Raridash Investigates

by Mica

Chapter 3: Fluttershy is pursued by 3 horny mares; or rather, Detective Rarity's plan gone horribly wrong

Next stop was Fluttershy's cottage. They knocked on the door.

A familiar yellow pegasus opened the door. "Oh, hi Rainbow Dash! Hi Rarity! Are you here for the book club?"

Rarity and Rainbow Dash looked at each other. "B…book club?"

"Yeah, Twilight and I are having a book club today," Fluttershy said. "But she couldn't make it today. She said she had a meeting in the castle to plan some of the summer festivities."

Fluttershy invited them inside. "I'm sad Twilight couldn't make it. But at least Starlight Glimmer's coming later. She said she'd bring some flowers to decorate the table," she said, pointing to the empty vase at the table.

"So she's in your book club too?" Rarity asked.

"Yes, that's right. Me, Twilight, and Starlight. But I guess since Twilight's not coming, I made too many snacks. Why don't you have some? It's my new zucchini and spirulina granola squares."

The other two ponies hesitated. "Oh…" Rarity chuckled nervously. "…we're not very hungry, thank you Fluttershy.

"Yeah, we're really full," Rainbow Dash added, rubbing her hoof over her belly. "In fact, I think we're gonna be full for the rest of the night! And all of next day!"

"Well, you can take a granola square for later. They're delicious and nutritious." The yellow pegasus was smiling widely. The other two ponies faked a smile back. It was hard to tell Fluttershy the truth. Fluttershy was probably the sweetest, kindest, most gentle pony in all of Equestria. But when it came to cooking…let's say she's more used to making pet food instead of pony food.

"Well, I…if you two want to stay, I can—" Fluttershy suddenly cut herself off. "Angel! No eating the granola squares!" she scolded the bunny, who was happily nibbling at one.

"Oh, let him have 'em. Nopony else wants to eat them," Rainbow Dash said to herself, rolling her eyes.

While Fluttershy was yelling at Angel (which was normal speaking volume for normal ponies), Rainbow Dash noticed the book Fluttershy was reading. Her face lit up. "Fluttershy, you're reading Daring Do!? Awesome! That's like, the awesomest book series of all time!"

Fluttershy looked away from her pet bunny. "Yes, that's our book club book. Twilight recommended to me. I liked it a lot."

Rarity, hearing this, became angered. "Daring Do? That classless adventure serial a good book!?" She was already in an irritable mood to begin with. She lost her precious crushed velvet jacket—it had to be thrown away after it was ruined in the mud at Sweet Apple Acres. There was enough detergent. Spike brought 6 bottles of detergent, mixed it in a tub of hot water, and soaked the jacket for Rarity. He prepared another tub for Rarity to take a bubble bath in.

The bubble bath was fine. But, turns out, the crushed velvet jacket was dry clean only. So, there wasn't even a problem with the detergent. But when Spike saw the garment was ruined, all he could say was "I should've gotten more detergent Rarity! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" It was probably just an excuse for Spike to bow before Rarity and kiss her hooves. Which he found…very arousing.

After Rarity spent a couple of hours crying and gorging on apple ice cream in Applejack's living room, Rainbow Dash finally convinced Rarity that the world wasn't ending, she wasn't going to die, and that she wasn't being sabotaged by some evil pony who went out to get her because the garment she made for them wasn't to their satisfaction. Ah, Rarity. What a drama queen, Rainbow Dash thought to herself. Thinking about that…it actually put a smile on the Wonderbolt's face.

So by the time they got to Fluttershy's cottage, it was already dark.

"Wait…Daring Do and the Amulet of Culiacan? This volume has me in it!" Dash exclaimed, flipping through the pages. "I helped her save the amulet when I went to that fan convention!"

"Oh, what a pity we missed that," Rarity said, rolling her eyes.

"Erm…actually…I…Rainbow Dash…you weren't in it," Fluttershy said.

Rainbow Dash's jaw dropped in disappointment. "What!? But AK Yearling promised! She promised me!"

"Well, she dedicated the book to you," Fluttershy said.

Rainbow Dash flipped to the front. "'To Rainbow Dash and Quibble Pants, my friends who I admire very much.' You mean I got dedicated alongside that loquacious pony!? Lame!"

Loquacious? Rarity thought. What does that word mean? Did she mean "location"? No, I…I…Rainbow Dash knows a word that I don't!? Rarity's face became shocked. Oh, the horror!

"I thought the dedication was cute," Fluttershy said, smiling. "But…I mean…if you think it's lame, then I…"

"If we could discuss the vagaries of the adventure serial later," Rarity interjected. "We must carry on with the proceedings of our inquiries." Rarity instinctively swirled her body around. Without her crushed velvet jacket however, all they saw was Rarity's flank jiggling. Wasn't quite the same effect. Even Fluttershy couldn't stop herself from snickering.

"…erm, talk later I guess," Rainbow Dash told Fluttershy. She didn't even stop to ask what "vagaries" meant. Rarity sighed in disappointment, not only because Rainbow Dash had a better vocabulary than her, but because…her flank was saggier than she had originally thought.

"What's this inquiry?" Fluttershy asked.

"We'll explain it to you," Rarity said. "Sit down." Rarity and Rainbow Dash sat on one side of the dining table, while Fluttershy sat on the other side.

She dimmed the lights. She put a really bright desk lamp on the table, and pointed it towards Fluttershy. She whimpered. It was just like a spotlight, and it was triggering her stage fright. Fluttershy came out in a cold sweat. The mood was tense. Rarity gave Fluttershy a stern look.

Rainbow Dash was smirking at Rarity. Dang. Hate to admit it, but Rarity really does look pretty fierce, she thought. This is gonna be a pretty cool interrogation. Maybe 40% cooler! Dash found herself getting excited. Any minute now, the sparks were going to fly. All Rainbow Dash needed was a bucket of popcorn.

Rarity began to speak. "R…"

"…Rainbow Dash, hand me that bubble pipe," she said. The bubble pipe was conceived by a distant relative of Twilight Sparkle, as a way to fix the vaping epidemic among foals in Equestria. Not so much in Ponyville, but definitely in Manehattan (and especially the foals in public school).

It was just soap bubbles, no harmful chemicals. Rarity just used it for the effect, but Pinkie was a regular user of the bubble pipe. Come to think of it, she's a regular user of a lot of other things as well, Rarity thought. Like that stallion at the Summer Sun festival who had too much to drink and who Pinkie dragged into her bedroom, and who pressed assault charges on her after he regained consciousness. At least we got Starlight Glimmer to be Pinkie's counsel, so we won the case. She's a terrific liar.

"Rarity, are you gonna try some of your 'interrogation tactics' again…?" Rainbow Dash asked. She refused to give Rarity her bubble pipe.

"The execution was a bit flawed the last time, I admit," Rarity said, "But I think I've mastered it now. Now hand me that bubble pipe." She swirled her body instinctively again. Her flank jiggled. This time, Rainbow Dash managed to stifle her laugh.

Rarity sat back in Fluttershy's dining chair and took a big puff from the bubble pipe. "Now," she began. "I want the truth now."

"Okay, your flank is a little plump," Rainbow Dash admitted. Just a little plump. Nothing too drastic. If you were just reading this story for plot, move on, nothing to see here.

"I was talking to Fluttershy!" Rarity screamed. "Just sit there…or hover there, whatever you usually do…and take notes." Rarity used her magic to throw a notepad and pen at Dash's face.

Rarity cleared her throat. "Fluttershy, is there anypony whom you are currently in love with?"

The yellow pegasus trembled. "Erm…me…? In love…? Like…cuddly pet love? Or…" her voice softened to barely a whisper. "…the pony-sexy kind of love?"

"WE ASK THE QUESTIONS!" Rarity shouted, startling Fluttershy, and startling Angel Bunny even more. The detective pony pounded her front hooves on the table, causing the tea to spill of the cups and the granola squares to fly in the air.

That's rule 8 of interrogation, as detailed in volume 7 of the Memoirs of Shadow Spade. Or was it rule 9? Rarity thought. I should check before I say anything.

"Erm…well…I had…I had…" Fluttershy began to blush. "I…I…"

"You what!? Tell me, Fluttershy!" Rarity probed.

Fluttershy had broken out in a nervous sweat…or was that just from the heat of the desk lamp pointed at her…? "I…well…when I was at flight camp, I used to have a crush on…Rainbow Dash."

Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash froze. They stared at their friend. Wide-eyed. It was silent.


"Oh, erm…that's my zucchini muffins. I better go." Fluttershy flew into the kitchen, her face still blushing.

Rarity beckoned Rainbow Dash. The two ponies talked in a low whisper.

"I never suspected it," Rainbow Dash thought out loud. "Back then, she was shy and awkward in front of everypony."

"Rainbow Dash, you see, we can use Fluttershy's confession to our advantage," Rarity said.

"I don't get your point."

"She doesn't know what we're here for. We haven't told her about the letters yet. But now, we know Fluttershy takes a liking to you. Or at least used to. If you could, as it were, use your feminine wiles and make a bold advance on her, then perhaps…"

"…she'll admit if she sent the letters or not?" Dash said.


"Will that even work…?"

"Well, it worked on you," Rarity said, giggling to herself. "You should've seen the look on your face when I told you about 'kindling the fire.'"

At first, Rainbow Dash wanted to yell "no way!" But then, the competitive spirit came out from her. Rainbow Dash wanted to beat Rarity. Winning was sort of her thing, after all. If Rarity could seduce her, Rainbow Dash could seduce Fluttershy too.

"And I bet I can do it even better than you can!" she said, nudging Rarity's (saggy) flank. Oh my gosh. What am I doing? What's happening to me? I'm gonna be trying to beat Rarity a fashion contest next.

"Then that's settled," Rarity said. "I'll hide behind these curtains…and I'll take notes. Now go! Here she comes." And Rarity shut the curtains in front of her.

Rainbow Dash could hear Fluttershy humming "Find the Music in You" as she flew out of the kitchen with a pan of muffins in hoof.

"Where did Rarity go?" Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow Dash chuckled nervously. "She, erm…she went to powder her nose." Without thinking about it, her eyes drifted in the direction of the closed drapes with a slight bulge in it.

"Erm…is there something at the window?" Fluttershy asked.

"NO DON'T! I mean…erm…don't trouble yourself. I…I…wouldn't want to see that beautiful mane of yours all ruined." Rainbow Dash looked into Fluttershy's eyes, and stroked her pink mane with her snout. "It's the most beautiful in all of Equestria."

Behind the drapes, Rarity was seething with anger. It just wasn't her day. First, she fell into a mud puddle. Next, her beautiful crushed velvet jacket was ruined. And worst of all…my mane isn't the most beautiful in all of Equestria! Rarity growled in anger, quietly so that she wouldn't be heard.

"Hee-hee, erm…thanks." Fluttershy was blushing.

Rainbow Dash continued the act, improvising on the script. "You know, I always liked you, Fluttershy," "The first thing I noticed about you at flight camp, And your perfect, firm round flank."

Rarity was getting angrier hiding behind the drapes. My flank is firmer! It's the roundest and firmest in all of Equestria! Photo Finish told me my flank was like a perfect, ripe pink peach basking in the heat of a summer day…or at least he agreed when I said it. Argh. How dare Rainbow Dash claim it's saggy. That…liar!

Rarity peered through the small crack in the drapes. Rainbow Dash had "splayed" herself across Fluttershy's sofa, spreading her hind legs apart, exposing her…nakedness. Fluttershy was staring at it…but only in 5 second intervals, due to her shyness. Dash was a lot less subtle with her seducing than Rarity was.

"Erm…you want a muffin, Rainbow Dash? It's fresh from the oven."

Rainbow Dash subconsciously turned to the window. There was a little bulge in the drapes where Rarity was hiding. That was Rarity's saggy flank.

"Erm…you sure? I mean, Twilight might show up, and Starlight's gonna show up later, so erm…I don't wanna steal their share."

"Oh, don't worry, there's plenty for everypony! Try some, Dashie! Erm…is it okay if I call you that?"

Reluctantly, Dash took a slice. It smelled…horrible. But she had to eat it. I have to pretend I love everything about Fluttershy…including her cooking. I better get a bonus for character work.

Fluttershy was watching her, smiling quite innocently. "Try it, Rainbow Dash."

"Sure thing, erm…Fluttershy…! No problem! Erm…anything for you, Fluttershy!" With Fluttershy watching, Rainbow Dash, with a trembling hoof, took the smallest possible bite out of the muffin. She faked a smile.

"Well? Isn't it delicious?"

"Mmph mmph mmmph," Rainbow Dash said, trying to hold her fake smile. It took all her strength to not spit it out and yell "BLECH!" She couldn't bear to swallow it. I can't stand having this muffin in my mouth, she thought. Must be why I'm not a lesbian.

Finally, Rainbow Dash swallowed it. Her stomach was already squirming. "Erm, delicious, Fluttershy! Such…such a…I've never had a muffin like that before!"

Fluttershy's face lit up. She leapt forward and embarced Rainbow Dash. The blue pegasus also embraced Fluttershy. It was part of the act.

Suddenly, Rainbow Dash pinned Fluttershy on the floor with her front hooves. She groped Fluttershy's flank even more than Rarity groped hers. She made her voice even lower and sultrier than Rarity made hers.

"Rainbow Dash...can you let me go...?" Fluttershy said, whimpering.

"I will, Fluttershy. But not before I give you a chance to tell how much I love you." She made up that line all by herself. She was actually pretty good at seducing. Rarity watched behind the curtains, taking notes…with a twitch of jealousy under her right eye.

"You're been a very naughty filly sending love letters, Fluttershy. To me, and to Rarity."

Fluttershy was surprisingly not struggling very much. Perhaps she kind of wanted it. "But…no, I—"

"You can tell me the truth, Fluttershy," Dash said, continuing to touch Fluttershy's flank. "I love you. I love you so much. Nopony can compare with your beauty, Fluttershy. Nopony. Not Applejack, Rarity, Twilight…nopony."

Nopony can compare with me!? How…how dare she! Rarity's angry growling became audible from behind the drapes. Oh Celestia, why did I trust Rainbow Dash!? I'll do a far better of seducing Fluttershy. I have more…tact, more…subtle charm. I better end this before it's TOO LATE!

Her jaw twitching with anger, Rarity leaped out from behind the drapes. "Rainbow Dash, leave me alone with Fluttershy! NOW! This very instant!" she yelled.

"Rarity!?" Fluttershy exclaimed. Her face blushed even more. "Alone!? With…me?"

"Rarity! You…voyeur!" Rainbow Dash lied. "Gee, have you watching us all this time!? Fluttershy, I had no idea!" Her voice sounded clearly like she was acting.

At that precise moment, Starlight Glimmer opened the door with a big smile on her face that oddly resembled…a bedroom smile. "Hello Fluttershy! Here are some flowers for your vase!" she said, holding a bouquet of long stemmed roses in her mouth. "Twilight couldn't make it, so it looks like it'll just be the two of us toni—"

Fluttershy was being pursued by 3 horny mares. She turned to Rainbow Dash, who was still groping her flank. She turned to Rarity, whose face was beet red (from anger) and was still asking to be alone with her. She turned to Starlight, who offered the bouquet of roses to Fluttershy with the bedroom smile on her face.

Oh…Celestia…! The blushing yellow pegasus pushed Rainbow Dash away. "GET OUT! ALL OF YOU! EVERYPONY!" She screamed very loudly, even for an average pony. She turned away and ran up to her bedroom, trying to conceal her beet-red face with her thick mane.