//------------------------------// // S1E9 Eyeless // Story: Sunset's Journey // by Alphajeager1 //------------------------------// “Those flying bastards stole my eye,” explained the man. “They torment me incessantly. I can’t leave here without it. I’m trapped for all eternity!” “I take it that if you had your eye then leaving would not be a problem?” asked Symbol. “Correct,” replied the man as he turned to the siblings. “If you two get my back my eye, then I’ll take you to the tower,” he offered. “You have yourself a deal,” replied Dante. “As long as you don’t mind being bait,” added Symbol. The man stared at them both. Five minutes later Dante and Symbol were hidden behind a pillar and the man was standing in the centre of the ledge. “Over here flying bastards!” shouted the man. “Come!” The Peryton Phantom’s returned to attack him. “Now!” shouted Dante as he and his sister jumped out from behind the wall and charged at the Peryton Phantom’s. The Phantom’s flew through an archway. “Go! Follow them!” ordered the man. “Find their nest!” Dante was already in the Angel Style and used the Angel Lift to get through the archway. Knowing that Symbol in her Active Boost Defend Style would be right behind him, he did not pause. “That’s it, lead the way!” Dante hooked onto another archway as he followed the Peryton Phantoms. [SET!] [OPEN!] [A-R-B-I-T-E-R!] He transformed into the Arbiter Style. [GRAPPLE MODE!] Before transforming the Arbiter Axe into the Demon Pull and yanking a block from a wall. Dante was just about to jump to it when the wall and block streaked away like an express train as the floor ripped itself apart. [SET!] [OPEN!] [O-S-I-R-I-S!] “I should have seen that coming!” shouted Dante in anger as he transformed back into the Angel Style. [HOOK MODE!] Before changing the Osiris Scythe into the Angel Lift and jumping into a small corridor on the left side. He was just about to transform into the Eryx Style and break down a wall that was blocking the path when Symbol stopped him. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [GIGA PLEASE!] [BREAK THROUGH!] “Let me handle this one,” she asked her brother as she transformed into the Giga Style. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [PUNCH DRILL PLEASE!] Then Symbol transformed into the Giga Punch Drill Style as she used one of the Punch Drillers to break down the wall which was blocking their path. The two of them arrived at another archway and saw several rocks floating in the air. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [ACTIVE PLEASE!] [LET’S GO!] “We can use those,” stated Symbol as she transformed into the Active Style. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [ICE BIND PLEASE!] Before she upgraded into the Active Ice Bind Style. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] A chain of orange magical energy shot from the Grapple Gauntlet and wrapped around a piece of the floor that was floating and pulled it towards her. Suddenly the piece of floor stopped and no matter how hard Symbol pulled on it she could not get it to come any closer. “What on earth?” she muttered in confusion. Then a glowing blue circle appeared on the piece of floor. “Of course,” deadpanned Symbol in anger at this development. “It’s not that bad!” protested Dante as he hooked the Angel Lift onto the circle and pulled himself onto it. [KICK STRIKE GO!] Before Angel Boosting away. “Ease for you to say,” grunted Symbol as she followed after her Brother. “Ahah!” shouted Dante as he landed and saw the Peryton Phantom’s turn a corner. “There you are!” he yelled as he followed them. Just as he was about to move into the tunnel a demonic train that was on fire roared past, literally. “Woah!” shouted Dante as he jerked his body back. “What on earth was that?!” demanded Symbol as she approached. “From the look over it? A demonic train,” replied Dante as he panted from the near-death experience. Once Dante had recovered the two Kamen Riders jumped into the tunnel which looked fairly short. Right before the Slip Dimension made it stretch until it was half a mile long and had several gaps in it. “I knew that was going to happen,” stated Symbol duly with Dante nodding in agreement. They jumped over one gap right before the lights on one side of the tunnel turned from green to red and another demonic train came roaring towards them. “Oh shit!” shouted Dante. “This way!” yelled Symbol as she tackled him to the side with the green lights. They both braced for the impact that never came as the train went screaming past them. “How did you know that would work?” asked Dante in curiosity. “Red is for danger,” explained Symbol simply. This made Dante sweat drop. They continued running, jumping over another two gaps and having to avoid a second demonic train. Then they arrived at a sunken train platform. “Flying bastards!” muttered Dante as the Peryton Phantoms flew away. “We’re catching up though,” replied Symbol as they landed on the ground. Then a barrier sprung up around the platform as more Phantom’s arrived. “You were saying?” asked Dante. Symbol face plate palmed. Dante latched the Angel Lift onto a Lesser Blade Phantom and pulled himself towards it. Halfway there he cancelled the lift and turned the Angel Lifts handle. [SCYTHE MODE!] This made it transform back into the Osiris Scythe as Dante punched the Angel Ring into the back of its blade. [TWO!] The blade opened to reveal two light blue circles. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante spun around several times slashing the five Lesser Blade Phantom with the Osiris Scythe. One of them lunged forward and was able to slash at his arm making sparks explode from it. “Ouch!” grunted Dante as he pressed down on the Osiris Scythe’s trigger. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Light blue mana gathered around the Osiris Scythe’s blade and formed into a wing construct. “Karma!” shouted Dante as he spun around, the feathers shot off the wing and followed the movements of the Osiris Scythe. The weapon moved so fast that it and the feathers looked like nothing but five circles of light. Dante stopped spinning as the five Phantom’s fell over and exploded. Suddenly, a pair of Ravager Phantom’s sawed their way up through the ground in a spray of sparks. “Bring it on!” shouted Dante as he swapped the Angel Ring for the Nephilim Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back, then forwards making his Driver’s gate open and close. [OPEN!] Dante jumped back as the nephilim magic circle appeared from his Driver and knocked one of the Ravager Phantom’s back as it moved through him. [N-E-P-H-I-L-I-M!] Dante pulled the Rebellion Blade off his back and used it to block a chainsaw from one of the Ravager Phantom’s, only to be forced backwards by it. Dante looked up in surprise as he stopped skidding. “Is it just me, or have you lot gotten stronger?” he questioned. His only answer was the Ravager Phantom’s setting themselves on fire, revving up their chainsaws and charging at Dante. He quickly rolled to the side and as the Ravager Phantom’s adjusted their course one of them had to stop or risk running into its ally. Dante punched the Nephilim Ring into the back of the Rebellion Blade’s handle. [THREE!] The mouth then opened to reveal three red and blue circles. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante took a stance as he hit the side of the chainsaw twice making it veer off course and letting him slash the Phantom once with the Rebellion Blade making sparks come from it. Seeing his opening Dante pressed down on the Rebellion Blade’s trigger. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] The sword’s eyes flashed as red and blue energy gathered around the Rebellion Blade before Dante unleashed three slashes that caused the Ravager Phantom to explode. “ARGH!” shouted Dante in pain as he was cut across the chest late by the second Ravage Phantom. Sparks were drawn from the line it cut along his chest plate as Dante was able to throw himself back, avoiding getting cut in half. He pulled out Ebony and Ivory before opening fire on the Ravage Phantom, forcing it to use its chainsaw as a shield to block the bullets. Dante held down the trigger of both hand cannons as they started charging. Three energy rings were pulled from the air and into the hand cannons, the first two were red, the second two were light blue and the last two were black for Ebony while Ivory’s last energy ring was white. [EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE!] Dante let go of both triggers and fired a pair of high powered bullets that spiralled around each other to make a cone. “Ricoshot!” it slammed into the Ravager Phantom’s chainsaw and pushed it back as cracks spread through the weapon. Thankfully for the Ravager Phantom, the attack ended before it’s chainsaw could shatter. Dante saw this and repeated the charging process as he jumped into the air while spinning. [EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE!] Dante flipped upside down and opened fire, bombarding the Phantom with a rain of bullets. “Rainstorm!” The Ravager Phantom blocked with its chainsaw only for the weapon to crumble and leave it to face most of the barrage itself. When the rainstorm of bullets finally ended the Ravager Phantom had fallen to one knee as lightning cracked over its body from the damage. Dante saw the Ravager Phantom was nearly dead and pressed the Nephilim Ring into the base of the Rebellion Blade’s handle. [ONE!] The mouth opened to show and red and blue dot. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante came shooting down and slammed his sword into the Ravager Phantom making a storm of sparks explode from its body. “Ok, now I know something’s wrong. That last attack should have finished you off,” deciding not to dwell on it Dante pressed the trigger on the Rebellion Blade’s hilt. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Red and blue energy covered the Rebellion Blade as its eyes flashed. Dante pulled the sword back. “Helm Breaker!” he shouted as he slammed the sword down making a blade of energy tear along the ground and slam into the Ravager Phantom finally causing it to explode. All of a sudden, a pair of Death Knight Phantom’s pulled themselves from the ground and charged at Dante. He exchanged the Nephilim Ring for the Arbiter Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back then forwards, making his Driver’s gate open and close. [OPEN!] The arbiter magic circle appeared from his Driver and knocked the Death Knight Phantom’s back as it passed through Dante. [A-R-B-I-T-E-R!] He pulled the Arbiter Axe off his back and turned the handle. [GRAPPLE MODE!] The Arbiter Axe transformed into the Demon Pull as Dante used it twice, robbing both of the Knight Phantom Phantom’s shields. Dante turned the Demon Pull’s handle again. [AXE MODE!] Transforming it back into the Arbiter Axe. Dante punched the Arbiter Ring into the slot at the bottom of the Arbiter Axe’s handle. [TWO!] The holographic dice appeared and spun several times before stopping on a two. [AXE STRIKE!] Dante pulled back the Arbiter Axe as red magical energy gathered around its blade before slamming it into the ground. Two lines of energy shot out of the impact point and lead to the Death Knight Phantoms, throwing them both into the air at the same time. Just in time to be smashed to bits by another demonic train as it went screaming above the platform. “Huh,” Dante blinked several times, not sure how to take that. On one hand he had just been rob of a kill and on the other hand, he didn’t have to fight those Death Knight Phantoms. He decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth. Then a Rage Phantom appeared and fired a barrage of quills at Dante making him roll back as sparks were drawn from his armour. “Your gonna pay for that you bastard!” shouted Dante as he changed the Arbiter Ring for the Eryx Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back to make his Driver’s gate close before turning it forwards again making his Driver’s gate open. [OPEN!] The eryx magic circle appeared from Dante’s driver and moved back through him. [E-R-Y-X!] Dante jumped into the air as he transformed into the Eryx Style. He punched the Eryx Ring into the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet making the holographic dice appear. [FIVE!] The Rage Phantom jumped up towards Dante as the dice stopped on a five. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante went shooting down and smashed his fist into the Rage Phantom sending it shooting downwards, slamming into the ground dazed. Seeing this, Dante pressed the trigger inside the left Eryx Gauntlet. [FIST STRIKE!] Red mana gathered around the right Eryx Gauntlet and built up as Dante went shooting down. The magical energy gathered around him into the construct of a large Eryx Gauntlet as Dante slammed it down on top of the Phantom. Sparks exploded from the Rage Phantom before it went up in a massive explosion. Dante walked out of the explosion with ease and no damage before pausing. “Those Phantom’s were definitely stronger than the last few,” he muttered to himself deep in thought. Symbol was fighting just as hard as her brother. She pressed the Wizard Driver’s right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then ducked under the slash of a Death Knight Phantom as she scanned her right glove. [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] Orange magical energy gathered around the Grapple Gauntlet as Symbol fired a beam of orange energy that shifted into a chain. She wrapped it around the Death Knight Phantom’s shield and tore the defence from the Phantom’s grasp before swing it around and into the Phantom sending it head over heel. Symbol pressed the right Shift Lever three times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as the Death Knight Phantom started to get back up. [ICE BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] Out of the ground burst several ice spikes in a circle around the Death Knight Phantom that locked it in place, stopping it from moving. With her opening, Symbol hit the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] Before aligning her right glove with the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ICE BIND MAGIC! THE BEST!] She fired a chain of orange magical energy from the Grapple Gauntlet that pierced through the chest of the Death Knight Phantom. Symbol then sent ice blue magical energy from the Icy Bracer down the chain, making the Phantom freeze over. “Piercing Chain!” shouted Symbol as with a mighty heave she pulled the Death Knight Phantom into the air. Her original intention was to smash it into the ground. However, at that moment another demonic train screamed overhead and smashed the frozen Death Knight Phantom into pieces. “Huh, that happened,” blinked Symbol as she took in what had just happened. Symbol did not have much time to think about it as a Hell Knight Phantom burst from the ground and moved to attack her. “Bring it on!” shouted Symbol as she switched the Active Ring for the Giga Ring and punched the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [GIGA PLEASE!] The giga magical circle appeared under her boots and rose up through her. [BREAK THROUGH!] Symbol quickly used the Giga Axe to block a swung from the Hell Knight Phantom but had to wince at the heat it was producing. “Time to go into high gear!” shouted Symbol as she added the Punch and Driller Rings to her right glove before hitting the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] The Wizard Driver’s Hand Author flipped to the right as Symbol scanned her right glove across it. [PUNCH DRILL PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared under her boots and rose up through Symbol, knocking the Hell Knight Phantom back and giving the Kamen Rider some breathing room. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Symbols’ right glove was covered in red flames as she leapt into the air. [PUNCH MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol came down with a punch as the drills on the Punch Drillers started to spin. Crimson red flames wrapped around the fist as she slammed it into the Hell Knight Phantom’s shield making it crack in several places. Symbol blocked a slash with her right Punch Driller and jumped back, kicking off the Hell Knight Phantom’s shield. ‘That shield should have shattered! What’s going on?’ Symbol thought to herself. The Hell Knight Phantom brought Symbol out of her shock as it stabbed its blade into the ground and lit the whole area around it in a circle on fire! “Ow! Hot!” shouted Symbol. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] [DRILL MAGIC PLEASE!] She pulled back the right Punch Driller as the drills on the end of it started to spin before punching it into the ground. Out of which burst a wall of drills that Symbol jumped on. “Somethings wrong. I shouldn’t have felt that thanks to the Punch Style’s heat resistance,” muttered the Kamen Rider. She looked down and saw the Hell Knight Phantom start to hack away at the base of the wall. To Symbol’s shock, it was actually doing damage! “That’s enough of that,” muttered Symbol as she punched the right Shift Lever three times. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Before scanning her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [PUNCH DRILL MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol jumped into the air as red flames mixed with purple mana covered both of her Punch Drillers as she shot down and drove them both into the Hell Knight Phantom’s shield making it explode. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO! VERY NICE!] While the Hell Knight Phantom was staggered, one of the drills merged with the other making a truly gigantic drill. [PUNCH DRILL MAGIC! THE BEST!] Symbol ran forwards thrusting the giant drill at the Hell Knight Phantom. “Merged Giga Drill Breaker!” shouted Symbol. The drill pierced into the Phantom and drew sparks come it as it ground through the Hell Knight Phantom and caused it to explode. At that moment six Blade Phantom’s jumped out of the ground. Symbol switched the Giga Ring for the Swift Ring and pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] She aligned the Swift Ring with the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT PLEASE!] Then Symbol held her left glove into the air. [DASH AWAY!] The swift magic circle appeared above her and fell through Symbol, transforming her into the Swift Style. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] She held her right glove towards the Blade Phantoms. [SWIFT! C RANK SPELL!] Firing six beams of yellow mana in an inverted triangle that smashed into them and sent the Phantom’s flying, separating them. Just like Symbol wanted, together these Phantom’s were threats. When they were alone? Not so much. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] [SWIFT! B RANK SPELL!] Symbol was covered in yellow mana as she vanished in a blur, her body leaving speed lines of magical energy behind her as she slashed each of the Blade Phantom’s fifty times in the next ten seconds. She appeared in the middle of the group of Phantom’s and flicked the Swift Dagger, lifting the delay, making sparks explode from the Phantom’s. “Time to finish this!” shouted Symbol as she hit the left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Before scanning the Swift Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol was covered in raging yellow mana as her visors glowed. She vanished and circled around all of the Blade Phantom’s. She was moving fast enough to appear as a circle of yellow energy that was constantly moving. She broke off and ran through the circle in a straight line, punching one of the Blade Phantom’s in the face before moving back into the circle. Symbol did this fast enough for the circle to still be in existence. Symbol repeated the process several more times. “Swift Attack!” with each attack she got faster and faster until the all of the Blade Phantom’s exploded. Symbol skidded to a halt, only to be struck in the back. “ARGH!” she spun around and was shocked to see that a Blade Phantom had survived her attack. “That shouldn’t be- ARGH!” the Blade Phantom took advantage of Symbol’s shock by slashing her across the chest plate, making her stagger backwards. [COME ON A BLAST SHAKE HANDS!] Symbol grabbed the Swift Blaster and took aim at the Blade Phantom. [SWIFT! BLASTER STRIKE!] A orb of yellow magical energy appeared in front of the barrel as Symbol pulled the trigger. “Bullet Barrage!” the orb was discharged into a barrage of yellow bullets that made sparks explode from the Phantom’s body. “Ok,” muttered Symbol as she flipped back to her boots. “Now I know something is going on!” she growled as she heard the familiar sound of a chainsaw and spun around to see a Ravager Phantom pulling itself out of the ground. Symbol switched the Swift Ring for the Burst Ring and hit the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST PLEASE!] The burst magic circle appeared behind Symbol and moved through her, stopping the Ravager Phantom’s attack. [CAST THE SPELL!] Then Symbol dodged to the side as she added the Dust and Mirror Rings to her right glove then hit the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [DUST MIRROR PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared behind her and moved through her as Symbol jumped backwards to avoid a swipe from the Ravager Phantom’s chainsaw. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] As the Ravager Phantom set itself on fire and charged, Symbol held up her right glove. [MIRROR MAGIC PLEASE!] This made a wall of mirrors appear in front of the Phantom and out of it charged its own reflection that rammed into the Phantom. Symbol jumped into the air as the Ravager Phantom was able to overpower its copy and ran at her. Symbol pulled out the Burst Staff. [COME ON A SPELL SHAKE HANDS] Purple, brown and mirror silver magical energy started to build up around the tip. [BURST! SPELL STRIKE!] The magical energy formed into four spears, two were mirror silver and the other two were dust brown. “Burst Spears!” they surrounded the Ravager Phantom and stabbed inwards making sparks explode from its body. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] The Ravager Phantom looked up just in time for a crescent of red and blue magical energy to smash into it. “Drive!” came Dante’s bellow as the crescent washed over the Phantom and made a powerful explosion ripple through the train station. “Hey! You stole my kill!” shouted Symbol in anger. “I thought we agreed no to do that!” “We never said that!” laughed Dante as he ran away from his mad sister. He jumped onto the train platform and ran down a flight of stairs. “Get back here!” shouted Symbol as she ran after him. Suddenly a Phantom shard appeared in front of Dante. It was a yellow-white orb that was surrounded by shards of black metal. It started to spin before shooting forwards and smashing into Dante, sending him flying back into Symbol with sparks coming from his chest plate. “You ok?” asked Symbol, her anger forgotten. “I’ll be fine,” grunted Dante as he got up. “We’ll have to be careful, this place is booby-trapped!” “I noticed,” replied Symbol dryly. They ran further down, following the stairs to the left as another Phantom shard appeared. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] [BURST! C RANK SPELL!] Symbol quickly fired four orbs of flame from her left glove that slammed into the Phantom shard, causing it to explode. “But at least the traps are very fragile,” she stated. “That’s one thing to be thankful for,” stated Dante in agreement. They arrived at a dead end with a black wall blocking their path. Dante switched the Nephilim Ring for the Eryx Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back to make his Driver’s gate close before turning it forwards making his Driver’s gate spring open. [OPEN!] The eryx magic circle shot out of Dante’s Driver and moved back through him. [E-R-Y-X!] Transforming Dante into the Eryx Style. He pulled back his right fist and punched down the metal wall. Once the wall was gone the siblings jumped into a long tunnel. The Peryton Phantom’s were hovering at the end and started to fly away when they saw the two Kamen Riders. “Hey! Get back here!” shouted Symbol as they ran after the Peryton Phantom’s. Right before another Phantom Shard appeared in front of them! “Shit!” Dante pulled out Ebony and Ivory before holding down their triggers making them charge. Six rings of mana appeared in the air and three were pulled into each of the hand cannons. The first two rings to go into Ebony were blood red while the last one was ebony black. Meanwhile, the rings which were pulled into Ivory were identical to the rings pulled into Ebony only the last ring was ivory white. [EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE!] Dante let go of the triggers. “Ricoshot!” firing a pair of bullets that spiralled around each other making a cone drill effect which drove the Phantom Shard back. The attack broke through the Phantom Shard and made it explode. Only for another Phantom Shard to come flying from behind the first one. “Oh come on!” shouted Symbol as she hit the left Shift Lever three times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Before scanning the Burst Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST! A RANK SPELL!] Symbol placed her left palm on the ground and a wall of rock burst from it. The Phantom Shard slammed into the wall, cracking it but destroying itself in the process. Then the two of them saw a third Phantom Shard come shooting at them from behind the last one! [ERYX!] “This is getting silly!” grumbled Dante. [IVORY STRIKE!] He fired a white bullet from Ivory that had a red fist construct around it. The bullet made contact with the Phantom Shard and both attacks cancelled each other out. The two of them ran after the Peryton Phantom’s and ended up in a large chamber that had what looked like random objects held to the ceiling in an upside down pile by Phantom gunk. The floor of the sphere shaped chamber was made of glass with a single black circle shaped metal platform in the centre. “The nest! That’s gotta be it,” Dante was about to jump down when Symbol jerked him back. “What was that for?!” “What that is, is a trap,” pointed out Symbol dryly. “Yeah, but what choice do we have?” demanded Dante. Symbol sighed. “Good point. With that the two Kamen Rider’s jumped down, aiming to land on the platform but fell just short and landed on the glass. Which instantly started to crack. “Run!” shouted Symbol as they dashed across the to the safety of the platform. “That was close, we don’t want to stand on that for too long,” stated Dante as he watched the glass fall into the endless drop. “Why are we doing this for some crusty old Phantom?” Dante asked. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [ACTIVE PLEASE!] [LET’S GO!] “You got that right,” muttered Symbol as she transformed into the Active Style. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [ICE BIND PLEASE!] Before upgrading into the Active Ice Bind Style. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [BIND MAGIC PLEASE!] She fired a chain of orange magical energy from the Grapple Gauntlet and used it to pull the eye down into her other glove. “Oh yeah, that’s why,” deadpanned Dante. At that moment the Peryton Phantom arrived and engaged the siblings in combat. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol punched the Icey Bracer into the ground. [ICE MAGIC PLEASE!] Out of which burst a line of ice that transformed into several chains made of ice that stabbed into three of the Peryton Phantoms and froze them solid, making them fall onto the glass. Within seconds the glass cracked the Phantom’s fell through it into the endless drop. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Then the burst magic circle appeared behind Symbol. [BURST PLEASE!] It moved through her, transforming the Kamen Rider into the Burst Style. [CAST THE SPELL!] Symbol dodged a blast of lightning that came from one of the Peryton Phantom’s horns. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] [BURST! B RANK SPELL!] Water in the air froze into four mirrors of ice that spun like ninja stars. Symbol sent them flying at a Peryton Phantom and made them circles around it, cutting the Phantom and making sparks fly from its body. Dante switched the Eryx Ring for the Angel Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist forwards, then backwards making his Driver’s gate close before opening. [OPEN!] The angel magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver and blocked a lightning bolt before moving back through him. [O-S-I-R-I-S!] Transforming Dante into the Angel Style. Dante drew the Osiris Scythe from his back plate. [HOOK MODE!] Transforming it into the Angel Lift and hooking it into a Peryton Phantom, pulling himself up so that he was level with it. [SCYTHE MODE!] Dante transformed the Angel Lift back into the Osiris Scythe as he punched the Angel Ring into the back of its blade. [ONE!] Which opened to reveal a single light blue circle. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante started slashing at three of the Peryton Phantoms several times with the Osiris Scythe making sparks explode from each slash. Blue magical energy started to gather around the Osiris Scythe. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] The energy formed into the construct of an angel wing around the scythe’s blade. Dante spun around. “Hanger!” he shouted. The Osiris Scythe was moving fast enough to make it look like Dante was surrounded by a circle of light blue light and the feathers had been discharged from the wing construct making another five circle as they followed the Osiris Scythe’s path. The weapon was moving fast enough that the Peryton Phantom’s all felt like they were being hit at the same time before they were each engulfed by an explosion. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [DUST MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol held up both of her gloves and fired a storm of dust from them. Five of the Peryton Phantoms were caught storm and swirled around, smashing into each other with sparks coming from their bodies as the dust hit them. To the Phantom’s it felt like they were being hit by people sized fists. Symbol the right Shift Lever three times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] Before scanning her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [DUST MIRROR MAGIC! THE BEST!] The dust whirled inwards, gathering around Symbol’s right glove. “Dust Storm!” shouted Symbol as the dust was fired forwards and shifted into a spear which pierced through one of the Peryton Phantom’s before shooting outwards as the single spear transformed into four spears that shot through the other four Peryton Phantom’s making all five of them explode. Dante was starting to get angry as he ducked to the side, avoiding a lightning bolt from a Peryton Phantom and jumped over a second lightning bolt from a second Peryton Phantom. “THIS IS GETTING STUPID!” shouted Dante as he finally snapped. [EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE!] He fired a pair of light blue bullets from Ebony and Ivory that spiralled around each other like a drill that spiralled into the air and came down on the Peryton Phantom’s making sparks explode from all three of them. Dante pressed down on the Osiris Scythe’s trigger. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Light blue mana raced up the weapon’s shaft into its blade as Dante jumped into the air while spinning. “Hanger!” he shouted sending the energy from the Osiris Scythe in a spinning disk that cut through the three damaged Peryton Phantoms and made them explode. [SET!] [OPEN!] [E-R-Y-X!] Dante transformed into the Eryx Style as he used the Eryx Gauntlets to block a lightning bolt from another Peryton Phantom and ducked under a second lightning bolt. He turned his right wrist slightly. [GRAPPLE MODE!] Transforming the Eryx Gauntlets into the Demon Pull. Which he used to pull three Peryton Phantoms down so that they were level with him. [FIST MODE!] Dante then transformed the Demon Pull back into the Eryx Gauntlets. [ONE!] [FIST STRIKE!] Red magical energy build up around the Eryx Gauntlets as Dante pulled them back and punched each of the Peryton Phantom’s a single time making sparks explode from the impact points from not only the force of the blows but the flames were doing damage as well. Symbol switched the Burst Ring for the Giga Ring and struck the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] The Wizard Driver’s Hand Author flipped to the left as Symbol scanned the Giga Ring across it. [GIGA PLEASE!] Symbol held her left glove down to the ground and the giga magic circle unfolded at her boots before rising up through her. [BREAK THROUGH!] Once the magic circle was above Symbol it blocked several lightning bolts from another Peryton Phantom. [COME ON A STAB SHAKE HANDS!] Symbol spun the Giga Spear several times as green magical energy was pulled from the air and into the weapon. [GIGA! STAB STRIKE!] She stabbed forwards. “Piercing Giga!” firing a pillar sized beam that washed over three of the Peryton Phantoms and made both all three of them explode. Dante jumped to the side as he avoided a blast from another Peryton Phantom and held down both Ebony and Ivory’s triggers. Two rings of red mana and one ring of black mana were pulled into Ebony while two rings of red magical energy along with a single ring of white magical energy were pulled into Ivory. [EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE!] Dante let go of the triggers and fired a pair of bullets from the hand cannons that spiralled around each other, creating a drilling effect. Then the bullets both flashed red as the drill affect caught fire and barrelled into the Peryton Phantom drawing sparks from its body constantly until it exploded. Suddenly, another bolt of lightning slammed into Dante and sent him flying back with lightning cracking over his body. “DANTE!” shouted Symbol as she slid back from a lightning bolt. “Keep an eye on your own fight!” he shouted back as he got back to his boots. Symbol growled as she added the Bombardment and Terra Rings to her right glove and hit the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as it flipped to the right. [BOMBARDMENT TERRA PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared under her boots and rose up through Symbol, blocking five lightning bolts as they did so. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Blue magical energy gathered around both of the Chain Cannons as Symbol took aim. [BOMBARDMENT MAGIC PLEASE!] She fired, sending two bolts of blue magical energy at the five Peryton Phantoms. Sparks were drawn from them as the two blasts exploded with enough force to engulf all five of them. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO! VERY NICE!] [BOMBARDMENT TERRA MAGIC! THE BEST!] This time a lot more dark blue mana gathered around the Chain Cannons as Symbol took aim at the stunned Phantoms. “Twin Cannons!” shouted Symbol. The Peryton Phantom’s recovered just in time to get engulfed by a pair of column thick beams that made powerful explosions ripple through the area, destroying a lot of glass from the shockwave of the blast alone. Dante jumped into the air and fired Ebony and Ivory, sparks flew from the Peryton Phantom that had fired a lightning bolt at Dante. But the bullets, for all their great numbers, were not doing much damage to the Phantom. “Time to change it up!” shouted Dante as he switched the Eryx Ring for the Arbiter Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back to make his Driver’s gate close before turning it forwards, making his Driver’s gate spring back open. [OPEN!] The Arbiter magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver and moved back through him. [A-R-B-I-T-E-R!] Transforming Dante into the Arbiter Style. [ONE!] Dante pulled the Arbiter Axe back in a two-handed grip as blood red magical energy gathered around its blade. [AXE STRIKE!] Dante swung down, firing a spinning axe construct made of the blood red magical energy that slammed into one of the Peryton Phantom’s cutting a glowing red line into it. [GO! KICK STRIKE!] Dante pulled back his right boot as blood red magical energy was pulled from his Driver and into it. Dante took a step back as the mana roared before throwing a spin kick at the Peryton Phantom. “Flush!” shouted Dante as the energy leapt off his boot and transformed into an axe construct which spun at the Peryton Phantom. The Phantom dodged to the side only for the construct to expand outwards, sawing through the Peryton Phantom and making both halves explode. Suddenly, Dante had to jump back as another Peryton Phantom showed up and threw a lightning bolt, blackening the floor where he had just been standing. Dante quickly pressed the Arbiter Axe’s trigger. [AXE STRIKE!] Red energy raced up the Arbiter Axe’s shaft and into the blade as Dante slashed down with it. “Flush!” he bellowed as the energy was shot off in the form of a beam, the front of the beam looked like a spinning war axe head that sawed through the Phantom. Both halves had red lightning cracking over them briefly before they exploded. Symbol slammed her glove down on the right Shift Lever three times. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Before scanning her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOMBARDMENT TERRA MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol fired a blast of shotgun bullets and two orbs of blue mana at five Peryton Phantoms that she was fighting. To her shock the shotgun shells destroyed the wings of the Peryton Phantoms and made them fall down, breaking through the glass and exploding in the endless drop. “... That’s new,” commented Symbol after a few seconds of staring. Then she was struck across the back and lightning crackled over her body. “ARGH!” shouted Symbol as the lightning ripped through her causing pain. She got off the ground and glared at the Peryton Phantom. Which charged at her with lightning crackling across its horns. “And so is that!” yelped Symbol as the Phantom rammed all of its antlers into her chestplate conducting lightning through her body. “ARRGH!” screamed Symbol in pain as the Phantom pulled back to charge at her again. Clearly, it was hoping to knock her over the edge. “No you don’t!” snarled Symbol. [MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL!] [GIGA A RANK SPELL!] Her body was covered in green magical energy as the Peryton Phantom came shooting down and rammed her. She grabbed the antlers and grunted in pain from the lightning but was still able to stop the Phantom with some effort. While the Peryton Phantom struggled to free itself she closed her gloves around its antlers before with a crunch sound she tore them off making the Phantom wail in pain. “Finale!” shouted Symbol as she hit the left Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author as it flipped to the left. [GIGA! S RANK SPELL! THE BEST!] Symbol crossed her arms over her chest plate as the green magic energy around her body started to rage before uncrossing her arms. “Giga Embodiment!” she shouted as the magical energy surged outwards, turning the wings of the Peryton Phantom to ash and making it fall through the glass into the endless drop. Dante had just been about to bring the Arbiter Axe down on the head of a Peryton Phantom whose wings he had ripped off when Symbol’s attack hit him and sent him flying over the edge. It took Dante half a second to figure out what happened. “SUNSET YOU IDIOT! YOU HIT ME AS WELL!” he yelled at his sister as he turned in the air and used another Peryton Phantom and a springboard to get back to the platform. “Sorry!” shouted Symbol sheepishly as she used the Giga Axe to block another lightning bolt. Only to be forced to drop it as the lightning was conducted along the metal weapon towards her gloves. Dante growled. But before he could yell at his sister any more a lightning bolt slammed into him from behind and Dante snarled in pain as he turned to a Peryton Phantom and charged both of its antlers with lightning and went shooting down towards him. [FIVE!] [AXE STRIKE!] Only for the Phantom to miss as Dante jumped into the air and came down, slamming the Arbiter Axe into the Peryton Phantom’s back. This destroyed its wings and left it grounded. “Now then,” began Dante as he menacingly approached the Phantom. “Where were we?” the Peryton Phantom got up and charged at Dante on foot with both of its antlers charged with power. Dante dodged to the side and pressed down on the Arbiter Axe’s trigger. [AXE STRIKE!] Red energy charged up the Arbiter Axe’s shaft and formed into a super-sized axe blade construct that followed the movements of the original weapon as Dante slammed it down. “Drop!” it cut a vertical blood red line through the Peryton Phantom and made it explode. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] The active magic circle appeared to Symbol’s left and she dove through it. [ACTIVE PLEASE!] Avoiding a lightning bolt. [LET’S GO!] While transforming into the Active Style. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] [ACTIVE! A RANK SPELL!] She covered her body in red lightning and fired a blast of the electrical energy at the Phantom. Only for it to absorb it and the lightning around its body to grow in power. “Ok, that didn’t work,” muttered Symbol as she added the Boost and Defend Rings to her right glove while hitting the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then Symbol scanned the two rings across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST DEFEND PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared to her right and moved through her. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Grey mana gathered around the Defend Shield. [DEFEND MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol used it to deflect a lightning bolt but was sent staggering back from the force. Symbol hit the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BOOST DEFEND MAGIC! THE BEST!] Symbol pulled back the Defend Shield and threw it at the Peryton Phantom as it was charged with grey energy. “Defend Wall!” it spun like a boomerang and cut through the centre of the Peryton Phantom. Lightning sparked between the two halves as they exploded. [SET!] The gate of Dante’s Driver closed before opening again. [OPEN!] The nephilim magic circle appeared from it and moved back through Dante as it blocked a lightning bolt. [N-E-P-H-I-L-I-M!] This transformed Dante into the Nephilim Style. He pulled the Rebellion Blade off his black plate and punched the Nephilim Ring into the back of its handle. [THREE!] The mouth sprang open to reveal three red and blue circles [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante swung the sword several times as it built up energy before he pressed down on its trigger. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante swung three times as he flipped the Rebellion Blade into a reverse-handed grip. “Hacker!” he shouted firing three waves of energy at three Peryton Phantoms making each of them explode. Dante saw that there was still one more left and pressed down on the Rebellion Blade’s trigger a second time. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] The eyes flashed as the Rebellion Blade’s mouth closed. Red and blue magical energy was pulled from the air and coated the blade to the point it could no longer be seen. Dante flipped the Rebellion Blade into a reverse-handed grip. “Drive!” he roared as he slashed upwards firing a crescent of red and blue energy that sliced through the air and the Peryton Phantom making it go up in an explosion. Just when the two Kamen Riders thought their fight was over they heard the sound of thunder and looked up to see lightning clouds gathering overhead. “How long have those clouds been there?” asked Symbol. “About five minutes-MOVE!” both of them jumped to the side as a massive lightning bolt came shooting down and slammed into the platform, destroying it and leaving only little ledges at the edges of the room for the Kamen Rider’s to stand on before the glass was heated into metal. From the lightning came a Phantom with pale skin, glowing golden eyes and long white hair. Golden runes were carved into its flesh and it wore a long golden loincloth with white outlines. Around each of its wrist and ankles were golden bracelets and anklets with white lightning arcing off them. This is the Zeus Phantom. It held up a hand and a lightning bolt shot down to form the clouds and transformed into a giant lightning spear! “MOVE!” shouted Symbol as the Phantom swung the spear around in a circle before stabbing the spear into a wall, only avoiding Symbol by a centimetre. “That was too close,” panted Symbol. Then the Zeus Phantom started to tear the spear through the wall towards her. “Come on!” shouted Symbol as she started to run away before realising that she had no chance of outrunning the spear and hit the left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Symbol scanned her left glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [ACTIVE! B RANK SPELL!] Red lightning sparked around her body as she turned around and crossed her arms letting the spear hit her. “ARRGGH!” shouted Symbol in pain as her defence was overpowered in an instant and lightning surged through her body painfully. “SUNSET!” shouted Dante as he jumped towards the Phantom. [ONE!] [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] He pulled back the Rebellion Blade and slammed it down on the Zeus Phantom, only for a shield of clouds to appear and block the attack. Dante bounced off the barrier and was sent spinning back before crashing into a wall. “What the-?! A cloud blocked my attack?! A CLOUD?!” demanded Dante. [SET!] The arbiter magic circle appeared from his Driver. [OPEN!] Dante jumped through it and emerged in the Arbiter Style. [A-R-B-I-T-E-R!] He pulled back the Arbiter Axe. [FIVE!] [ AXE STRIKE!] Then smashed it into the barrier as red magical energy surrounded the axe’s blade. But it didn’t look like the Arbiter Axe was going to break through the barrier. Dante gritted in anger. “If that’s how it’s gonna be!” he pressed down on the Arbiter Axe’s trigger. [AXE STRIKE!] More red mana raced up the Arbiter Axe’s shaft and into the blade. The crimson magical energy transformed into a large axe blade construct around its metal counterpart. “Judgment!” shouted Dante as with the extra power the Arbiter Axe was able to break through the barrier. As Dante shot towards the Zeus Phantom he punched the Arbiter Ring into a slot at the base of the Arbiter Axe’s handle. [ONE!] [AXE STRIKE!] Dante swung the Arbiter Axe, firing the red magical energy that collected around the axe’s head. The energy transformed into a spinning energy axe construct that slammed into the Zeus Phantom knocking it away from Symbol and making it stumble. “Thanks, Dante,” thanked Symbol as she struggled to get up only for lightning to crackle across her body. “Argh!” grunted Symbol as she fell down to one knee holding her chest plate in pain. “Stay down!” ordered Dante. “I’ll hold this thing off until you recover!” Dante did not wait for a reply as he jumped into the air and punched the Arbiter Ring into the slot at the bottom of the Arbiter Axe’s blade. [FIVE!] The blood red dice appeared and spun until it stopped on a five. [AXE STRIKE!] Dante went shooting down through the air towards the Zeus Phantom’s head. Which held up a lightning spear to block the powerful Arbiter Axe. Dante grunted as his momentum was halted and panicked when he saw the lightning from the spear racing up through the Arbiter Axe towards his gloves. [AXE STRIKE!] Red energy surged from the Arbiter Axe’s handle and into the blade before expanding to cover Dante as the Zeus Phantom was overpowered by the meteor that Dante had become and got a long cut through its torso that bled sparks. The Zeus Phantom gave a roar of pain as it fell to one knee. “Ha!” Dante was about to gloat when a lightning bolt appeared in the Zeus Phantom’s hand and it threw the bolt at Dante hitting him in the chest plate and sending him shooting into a wall. “ARGH!” shouted Dante in pain as he was electrocuted by the lightning. He shook it off and got back to his boots. [SET!] The eryx magic circle appeared in front of Dante, blocking a second lightning bolt. [OPEN!] Before moving back through Dante, transforming him into the Eryx Style. [E-R-Y-X!] Dante blocked another lightning bolt with the Eryx Gauntlets and ran forwards. The Zeus Phantom fired three more lightning bolts, one went straight for Dante while the other two came around in a pincer move. Dante punched the Eryx Ring into the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet. [TWO!] The flame red dice appeared and spun until it displayed a pair of blood red dots. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante pulled back his fist and slammed it into the ground, creating a wall of flame that blocked all three of the lightning bolts, letting him continue towards the Zeus Phantom. Then Dante punched the Eryx Ring into the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet again. [THREE!] The dice quickly added a second blood red dot. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante pulled back his left fist as he slid under a lightning bolt swing from the Zeus Phantom and punched it in the chin with an uppercut, sending the Phantom shooting into the air. But instead of falling back down the Zeus Phantom landed on a cloud and stayed there. “You have got to be kidding me!” shouted Dante in anger as he avoided several lightning bolts before realizing they had trapped him in a circle of lightning that erupted into a beam of pure electrical energy. “DANTE!” shouted Symbol as she finished recovering, she added the Slasher and Aqua Rings to her right fingers and hit the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Symbol scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SLASHER AQUA PLEASE!] The two magic circles appeared to her right and moved through her, transforming Symbol into the Active Slasher Aqua Style. Symbol hit the right Shift Lever twice. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove again. [AQUA MAGIC PLEASE!] Water was pulled from the clouds and wrapped around the Slasher Tidal Claws as Symbol threw both of them forwards, firing six crescents of water that sliced through the air and into the Zeus Phantom making sparks fly from the contact points. The Zeus Phantom roared in pain but did not stop its attack at Dante, determined to destroy one of the Kamen Riders before moving onto the next one. Symbol growled as she hit the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO! VERY NICE!] Symbol swiped her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author, initiating her finisher. [SLASHER AQUA MAGIC THE BEST!] Symbol pulled back her Slasher Tidal Claws as water gathered in front of them in the form of three orbs. “Aqua Slash!” shouted Symbol as she threw both of the Slasher Tidal Claws forwards. The orbs were fired a turned into six claw-shaped water constructs that formed into tree crosses. They slashed into the Zeus Phantom making micro explosions go off around it and forcing it to end its attack on Dante. Who fell to one knee in pain. “Thanks, sis,” he panted as white lightning crackled across his body. “Rest!” ordered Symbol. “I’ll hold him off!” [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [SWIFT PLEASE!] [DASH AWAY!] She jumped into the air and through the swift magic circle, emerging in the Swift Style. The Zeus Phantom made another spear of lightning appear in its hand and thrust it at Symbol as she pressed the left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] After which she scanned the Swift Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT! B RANK SPELL!] Symbol was covered in yellow mana as she blurred away from the attack and rocketed towards the Phantom at high speed, slashing it several times with the Swift Dagger and easily avoiding its retaliation slashes. Symbol pulled open the Swift Dagger’s Hand Author. [COME ON A HIT SHAKE HANDS!] She ducked under another slash as she shook hands with the Swift Dagger. [SWIFT! STAB STRIKE!] Yellow magical energy blazed around the dagger as Symbol unleashed a barrage of lightning-fast stabs. “Barrage of Stabs!” Symbol’s arm was nothing but a blur as a storm of sparks exploded from the Phantom. Which roared in pain as it let loose a blast of lightning from its body which forced Symbol back. “Ok, ow!” muttered Symbol as bolts of white lightning danced over her body. She added the Swift and Sniper Rings to her right glove before smashing down on the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] The Wizard Driver’s Hand Author flipped to the right and Symbol scanned her right glove across it. [WING SNIPER PLEASE!] The wing and sniper magic circles appeared over her helmet and fell through Symbol, transforming her into the Swift Wing Sniper Style. Symbol pressed the right Shift Lever once more as she flew at the Zeus Phantom. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol rolled in the air, avoiding a lightning bolt as she scanned her right glove. [WING MAGIC PLEASE!] Both of Symbol’s Flight Wings were covered in silver light as she used one of them to cut through the Zeus Phantom’s arm as it pulled back a lightning spear. The Zeus Phantom roared in pain as Symbol twisted so that she landed on the other side of the room, feet first. Symbol hit the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] She pushed off the wall and flew towards the Zeus Phantom as she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING SNIPER MAGIC! THE BEST!] Both of her wings were covering in roaring silver mana. “Wing Cutter!” shouted Symbol as she spun around and fired a spinning crescent from her Flight Wings that cut into the Zeus Phantom’s back repeatedly drawing sparks from it. The Phantom let out of a burst of lightning from its body that cancelled out Symbol’s attack. “So it can stop repeat damaging attacks with that lightning burst?” questioned Symbol. “Then we’re better of using single attacks” Symbol shouted to a recovered Dante. “Got it!” replied Dante as he switched the Eryx Ring for the Nephilim Ring and punched it into his Driver’s left slot. [SET!] Dante turned his wrist back and then forwards to making his Driver’s gate close before opening again. [OPEN!] Dante ran through the nephilim magic circle as it appeared from his Driver, transforming him into the Nephilim Style. [N-E-P-H-I-L-I-M!] Dante pulled the Rebellion Blade off his back plate and punched the Nephilim Ring into the slot at the bottom of its handle. [ONE!] Red and blue energy ran from the skull down the sharp part of the Rebellion Blade. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante took up a stance. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] The energy around the Rebellion Blade grew in power as Dante pulled the sword through the ground and slashed upwards firing a blade of red and blue energy through the ground that slammed into the Zeus Phantom and exploded. The Zeus Phantom roared as it spun around, unleashing a circle of lightning that slammed into both Dante and Symbol, sending the both of them flying backwards. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Symbol snarled as the Sniper Shooter appeared in her left glove. [SNIPER MAGIC PLEASE!] Without any pause, Symbol took aim and fired a glowing blue energy round that slammed into the Zeus Phantom and exploded, making the Phantom roar in pain as it turned around and fired an energy bolt at Symbol, forcing her to take to the sky to avoid it. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] [WING SNIPER MAGIC! THE BEST!] Symbol hovered in the air as blue magical energy ran down the length of the Sniper Shooter and gathered in an orb at the tip. “Sniper Sun!” shouted Symbol as she fired a ball of glowing blue energy that transformed into a beam of feathers. They smashed into the Phantom and ignited a giant explosion across the Zeus Phantom’s back. The Zeus Phantom bellowed as it sent out another bolt of lightning at Symbol, forcing her to dodge. Dante punched the Nephilim Ring into the base of the Rebellion Blade. [SIX!] The mouth opened reveal six red and blue dots. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante jumped into the air and stabbed the Zeus Phantom so fast that it looked like he had twenty blades and arms. The Zeus Phantom roared as it brought its fist down on Dante, but he used the Rebellion Blade to block the attack as he pressed the trigger once. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Red and blue magical energy ran from his Driver and into the Rebellion Blade as Dante forced the Phantom’s fist off him and leapt at the Zeus Phantom's face. “Trillion Stabs!” bellowed Dante as he stabbed the Phantom in the face over a hundred times in less than a second. Each stab detonated an explosion across the Phantom making it howl in pain from the damage. The Zeus Phantom roared as it was surrounded in a barrier of clouds, blocking the attacks of the two Kamen Riders. Symbol turned to her brother. “I’ll break the barrier! You go in after me!” she shouted. “Got it!” shouted Dante. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] The giga magic circle appeared under Symbol’s boots and rose up through her. [GIGA PLEASE!] Transforming Symbol into the Giga Style. [BREAK THROUGH!] Symbol then added the Hammer and Quake Rings to her right glove and hit the right Shift Lever. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [HAMMER QUAKE PLEASE!] The two magical circles appeared under Symbol’s boots and rose up through her. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Symbol pulled back the Piston Hammer and charged. [HAMMER MAGIC PLEASE!] She slammed the Piston Hammer down as its pistons fired, putting several cracks in the cloud barrier. Dante saw this as he punched the Nephilim Ring into the slot at the base of the Rebellion Blade. [FIVE!] The mouth opened to show five red and blue circles. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante ran forwards and stabbed the Rebellion Blade into the cloud barrier, causing it to shatter as he raced towards the startled Zeus Phantom. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Red and blue energy raced through the Rebellion Blade, transforming Dante into a comet of red and blue magical energy as he roared towards the Zeus Phantom. “Stinger!” shouted Dante as he pressed the tip of the Rebellion Blade into the Phantom’s skin drawing sparks. The Zeus Phantom roared as it swatted at Dante, only for him to use the Phantom’s chest as a springboard to jump back. [GO! KICK STRIKE!] Red and blue magical energy ran from Dante’s Driver and into his boot as he went shooting down. “Stinger!” he kicked the Zeus Phantom in the chest making sparks explode from it as the Phantom roared in pain. Dante jumped back and landed beside Symbol. “Let’s finish it off!” he shouted to his sister over the roar of the lightning as the Zeus Phantom got ready to send one last big attack at them. “Preferable before it does whatever that big attack is,” Symbol point out nervously as the Phantom continued to charge its attack. “Right!” added Dante. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [SWIFT PLEASE!] [DASH AWAY!] She transformed into the Swift Style. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [WING SNIPER PLEASE!] Then into the Swift Wing Sniper Style. Symbol hit the right Shift Lever three times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] Then she scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING SNIPER MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol spread the Flight Wings and gave them a big flap, firing several feathers that transformed into blue and silver energy beams, making sparks come from the Zeus Phantom, which did not defend in favour of continuing to charge its attack. Dante punched the Nephilim Ring into his Driver’s left slot. [GO! KICK STRIKE!] Red and blue energy started to gather around his right boot before becoming a raging storm of energy. At the same Symbol slammed her glove down on the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] Then she scanned the Wing and Sniper Rings across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [WING SNIPER MAGIC! THE BEST!] Symbol and Dante jumped into the air. Dante came down with the energy around his right boot forming into a Rebellion Blade construct. Symbol flipped in the air and shot down with both of her boots covered in silver and blue energy. “Falling Saber!” shouted both Kamen Rider’s as their boots made contact with the Zeus Phantom’s chest and blew a hole through the Phantom. Both of the Kamen Rider’s landed behind the Zeus Phantom as it cried out in pain from the silver, blue and red lightning sparking from its body and exploded. “That was a cracking good fight,” stated Dante. “No, just no,” replied Symbol. Then she winced. “Why did I suddenly see a blond haired girl and a white-haired girl when I said that?” she muttered under her breath. “Now how do we get back?” asked Dante, not having heard what his sister said. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [ACTIVE PLEASE!] [LET’S GO!] “My guess?” replied Symbol. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [BOOST DEFEND PLEASE!] “The same way we got in,” she stated. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [BOOST MAGIC PLEASE!] Purple magical energy ran into the Boost Grieves as she bent down and jumped through the hole the two of them had entered the chamber through. Knowing that Dante would be right behind her, Symbol ran down the corridor and took a right turn at the end of it that she knew led to the stairs. All of a sudden a Phantom Shard appeared in front of her and started to spin. “You cannot be serious!” before she had a chance to react the shard slammed into her. “ARGH!” sparks flew from her armour as the Phantom Shard exploded. Dante had just taken the left turn when he heard the explosion and saw his sister flying towards him. Dante dove to the side as Symbol went flying past. He winced as she slammed into the wall on the opposite side of the corridor and caused it to crack. “You ok?” he asked her. “Yeah,” grumbled Symbol as she got back to her boots. “Be careful! The traps have reset!” she warned her brother. “Noted,” replied Dante as he ran up the stairs and took a right turn. He braced for a Phantom shard but was confused when none appeared. “Huh?” he ran up and around the third corner, back into the train platform. “Well, look at that,” he muttered. “Oh come on!” shouted Symbol. “You mean I got hit by the only trap that reset?!” she demanded. “Looks that way,” replied Dante. Symbol grumbled under her breath as the Phantom’s arrived and the barriers sprung up. “Thank you for being my venting tool!” she thanked the Phantoms. Dante charged forwards with the Rebellion Blade. He punched the Nephilim Ring into the bottom of the Rebellion Blade’s handle. [TWO!] The mouth opened to show a pair of red and blue dots. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante spun around several times slashing three Blade Phantoms and ending on a single strong downwards slash that badly damaged one of them. Dante was forced to jump back as the Phantom’s recovered and slashed at him. [THREE!] The twin red and blue dots were joined by a third red and blue dot. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante ran forwards. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] He slashed each of the Blade Phantom’s a single time. “Hacker!” he shouted as they fell to their knees and were each consumed by an explosion. Dante jumped back as a Rage Phantom jumped from the ground and a Death Knight Phantom pulled itself up from the ground. Dante was about to switch the Nephilim Ring for the Arbiter Ring but was forced to jump back from the Rage Phantom as it lunged at him with both of its claws on fire. “GAH!” while Dante’s attention was on the Rage Phantom, the Death Knight Phantom slashed him across the chest plate making sparks exploded from it. “This is getting annoying” snarled Dante as he jumped into the air punching the Nephilim Ring into the back of Ebony’s hammer. [NEPHILIM!] Three rings of mana were pulled into the hand cannon, moving away from the barrel they were black, red and blue in that order. [EBONY STRIKE!] Dante took aim and pulled the hand cannon’s trigger. “Black Spreader!” he shouted as Ebony fired a wide spread of beams. Sparks flew from the Rage Phantom’s back as it was stunned while the Death Knight Phantom used its shield to block the attack. [SET!] [OPEN!] [A-R-B-I-T-E-R!] But this had given Dante the time he needed. Now in the Arbiter Style he that the Rage Phantom was still the bigger threat, it was fast and agile, the Death Knight Phantom was none of this. Dante punched the Arbiter Ring into the slot at the bottom of the Arbiter Axe’s handle. [TWO!] The flame red dice appeared and spun until it stopped on a pair of blood red dots. [AXE STRIKE!] Dante pulled back the Arbiter Axe and slammed it into the ground. Two lines of blood red magical energy travelled from it and to the Rage Phantom before throwing it into the air. Dante was just about to transform into the Angel Style and follow it when a demonic train came screaming overhead and rammed into the Rage Phantom, resulting in it exploding. Dante blinked for several seconds. “Didn’t see that coming. I should have but I didn’t,” he blocked a slash from the Death Knight Phantom. [FOUR!] Red magical energy gathered around the Arbiter Axe as Dante parried a second swing. [AXE STRIKE!] Dante kicked the Death Knight Phantom back and slammed the Arbiter Axe down onto its shield. The axe unleashed a trio of blood red energy pulses that caused the shield to crack and shatter seconds later. [AXE STRIKE!] Red mana raced up the Arbiter Axe’s shafted and into the blade as Dante pulled it back and slammed the axe into the Death Knight Phantom's sword. “Trinity Smash!” he shouted as the Arbiter Axe unleashed nine pulses of red energy that make sparks explode from the Death Knight Phantom as it was sent flying back and exploded. Suddenly, a Ravager Phantom charged at Dante from behind, it had pulled itself from the ground while he was dealing with the last two Phantoms, it sliced into his backplate with its chainsaw, making a spray of sparks. “ARGH!” shouted Dante as he rolled away from the Phantom in pain. “Your gonna pay for that!” he snarled angrily. [SET!] The angel magic circle appeared in front of Dante. [OPEN!] It moved back through him, transforming Dante into the Angel Style. [O-S-I-R-I-S!] He drew the Osiris Scythe and leapt at the Phantom. [TWO!] [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante started spinning the Osiris Scythe like a vertical propeller, cutting into the Phantom repeatedly making sparks explode from its body. The Ravager Phantom quickly recovered and block with its chainsaw but was still nicked by every other spin. Suddenly, the Ravager Phantom had enough a let out a burst of flame, forcing Dante to back off as it swiped at him. Dante ducked under the horizontal slash and got behind the Phantom. He punched the Angel Ring into his Driver’s left slot. [KICK STRIKE GO!] He took a stance as light blue wind wrapped around his right boot. “Prop!” Dante kicked the Ravager Phantom, sending it shooting into the air. He kicked the ground and went shooting up past the Ravager Phantom. “Shr- what the!?” a demonic train slammed into Dante from behind, making sparks come from his backplate as he fell back to the ground, the light blue wind around him vanishing. “Ok, ow!” hissed Dante as he got back to his boots. “I forgot about that thing!” he muttered as he jumped back from a charging Ravager Phantom and dived to the side as it went past him. [SIX!] The Osiris Scythe flash with the light blue wind. [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Dante ran forwards and speared the Ravager Phantom with the Osiris Scythe making sparks explode from its body when the blade of the Osiris Scythe made contact with the Ravager Phantom. The Ravager Phantom gave a loud roar as it set itself on fire and swung its chainsaw at Dante’s helmet. [KICK STRIKE GO!] Dante jumped back and then jumped forwards as the light blue wind covered his right boot. “Streak!” Dante went into a flying kick as he slammed his boot into the Ravager Phantom’s chainsaw when it used the weapon to block. The Ravager Phantom’s chainsaw cracked down the middle before shattering into fragments. [SET!] [OPEN!] [E-R-Y-X!] Dante transformed into the Eryx Style as he punched the Eryx Ring into the back of the right Eryx Gauntlet. [ONE!] The blood red dice appeared above it a spun around before stopping on a single flame red dot. [FIST STRIKE!] Dante pulled his fists back as he pressed the trigger inside the left Eryx Gauntlet. [FIST STRIKE!] The red energy came off the Eryx Gauntlets and formed into constructs of Eryx Gauntlets as Dante pulled them back. “Brawler!” he punched the Ravager Phantom three times with the constructs following the movements of the original. After the third double punch, the Ravager Phantom exploded. “WOAH!” shouted Dante as he dodged away from a pair of Rage Phantom’s and jumped into the air to avoid the quills that they fired at him. [SET!] The nephilim magic circle appeared from Dante’s Driver. [OPEN!] It moved back through him, transforming Dante into the Nephilim Style. [N-E-P-H-I-L-I-M!] He drew Ebony and Ivory before opening fire on the Phantom’s making sparks fly from their bodies before both of the Rage Phantom’s curled into balls and charged at him. Dante punched the Nephilim Ring into the back of the Ebony hand cannon. [NEPHILIM!] Three rings of magical energy were pulled into the gun. They were coloured red, blue and white respectively. [IVORY STRIKE!] Dante took aim and pulled the trigger. “Ivory Power Beam!” he shouted a beam of white magical energy emerged from the gun and slammed into the one of the Ravage Phantom’s forcing it back. Dante would have kept up the beam until the Phantom was destroyed, but he had to cut it off and dodge to the side to avoid the other Rage Phantom. “This is bad,” muttered Dante as he realised that he now had a Rage Phantom on either side of him. If he attacked one, the other would come up behind him and attack. Then he saw the lights on the tunnel exits turn red. “That gives me an idea!” he ran towards one of the Rage Phantom’s and jumped over several quills. [ONE!] Before the Rebellion Blade’s mouth opened to reveal a single red and blue circle. [NEPHILIM SABER STRIKE!] Dante ducked under a flaming claw, getting inside the Rage Phantom’s guard and slashing upwards to send the Phantom flying into the air. Dante spun around and weaved around the spinning Rage Phantom that had been aimed at his back before it had a chance to recover he slashed upwards, sending the Rage phantom into the air and both of them were reduced to paste by the demonic train. “Ha it worked!” shouted Dante. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] [BOOST DEFEND MAGIC! THE BEST!] Symbol jumped into the air as a grey magic energy shield construct covered her boots. She came shooting back down. “Falling Kick!” slamming the construct down and using it to flatten a trio of Blade Phantoms all of which then exploded. “No you don’t!” shouted Symbol as she was forced to jump back and avoid a Ravager Phantom as it slashed at her with its chainsaw. She switched the Active Ring for the Burst Ring and pressed the left Shift Lever. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] Symbol ducked under another swing as she scanned the Burst Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [BURST PLEASE!] Symbol breathed a sigh of relief as the burst magic circle moved through her and knocked the Ravager Phantom back. [CAST THE SPELL!] Now in the Burst Style she jumped over the Ravager Phantom as it came charging at her and used it as the boost platform. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Four fireballs appeared around Symbol. [BURST! C RANK SPELL!] She pointed at the Ravager Phantom and they went flying forwards and exploded in its face. The Ravager Phantom gave a pained roar as it set itself on fire and charged at Symbol. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] [BURST! B RANK SPELL!] She pointed a finger at it and the water in the air transformed into four ice shuriken's that flew forwards and surrounded the Phantom cutting into it and drawing sparks before they were melted by the amount of heat from the flames. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] “That didn’t work as well as I thought it was going to,” commented Symbol as the two magic circles appeared behind her and moved through her. [DUST MIRROR PLEASE!] Transforming Symbol into the Burst Style. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [MIRROR MAGIC PLEASE!] She held up a glove and a mirror wall appeared in front of the Ravager Phantom as its reflection charged out to meet it. The two of them clashed and the copy was able to damage the original before it was overpowered and shattered. But the reflection had done what was needed. Symbol hit the right Shift Lever four times. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] The Wizard Driver’s Hand Author flipped to the left, then back to the right as Symbol aligned her right glove with it. [DUST MIRROR MAGIC! THE BEST!] Another mirror appeared in front of the Ravager Phantom and fired a blast of silver light. The front of the blast turned into the silhouette of the Ravager Phantom as it made contact with the Phantom and caused a powerful explosion to ripple across the area as the Ravager Phantom died. Symbol was about to see how Dante was doing when a Rage Phantom burst out of the ground and roar at her. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] It set both of its front claws on fire and lunged at Symbol. [DUST MIRROR MAGIC PLEASE!] Only for a pair of mirrors to appear on either side of Symbol and block the attack before the Kamen Rider fired a blast of dust that surrounded the Ravager Phantom in a sphere, giving her some time to come up with a counter. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] “This should work,” muttered Symbol. [SWIFT PLEASE!] The swift magic circle appeared over her helmet and fell through her. [DASH AWAY!] Transforming Symbol into the Swift Style. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] [SWIFT! C RANK SPELL!] Five orbs of yellow magical energy appeared around Symbol as she pointed at the Rage Phantom. “Go!” she order and they shot forward, slamming into the Rage Phantom and exploding with a loud bang, making sparks come from its body and micro explosion go off around it. The Rage Phantom gave a loud snarl of rage as it vanished in a blur. “You think you can outrun me in this style?!” shouted Symbol as she pressed the left Shift Lever twice. [MAGICAL TOUCH GO!] Before scanning the Swift Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [SWIFT! B RANK SPELL!] Symbol’s body flashed with yellow magical energy as she vanished in a blur. The two blurs clashed over a dozen times in the next five seconds before the Rage Phantom was smashed into a wall. Symbol appeared and kicked it into the air where it was smashed into paste by another demonic train. “That’s going to be handy,” commented Symbol right before she heard the familiar roar of a Tyrant Phantom. “I was wondering when one of you was going to show up,” she commented. [MAGICAL TOUCH HENSHIN!] [GIGA PLEASE!] [BREAK THROUGH!] Symbol transformed into the Giga Style and grabbed the Giga Axe as it appeared in her glove. The Tyrant Phantom set its fists on fire and charged at Symbol as she pressed the left Shift Lever once. [MAGICAL TOUCH SPELL!] Then swiped the Giga Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [GIGA C RANK SPELL!] Symbol’s right fist was covered in dim green energy as she pulled it back and slammed it into the fist that the Tyrant Phantom threw forwards. The two attacks met and cancelled each other out as the Phantom staggered back while Symbol slid back. [COME ON A SMASH SHAKE HANDS!] Symbol charged power into the Giga Axe. [GIGA SMASH STRIKE!] Before swinging it around in a horizontal arc. “Giga Strike!” shouted Symbol as the Giga Axe formed a crescent of green energy that ignited an explosion across the Tyrant Phantom as it made contact. “That wasn’t enough!” shouted Symbol. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [PUNCH DRILL PLEASE!] She transformed into the Giga Punch Drill Style and ran towards the Tyrant Phantom as it got back up again. She hit the right Shift Lever a single time. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Then scanned her right glove across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [PUNCH MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol set both of her fists on fire and punched the Tyrant Phantom in the chest, then uppercutted it in the face before ending on a twin punch to the head. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] While the Tyrant Phantom was recovering Symbol punched the ground. [DRILL MAGIC PLEASE!] Out of which burst a wall of drills that charged at the Phantom and drilled into its body painfully. At that moment more drills came from the ground and locked around the Tyrant Phantom in such a way that it could not move an inch. [MAGIC TOUCHIE HENSHIN!] [HAMMER QUAKE PLEASE!] Symbol transformed into the Giga Hammer Quake Style and grabbed the Piston Hammer as it fell out of the air and into her glove. Symbol ran forwards as she struck the right Shift Lever once. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Before she scanned the Hammer Ring across the Wizard Driver’s Hand Author. [HAMMER MAGIC PLEASE!] The pistons on the Piston Hammer pulled back as Symbol swung it at the Phantom’s head after jumping off the drills. At the last second, the pistons fired and the Tyrant Phantom was forced through the drills and crashed into a wall on the other side of the platform. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Symbol pulled back the Piston Hammer. [QUAKE MAGIC PLEASE!] Before slamming it into the ground, out of which came a wave of orange energy that smashed into the Tyrant Phantom and threw it into the air where it was helpless. The Phantom had been unable to dodge as it was still recovering from being thrown into a wall so hard. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO! VERY NICE!] [HAMMER QUAKE MAGIC! THE BEST!] Orange magical energy gathered around the Piston Hammer as Symbol raised it up. “Rock Shockwave!” shouted Symbol as she slammed the Piston Hammer into the ground. Rocks were pulled from the metal floor by orange magic energy and as Symbol pointed the Piston Hammer at the Tyrant Phantom they went shooting towards it and formed a sphere around the Phantom that started to compress. “This is getting stupid!” snarled Symbol as the rock sphere burst into flames and the Tyrant Phantom broke out. [MAGIC TOUCHIC GO!] Then she got an idea. [QUAKE MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol pulled back the Piston Hammer and slammed it into the ground as the Tyrant Phantom charged once more. The Tyrant Phantom was thrown forwards and into the air as it hit the energy wave. It failed around right before crashing into another demonic train and exploding. “Let’s get going,” ordered Dante as he ran up to his sister. He jumped up and into the tunnel. [SET!] [OPEN!] [O-S-I-R-I-S!] Dante transformed into the Angel Style as he reached the first gap. [HOOK MODE!] He hooked the Angel Lift onto a rock and pulled himself halfway across the gap. [KICK STRIKE GO!] Before using the Angel Boost to get the rest of the way. Just before they reached the next gap a pair of Blade Phantom’s burst from the ground. [SCYTHE MODE!] Dante transformed the Angel Lift back into the Osiris Scythe. [SIX!] [ANGEL SCYTHE STRIKE!] Then ran forwards and used the Osiris Scythe to knock one of the Blade Phantom’s into the endless drop. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO! VERY NICE!] [WING SNIPER MAGIC! THE BEST!] The other was also knocked into the endless drop by a silver and blue flying kick from Symbol. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [WING MAGIC PLEASE!] She gave the Flight Wings a large flap and jumped over the gap with Dante following her. The two of them were just about to jump the third gap when a pair of Phantom Shards materialized on the other side. [MAGIC TOUCHIE GO!] [WING SNIPER MAGIC PLEASE!] Symbol gave the Flight Wings a large flap and fired several feathers that transformed into a dozen blue beams of blue magical energy destroying one of the Phantom Shards in a shower of sparks. [EBONY AND IVORY STRIKE!] Dante fired a white bullet that was going blue from Ivory and a black bullet that was glowing blue from Ebony. They spiralled around each other creating a black, blue and white drill effect as they shot into the air and came back down destroying the second Phantom Shard. [KICK STRIKE GO!] Dante boosted over the gap and landed on the other side with Symbol following him. Dante took a right turn and then left as they landed back on the ledge with the old man. “Who’s there?!” he demanded holding his stick threateningly. “It is eye,” punned Dante and got punched by his sister for the lame pun. “The eye? You have it? Have you?” demanded the man with hope in his voice. Dante wordlessly handed it to the man and he slotted it onto his face. After adjusting it he gasped. “I can see! I can see!” he turned to Dante and Symbol his face then showed shock. “Dante and Sunset,” it was a statement of their identities, not a question. “You know us?” asked the Dante. “No, I knew your father, Sparda. I can see him in both of you.” “Sparda was a Phantom, we’re nothing like him,” stated Dante only to get punched by Symbol. “OW! Will you stop that?!” “Not until you stop disrespecting the dead! Mother and Father gave their lives so that we could live on! Isn’t that worth overlooking the fact that one of them was a Phantom?!” demanded Symbol The siblings glared at each other before Dante back down. “Your right, sorry.” “He’s actually part right. You are Kamen Rider’s. I can see that too,” added the man. “Not helping!” hissed Symbol. “Also that last part was kind of obvious!” she stated sarcastically. “What are you?” asked Dante, a bit disturbed by a Phantom that acted as if he could see things they could not. Then again so could Kate. “Phineas, scholar, inventor, prophet,” came the reply as the man reached out his hand to shake which Symbol did so. Dante did not. “Phantom,” Dante quickly added. “Not that there's anything wrong with that since you are not trying to kill us.” “And until the two of you arrived, a political prisoner of Wiseman. I am grateful,” Phineas thanked the Kamen Riders “We did it because it was the right thing,” replied Symbol. “And because you said that you’d take us to the tower in return,” Dante rudely cut off his sister. “Of course, my friends. Of course,” replied Phineas. “This way,” he walked past the two of them.