//------------------------------// // Chapter 3 - The Sapphire Sunset // Story: Beyond the Twilight Eclipse // by newmoonwinter //------------------------------// I looked in the mirror at the brown unicorn staring back. “Why does school have to start so early? Celestia hasn’t even raised the sun yet.” I groaned as I splashed cool water in my face. “Okay Sapphire Blaze, every day is a new day, come on, let’s see what I’ll learn today.” I looked over to my sister’s bed. “Ruby, time to get-” I let out a sigh as she was trying to put on her crutches. Watching her trying to pick up her crutches with her magic, then resorting to use her mouth like an earth pony to pick them up one at a time made my heart fall. “I’m already awake, sis. You should learn not to stay up so late studying.” Ruby bit the strap of her one crutch, pulling it snug across her forehoof. “Celestia’s Sunrise is a bit late, don’t you think?” She said looking towards the only window of our room. She strapped the brace of her other crutch round her hoof. I brushed my mane and tail before letting out a sigh. “It seems that way. It’s been happening more and more as of late.” I move my head from side to side to make sure I got everything, but was immediately pushed aside by my sister. “Okay, you’ve had enough, it’s my turn.” Her horn fizzled and sparked as she tried levitating the brush. She lets out a sigh, and gave me those puppy dog eyes at me. “I guess I’m having a bit of trouble today, can you?” She motioned to her knotted long crimson mane and tail. “You know I’ll always be there to help you.” I started brushing my sister gently. “I told you not putting your mane in a braid would help to make sure you don’t get tangles.” I ended up resorting to using my mouth to sort out her knotted mess. “Maybe if my horn was working like normal unicorns, I wouldn’t have to ask for help and burden you like this.” It wasn’t anger, it was more like frustration. “Sis,” She paused for a moment whilst I continued continued grooming her the old fashioned way. “Do you ever think I’ll be able to do things like everypony else?” I shook my head, watching her ears fall. I let go of her mane and looked into her reflection. “Why resort to being just like everypony else? Remember what mamma always said to us? ‘Always strive to be the best you can be. Never let your disadvantages win. Instead, make them into advantages.’ So who cares about being like everypony else, just be the best you can be.” Really, I should take my own advice one of these days. I was at the point I could continue using the brush to smooth out her mane. “Look at me, I don’t have a cutie mark, but does that stop me from being the best I can be, no. I know you’re self conscious about your walking aid, but that shouldn’t stop you from doing anything.” She gave me a smile. “This is why you’re my big sis. You always seem to know what to say at the right moment.” She looks down for a moment before heading towards the door. “Try to have a good day today, okay. I know right around now you start going into a slump.” Smiled, then let out a sigh. “Um, sis?” Pointing to the door with her crutch. I strapped on my saddlebag, stuffed notebook, textbooks, and pencils inside, and walked over to the door. My magic pulled down on the door handle, and pulled the door open. We walked out of the dorm room, and said our goodbyes. I started towards the lecture rooms, while my sister hobbled towards the infirmary wing. The only good thing about taking morning classes, not many ponies liked waking up before sunrise, so the halls were pretty empty. I passed by Minuette, and Lemon Hearts, as made my way to “Advanced Theory in Levitation”. Most of the ponies I passed called me a “late bloomer”. I asked one of professors about that during the first few weeks of school. They said it was a name given to those who still haven’t found their special talent. It’s like being called a blank flank. It hurts, but most of the time I just ignore them and focus on my studies. There’s this orange unicorn with red and gold mane and tail who always has this sad look to them whenever we have to do team projects. Since nopony wasn’t to have anything to do with me because of my, flank, I end up on my own. Moondancer is a soloist, and who could blame her, she’s just as smart as Twilight Sparkle. But that orange unicorn has that look like she wants to do things on teams but doesn’t know how to ask. I’d go in a heartbeat, but I’m not sure if she would even want to be a team mate for class, and why would anypony want to associate with a late bloomer. I let out a sigh as I levitate my textbook and start writing notes, whilst the professor gave the lesson. I guess I hyper focused on my own work, I hadn’t noticed class was over, and there was Professor Amber Sunbeam looming over me like I had done something wrong. She always was like that, even though she was quite kind, and liked getting to know her students. “My dear, why are you still here? Don’t you have other classes to get to?” The Professor asked, trying to sound sincere, however her natural scowling look told me otherwise. “I-I didn’t realize the lesson was over.” I quickly packed up my textbook, notebook and pencil into my saddlebag. “I guess I better get to my next class.” My ears drooped as I turned towards the door. “You seemed out of sorts during today’s lesson. Is everything alright?” She asked. I stopped for a moment before turning to her. “Everything is fine, why do you ask?” “Because you were staring off in space before sticking your muzzle into your textbook. Normally I don’t mind, but you seem to be more focused in your reading than hearing my lesson. Can you tell me what’s going on?” By then the second bell rang signalling the start of another class period. “It’s fine - I mean I’m fine. I’m going to be late for my next class.” I let out a sigh before exiting the lecture hall. I hadn’t really paid attention to where I was going when I bumped into Moondancer. I said my sorry, and went on my way, only to hear her call me a late bloomer. My ears fell, as I continued to my next class, “Cover’s Journeys of Magical Discovery”. It was mainly a history class talking about Starswirl’s protege Clover the Clever. When I got to the classroom, the only spot I saw was in the front row. Not only was I late for the lesson, but I had to be in the front row. As I trotted towards my seat, I heard the whispers of the other students calling me names. Like I needed it right now. I pulled out my notebook, turned it to a blank page, then started writing. “Hey, um, do you have an extra pencil I can borrow?” I didn’t realize who was sitting to my left until she spoke. I turned to see the same orange unicorn I saw in last class. “Huh?” Was the only thing I could utter out, as astonishment took over. Not many ponies would remotely talk to me, let alone ask to borrow anything. “Do you have an extra pencil I could borrow? I seem to have lost mine, and I’m not one for using quill and ink.” The mare asked. “Oh, um sure.” I levitated mine over to her, and grabbed another one for myself out of my saddlebag. “I’m Sunset Shimmer, and you’re Late Bloomer, right? Thanks for the pencil.” She said with a smile. Just as I thought, she just had to call me by that terrible name. “It’s not Late Bloomer. My name is Sapphire Blaze.” I said sternly. Then realized the tone I spoke in, letting out a long sigh. “Okay okay. You don’t have to get all huffy about it. Just that’s what everypony called you, and I assumed that was your name.” At that point I had stopped paying attention to her and continued writing notes. There were a few times where she would ask me about something, but it was met with silence. Most of the afternoon was the same, me being teased about my lack of a cutie mark, hyper focusing on my studies, and the few interactions between Sunset and I. I was glad I had a counselling appointment with Princess Celestia. I guess it was a regular thing that the Princess would set up a monthly time for some one on one with the students of her school. I trotted up to Celestia’s room, and knocked. A few moments passed before the door was engulfed in a golden light and opened. “You are just in time, Sapphire. Please come in.” The white alicorn spoke, as she motioned for me to sit in the large chair across from her. I was hesitant at first, like I had been every time it was my turn to visit. I took a deep breath, and walked towards the chair. “Thank you for seeing me.” I unstrapped my saddlebag, sat it next to the chair before I hopped up and sat down. “I’ve been hearing from your professors that you’ve been soloing your team assignments, and have been spending more time reading the textbooks than listening to your professors.” She said. She wasn’t wrong in that respect. “I guess it’s because I’m here to learn about magic, not hear stories.” I said. It was how I perceived school was, just a place to learn how to be a better unicorn. “School is more than studying. You should make some friends.” She said, in that familiar caring tone. “But why?” I asked, wondering what she was going on about. Something about her tone told me there was an underlying reason, but it was one I had to figure out myself. “Friends brings a kind a joy you wouldn’t find in those books.” Her words were true, but friendship still wasn’t for me. School was just for studying, that was it. “But I’m happy when I do magic, and discovering new ways to use old spells.” I was very much a bookworm, always spending my evenings in the Canterlot Library reading old texts on spells, or ancient per-Equestrian history. “Answer me this, why pursue magic?” She started to pour some tea. Yet another fair question coming the ruler of Equestria. “To be able to do good in the world?” I hadn’t meant to say it as a question, it just sort of came out that way. “For whom?” She asked back, as she levitated a tea cup to me. “You can’t always be on your own all the time, it’s not healthy.” I grabbed the cup with my magic, and thought for a couple of moments while sipping the hot brew. “How can I make friends when everypony calls me a," I swallowed. "late bloomer?” “That will pass in time. They will see you for who you are, not what you have on your flank. You just need them to get to know you. Talk to them, make jokes, spent time with them, help them out if they have a problem. You just, become friends.” From the sound of it, it was like she spoke from experience. I took a sip of tea. “I don’t know. The last time I tried talking to somepony, it didn’t go so well.” I just focused on the dark color of the liquid. “Friendship isn’t easy, it takes time and effort. Soon you’ll make lots of friends.” She said refilling her cup. “But what if I fail to make a friend? What if after all that, they still don’t want to be friends?” I stared down at the floating tea cup. “I don’t think anypony is unable to make at least one friend.” Her words were warm, yet, there was a bit of sadness in what she said. “I try to act nice, be friendly, and yet I get teased for it. What am I doing wrong?” I said setting the cup on table. “Your professors tell me you can easily figure out the fundamentals of magic, as well as a few of the advanced spells, yet friendship goes over your head?” The princess looked at me for a few moments, then spoke. “I’m sure you’ll be able to figure it out in the end. Have patients.” I looked down at the floor. “I, I don’t know. Friendship just seems so hard.” I looked into her eyes. There was one question I had to ask, and probably knew the answer. “Is, is this an order, princess?” “Yes. Until you figure it out and make a friend, I don’t want you to go into the library to study alone. You need to start having fun, enjoy life and friendships.” Her words hurt like I had been stung my a bugbear, but in the end, I know it was the right thing she could’ve done. I said my thanks, got off the chair, strapped on my saddlebag, and exited the room. My head hung low as Celestia’s words repeated in my head. I continued making my way back to my dorm, hoping tomorrow would be another day. I was sort of glad tomorrow was the weekend, I could go out and visit the town, restock the food supply for the coming week, and take a tour around the palace. I guess that was one of the perks of being in Celestia’s school, her students were allowed onto the palace grounds, talk to the ruler when she wasn’t busy, trot through the hedge maze, there was quite a lot one pony could do. I let out a sigh as my magic grabbed ahold the latch, and pushed my door open. With all that went on, I took off my saddlebag, throwing it on my small desk, and went to bed. My mind raced trying to figure out how one would make a friend. I rolled onto my back and raised my forehoof towards the ceiling. “Why did Princess Celestia look so sad? Did I remind her of somepony?” I let out a sigh, lowering my hoof. “How am I supposed to make friends when I’m constantly teased?” I rolled onto my side and stared at the photo of my parents and little sister. “Yeah, I know mamma. My time will come when I figure out who I’m meant to be. I wish you were here. Ruby and I are trying our best to cope, but it’s hard when you’re so far away.” A tear rolled down my cheek as I nuzzled my pillow trying to comfort myself. It’s been three years since the fire, and yet the wounds still hurt. Three years today. Ruby and I were the only ones who made it out before our house collapsed. That was all thanks to mamma and papa’s quick thinking. When the paramedics and fire department arrived, I covered my sister’s eyes as they pulled the corpses of our parents. I didn’t want her to see the horror, no foal should. We only had a few burns on our bodies. Ruby had a crack on her horn, and her hindquarters had some fractures, but the majority of both our wounds were of the heart. Within an instant, we lost everything, our family, our home. All we were left with was the family bits, no aunts or uncles to take us in, we were alone in the world. We spent a few weeks in hospital waiting for our wounds to heal, and Ruby's rehabilitation so she could walk again. I was glad when the Princess allowed my sister to stay with me at the school. We both had each other, trying to make it in this world. A faint knocking interrupted my train of thought. This was either Ruby, coming home late, or another adoption agency pony wanting us to have a “new family”. The knocking continued. I got up, wiped the tears from my eyes, walked to the door, and answered. I opened the door a crack. “Hello?” I asked. “Sis, it’s me. There’s somepony who wishes to speak to you.” Ruby said, as she pushed me out of the way with her crutches, and hobbled towards her bed. I looked to see who would want to speak to a late bloomer, when. “Hello Sapphire.” The orange unicorn spoke. What was her name, Glimmering Dusk? Oh, right, Sunset Shimmer. “I wanted to thank you for letting me borrow your pencil. I meant to give it back earlier, but it looked like you were having a hard day.” She was levitating my pencil in front of her. “Uh, thanks Sunset.” I let out a sigh. “Today wasn’t that much of a good day for either of us.” I pointed towards my sister. “I see. Is that why she’s trotting with help?” Sunset asked purely out of curiosity. “I don’t think that’s any of your business.” My emotions started to run away from me, as tears ran down once again. Ruby got off her bed and hobbled to the door. “You’ll have to forgive my sis. Today marks when our parents died, and she gets emotional when the sun starts to set.” She started to nuzzle me, trying to get me to calm down. Sunset’s ears drooped. “That’s, terrible. And here I just thought you were just a regular ol’ unicorn.” She realized what she said. “Sorry, that was rude of me. I meant to say, you two have been through a lot." She thought for a moment. "If you need one of Celestia’s prized students exclusive books or a doctor to get your sister back on her hooves. Let me know.” Boast much? Here I thought we could’ve been friends, then she pulls this. “Yeah, well. No thanks. We’re fine as we are.” I grabbed the pencil. And shut the door in Sunset’s face. I went back to bed and shoved my muzzle under my pillow. Ruby shook her head. “I know it hits you hardest, but I think that Sunset was trying to be friendly. She and I had a talk whilst we walked to the dorm. She doesn’t really understand how one could be friends with each other. I told her that even though I can’t walk on my own yet, and I get teased, I try to look for a common interest when trying to be friends with somepony. Something you need to look for as well.” She approached her bed, undid her straps, laid the crutches on the floor, and crawled onto her bed with relative difficulty. “Sis? If you hadn’t gotten accepted into this school prior to the accident, I don’t know if we would’ve made it with me always slowing you down. Not with the care I am getting now.” My head poked from under the pillow. “Ruby, you’ll never slow me down." I paused for a moment. "What are you getting on about?” Raising my head, and staring at my sister. “It’s, it’s nothing.” She lowers her head and looks at her scarred hind hooves. “I don’t want to always be a burden to you.” Her ears droop. “What if I never heal? What if I never gallop or use magic again?” “Does that really matter?” I said as I went to sit beside my little sister. “So you can’t walk like everypony else. You will in time. Just like someday, I’ll figure out my special talent and get my cutie mark.” I put my foreleg around her trying to comfort her. Though, I think it was more for me than anything. I needed the hug as much as my sister did. I started humming a lullaby mamma used to sing to us as foals. Soon Ruby drifted off to sleep just as the moon was starting to rise. I gently put her under the covers, and walked over to my desk. I spent a good chunk of the night doing my homework, as well as make a list of what we needed for the week. Some of me was lucky that my horn wasn’t damaged from the accident, it acted like a dim lamp with it’s silver glow as I moved the pencil with my magic. I looked over to my sister as she tossed and turned in her sleep. Her cracked horn sparked a few times, probably having a bad dream. I let out a yawn. I closed my notebook for the night, and climbed into bed. It wasn’t long before my sleep deprived self drifted off.