//------------------------------// // Chapter 6: Waking Horrors // Story: Lulamoon's Legacy // by Crowborn //------------------------------// The sky was once more a deep shade of Crimson. The stench of death and decay permeated the air, making Trixie cover her muzzle in disgust. Her eyes began to sting from the smell, so much so that she had to close her eyes. She needed to get away from that smell. She began running as fast as she could. Anywhere would do as long as it was away from this awful, gut-wrenching stench! She kept running and running, but no matter which direction she ran, the stench only got worse and worse. Finally, she darted through a patch of bushes and kept running. Until she started to hear sick crunching noises beneath her hooves followed by moist plopping sounds. Trixie nervously opened her stinging eyes, only to wish she never had. Corpses. She was running on corpses. They were everywhere. Hundreds, thousands, millions. Perhaps even more.... Mutilated, contorted, defiled, twisted corpses, all with eyes pleading for help. And each and every one of them was Trixie Lulamoon. Trixie vomited. She couldn't stop herself. Her eyes still stung, the smell stronger than ever, and her lungs heaved as she puked what little contents of her stomach she had left. She couldn't imagine a scene so repulsive. Suddenly, she heard a scream. It sounded familiar. She wasn't sure why, but she needed to save this pony. Steeling herself, Trixie hurried towards the sound of the screams, all the while her hooves crunching more bones beneath them while her fur and mane continued to be stained crimson as she struggled to wade through the corpses. Finally, she saw them, two ponies in the distance, one clearly cowering before the other. As she drew closer, she realized the larger of the two was no pony. It's body was pony like in shape, but the sharp teeth, the larger than normal mouth, the clawed talons, and the lizard-like tail meant it was clearly something else. It's ethereal mane flowed as if made of crimson blood. It's eyes were surprisingly warm and beautiful, but the menacing smirk made them more terrifying. And the other pony. It was another Trixie Lulamoon, except this one was still alive and looking at her with pleading eyes. "No! Please! Don't come any closer! Please! Run away and save yourself!" the other Trixie begged her. The other pony finally took notice of her. "Why if it isn't little Miss Lulamoon.... Have you come to try to stop poor, little old me?" the pony-creature asked. "W-What? W-Wait, your that Massager thing that the Princesses warned me about, aren't you?" Trixie felt a cold grip of fear suddenly encase her heart. The pony-creature gave a sinister and amused grin. "Has it really been so long that they have forgotten my name? Why, let me clear that right up for you..." Suddenly the other Trixie dashed away, trying to flee from this monster, but the pony-creature caught her effortlessly and lifted her up by her hind legs, making her dangle uselessly in the air. The other Trixie tried to use magic to try and escape, but the pony-creature ruthlessly grabbed the other Trixie's horn and ripped it off. The other Trixie screamed in pain, but the pony-creature wasn't done with her. The pony-creature began to violently sprout another pair of limbs, each ending in a pair of talons. The other Trixie turned to Trixie and began begging for help. Pleading, crying, and sobbing, but Trixie was frozen in place by both horror and fear. Suddenly, the pony-creature grabbed the other Trixie by her plot, a taloned claw on each side, and began to rip her in two. Slowly. The sick snapping and stretching of flesh and sinew could be heard alongside the sound of bones cracking, squirting Trixie with the blood and innards of the other Trixie. All the while, the other Trixie screamed. It wasn't even a pony scream anymore. It was hoarse and primal, a raw guttural screech that reverberated agony. And it wouldn't stop. The other Trixie didn't stop screaming until the pony-creature had split her chest, and then finally, with one swift motion, and the most sickening of snaps, the other Trixie was finally completely torn in two. "I am Massacre. And once I am free, you'll WISH your death was as kind as that! Hahahahahahaha!!" Trixie felt another wave of sheer terror grip her. Her body began to shiver and shake, her stomach began folding into knots and she began to puke and sob at the same time. "And Don't You Forget It!!!" Massacre suddenly lunged at her, the intent to kill oozing from her eyes, but all Trixie could do was scream. Suddenly Lula appeared, shielding Trixie. "You will not have her! Trixie, Awaken." ______________________________________ Trixie awoke screaming, but Lula held her firmly in a hug. "Shhh.....it's okay little one. She will not hurt you. I won't let her. Shhh..." Trixie sobbed into Lula's shoulder. And even though she was terrified, she felt that familiar feeling she always felt suddenly well through her chest. "Shhh...We are meant for Greatness and Power, and we will stop her, little one. She will not take you from me, nor I from you...this I promise...." Suddenly the bedroom door burst open and Luna alongside several guards entered the room. "What is wrong? We heard screaming, and worried that there was trouble!" It was then that Luna noticed the sobbing Trixie and Lula comforting her. Trixie was visibly shaking, her body convulsing, but thankfully it seemed to be calming down thanks to Lula's efforts. "What happened?" Luna inquired again, worry etched into her tone and face. Lula scowled at Luna, "She was having a Nightmare, and Massacre was there. But you weren't." "What?" Luna asked in a confused tone. "Are you not the Princess of the Night, and Guardian of dreams? Where were you when my little one was having these Nightmares?" Lula accused, baring her fangs but continuing to hold the still sobbing Trixie in a protective hug. "Thou sayest that Massacre had entered her dreams?" Luna asked, alarmed. "Yes, obviously! But that still doesn't answer our question, where were you?" Lula replied almost in a snarl. Luna frowned, "We were unaware she had this ability. Though, this might explain a few things..... I did not come because I was not aware of any Nightmare in progress. She seems to have slipped past my senses. But do not fret, I will make sure this does not happen again. I will do all in my power to make sure she doesn't invade Trixie's dreams again." Lula was quiet for a moment, gently stroking Trixie's mane. "The Little One still trusts you, so I too shall, for now..." She replied after evaluating Trixie's emotions. Trixie, unfortunately was still too traumatized to speak. Luna gave a sigh of relief, "Though this does bring into question her motives for doing this. Or better yet, how? As of the moment, the seal keeping her in the Void is still holding, but it is starting to crack. Perhaps she is able to seep some of her essence and power through the cracks...? If so, we will need to deal with this immediately. I will let Celestia know, but in the meantime, make sure she gets some rest. She does not need to sleep for the rest of the night, it is too risky anyways, but rest is still needed. However we will continue with our scheduled training, first thing in the morning." Lula nodded in agreement. " Fine." Trixie sniffed, "I don't want to sleep ever again..." Luna gave one last worried look at Trixie before a look of determination flashed onto her face. "The Princess of the Night solemnly swears from this moment forward that thou shall not have any such Nightmares again, not whilst we still live. Thou hast our word." And with that, Luna and her guards left the room, presumably to go and inform Princess Celestia of what had occurred. ___________________________ Meanwhile, in an abandoned warehouse in Manehattan... There was an eerie silence despite the small crowd of ponies that had gathered. Each one was garbed in hooded robes of crimson and wore amulets bearing insignias of a red river split between a darkened sun and moon. The warehouse was draped in several banners with the same insignia, alongside many lit candles. The warehouse bore no windows, to be safe from prying eyes, and a perception filter that would cause any pony who was an outsider to completely ignore it. Suddenly, a solemn clopping could be heard as three ponies robed in similar colored robed, but two were also adorned in black, and the other with gold. Behind them, being dragged, was the limp body of an earth pony mare. The made bore a magenta coat and a mane with two different shades of pink woven in. Her cutie mark was that of three daisies. The two ponies that were garbed in both crimson and black dragged the unconscious made unto the stage, which had a simple wooden podium in front of a stone slab alter, and behind that were two more banners bearing their insignia. Once she was placed on the alter, the one garbed in crimson and gold, stepped forward and lit his horn, his face still shrouded by his hood, and released the spell that was keeping the mare asleep. The mare's eyes slowly fluttered open before suddenly jutting awake. "Ooohhh....ugh...huh? What time is--- Wait! Where am I? This isn't Ponyville! What's going on? Who are you ponies?!" The made began to squirm to get to her hooves, but she was quickly forced back down onto the alter by the two ponies robed in crimson and black. The pony robed in gold and crimson began to speak. "Oh, Carnia, Our Goddess Supreme, please accept this offering so that you may return and topple the throne of Novius and Lunaris, and bathe the world in the truth of your light!!" "What in Tartarus are you going on about?!" cried the made, that is until she saw the gold and crimson robed pony pull out an ornate dagger. Her eyes widened in fear. "W-Wait! You can't do this! I'm a teacher! I have little foals to take care of! Ponies will notice if I'm gone, please! Don't do this!" No pony in the room gave any expression, and with a flick of the robed pony's magic, the mare's throat was slit and her blood poured onto the alter. "May Carnia feast upon your soul..." There was silence for a long moment as the blood drained from the mare's corpse. Then the leader of the group removed her hood, revealing a stunningly beautiful white unicorn mare with azure eyes. As her gold and crimson hood fell to her shoulders, one of the two in black began to address her. "My Lady Vo--" Suddenly the made cut him off with a snarl, "Do not say my name, He-of-Runes!! You know we only use our code names during meetings," The hooded stallion bowed, "Yes, Blooded One. My Lady, how much longer must we wait?" The Blooded One smirked, "Our Mistress shall return to us soon, I have seen it in my visions. Soon the Blood of the Sun and Moon shall paint these walls, and the other two imposters shall be devoured as well. So worry not, fellow Child of Carnia, we should not have to wait long." The stallion gave a silent nod, as did all the other ponies in the room. The mare then stomped her hoof, "This meeting is adjourned! May the Blood favor you!" "May the Blood favor you!" The others replied in unison. The mare then huffed and rolled her eyes as she turned around, then she pointed at the now dead mare on the alter, " And will someone please throw this trash away? I don't need this garbage stinking up our temple like last time."