//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 // Story: Look Who Came Trotting Back // by AceOfSpades1309 //------------------------------// A/N: Sorry for the long wait and short chapter, but I've been real busy. Hopefully, the next chapter will be much longer. Chapter 3 Ponyville Elementary School… RINGGGGGG! School had just ended as the Cutie Mark Crusaders gathered up their homework, put it in their saddlebags, and headed for the exit, as their teacher called out, “Have a great weekend everypony!” The CMC turned around, waved their hooves at Cheerilee, cried out in unison, “Thank you, Ms. Cheerilee,” turned back around, and galloped out the door. They were in a rush to get to Trotter’s house, having promised to help him unpack the day before. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle jumped into the red wagon tied to Scootaloo’s scooter, quickly put on their helmets, and held on tight as Scootaloo took off, pulling them towards the stallion’s house. “I wonder what other cool stuff he has,” said Scootaloo as she took a sharp right turn, gravity almost sending the two other fillies flying out of the wagon. “What do you mean?” asked Sweetie Belle as she and Applebloom regained their balance. “You guys remember that Dragon Tooth he had?” stated Scootaloo, her friends nodding in response. “Well, I got to thinking; he must have other cool things from his adventures.” Applebloom and Sweetie Belle looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Scootaloo was right, and they couldn’t wait to see what else Trotter had collected from his adventures. Trotter’s House… As the house came into view, Scootaloo was going at full speed, and she knew she had to put on the brakes before they all crash into the stallion’s front window. The pegasus skidded to a halt, mere inches away from the window. Scootaloo pulled off her helmet, as did the other CMC members, and they all jumped off their mode of transportation. They walked towards the front door and Applebloom knocked three times. Trotter quickly came to the door and opened it, smiling at the sight of the three little fillies. “Thanks for coming by, girls, you really didn’t have to.” “O’course we had to,” exclaimed Applebloom as her friends and her entered the Stallion’s home, “that’s what friends are for.” Trotter’s smile got bigger as he closed the door behind him and walked over to the three fillies. He began to explain to each filly what had to be done and which one of them should do what. After he was finished, he let Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo go off to complete their tasks. But he stopped Applebloom before she could run off too. “Applebloom,” Trotter whispered, “are you sure you’re ok with being here? I mean after what happened at the train station the other day…I…I just don’t want you to get in trouble with your sister.” Applebloom nodded in response, grateful for Trotter’s concern, and replied, “Yeah, I’m ok. I got permission from Big Mac to be here. Granted, I told him that ‘here’ was Zecora’s hut, but it was easier telling him that then it would be if I asked Applejack. She can tell always tell when someone is lying.” As they began to work on unpacking his things, Trotter couldn’t help but laugh at what Applebloom just said. When he saw the confused look on little filly’s face, he explained. “Back when we were in school, I had gotten my Uncle Paint Brush to make me a fake cutie mark, which I showed off at school. Applejack was the only one who didn’t believe me.” “Of course, I couldn’t get my uncle to keep making me the fake cutie mark, so I started wearing this red jumpsuit, along with this little white vest, so that nopony could see my blank flank. She used to try and undress me so she could prove I was lying.” "Hmm…,” thought Trotter, “Applejack undressing me…I wouldn’t mind if she tried to do that now…whoa! Get those thoughts out of your head, Trotter! Remember, there’s a little filly right next to you, not to mention she’s Applejack’s little sister too.” “Actually, she got real close to exposing my blank flank once. She had just learned how to make a lasso from a rope and had hogtied me real good. But before she could take off my jumpsuit, Big Mac came and stopped her. Told her that even if I was lying, it wasn’t right of her to do that to me. That was back before he hated me too. In fact…” He looked over to Applebloom, and before he could stop himself, asked, “Applebloom, do you know why your sister and brother seem to hate me?” “Damnit,” thought Trotter, he didn’t mean to ask the young filly this question. He didn’t want to get her involved in whatever drama between her sister Applejack and himself. Applebloom didn’t seem to mind, as she shook her head and replied, “Nnope, all I know is that it was something ya said to Applejack. Whatever ya said, it was supposed to be really horrible, and that it did something, but I just don’t know what.” Trotter felt bad, especially because he couldn’t remember what he did to Applejack. He then thought of something, and asked the young filly, “If you know I did something horrible to Applejack, how come you’re being so nice to me?” Applebloom looked at the stallion and replied, “I don’t know. I mean, Big Mac said ya were a big bully to Applejack, but when ya got off the train, ya were nothin but friendly to her.” Applebloom smiled and continued, “I’ve seen what bullies are like, and ya’re nothin like them.” Trotter smiled back and replied, “Thanks Applebloom. You know, I never thought I was a bully. I always thought I was the class clown. It seemed like everyone was always laughing at my jokes.” Trotter’s smile faded as he finished, “I guess they were just laughing at the ponies I made fun of.” Trotter hung his head down, feeling bad that he never thought about anypony’s feelings. Applebloom patted him on the back and said, “It’s ok. I’m sure if ya apologize to everypony ya’ve ever made fun of, they’ll forgive ya.” Trotter brought his head back up, a smile replacing the frown from earlier, and replied, “I hope you’re right.” Two Hours Later… The sun was low in the sky when they had finished unpacking everything. Granted, some of Trotter’s items were still unorganized, but the point was that everything was unpacked. It was getting late, so the fillies had to start heading home. “See ya later, Trotter,” said the CMC in sync, waving goodbye to their stallion friend as they headed home. Trotter waved back, saying the same thing to them, before closing the door and walking to his room. “The girls did a pretty good job unpacking everything,” Trotter thought to himself. “Maybe they should have unpacking cutie marks.” The stallion chuckled to himself as he walked over to his bed and slumped over onto it. “I think Applebloom is right,” thought Trotter as he closed his eyes. “Maybe the best thing I can do right now is apologize to all the ponies I used to pick on.” The stallion yawned and had one last thought before falling asleep. “Looks like tomorrow, I’ll be starting a brand new adventure.” Sweet Apple Acres… Applebloom had already goodbye to her best friends as she walked towards the farmhouse she called home. She was half-way there, when suddenly… “I ran into Zecora in Ponyville today.” Applebloom nearly jumped out of her coat as she turned around to see her big sister leaning against an apple tree. “A…Applejack?! Ya scared the holy hay out of me,” said Applebloom, breathing quickly. “I asked her if ya were at her hut,” continued Applejack, ignoring her little sister’s comment, “and she said ‘she had been in town since noon, and had not seen one hair of Applebloom.’” “Oh crud,” thought Applebloom. Why didn’t she think of that possibility when she lied to Big Mac. She knew she was in trouble now. “So I went around town, looking for my little sis,” continued Applejack, walking over to Applebloom, “and where did I find her? Why, at the one pony’s house who I had told her specifically not to ever go talk to.” Applebloom hung her head, looking at the ground, as Applejack continued to scold her. “Applebloom, ya might be too young to understand, but Trotter is not a good guy. He is mean, self-centered…” “Was.” Applejack was surprised by the little filly’s interruption. “What did ya just say?” Applejack asked her little sister. Applebloom lifted her head to look at her sister, determination in her face. “I said he was mean,” said Applebloom, “but he ain’t mean no more. Heck, I don’t think he was ever as mean as ya say. He’s one of the friendliest ponies I’ve ever met. And ya know what, I’m pretty sure ya would think he’s friendly too if you actually tried talking to him.” Applejack was astonished at the little filly standing up to her, let alone standing up for her old bully. “Well, if you don’t want to talk to him, that’s fine, but I consider him a friend. And I will continue to visit him.” Before Applejack could protest, her little sister turned around and ran off to the farmhouse. Applejack was totally shocked at her little sister’s words. “Is she right?” thought Applejack as she began to walk through the apple trees that surrounded her home. “No, she just doesn’t know what he did. Why he doesn’t deserve to be forgiven.” Applejack only half-heartily believed her thoughts. She couldn’t help but think maybe she was being too harsh on Trotter. If he really had changed his ways, was it right for her to be so mean to him, even though he had hurt her so long ago? Applejack was almost home when she came to a decision. She would go talk to Trotter tomorrow. And maybe, just maybe, her little sister was right.