped the crust from his eyes, he was about to stretch when a scream echoed down the hallway. Throwing the covers off his legs, Anon jumped off the couch and ran down the hallway towards his bedroom. Opening the door slowly, Anon stepped in to greet his startled guest. The girl was wide awake and looking around and completely topless. Anon’s face turned red as he looked down at the carpet in an attempt to not frighten his guest. Noticing his entrance the girl yelled “WHERE AM I……WHAT HAPPENED….WHO ARE YOU”? she asked. “Take it easy, your safe…..I’m Anon…I rescued you, you were laying in the middle of the road during last night’s storm…I couldn’t leave you out there so I brought you back home” Anon said still looking at the floor. “Oh…th…thank you…Anon” she said slowly in a southern drawl. “Um if you don’t mind me askin…why are you staring at the floor” she asked sincerely. That’s kind of a dumb question. “Well, you um….naked” Anon said trying not to laugh at the odd question. “What do you mean….”? She asked as if she didn’t know what naked meant. She must have some sort of head trauma to not now basic things like that. “Just cover up if you don’t mind” Anon said gesturing. When the girl covered herself, Anon looked up at her and got a good view of her face. The girl had tan skin with dark green eyes and freckles on her cheeks. Her hair was blonde and in a long ponytail with a red hairband. Wow……she’s really really cute. “So…..you hungry” Anon asked awkwardly. God that sounds so cringy Anon “Ye…yeah….in fact I don’t think I’ve ate anything since I’ve come here” she said looking out the window at the trees in the backyard. From out of nowhere the sound of a gurgling stomach echoed throughout the room. “Yeah I’d say so too” Anon said with a smile. This managed to get a quick chuckle from the blonde haired girl. “Oh I almost forgot, what’s your name” Anon asked. “Applejack” the girl said confidently. Applejack, what kind of name is that…is it like a nickname or something. “Applejack huh……that’s an odd name” Anon said raising an eyebrow. “Oh and Anon isn’t” the girl retorted. Heh…clever girl. “Sorry, uh how do you like your eggs cooked” Anon asked. “Scrambled please….oh and ah just want tah say thank yah for savin me….I don’t know what ah’d do if it weren’t fer you” she said with a sweet smile. “Eh…it’s no problem really” Anon said trying not to blush. “Anyway, I have some clothes for you to wear here…..if you need me I’ll be in the kitchen” Anon said before shutting the door behind him. In the kitchen, Anon started to cook the eggs and pancakes for him and his new guest. While he was stirring the batter, Anon couldn’t help but wonder how the girl ended up on that lonely stretch of highway, there weren’t any houses or anything out that way for several miles. Also something seemed off about that girl, Anon didn’t know what, but when he looked in her eyes he could have sworn he saw something, what he did not know. Several eggs later Anon waited for Applejack to join him for breakfast but she was taking longer than usual. What’s taking that girl so long? About that time he heard something crash and an angry string of words coming from his room. Walking to his room, Anon approached his door and quickly knocked on it. “You ok in there Applejack” Anon asked waiting for a response. “Ah…uh…might need a little bit of help” Applejack asked. Opening the door Anon stepped in to what was a complete mess. His collection of CD’s that were next to his bed where knocked over in the floor and Applejack was standing there with the jogging pants on, with one of her arms through the collar of the shirt and the other arm trying to force her head through the sleeve. The whole time she was staggering back and forth, her freckled breasts swinging back and forth as she struggled with the shirt. Lord have mercy With a heavy sigh, Anon stepped inside the room. “Hold on Applejack” he said pulling her arm out of the collar and pulling the shirt down over her head before sending her arms through the sleeves. Pulling the shirt down over her stomach, Anon stood back up as Applejack blushed intensely her tan cheeks soon turning red as an apple. “Th..thanks sugarcube…sorry bout the mess” she said with a sweet smile that could make the most heartless person in the world sing a happy song. With a smile, Anon wagged a finger at her. “Follow me, breakfast is ready” Anon said as he turned and walked out the door.