//------------------------------// // Session 91 // Story: Ponies and Dragons (Just Have Fun) // by Alex Warlorn //------------------------------// Session 91.0 Ardashir and Unown3 Mean Fluttershy asked, "Wait, now we're SAVING this stupid town?!" Mean Twilight snorted, "We're not saving the town, we're trying to stop that stupid music!" Brainwashed marching ponies sang, "This song's gonna get stuck inside your head!" Mean Pinkie hissed, "I hate cheesy ear worm songs!" Mean Applejack with Cotton shoved in her ears said, "Ah think it's the best thing Ah ever heard!" Mean Rarity said, "I'd be imagining how many bits the singer is raking in if the music didn't make me want to vomit." Mean Dash snarled, "Shut that manure off so I can get back to sleep!" The brainwashed Scootaloo cheered, "Dash! You said a naughty word!" Brainwashed Apple Bloom hip-hopped. "We'll fix you!" Mean Dash said darkly, "I wish someone had fixed your fathers before they touched your --" And Mean Dash got a piece of soap shoved into her mouth. Brainwashed Sweetie Belle sang, "Ah-ah-ah, language!" Meanwhile Sludge is probably wandering around the Friendship School looking for Spike so he can apologize. In the middle of all that he's apologizing to any of the ponies he conned. Brainwashed Sludge said, "So, blondie, sorry about the time I drank all that cider in your barn and told you the blue girl did it." Brainwashed Applejack nodded. "Oh, heck, Sludge, thet's okay! Ah'm sorry for all o' th' times Ah kicked ya inta a wall an' pretended it weren't nothing personal." Brainwashed Sludge: "Yeah. LET'S HUG!" Both did so, sobbing. - Princess Twilight Sparkle meanwhile looked out her window, "Wow! This Heart Song is really getting everypony together! I knew this friendship school was going to fix everything! Soon me and my friends will all have nice comfy boring safe soulless administrative jobs, while our more ethnically diverse and marketable students will be going on fun adventures instead!" Pinkie Pie said, "Or maybe the show will end before that so we can finally retire and live our lives without having to worry about a disaster hitting every three minutes!" Pinkie imagined finally catching up on all the sleep she'd missed over the past decade. "Ahhhhh." She said with a smile. Then added. "Though that song outside is kinda making it impossible for anypony to take a nap... " Brainwashed Applejack called out with while hugging Sludge, "Come on out Twili'." Brainwashed Rainbow Dash fluttered her wings, "The music's fun sing along!" "Yay! I will!" Twilight raced outside. Rather, a little filly version of Twilight did so. "I feel so happy, I just want to be a filly again. I hope Spike is as happy right now as I am!" She and the other ponies began to sing along as one: "Good is better than bad!" "Glad is better than sad!" "Take my advice and just be nice, 'Cause good is better than bad!" The song spread across Equestria and beyond, even to a hideout being used by an ex-Changeling Queen. "Yay!" Chubby little Vordul danced, the floor shaking under his feet. "Fun happy song!" "Come on, Mom!" Imago danced as well. "I swear this isn't another assassination attempt! I'm too happy to kill even you!" Queen Chrysalis sobbed in the corner. "What did I ever do to deserve this sugary Tartarus?" Session 91.1 Unown3 The human Rainbow Dash, with her wings showing, remarked idly in this moment of doom and fate of the world, "Ya know... you think we'd react with a 'she must have brainwashed you!' when they told us the key this time to defeat the negativity feed sirens was 'anti-harmony'." Pinkie Pie nodded. "Oh that's easy! We're all so tired of having to deal with the sirens' latest scheme to take over the world, that we just didn't want to deal with that." Rainbow Dash said carefully, "Ooookay, I GUESS that makes sense... but since when we are just bystanders to this sorta thing? Shouldn't be we summoning giant magical horses out of the sky now?" Sonata shouted eagerly, "Oh no! Don't do that! It'll completely ruin my fun time if you do that!" Sunset Shimmer said, "So do we trust our friends? Or do we believe that SONATA isn't very good at deception?" As the random people that the PONY and GRIFFIN Starlight Glimmer and Gilda had brought together... with Garble looking up to be stomped into nothing before the cheering crowd of children... Starlight said, "I think I recognize some of those kids in the audience... wait a minute, is that Sandbar and the others?!" Before much else could happen, a copter drone with a Crystal Soft logo on it zoomed in and dropped some familiar eye patches to the chaos six. Garble asked ignorantly. "What are these things?" Human Diamond Tiara responded like she was handling toxic waste, "AGH! These things?! We all got mutated into monsters with these things when we played that AR Moba game!" Screwball shouted from her virtual space, "I FIXED THEM! I did a quick rush job on them! Put them on, and I'll be there in the AR space, and fill up the chaos meter, and we'll get a chaos blast to negate her exaggerated-harmony brainwashing!" = SAO The Movie - "Catch The Moment!" = Seeing Garble was about to be stomped into nothing by the grinning happy and painfully brightly colored dragons... The six chaotic beings put on the AR eye patches. IN the corner of their vision was a mostly empty 'Chaos Blast' meter. Screwball appeared, dressed as, of course, a wild mage. Diamond Tiara appeared appeared as an archer with a silver bow. What did the others' appear as in the augmented reality vision? Session 91.2 Ardashir "Yeesh. Am I supposed ta think this silly thing even works?" Gilda still put her patch on. "What, now am I supposed to be a pirate like those wannabes the Ornithians?" Unknown to her, in the patch she appeared as a pirate, a cutlass-toting, tricorne-wearing, captain's jacket wearing pirate. "Actually, Gilda?" Starlight the human looked at her own image and saw a wild-eyed alchemist mad bomber, dressed in longcoat with bottles and smoldering long matches hanging from every pocket. "Oh, now that's just a nasty stereotype!" "Hah!" Trixie enjoyed the sight of herself -- a glamorous witch, a lovely mistress of magic who could enchant anyone's senses. "Now this is what Trixie should have had the last time!" She patted her new silver wand with a sigh. "Finally someone gets the great and powerful Trixie." "Hey! All right!" Garble rose up. He didn't question how the patch he wore did what it did, but he enjoyed the image it showed him. Garble the Dragon Brawler, strongest and toughest of dragons. "Now this is sweet! Now I know why those two little dorks like playing that goofy human game." "Sweeties?" Sonata called to her two dragons. "Okay, like, Mistress of the Universe Sonata needs to keep the kiddies entertained until I rule the world. So just hurry up and destroy those meanies while I do that. Okay?" She turned to the audience and noticed their looks of sudden fear and suspicion. She laughed and waved. "All just part of the show! Just remember, cheer for the happy dragons and not the bad guys!" She felt the Memory Stone fragment as she did, not noticing how it sparkled wildly as she did. The audience laughed and cheered. "Hey!" Starlight the pony yelled. "Since when are we the bad guys?" She dodged aside as a massive claw stomped down. "Spike! Smolder! We're your friends, you can remember that, right?" Spike and Smolder looked down and remembered... "YOU TELL US DRAGON WAYS BAD!" Spike roared, his voice rocking the stage. Sonata raised her voice as she sang. "SO WE TRY ACT LIKE NOT-DRAGONS. THEN YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT THAT!" Smolder hissed. "We're gonna squish you for Mistress Sonata! And maybe for Norman," Smolder sighed and looked dreamy. Spike gave her a slap on the back of the head. Smolder hurriedly added, "Not that I like him!" "Ugh, a dragon and a human?" Garble stuck out his tongue and made gagging noises. "That's just sick and wrong!" Starlight the Human tossed some of her smoke bombs to distract Spike as he lowered his muzzle to snap at Garble. The smaller dragon jumped back as she said, "Talk about inter-species relations later. For now, how about some ideas on how to stop a pair of angry dragons?" Smolder and Spike stepped forward, ready to breathe fire. Session 91.3 Mtangalion In the deepest, darkest, bleakest pits of Tartarus… a strange little mechanical cart with wheels and a television screen was playing the Singing Siren show for the inmates. Pixelated icons of smiley faces hugging and crying flashed on the edges of the screen. “Query,” whirred a mechanical voice. “Is this what it means… to truly be alive?’” Tirek wiped away tears of his own, then blew his nose in a handkerchief, honking loudly. “Oh, this is mind control most devious and foul,” he said, with a gentle smile. “And yet, how many thousands of years has it been since I knew such… such joy! Joy that doesn’t come from crushing innocents beneath my hooves and sucking the very life out of them! It was worth succumbing for this one moment of true happiness. Don’t you think so, child?” Cozy Glow turned her nose up in a huff. “I don’t think so at all, not one teensy weensy bit! This show stinks, and whoever made it should have something really bad happen to them!” Lord Tirek blinked. “Gods above and below… You really *are* evil.” Session 91.4 Kendell2 "So wait, in this RPG we're wrestlers fighting...what now?" asked Rainbow Dash, looking at the box which depicted a luchadore in a silver mask fighting vamponies, werewolves, and numerous other things. "Pretty much anything you want," said Cherry Blossom with a smirk. "It's based off El Saneighto, one of the greatest luchadores to have ever lived. He had this REALLY long running series of movies where he fought everything from Count Dracolt to Maretians. Guy was a great guy in real life too, I've met his son and grandson." "Cool...so did the real guy actually FIGHT those things?" asked Rainbow Dash. "What? You think the guy went on all these epic adventures, fighting monsters, and then said 'hey, I'll turn my secret adventures into movies'? Come on, who would believe that?" Cherry asked. Rainbow Dash chuckled nervously. "Yeah...who would...right, AK?" AK Yearling merely nodded simply. "Yeah...who would..." "Though...uh...didn't his son and one of his friends show up in one of your books...helping Daring fight an ancient evil mummy?" "Yep..." "Thought so..." OOC: Yes, all those movies exist. Session 91.5 Unown3 "Snap everybody out of this so we can get back to playing WoH with our friends already!" Rainbow Dash shouted. - Meanwhile on the other side of the mirror, the mean six found an equal but opposite power to the tree of harmony glowing from themselves as well. Session 91.6 Grogar-the-oneser "OH man, they're going to die hard and I don't mean watching the movie die hard, I mean death by dragon." Pinkie winced. "Wait... one of those giant dragons is the equestrian Spike right." Rarity said. "Yeah... Oh no." Applejack stated. "Afraid so deary, Hopefully, this will work..." Rarity gulped "By the way... Applejack, I really did enjoy making caramel apple with you." All the other girls (Minus Applejack) groaned, not wanting to remember their adventure against the lamest villain ever. "Rarity wait-" Applejack stated, however, Rarity ran forward and manage to get between everyone and the dragons. Spike seeing Rarity, stopped his attack and lunged a hand forward to forcefully closed Smolder mouth. Smolder cheek bulge from the flame before dissipating "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!" "THAT RARITY THERE." "NOT YOUR RARITY MORON!" Smolder growled. "I KNOW BUT-" "NO BUT! WE MUST ATTACK FOR MISTRESS!" Smolder bellowed. "BUT WHAT IF NORMAN OR GIRLFRIEND OF NORMAN BLOCK." "WHAT THE- WHY YOU ADD GIRLFRIEND?" "TRY TO KEEP OPEN MIND!" Spike shrugged, Smolder, realizing what he suggested, slapped him upside the head. "Err... Should we do something?" Human starlight asked "And have the firebreathing dragons of death kill us? Only a complete imbecile-" Starlight began to say only for Garble to fly up and punch Spike in the ear. "... Nevermind." Session 91.7 Ardashir "Okay," Human-Starlight said. "So we know what's going to distract these two. Where is that Norman kid?" "I'll get him," Aria headed off into the enthralled crowd, muttering, "No way am I living with Sonata's gloating over us for the rest of our lives." Meanwhile Spike snarled and grabbed for Garble, The red dragon dodged and flew at his muzzle. "Spike!" Garble grabbed the huge dragon by the ear membranes on either side of his head and hung on, hanging right in front of his eyes. "Yeesh, I knew you were a pony-loving wimp, but this? Letting that overgrown halibut tell you what to do?" "HEY!" Sonata yelled, waving her microphone at him menacingly. "That's not very nice!" She smiled at her dragons. "And what do we do to people who aren't nice?" "DESTROY!" Spike and Smolder roared. The latter opened her mouth to breathe fire, only to stop as Aria plonked the stunned Norman down in front of her. He looked up at the gigantic Smolder and cringed. "Why am I here?!?" He yelled. "Bait," Aria said. "So try and look fetching." She jerked her thumb at Smolder, who's eyes glowed with a new light as she snatched Norman up. "MY NOT-BOYFRIEND!" Smolder roared gleefully as she nuzzled him. Norman just looked horrified. "Spike," Garble yanked on Spike's ear membranes to get his attention. Spike kept growling as he said, "Listen ta me. You are a dragon! I mean, yeah, you were raised by puny pathetic ponies, and you never went hungry a day in your life, and you were never tossed out of the lair by your parents when you hit your Molt, and you never had to fight for your life against rocs and tatzylworms and hydras that wanted ta eat ya because ponies made you a lazy butterball..." "Don't praise us too much," Starlight pinned her ears. "But darn it, you're a dragon! Dragons don't get mind controlled! Now act like one!" Spike pointed a claw at Sonata. "Get that fish!" "For the last time!" Sonata's eyes blazed as she stomped her foot, "I am not a fi -- Ummph!" Her words were choked off as Gilda shoved the mask of the Singing Siren down over her head. "Hah!" Gilda flew back to her fellow Elements of Chaos. "Now what, we do some goofy roll call and zap her?" "Not quite," Starlight said as magical energy visible in the patches began to glow around Gilda, Diamond, human-Starlight, Garble, Trixie, and Screwball. Unlike the magic of harmony and friendship, these colors clashed against each other like jagged bolts of lightning, mixing and mingling violently yet somehow staying distinct. "We just need a few moments more." Meanwhile Spike looked from Garble and the human Rarity to Sonata as she stumbled around the stage, yelling all sorts of very not-nice things from under the mask. With a growl he made his decision. "Get this thing offa my head already!" Sonata sighed as someone yanked the mask off. "Ugh, finally! Now I have too command those dumb pet dragons of mine to eat those --" She gulped to see her mask hanging from the claw of an angry Spike. "Rats. You're not gonna listen, are you?" "SPIKE IS DRAGON." He set his claw on Sonata and pressed her flat against the stage with a shriek. 'DRAGONS NOT DO MIND-CONTROLLED SLAVERY!" "That's right," Garble cheered as the chaos energy swirling around him and the others. It jittered and blazed and hurled itself at the Memory Stone fragment around Sonata's neck like a starving tiger. Sonata saw it coming and summed up her opinion of the entire scenario in a few words as it hit. "Aw, crap." [OOC: Maybe someone else can write the post-battle results?] Session 91.8 Jarkes (one line added) "Well, since that other Twilight was just pretending to be brainwawshed, I'm guessing this tape wouldn't have actually helped us," Aria mused. "Wonder what was actually on it..." She pressed the "play" button. Never gonna give you up, Never gonna let you down... Aria immediately pressed "stop", took the tape out, and threw it at the wall, breaking it. "Ugh..." - Meanwhile, a similar shockwave of chaos rippled through Ponyville from the Mean Six, disrupting Sonata's exaggerated harmony. Session 91.9 Mtangalion The last thing they saw was the Memory Stone fragment dissolving into the storm of chaos… before the whole studio blew up with the colors of ten disco raves and the sound of a hundred vuvuzelas playing full blast. When Garble’s ears stopped ringing, he groaned, picking himself up off the floor. “What the… Whoa!” The young red dragon gawked at himself, realizing that he still had the supercharged body of Garble the Dragon Brawler. “Hah, yes! Chaos rocks! Riches and hot dragon babes, here I come!” “What happened?” murmured a familiar voice… two or three octaves lower than it should have been. “Did we win?” Garble’s jaw dropped at the sight of Spike. “Aw, come on!” he whined. “Why is Spike still bigger than me!?” Spike lifted a scaly musclebound arm and scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, no longer scraping the ceiling but still pretty dang big. “Beats me! I kinda wish I was that Spike the Dragon Mage character instead. Oh, and uh… thanks for saving me again, Garble.” “Pfft, don’t make a big deal out of it.” Garble shrugged, arms folded. “I wasn’t about to let any loser sirens take MY dragon pal away.” Spike smirked. “Your dragon pal, huh? You’re not getting greedy, are you?” Garble blinked. “I don’t feel greedy. Huh… what kind of weird feeling is this? It’s kinda like a hot lava bath?” “You know, that’s probably friendship.” “Don’t push it!” “Okay, what the squawk?” said Gilda nearby. She still looked like an Equestrian griffon, but she’d picked up aurora colors steaming from her wings, a constellation in her crest, and a comet tail. “Ugh, why couldn’t I just get BIG like Garulf? Somebody tell me how to turn this light show off before some idiot tries to crown me.” “You think you’ve got problems?” said the human Diamond Tiara, now a cute and mischievous-looking Abyssinian kitten. “Nothing in my wardrobe goes with fur! I’ll need a whole new one. I just hope daddy’s credit card is up to the challenge.” “I’m not panicking,” said the human Twilight… in the form of a kirin. “I’m not panicking, I’m not… Nope, totally panicking!” Her new body briefly exploded with raging nirik flames… which fortunately startled her out of it. “I really don’t know how to feel about this,” said human Starlight. She and Trixie were anthropomorphic ponies, still dressed as a mad alchemist and a witch, respectively. Smolder was mostly back to her normal dragon self… and glomping the young dragon that used to be Norman the human. “Dibs!” “I don’t think so, scalebutt!” yelled Blueberry Cake, who had *also* become a young dragon. Norman promptly fainted. “Good is better than bad!” cheered Sonata the hippogriff, giggling madly. “Glad is better than sad!” In a flash of magic, she became a seapony, flopping helplessly on the studio floor. “Weeee!” Back to a hippogriff again… Seapony… hippogriff… Seapony... “Master, look at me!” barked Smolder the former puppy, now a human girl with orange skin, ear fins, and slit-pupiled eyes. “I have the hands, and the talking! Isn’t it wonderful, Master Gallus?” She hugged the startled blue-skinned boy tightly. The human versions of Yuna, Ocellus, Silverstream, and Sandbar smirked at them, trying not to burst out laughing. “I suppose I should get started trying to fix all this,” mused pony Starlight, feeling grateful to still be nothing any stranger than a unicorn pony on the wrong side of the portal. “If I even can.” “Or…” said the human Pinkie Pie, “we could go to the mall nextdoor for some Hooray, We Saved the World Again ice cream!” “That sounds really irresponsible...” Starlight grinned. “Let’s do it!” Session 91.10 Mtangalion "Um, guys?" said the voice of Screwball. "And gals and other assorted fuzzy scaly cuties? I thought I'd be able to merge a lot more of this stuff into reality, but the Augmented Reality field is destabilizing really super fast!" Her tablet showed a white wolf icon, which was sweeping back and forth across the screen, gobbling up computer code like Pac-Man. "Sorry!" The AR eyepatches glowed, revealed as hard-light constructs, and promptly de-rezed. Everything around them SHATTERED, revealing the actual reality beneath. "Oh, thank goodness!" cried Twilight, happy to have fingers again. Garble patted himself down, NOT finding crazy barbarian muscles. "Aww..." he groaned. Smolder the dragon blinked at the human couple of Norman and Blueberry Cake. "Aww..." "Cheer up, guys," said Spike, putting an arm around each of them. "I think we all got a bit of a growth spurt out of this, at least. Smolder did a mild double-take, discovering that Spike was the same height as her, and finally looking more like a teen dragon instead of a baby with wings. "Hah! Now that's more like what I expected from a first molt." "Told ya those ponies have been holding you back," said Garble, grinning smugly. Across the room, Smolder the puppy sat up and said, "Wow, that was really strange!" Gallus and his classmates all yelped, startled. Smolder wagged her tail innocently. "What?" "Well..." said Screwball. "At least daddy won't get another big fine." An ominous sound like a wolf howling echoed through the studio. "Um, Miss Twilight? You *might* want to make another one of those portals and get our Equestria friends back home. Like, NOW." "But, ice cream!" pleaded Gilda the definitely not-a-goddess-or-princess griffon, who'd been about to go to the mall with Dash and the others. "NO TIME FOR ICE CREAM!" "So, what do we do about Sonata?" asked Applejack. "I'M TELLING YOU SIR, THEY WERE HUGE! SCALEY AND MASSIVE!" "I have no idea idea what he is talking about," the human Gilda stated, glad that her dogs went back to normal. Session 91.11 Unown3 Filly Funtasia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filly_Funtasia https://www.funtasiadaily.com "Light constructs?" Cedric asked, sitting calmly at his spot, "Were they brought in to our party with one of those little flying machines?" "THEY WERE DELIVERED HARD LIGHT CONSTRUCTS!" Rose snapped behind the Game Master screen, feeling a headache going on. This adventure had gone on for way too long, and due to some bad rolls and poor choices, Sonata had made a lot more progress than Rose had intended. Rose admitted it made little sense, she just hoped Will and Lynn didn't exploit it at some point. "Hold on!" Lynn The Witch Filly said at the gaming table... the horde of magical figurines on the table showing Sonata on her side toppled over in the miniature mall/studio (it seemed to switch around halfway through the final encounter as Bella The Elf Filly had gotten frosting on her notes!). "Yes Lynn?" Rose The Unicorn sighed, wondering what new Rule Lawyering Lynn was going to throw at her. "I think Winona, should stay a dragon in the human world, a baby dragon!" "... Okay, Winona sees this ghostly wolf and-" "WAIT! WAIT! It's about cosmic balance!" Rose looked at her dully. "Cosmic balance? Really?" "Yeah! I mean! Spike is a dragon in the pony world, and a dog in the human world, so if Winona is a dog in the pony world, wouldn't it make sense if she was a baby dragon in the human world?" Cedric, their blue boy pony said, "Uh, I hate to say it Rose... but Lynn makes a good point." "Et tu Cedric?!" "Yeah! That's totally cool!" Will grinned. Rose has never quite forgiven Will for introducing his 'diamond wolves' to her campaign without her permission, forcing her to play their culture by ear... Rose wondered if Will was inspired by Bella's Ice Elf Filly cousins.). Rose never intended for the human world to get this infested with magic... it had simply crept in. Rose groaned. "FINE! But the rest are going back to normal!" Session 91.6 Grogar-the-oneser (EDITED)! "Uhh guys... where is Sonata?" Sunset asked everyone looked and noticed the sirens were gone. "I don't feel good." Sonata groaned as Aria dragged her and Adagio outside. "Yeah, suffering magical whiplash will do that ya." Aria snorted annoyed "Just be glad that howling recognizes we belong here more or less." "Why are the Fillies from Filly Funtasia playing Magic and Monsters with us as their pawns?" Sonata said dazedly, this made Aria sighed annoyed. "So I'm guessing your next." Adagio groaned to Aria. That made Aria paused "Pardon?" "My plans failed, her plan failed, that just leaves you." "... Let just focus on leaving first, I rather not find out what threads are still dangling out there. If we're lucky we can spin this to CrystalSoft as a publicity stunt!" Aria muttered as she continues dragging them away. "Me Winona! LET WINONA IN!" The baby dragon Winona whined pawing at the door pathetically. "Sorry can't trust you, equestrian magic proven way too tricky for my taste," Big Mac stated. "But didn't you say before in the flavor text that human Big Mac and Granny Smith didn't find anything strange at all with Winona being a big dragon-" Lynn saw the death glare that Rose gave her. "Shutting up Game Master Madam!" Session 91.7 Kendell2 Back at the Age of Gods game, Zecora stepped up to prevent Trixie from ruining the game before it could even start. "My Goddess shall be, of something very close to me. Dawa is her name, Healing and Alchemy is her game. Helping doctor's, healers, and potion makers are her worshipers, she enjoys making them greater," the Zebra explained, showing a picture of a beautiful and kind looking Zebralicorn. "If I had to give her an alignment I would, choose to make her Neutral Good." "A good choice, Zecora," said Twilight, grateful for the Zebra's tact there. "Suits you." Zecora gave a content nod. "So do Zebralicorns actually exist or did they make that up?" Trixie asked. The Zebra looked a tiny bit offended. "Yes, indeed they do, have you not read of Queen Parabola in Daring Do?" "That was real? Trixie thought everything was fictional..." Twilight gave a nervous smile, eyes darting back and forth. "Well Daring Do is fictional, but Yearling does her research really really well..." "Alright, my turn," said Shining with a smile. "Defensor, the God of Defense and Protection. Acts as a guardian of everyone, keeping people safe and acting as the patron of guards and knights. And protective big brothers and dads." Twilight smiled. "Nice, suits you, big brother." "Thanks, Twiley. Lawful Good by the way." The Princess nodded. "Alright, gotcha. Makes sense. Who's next?" Session 91.14 Unown3 Minor spoilers for Equestria Girls Spring Breakdown: Rarity in her best dress looked around. "I was expecting more to turn up for this charity date auction." Pinkie Pie looked up from a book, "Heyyyyy! Did you know the word for 'possessive' and 'loving' are the same in the dragon language?" - The lower-class-charming stallion Rag Muffin ran away screaming, flames shooting behind him. Spike sat on top of the Boutique, smoke coming out of his nose. "Thank you coming! I'll see you in Tartarus!" Session 91.15 Grogar-the-oneser and Unown3 Spike points at a giant pile of treasure. "THat's my bidding fee for my date with Rarity..." "Spike... where did that come from?" "Turns out becoming Dragon Lord comes with a coronation bonus... never spent any of it... all yours Rarity..." - "OWOWOWOWOW!" Rainbow Dash shrieked as Applejack slapped her repeatedly "Stop hitting me!" "YOU LITERALLY CAUSE A CATASTROPHE CAUSE YOU WERE BORED!" Applejack snapped "Seriously, What were you thinking!" "... That i was bored?" Rainbow stated, not getting the question. Session 91.16 Jarkes and Unown3 "Halt, evildoers!" Juniper ran up to where everyone was after the defeat of the Sirens. "I, Juniper Montage, have arrived to..." She halted, noting that everything was already over. "OH, COME ON!" (OOC: Just wanted to make Juniper trying to help, only to be unable to for one reason or another a running gag) "There's just one thing I don't get," Sunset asked Sci-Twi. "How were you able to fake being brainwashed so easily?" "Well, when you spent years having to fake happiness due to an oppressive atmosphere at Crystal Prep, you get pretty good at it," Sci-Twi said, weirdly still smiling while saying this. Awkward silence. "Ouch," Rainbow Dash said. -- Rose said behind the Game Master Screen, "And the ad hoc Elements of Chaos go out for ice-cream and pizza together! And no, I am NOT role-playing that!" Willow's idea for the 'Elements of Chaos' was something Rose hadn't even considered... but it was so IN THE RULES of everything she'd established for how magic worked in her setting, she couldn't argue with it! "But what about the human student six in the audience and-" Cedric started. "THEY ALSO WENT OUT FOR ICE-CREAM! EVERYBODY WENT OUT FOR ICE-CREAM!" Session 91.17 sonicandmario826 *meanwhile sometime before season 8 spoilers for Spring Breakdown* “YOU BROUGHT EVERYONE THROUGH THE PORTAL!!!”, Princess Twilight screamer looking at the very nervous Sunset Shimmer and the rest of the humans turned to ponies. “Heh, well the ship sort of sunk after stopping the Storm King and we had no way to get back home, so we honestly had no way to get back home.”, Sunset said as she scratched the back of her head. Twilight groaned responding with, ”Do you realize the panic that’s going to happen when ponies start seeing double.” “Don’t worry I got everybody here without being seen. All we have to do is go to the nitro an-*crack* Sunset was interrupted by a loud cracking sound. The ponies and human in pony forms rushed to the room of the mirror and gasped at the sight before them. The mirror back to Canterlot High had a large noticeable crack in the center. Sunset gaped at the mirror with wide eyes. Finally breaking the silence by saying, “What they hat just happened!!!” “Maybe the magic from the Storm King combined by everyone going through other portal somehow affected the mirror?” Princess Twilight offered a guess. “At least it’s only a crack. Me, You, and Starlight should be able to fix it.” She sighed when she realized something. “Unfortunately due to how delicate and complicated dimensional mirrors are it’s going to take a while to fix. It’s going to take days... maybe even weeks to fix.” “What are all of us supposed to do in the mean time!!”, said Twilight with the glasses on. “Well, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m going to see if the other me is as awesome as I am.”, Rainbow Dash with her wings drooping to the ground said before rushing out of the room.” “Rainbow wait!!!”, Princess Twilight yelled about ready to go after her until.... “Wait Twilight!!!”, a voice stopped Twilight. She looked to see a familiar orange Pegasus with blue hair. Blushing when she noticed he was with the group. “Oh.. heh... you’re the Flash from Canterlot High r-right?”, Twilight stammered not understanding why she was so nervous. She talked to pony Flash without any problems, why was it different now? “Uhhh.. yeah?, Flash responded confused. “What does she mean with ‘the Flash’?” He thought before saying, “I know it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other and your probly can’t work because of the long distance between us, but I was wondering since we have the opportunity now that maybe we can talk or do something together.” Flash said nervously. Twilight just stood there blushing. “I think you might have broke her.” Pinkie said looking at her friend. Outside of the castle of friendship a certain draconequus floated nearby chuckling. “It would be no fun if they just went back, besides there’s a lot of Chaos to have with dimensional all counterparts meeting each other.” (There set it up. Now please someone do something with this) Session 91.18 Wolfram-And-Hart The humans turned ponies meandered around the castle, trying to get their bearings on their new bodies. "Ah don't care if it's on two or four legs, Ah'm just glad to be back on solid ground." Applejack sighed in relief. "Yeah, I'm glad to be off the boat too." Ragamuffin aggreed. Fluttershy and Pinkie looked between the two orange, freckled, blonde earth ponies. "Yeah, it's still weird." Fluttershy muttered. "I never thought we'd get a canon Rule 63. Though, he doesn't have the same accent, so I guess it doesn't count" Pinkie Pie shrugged. "Also, Rarity, why are you hiding behind the chairs?" "Because, in case you haven't noticed, girls." Raroty looked around the room fearfully. "We. Are. Naked!" "Oh yeah." Pinkie Pie said, looking at herself. "Kinda forgot about that." "Rarity, it's all right." Fluttershy went over to her. "It's not like the parts we usually need covered are visible anyway." Unfortunately, Micro Chips picked that moment to trot by, looking desperatly at the ceiling and muttering to himself. "Don't look at the naked pony girls, Don't look at the naked pony girls..." "You were saying?!" Rarity screeched as she ducked behind the painting Spike had failed to hang. "Actually, now that I take a look, how come we all got tattoos?" Pinkie asked. "Do ponies naturally come with tramp stamps?" "No, Pinkie Pie, those are what we call cutie marks." Sunset explained. "I like that! Cutie marks on our cutie patooties!" Pinkie giggled. "Hey, we should call them cutie patootie marks instead!" "Let's not." Sunset deadpanned. "OH MY GOSH!" Bulk Biceps yelled as he zoomed past Sunset to look at himself in the mirror. "I'M A PEGASUS! LOOK AT MY WINGS!" He did a series of flexes and poses in front of the mirror as his tiny wings flapped. "SO MAJESTIC!" Session 91.19 MtangaLion and Ardashir EG!Dash asked, "You know what this means?!?" Pony:Dash answered, "Yeah, now the universe is TWICE AS AWESOME!" Both hoofbumped. Outside of the Castle of Friendship, a certain draconequus floated nearby, chuckling. “It would be no fun if they just went back. Besides, there’s plenty of Chaos to be had with all the counterparts meeting each other.” Time Turner tapped his hoof at Discord impatiently. "Well, are you finished? Got your bit all done? Narrative focus gone and bothered off someplace else?" Discord stroked his beard. "Yes! Well, no, actually. The Narrative is still here. Apparently, now we're doing a bit, together!" The Time Pony blinked. "What? What?! That's not right. No, I'm afraid that doesn't sound proper at all. This isn't even my show!" "Oh, cry me a river," said Discord peevishly. "You love the attention, don't deny it." "Fine..." Time Turner sighed, adjusting his bow tie. "So, we're in the past?" Discord grinned sharply. "You're a lot quicker on the uptake than most of these mortal dullards." "But this, right now, is happening... er, right now? Only right now is before the whole School of Friendship thing, and Spike getting his wings?" Time Turner put his hooves together, somehow miming flapping wings without having any hands. "Oh, that's brilliant. Unless... no... what if that was just an animation error, and we're in the present after all and Spike was meant to have wings all along?" Discord waggled a claw. "At times like these, I refer to Discord's Razor!" "Discord's Razor, is it?" "The simplest explanation... is the most boring one. I don't do *boring*." Rainbow Dash shook her head at the draconequus and the earth pony, and turned to... Rainbow Dash? "Just ignore them. Those eggheads can talk about 'timey-wimey' stuff all day long." "Just ignore who?" said the other Rainbow, grinning from ear to ear. They hoof-bumped and flew off to talk about way more awesome stuff. Session 91.20 Unown3 "Where's Rose?" Cedric asked as he sat down at the game table. "I last saw her laying in our dorm room, on her bed, with an ice pack on her head. She also called in sick to all her classes today," Bella said. "Goodie-Goodie ROSE called in sick for her classes?!" Lynna asked surprised. "Wellll..." Will said, "Remember how Rose said that Sunset and co were supposed to use their harmony magic to repair the boat because 'harmony can do anything' but we just evacuated everyone off the boat instead? And she said how 'congrats you're now all on a deserted island with no way off!' And... we reminded her we still had a way back home via that second portal? And we had ourselves, and EVERYONE go through it back to Princess Twilight's castle in Ponyville? And her eye started twitching?" Lynn shrugged. "Well, I can just Game Master in her place today!" Cedric raised a hoof. "Uh, we kinda don't want to listen to Trixie talk to herself for three hours." Lynn smiled. "Oh don't you guys trust me? No way I'd have my Great and Powerful PC have more fun after her humiliating role in the story before..." Cedric said, "I still think maybe Rose meant this to be a 'slice of life' mundane adventure like some of our mini-seasons before." Bell asked, "Then why the giant plant monster and the portal to Ponyville?" "Bad rolls, and Rose is too much of a 'good girl' to ignore them?" Willow asked. "And she's too nice to do a party kill, so she came up with that to save Human Rainbow Dash?" Session 91.21 Ardashir "Everyone? Please listen." Sunset stood in front of the crowd of transformed humans. "I know this is a little, ah, odd --" "We went through a magical gate into another universe and got turned into teeny-tiny little horses," Paisley called back. The blue-maned and white-coated Earth pony jumped into the air and yelled,"This is a lot odd!" "Well, okay, you got me there." Sunset smiled nervously. "But we're all working on getting everyone home safe and sound as soon as possible, and back to their proper forms," some of the audience cheered, others groaned. "Until then, we'll just have to check on temporary housing. Thankfully Ponyville has a hotel..." *** "Whaddaya mean, you won't take this?" EG!Rainbow Dash waved a hooffull of bills beneath the nose of the check-in clerk at the Ponyville Hay n' Stay. "Hey, buddy, those are American dollars! They're good anywhere!" "Then take them 'anywhere'," the stallion sniffed. "We don't accept play money here!" He pointed at a sign behind the desk reading IN CELESTIA WE TRUST, ALL OTHERS PAY BITS. "Yeesh, okay." Dash reached into her backpack (where had her clothes gone, anyway?) and took out a credit card that her family had been very very careful about warning her to not abuse. She dropped it on the desk in front of him. "How about that?" The stallion looked at it. He looked at her. He rang a bell. "Yeah, Pleasant Stay?" The minotaur bellhop said as he muscled his way out the double doors leading to the staff area, turning sideways to get through them. He just pointed at Dash. "This fraud is pretending to be a national hero. And she's trying to get a room with that silly card." He pronounced sentence like a judge as the nervously smiling Dash backed away. "Show this bum the gate." *** "But at least everyone is a pony, so that won't be a problem." "Uh, about that, Miss Shimmer," The crowd parted to hurriedly to let a small blueberry-colored teen dragoness through. A brown-scaled male dragon was beside her, looking at his claws in disbelief. "But me and Norman, well, maybe it had something to do with that weird Siren thingy a week ago? What do WE do?" "I know what I'll do!" Sunset jumped back as Smolder flew past, snatching Norman and carrying him along as she ignored his yells. "Smolder want guy! Smolder take guy! It's the dragon way!" "Oh no you don't, lizard woman!" Blueberry flew after Smolder and Norman, leaving a trail of fire and fury in her wake. Sunset groaned and facehoofed. "What else can go wrong?" Right behind her came the snap of displaced air as someone teleported into the room. "Pardon me, young lady," Chancellor Neighsay said as he walked up to her. "I was looking for Headmistress Twilight, and, hmm, you look familiar." He narrowed his eyes and peered closely. "Did you ever flunk out of Celestia's school? I..." He looked at the crowd of ponies, many of whom were meeting their 'twin' for the first time. "Ye gods! Outlaw changelings have invaded Equestria! And one of Celestia's many, many emotionally unstable ex-students is leading them here! The Princesses must know at once!" "No wait, they're not, we're not! I, that is --" Neighsay vanished as Sunset tried to stop him. She summed up her feelings on the entire mess in two words. "Oh, horseapples." Session 91.22 Mtangalion (minor edits) Rainbow Dash facehoofed, watching her twin get tossed out of the hotel. "Dude, seriously. Just bunk with me in my cloud house. It's okay!" The human Dash shuddered. "But the last time I fell asleep on a cloud, the magic stopped, and my wings.." "Pony wings aren't magic! Well, they ARE magic, but they don't go away when you fall asleep!" She flew over and fluffed her double's mane. "Trust me, I nap on clouds all the time. Best thing... ever!" --- Starlight Glimmer came stomping down the stairs into the foyer of Twilight's Castle. "What have you done!?" She blinked. "Huh. It feels weird, being the one to shout that instead of being shouted at." She shook it off. "What idiot brought dozens of aliens through a wild portal into Equestria? Now time is getting bent over backwards and sideways, and I'm probably going to have to be the one who fixes it!" The younger, wingless Spike, who never did get that painting hung, stepped out of the castle for some fresh air. "What's the School of Friendship doing over there? Twilight hasn't even finished drawing the blueprints!" He dashed back inside, only to bump into... himself? "Whoa! Are you... me from the future?!" The older Spike grinned smugly. "Sure am! Spoiler alert..." He flapped his wings. "It's gonna be a pretty awesome year. Plus, we got to know Smolder, and me and Garble are like best buds now!" "No we're not!" bellowed Garble. He turned back to *his* very confused younger self. "Okay, the winning numbers for the next Celestial Powerball are..." Younger Spike squinted at Older Spike, suspicious. "You'd better not be Alisa playing wolf game pranks on ponies again. Apple flowers are better than... how'd that go?" "Under your bed," said Older Spike casually. "Loose crystal tile, third from the right..." Younger Spike froze, blushing. "Okay, okay! You're me! I mean, we're us! I'm convinced!" He coughed. "So... what can we do before Twilight gets all shouty and 'Nopony have any fun!'? The castle doors opened again, and more ponies crowded in... including Rarity, but Rarity was already in the room, next to the wingless Twilight with glasses. "Maybe we could go on a double-date with Rarity and Rarity!" Older Spike leaned closer, grinning. "One of those Rarities is probably a transformed human." "Don't care," purred Younger Spike, floating on a few of Cupid's stray hearts. - Human Lyra shouted excitedly, "I knew what I saw in that cosmic hole in the ground was real! Pony Land is real! I don't want to leave!" Pony Lyra shouted excitedly, "I knew what I saw in that cosmic hole in the sky was real! Human Land is real! I have to see it! ... Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Session 91.23 Unown3 Sunset Shimmer meanwhile had another worry. "What are we going to do when so many ponies in Ponyville stark asking for hamburgers and chicken sandwiches?!" Also meanwhile, "Heyyyy, I just realized! We finally have enough ponies to play that 'Infinite Crisis Power Ponies' or 'Power Ponies: Infinity Horseshoe' enchanted comics!" Rainbow Dash said. - Trixie came out of her gypsy wagon... and stepped inside the castle... "Trixie now needs glasses? She's seeing double." Then Trixie found herself face to face with... herself? "OH MY GOSH! You're the Trixie of this world?! Where Magic is real?! You must be the most magical and most powerfulest wizard in the world!" Session 91.24 Ardashir "Ah got a question," EG!Applejack looked nervous. "What's gonna happen back home while we're waitin' ta get sent back?" "Oh, nothing, I guess," Sunset tried to look nonchalant. "I mean, it's not like there's going to be some massive search for us all, right? Or any other kind of trouble? Heh." The HuMane Six glared at her as Sunset tried and failed to look innocent. *** "Sister," Vice-Principal Luna entered Celestia's office. "Horrible news! That cruise ship we sent out students on? It just sank and reports say every single passenger and member of the crew is lost, and..." She stopped as she saw Celestia weeping in the arms of Principal Cadance. "Never mind. I see that you heard." Luna sank down beside her sister and embraced her. *** At Crystal Prep, in a lunchroom draped in black crepe. "To Twilight Sparkle," Sugarcoat said as she raised a cup of punch, her fellow Shadowbolts doing the same. "We made her life hell and she nearly destroyed the entire world when she turned into a monster because of our abuse, but we'll miss her. Well, for a few weeks, anyway." "Aww, Sugarcoat, that was -- both touching and brutally honest." Sour Sweet downed the punch and muttered, "Why did we choose her to say a eulogy, anyway?" *** At the home of World of Horsecraft, the staff was assembled in an auditorium, listening to Company President Sombra. He spoke from a podium, dressed in a smart dark suit, with his pregnant wife Radiant Hope beside him. Tears filled her eyes. Chrysalis stood behind them both, in a funeral dress and holding a bell and clapper. Everyone there wore a black armband. "...And so, we sadly bid farewell to some young ladies who were not only among our very best customers, but they provided us with tons of free good publicity and who saved our company from being hit with insane lawsuits because of our minor role in aiding deranged monsters in almost destroying the world." He turned and nodded at Chrysalis. "In honor of their aid, I will have this bell struck a dozen times in their memory." They all waited in perfect silence as the bell tolled for the fallen. Sombra turned back to his staff. "I have but one more thing to say... We just lost half of our best customers." He leaned forward, glaring as he gripped the edge of the podium. "Which means that either you people find some replacements or I start firing you, understood?" Within three minutes the room was emptied as panic-stricken employees raced to find ideas for the next ad campaign. *** Lastly, in the new apartment shared by the Dazzlings after their latest scheme for world conquest fell through, Adagio, Aria, and Sonata were on their knees and bowing before a small green statue of a tentacled fishlike abomination, made from a metal not native to Earth. "Ia! Ia!" Adagio cackled with glee. "Father Dagon, you finally got off your fishy rump and did something for us. I take back almost everything offensive I ever said about you. You drowned those pests who ruined our lives and who kicked your slimy flank! Oh, please, we beg you, send us dreams of watching them slowly and hopelessly drown!" "They'll keep us warm at night," Aria agreed. "Oh, I made the reservations at the best restaurant in town like you asked." "It'll cost us an arm and a leg," Adagio laughed, "but this is worth it! Our worst enemies, drowned in Father Dagon's realm!" She sighed deeply and looked skywards. "Dreams really do come true." Session 91.25 MtangaLion “So, let me see if I have this all straight,” said the wingless Twilight Sparkle with the glasses. She paused, grinning sheepishly. “This is so exciting! There wasn’t much time for proper scientific inquiry back during that whole Ogrechess thing.” Princess Twilight blushed, remembering that. “Well, by all means, science away!” Sci-Twi nodded vigorously. “So, I have a dog named Spike, who started talking after he was exposed to Equestrian magic. You have a dragon Spike who sounds just like my Spike… actually, you have two Spikes…” “Oh, this isn’t normal,” said the winged Spike from across the room. “Never mind us!” “Right… That’s a relief. So the mapping is pretty clear so far. Human equals pony, and dog equals dragon!” Bark, bark bark! Whine… “What’s that?” Fluttershy… the one that was actually a pony and not her human friend... gasped at the small dog that was looking up at her earnestly. “You did?! Oh my, that does sound like a problem.” Sci-Twi blinked. “Wait… you have dogs here too?” “Oh yes,” said Fluttershy. “Isn’t he the cutest little thing? “But… that dog is here in this magic world. Why isn’t he speaking English like Spike?” Fluttershy smiled patiently. “Because Mr. Woofers is an animal, Twilight. I can speak with animals.” Sci-Twi’s mane was starting to twitch. “But, if he’s intelligent enough to understand and speak back, how is he not a person… Huh?!” A large semi-bipedal dog padded into the room, wearing a tool vest, walking on small hind paws, and pushing a cart with oversized forepaws. “Princess!” barked the diamond dog. “I bring monthly gem shipment for dragons in school! Sign here and pay bits.” “Oh, right!” said Princess Twilight. “Excuse me…” While Sci-Twi’s head was still spinning, a gray and white-furred *wolf* padded into the foyer on all fours, wearing a fancy silver collar with an onyx stone. “What’s this?” she mused aloud. “Doubles all over town, chaos, trickery, and here’s Alisa just minding own business.” The diamond wolf grinned sharply, wagging her tail. “Not her doing, she’s completely innocent! … or is she?” Sci-Twi’s mane was getting totally frazzled. “Alisa? The costume maker?! But I *know* you’re human in the other world. Why do you look just like her favorite wolf costume?!” Sci-Twi swayed on her hooves. “I... think I need to lie down a while before I do any more sciencing...” -- Meanwhile, at the home of Crystal Prep Principal Cadence and Shining Armor, Spike the Dog was trying to teach Flurry Heart how to play O&O. “Oh no!” cried Spike, waving his paws dramatically. “The goblins decide to attack! Now we have to roll for initiative! Go on, give it a try.” He nosed the twenty-sided die across the table. Flurry Heart stared at the die, furrowing her brow with adorably intense concentration… and the die glowed with a golden light and shot across the room, embedding itself in a wall. Flurry burbled happily and hiccuped, spitting up apricot baby food all over some O&O miniatures. Cadence watched them from the next room, smiling sadly with eyes puffy from crying. “Shiny, we have to tell Spike…” Shining Armor clenched a fist. “Twily can’t be gone. I… I won’t believe it without more evidence! You don’t save the world and then just… die in a stupid boating accident. Twily’s smart… she’s got magic and all her friends, she’d find a way!” He noticed that Cadence was staring at him. “What?” Cadence clasped her husband’s pale hand and held it up, so he could see that it was glowing. He had pony ears too, and longer hair swirling in a phantom wind, plus a medieval-looking shield on one arm with a big six-pointed star and three smaller stars. “So, how long has this been a thing?” Shining blushed. “Since I went to Equestria to get Twily’s robot back.” Cadence started putting two and two together. “Shining Armor! Have you been using Equestrian magic… just to ward off bad diaper smells?!” “Th- that’s not important right now!” He grinned sheepishly. “What is important is that the magic is still flowing, even though the portal is blocked for some reason. Twily and the others *will* be back. I have to believe that.” Session 91.26 Ardashir "Okay, you want him, and I want him," Smolder said as she faced off with Blueberry. Norman stood against a tree nearby, bound to it. All three were still dragons. Blueberry glared as Smolder went muzzle to muzzle with her, stabbing her claw into Blueberry's chest. "Miss Rarity would say we should share..." "Forget it," Blueberry leaned against Smolder, pushing her back a few steps. "That's my boyfriend, scaly!" "I feel the same." Smolder cracked her knuckles. "So instead we're gonna settle this like dragons!" "And that means what?" "I --" Smolder hesitated and then shrugged. "Okay, I got no idea. Usually the drakes are competing over the dragonesses." She snarled at Blueberry. "But you're not getting him without a fight!" "How did you even meet him?" Blueberry waved her arms out wide to take in all Ponyville. "He says you met online!" "Well," Norman began to say, "maybe if you gamed with me like I asked, Blueberry --" He fell silent as she spun on him, raising a warning claw. "Yeah, we met online." Smolder clasped her claws and sighed. "I was having problems with the quest against Discord on World of Horsecraft. Norman showed me how to win it... Then we fought Discord together! It was great. Even if we hadda be ponies to do it." Smolder smiled smugly. "Anyhow, it sounds like I got more in common with him than you." "Sounds to me more like there's only one way to settle this," Blueberry folded her claws over her chest. "And you know what it is." Smolder looked uncertain. She glanced from Blueberry to Norman. Her eyes hardened and she pointed at her. "I'm ready if you are, sister." *** A short time later, inside the Friendship Palace. "Uh, Rarity, should we maybe be doin' something about this?" Applejack pointed at the two dragonesses. Norman was there too, still tired to the tree they'd yanked out of then ground and taken inside. "Twi might not be happy if we tell her one o' the students from each world are havin' a duel over some fella." Applejack stepped to the side as though to leave the room, only to stop when Rarity grabbed her with her magic. "Applejack! Have you no sense of romance?" Rarity sighed deeply and clapped her hooves. "A duel, over true love! I never thought I'd see one in our decadent modern age." She looked back at the combatants and nodded. "Though this is a new way of going about it." "I am taking you down, lizard woman!" Blueberry yelled from one end of the room where she sat before a computer, VR goggles over her eyes. Her fingers flew over the keyboard. "Keep dreaming, human wench!" Smolder sat at the other end of the room, accoutered in the same fashion as Blueberry. She typed furiously as their characters battled in World of Horsecraft. Even a few online players otherwise involved in the Tirek storyline were cheering them on. "I'm gonna claim Norman all for myself!" Norman just rolled his eyes and groaned. "Huh," Applejack scratched her chin. "Ah wonder if we should let them transformed humans send a message ta their families through these things just so them folks don't worry?" She frowned. "Hey, how can they be used for these here Inter-whatever if the mirror is broke?" "Twilight said it can still get a signal, we just can't send anything solid through," Rarity shrugged. "Don't ask me. I'm design, not engineering, darling. And that's a wonderful idea, Applejack!" Rarity trotted for the hall, stopped and turned at the door. "But, ah, what message shall be sent?" *** Back in Canterlot High Earth, Principal Celestia's eyes went wide and her coffee spewed all over the screen as she read the message in her e-mail. A message from someone she thought dead. "Dear Principal Celestia, the crew and passengers are all safe, including us. We just can't return home right now because we've been kidnapped and held for ransom by crazy people. Everything else is fine. Be back as soon as possible. Don't worry. Yours, Pinkie Pie." She jumped up from her desk and raced to the open door. "LUNA? WE HAVE A SITUATION HERE!" Session 91.27 Ardashir Sunset stood in front of Pinkie Pie. One eye twitched as she asked her, "You sent a message back home through the Internet conection with the World of Horsecraft game?" EG-Pinkie Pie nodded happily. "And you told them we'd been kidnapped and were being held for ransom by, and I quote, 'crazy people'." Sunset's voice was dangerously calm. "Yep-arooni!" Pinkie said. "I didn't want everyone to worry about us!" Sunset's pupils shrank to pinpricks. "How is telling them we've been kidnapped and are being held for ransom by crazy people going to reassure them?!?" Sunset yanked at her mane as she stomped across the room to look out the window. "Okay," Pinkie Pie said. "What happens when I tell them, 'We're all okay, lost the ship but got taken into a parallel dimension by magic and transformed into ponies, will be back just as soon as the magical mirror leading between worlds gets repaired, PS Please tell Norman's parents they may geta dragon for a daughter in law'?" Sunset blinked. "Okay, held for ransom it is." Session 91.28 MtangaLion A few hours later... "Finally!" cried an exhausted Princess Twilight, watching the portal mirror flare with mystic energies, erasing the crack that had marred its surface. "Remind me to dock Discord... oh, several thousand Twilight's Trust points, now that I'm sure it was him." Sunset raised an eyebrow. "You've been keeping score?" Twilight smiled grimly. "Meticulously!" She waved a hoof towards the restored portal. "It'll take a while to round up all the humans from the temporary housing... and wherever else they've wandered off to, but a few of you should go through now. You know, before anyone overreacts." --- Sci-Twi, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash stepped through the portal, then rose up... not on hind hooves, but legs and feet again, finally. "Never thought I'd be this happy to see *that*," said Dash, grinning at the moonlit front steps of Canterlot High School. Suddenly, bright flashlights snapped on, half-blinding them, and magenta shields snapped into place, securely bubbling them where they stood. "I've got them!" bellowed Shining Armor, who was... ponied-up?! And projecting the powerful shields with his outstretched hand? "Where are those crazy kidnappers?!" snarled Gilda, fully griffoned-up with bronze wings out and glowing warhammer in hand. "Lemme at 'em!" "Save some for me!" roared a third voice. This one had Sci-Twi's jaw hanging open. Spike... it could only be her dog Spike... had apparently managed to *dragon-up*, and currently he was a tall muscular bipedal drake, wearing an outfit straight out of World of Horsecraft. He blinked. "Um... did the bad guys not come through the portal yet? Did we scare them off?" A ponied-up Big Macintosh, looking like he could bench-press his own pickup truck, snorted. "Or maybe... somebody told us a little fib about there being any kidnappers in the first place." "Dangit, Pinkie, Ah told ya..." muttered Applejack, blushing. "Hold on... Mac, when did *you* go to Equestria?" Now it was Big Mac's turn to look a little evasive, clearing his throat. "Ah... might have been looking for a place to hide, on account of all the girls trying' force me to pick one of 'em to date..." He shrugged broadly. "Didn't help much." Shining Armor groaned and dropped the shields. "You really had us worried, you know..." Gilda stomped over to them and slugged Dash. "Ow!" yelped Dash, clutching her shoulder. "What the..." "That's for making me worry!" said Gilda, hugging Dash tight. She blinked, noticing everyone looking at her, especially the maniacally grinning Cadance in the passenger seat of Shining's car nearby. "Nobody read too much into this! Sheesh!" --- Meanwhile, in one of the guest dragon dens in the Friendship Gaming Academy, three young dragons were snuggled against each other, relaxing in a hot lava bath. "I've been thinking," mused Norman, sitting in the middle between the two females. "Do we really have to go back to Earth?" Smolder grinned lazily. "Well, I kind of live here, so I'm not going anyplace." Blueberry giggled. "You know, staying a dragon... I think I'm warming to the idea." The others groaned and splashed lava at her.