//------------------------------// // Scootaloo's Happiness // Story: Scootaloo's Happiness // by MLPFan9000 //------------------------------// Raising a Kirby is hard, especially when you are an orphan. It's a phrase that is told to Scootaloo a lot, even sometimes mentioned to her by Applebloom And Sweetie Belle. To take care of these... things you need Kirby food, water, cupcake biscuits (as treats), at least 7 weeks in total worth of learning their language, a Kirby bed, some Kirby toys (typically toys of their owners since they love roleplay), a really playful spirit and having to measure them every month until they get stuck at 20 centimetres, which will typically happen when they reach 34 months old since they start at 3 centimetres. "Hey Scoots, you ready to go to school?' Applebloom asked. "Yeah, you ready?" Sweetie Belle continues. Scootaloo nods her head. School happens and goes, since in what felt like 45 minutes (which was actually 7 hours), they go home. "Oh god, home already? Guess I have to go back to the orphanage..." Scootaloo whispers, to make sure nopony else hears her. But then she realizes she still has an hour of CMC clubhouse so she runs over there. After that happens, she goes home while clearly feeling down about something. "Scoots, you okay?" Applebloom asks. "Yeah, it's nothing." Scootaloo responds, leaving the place. "Bye you two." Scootaloo says. "Poyo po, poyo! (Don't give up, stay strong!)" Kirby said, worried for Scootaloo. "Yeah, maybe you're right, Kirby. Someday, I will have a owner myself." So then they went back to the orphanage. And then she and Kirby went to the orphanage. "Alright, Scootaloo now it's time for bedtime!" The owner of the orphanage/adoption center said. And they went to sleep. When Kirby saw a shooting star. Kirby thought of a wish and then wished. "Poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo. (I wish that Scootaloo will get adopted tomorrow.)" Kirby wished, and as this little pink puffball goes to sleep, the shooting star disappears from the sky. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Scootaloo wakes up in the morning, she checks the calender and the day it is today has a sticky note that says 'Adoption Day'. "Oh, another day of rejection..." She whispered to herself. And then Kirby woke up. "Poyo Poyo Po! (Good Morning World!)" The pink puffball said. "Morning Kirby." Scootaloo responded. "Today's adoption day, and I know it's gonna be another day of rejection." Scootaloo said in disappointment. "Poyo poyo, poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo! (Don't get upset, I know that you'll be adopted this time!)" Kirby said. "Adoption Day everybody! Get in the adoption areas and sit there until either you get adopted or the time reaches 6 pm." The owner of the orphanage/adoption center said. So Scootaloo and Kirby go in their adoption area, adoption area #109 on floor 1. So now Scootaloo has gotta sit in that area until either the end of the day or 6 pm. "Poyo poyo poyo poyo po, poyo poyo! (I Know you'll get adopted, i'm sure of it!)" Kirby said. And now Scootaloo plays the waiting game starting now. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, a bunch of ponies are coming in. "Welcome to the adoption center, and today is the annual Adoption Day of the month! Adopt the ponies you want and give me 3000 bits per pony! Also remember, this goes on from 7:00 AM to 6:00 PM so get them before you have to wait another month or they get bought!" The owner of the orphanage/adoption center says, who due to reasons I cannot specify how she looks. The first pony was bought in the first 2 minutes! That was insane, especially to Scootaloo. "Wow, 2 minutes? That's the shortest anypony has gotten anypony first since 1983! Then again, I never existed back then..." Scootaloo said. "POYO? POYO POYO PO? (WAIT WHAT? 1983?)" Kirby yelled, in shock. "Yep, two minutes Kirby. that's really short!" Scootaloo responded. "There are about 100 ponies in here waiting to be adopted and already in two minutes one got chosen, bought and adopted." She continued. "By the way, are you a boy or a girl?" Scootaloo asked. "Poyo po. Poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo poyo po. (I don't know. Us Kirby's do not know our own genders and neither do the doctors.)" Kirby responded. "Oh ok" Scootaloo said. Scootaloo and Kirby were shocked by how quick they were going out of stock. In a single hour 20 ponies had been adopted, it was a record for the place of how fast ponies can buy other ponies in a hour. "At this rate i'm gonna get adopted!" Scootaloo said. But of course though, the ponies bought per hour slowed down. The next was 13, then 10, then 7 and now about 4 per hour. There were 39 ponies left and it was 2:00 PM by now. 72 ponies out of all the fillies in here had gotten adopted. By 4:00 PM there were 31 ponies left. But in the last two hours, growth picked up. 4:00 PM Until 5:00 PM saw 8 adoptions. now there were 23 ponies left. 13 ponies were adopted in 35 minutes and by 5:35 PM there were 10 ponies left. 7 more ponies got adopted in the next 15 minutes so by 5:50 PM there were 3 ponies left. Two that Scootaloo never heard of and Scootaloo herself. "Kirby, the record got to be rebroken today!" Scootaloo said. "23 ponies in less than an hour, that is the most that has been ever bought!" Scootaloo said, but she knew that there were 10 minutes left. This is where a miracle happens. And Scootaloo did not see it coming. The other two were chosen in between 5:50 PM and 5:53 PM and Scootaloo was all that was left. Over at the counter, she overheard a conversation. "Is she here? Is she here? PLEASE TELL ME SHE'S HERE!" A very familiar voice was heard in the distance and Scootaloo instantly recognized it. "Is it really?" Scootaloo said. "I Don't think we have her, all we have left is Scootaloo." The orphanage/adoption center owner said, in disappointment. "That's her, that's who I want!" The familiar voice said. She then heard flying over to her and she felt being picked up. "R-R-R-R-Rainbow Dash?" Scootaloo said. "Yup! Sure am! And today you finally get a family!" Rainbow Dash responded. The cyan Pegasus proceeded to pick Kirby up as well and flew to the counter. "How much for her?" Rainbow Dash Asked the owner. " About 3000 bits but i'm going 4000 bits if you count Kirby as well!" She responded. Rainbow Dash decided to buy both and put 4000 bits on the counter. "Here you go then!" Rainbow Dash said. "Finally! I get to have sold every single one!" The owner of the orphanage/adoption center said. "Bye!" Rainbow Dash Said, before Running out the door. "Alright Scoots, let's show you the new place!" Rainbow Dash said. "YES! This is the best way possible this happened!" Scootaloo said, happily. "Poyo po! (We did it!)" Kirby said, in excitement. Scootaloo was adopted at 5:55 PM.