And So We Go Around Again

by NerdExtrodinare

A Final Farewell.

The strain in Celestia's face was obvious as the sun hesitantly clawed itself up into the sky. A sick sun, not the vibrant yellow it once was now it was a deep orange, almost red. The source of her power was as sick as she was. The sun was dying and she was as well. She looked out at where it hung in the frame of her balcony doors, where she laid in her bed, not able to muster the strength to even get up this morning. She was sure that this would be her final day.

Nudging her younger sister gently to awaken her, she wished to say goodbye before they traveled onwards. They had taken to sharing her bed for the last... She wasn't sure how long it had been. But they had been getting colder, and sharing their little heat did bring comfort in both the literal sense and simply being close to family. Luna seemed to be more affected by the sickness than she but in a different way. While she felt sickly, Luna just felt weak. The sun was wrapped up in its death throws, making Celestia sickly. Luna just felt the waning energy from the moon and while a little sicklier than her usual self she simply didn't have the energy she used to.

Though Celestia tried again to wake her sister it wasn't her that accomplished the feat. The loud banging of drums announced Discord's arrival that morning. Celestia frowned silently as Luna's eyes fluttered open to see the draconequus standing in the doorway. The creature had lost much of his powers of chaos as the world died around them, but he still retained enough to make a real nuisance of himself when he wanted.

Luna simply smiled at Discord, she'd always had a softer spot for him than her sister, and he slithered up to their resting space, now only standing at the height of a grown stallion he pulled forth a single rose from behind her ear, causing her to chuckle weakly. Celestia rolled her eyes at his antics but couldn't help smiling faintly as well. "Good morning Discord."

Discord gave a mock bow in answer, grinning his usual mischief. "Good morning to you as well princesses. I do hope my drumming didn't wake you." Luna let out a small snort and was about to speak when she froze.

The two princesses turned as they saw a shadow approaching down the hall, a ponies shadow to be specific, they looked at each other, both nodding in confirmation. It had been a few times that one or the other thought they'd seen signs of their people, but they both saw this one. They had been sure they three were the last living things on the world. Ponies had long moved away from what used to be Canterlot to seek better climates for their survival. But she was sure that even they could not have grown food recently. However, they were obviously, at least partially, mistaken.

A light blue pony with blue and white divided hair walked through the open door, smiling at the two princesses. "Well hello princesses, it seems I am just in time, then again, it seems that's my special talent now isn't it?" She smiled as she walked up to the two princesses, bowing her head to discord who gave a small bow in return as Minuette sat next to the princesses. "Time's almost up now princesses, you might want to say your farewells."

"But... You died! You're Twilight's friend!" Luna was dumbfounded by the event that just took place. Celestia was just happy to have another pony around for their ends, a past student no less. Not one of her personal students but she had attended Celestia's school.

Minuette looked at Luna with an unusual amount of seriousness. "I did indeed, I have many times, and I have a feeling I will many times again unless this time is at last my final journey."

Celestia blinked, this wasn't the hyper blue girl she remembered, then again that one-time Twilight came seeking advice Minuette had been very knowledgable in philosophical matters, even if she did destroy many of the throne rooms bouquets. Celestia nearly shrieked as a very similar looking bouquet landed in front of her, her eyes widened as she looked at Minuette, who also had one, and one was sitting in front of Luna. "Are... Are you death?"

Minuette shook her head, beginning to eat her own bouquet. "No, I am not death. I am not Charon, the Grim Reaper, the Cù-sìth, La Calavera Catrina, Yama, Jeoseung-saja, the Angel of Death, Anubis, the guardian of the gate, the final bargainer, the eternal footman, or a shinigami." The two princesses blinked at the long list as Minuette adopted her usual wide smile. "I have had a lot of time to go over in my head what exactly I am, and I am not death, he awaits you two on the other side of the gate." She shook her head a second time, frowning once more. "Though I think that again he will turn me away."

Luna and Celestia looked at each other apprehensively and Minuette turned away from them. "I'm... Sorry Minuette."

Minuette wasn't sure which of the sisters spoke, but it didn't matter, she waved a hoof in dismissal of the apology. "There is nothing for it, enjoy your last meal, I thought you could use a last meal. And I have a favor to ask, tell Twilight and my other friends that it was fun, they will be some of my fondest memories in the worlds to come, and of the worlds passed." Minuette turned quickly to give the two princesses' a bow and backed out of the room, their dumbfounded faces fading from her view, but, she did hear munching start just as she turned, good, the final snacks she'd saved for all that time wouldn't go to waste.