//------------------------------// // Did she say MAGIC!? // Story: Who? Why? Where? WHAT? // by FictionalNightmare //------------------------------// The unicorn has explained to me that I’m on the planet Equus, Equestria, and that I somehow appeared on her floor, she also told me that the entire town’s residents are ponies, i’m still more than a A little shocked, but at least I have something to work with, And now comes the bad part, she’s taking me to her lab for scientific research, just great The lab is darker than the other parts of the library, it’s filled with machinery, research tables, vials, and potion bottles, both empty and full, in all, it’s very intriguing, I can’t look around for very long before Twilight is hooking me up to a machine, I wait patiently in my seat as she collects the scientific readings spilling out of her contraption, “ok, so you may be from another universe, definitely another world, no magical properties, but a similar intelligence level to the average pony.” “Hold on a sec, magical properties?” I ask The Twilight’s eyes widen “wait you don’t have magic?” She asks I shake my head, surprisingly Twilight lets out a loud ‘SQUEEEEE’ before taking a few deep breaths “heh, sorry it’s just” Twilight Squees again tapping her hooves excitedly “here on Equus there’s magic in almost everything, especially in unicorns and other magical beings, there’s a lot to show you.” It takes me a while to process this info, meanwhile thoughts circle my head, how can magic be real? is this a trick? Why me? Lemme guess there’s flying horses too?. I’m not sure how, but one word manages to escape my lips, ”how?”