Fallout: Equestria - Hellbound Express

by TimberLine

Ch 2 Load Out

***Chapter 2***

“Load Out”

“Took this right off him. And he earned that with the sweat of his slave-trading brow.”

- Malcolm Reynolds

A bright spot in the clouds sat high in the sky. Hellbound Express rolled back across the switch and cut on to the siding. The gap between the cattle cars and New Appleloosa's smaller freight cars were steadily closing. A white unicorn with a striped yellow and black mane sat on his haunches next to the track picking at the ballast with his hoof.

“You're ten cars out. Keep comin’ back.” Whistles said into the broadcaster built into his utility saddle.

The world was bright out. More light than normal seemed to be getting through the cloud curtain, making Whistles squint his eyes. He felt bored, even fatigued. He turned his eyes up, trying to focus on the white tip of his horn at the top of his vision. Crossing his eyes, he almost got the tip into focus. But the strain hurt, so enough of that. Next, he laid his right ear flat. Then raised it up again. Did the same thing with his left ear. Then with both ears.

“Eight cars out.” He drawled.

A yellow unicorn, Crane, with a matching yellow hard hat with a small hole cut into it to allow the tip of a horn poked out was trotting up to him. “Yo Whistles, thanks for taking these cars up the hill for us. Saves us allot of work.”

Whistles turned to look at the stallion approaching him before he responded. “Not a problem man, we're headed that way. Might as well. Not like we don't have the power to add on a few more cars.”

“Can I ask you a question?”

Whistles just stared back to Crane, not sure if that was the question or if another question was still coming.

“What is this “man” you always seem to call every pony?”

“Oh “man”? That's just a figure of speech ya’ know. Used to drive Overdrive crazy, but he mellowed out about it after a few years.” Whistles explained.

“You have been doing this a while now, haven't you?” The question seemed to be a leading one.

“Well, Coal has been on the longest, but yeah, I have been surfing the steel for a while now.”

“So, are you alright with this? Hauling slaves and all?” Crane was interested in what the mellow unicorns thoughts were on the topic.

“Oh, it really doesn't bother me. I mean, aren't we all slaves to something in the end.”

The broadcaster cracked with the sound of Overdrives voice “Yo’, Whistles, how far out am I?”

“I'm slave to this train, I can't leave. Plus I don't have any better place to go. And you, you're like a slave to this town.” Whistles eyes glazed over as he went into a deeper sociological state of being.

“I could leave whenever I want, I just got things to do here. There is work to be done around here.” Crane knew this was not exactly where he had planned to take the conversation. “Besides, you should probably get back on that broadcaster”

As the cattle cars rolled along behind Whistles, he continued his sociological decent. “You might not wear chains of iron, but chains of responsibility are chains all…”


The knuckle of the last cattle car drove hard into the string of New Appleloosa's freight cars, snapping the knuckle on the smaller car. The crash reverberated through the Hellbound Express. The whole consist pushed back another full cars length before coming to a stop.

Whistles turned around and looked at the train. A broken knuckle was laying on the track under the cattle cars. He shrugged, keyed the mic, and calmly said “Stop there, you're good.”

A long string of profanities spilled out of the broadcaster as Whistles turned back to Crane, intent on enlightening him on how everypony is already a slave.

Crane just facehoofed. “I will go get another knuckle” He turned around and started walking back toward the round house.

*** *** ***

Flipping through her manifest, Porter was satisfied with the exchange. Having traded off what goods they had and spent a large quantity of caps. Ditzy could retire rich if she pleased. But Porter knew Ditzy would use those caps to buy more goods that came into town. The thought of functioning economics made Porter feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.

Walking through the upper deck of the contain car, her and her trading partner were finishing up business, hoping the entire time that they were almost done. The scent of rotting meat was beginning to get overwhelming in the hot, stuffy container.

“So, if that is all, I believe we have finished what I believe to have been a fair trade?” Porter said looking at the ghoul pony.

Ditzy tilted her head to the side in thought. Her left eye began rolling in the back of her head. Porter suppressed the urge to vomit at the sight. And in the blink of an eye Ditzy’s eyes returned to normal as she remembered something.

Digging her grey, featherless wing tip deep into her saddle bags, she pulled out a clear crystal the size of a hoof.

For a split second, Porters eyes went wide. Trying to keep a neutral expression was critical while bargaining. But this time she just could not help it, she knew a good prize when she saw one. Hopefully Ditsy didn't notice.

Ditzy cracked a smile. She let Porter hold the talesman while she wrote on her tablet. “Came in a few weeks ago. Some trader found it in a old factory in Dodge City.

As Porter inspected it Ditzy cleared her chalkboard and wrote, “They said it makes a gas. You can fill up balloons with it!”

“This is a helium talisman?” Porter asked. Still turning it over, looking for an inscription. Ditzy nodded her head and smiled wide, showing twisted, black and yellow teeth.

Tasting bile in her mouth, Porter quickly looked away from the ghoul. Red Eye had been looking for a helium talisman for a while now. Ever since they found a stash of large air balloons in the MOM hub. Finally, she found the talisman’s etched marking. She was surprised when she noticed the engravings was not “He”, the symbol for Helium, but instead was just an “H”.

“Ditzy! This isn't helium?! This is a hydrogen talisman!”

Ditzy shrugged.

“This gas is very flammable!” Porter explained with a start.

Ditzy wrote on her chalkboard “still trade?

Porter thought. Red Eye had been looking for anything lighter than air. And its not like there it's a huge threat of these balloons to be shot down.. “Ok Ditzy, what would you like for this?”

After scribbling on her calk bored Porter winced when she read “Pip Buck”.

“Ouch. I might not get out of this with a leg up.” Porter thought to herself. Unlocking the pip buck cage, her and Ditzy stepped in.

Ditzy seemed in aww as almost two dozen pip bucks of different styles and models were stacked up on shelves. Ditzy walked around looking at all the different pip bucks before stopping and pointing to one. A big one! It was a pip buck 2600. Mounting on the lower calf like a regular pip buck except this one ran up the leg almost till it met the shoulder. Porter had read old reports on the 2600. They were great for transporting secret messages and were impossible to hack, but….

“I'm sorry, Ditzy, but I can’t let you have a 2600,” Porter explained, “there not user friendly.” She was trying to sugar coat the truth in hopes that she wouldn’t have to explain the real reason why. “I will trade you a 2000 for the talisman.” 2000 were the most common model. Most stables were stocked with the 2000 model.

Ditzy stared flatley at Porter. “Trade for a 3000?

Porter laughed out right! “No. Those are very rare. I will meet in the middle with a 2500. It's still a reliable machine.”

Ditzy thought for a moment before writing on the chalkboard. “Deal”

Porter walked out onto the catwalk of car six. The light was blinding after coming out of the darker container. The rain had stopped just before day break and it was getting hot and humid. The handkerchief tying her mane back soaked up the sweat of her brow.

Pulling out her pocket watch and flicked it open, her ears laid back and she knickered. Ten minutes to eleven. “So much for rolling at first light,” She muttered to herself.

Leaning out the side of the container car, ponies were milling around in small groups of conversation. Sliding down the ladder, the ballast crunched under hoof as she began trotting toward the engine.

“You're a sad excuse for a pegasus, you know that.” A twang accented voice, dripping with malis, sounded from the other side of the train.

Porter stopped as her ears perking up. She looked between the cars and saw two pegasi, wings outstretched, feathers ruffled, almost noise to noise, having a heated conversation.

“Now why would you say something like that to your cousin?” Half Cocked asked with his equally red necked accent.

“Cousin?! I ain't your damn cousin!” Calamity retorted.

“You're from Navarro. Everypony's a cousin in Navarro,” Half Cocked shot back, “I know you came down here full of piss and vinegar wanting to change things. Gonna be a big damn hero, ain't ya!”

“How can you live with yourself. To me your no better than a slaver! I have a policy when it comes to raiders and slavers!” Calamity said with a shooty look. The heat of pure anger building up inside of him. He almost wished Half Cocked would make a move.

“I ain't no slaver! I just don't want to die. Not all of us want to be down here in this shit hole. I had a good life up there.” Half Cocked spat on the ground and looked back at Calamity. He didn't like being on the defensive like this. “You know what your daddy said to me?”

“Don't you bring my daddy into this!” There was a sharp edge in Calamity’s voice. Heart racing now, his anger could have fired the boiler of the train.

“The hurt and disappointment in his eyes when he heard what you did. Where was your loyalty to your family!”

“My daddy never gave a radroaches ass about me! You though he was bad in basic, try living with that everyday of your life! Always in the shadow my brothers! So don't you talk to me about how my family felt! What would you know about any of that!”

“Look, I don't blame you for wanting to fix shit. But did you have to bring every pony down around you? Your lucky your daddy and brothers still got jobs.”

There was a pause. Could Calamity really say he didnt care what had happened to his dad or his brothers? Deep down, he knew he would just be lying to himself if he said he didn’t care.

“Well your here now. Why don't you help me.”

“It’s going to take more than two ponies to bring down Appleloosa.” Half Cocked having been there often knew the camp and its fire power.

“You got enough fire power on this train to do it.” Calamity pointed a wing tip at the train.

Half Cocked knickered. “Please, you'll never get this crew to risk their lives like that. Coal only cares about bull shit trinkets, that and his own self worth. Porter only cares about the caps. Gandy’s to old to give a damn. And Whistles is just a goddess damn lazy piece of shit. You might get Overdrive and IV, but again, aint no pony going to be risking their own lives for another. Still, Appleloosa is just one small problem in a much larger problem. Much bigger than any one small group of ponies could try to fix. And again, I ain't looking to die.”

“That's a lie. Your the first one to start shooting and pull some crazy stunt. But that's your problem right there. Lack of faith. It’s not in your heart to do right.”

“There's crazy, then there's suicidal. Besides, kill them before they kill you. Anyways, I got to go.” Half Cocked began beating his wings and taking flight. He stopped, hovered in the air looking back at Calamity. “Captain, if it's any consolation, I never believed what they said about you.”

“I ain't a Captain any more, Lieutenant,” Calamity said dryly.

This gave Porter pause. She knew she was not meant to hear all that. And that was a side to Half Cocked she had never seen before. Did she really only care about the caps? Something for her to chew on later.

As she walked alongside the train, IV and Candi were talking, but in a much lighter tone.

“Apple schnapps you say? Are you sure it's wise to mix medication with alcohol?” IV seemed to be questioning the decisions of the town’s medical pony.

“I’ve just found it helps the medicine go down better.” Candi had seemed to be all smiles this mourning, if a little sore. “You sure you can't spare any more medical bandages. I never know when you ponies will be back around this way.”

“I do apologize, Candi. I sold you all that I can spare.” IV knew that it wasn't the whole truth though. “We need everything else to fix up the slaves. They always seem to be in the most dreadful condition.”

“I understand. This should get us about three weeks. If there is no major fighting.” They were literally stuck between Appleloosa slavers and Ponyville raiders. The chances of that were slim.

“I'm sure we will be back by then.” IV assured.

“Besides, we get to bill for medical expenses when treating the slaves,” Porter said, trotting up to the two mares. A small voice in her mind repeated what Half Cocked had said about her. You only care for caps. She suppressed the thought. That's not how Mr. House had taught her to think. It's not good for business. “Where is Coal?”

IV pointed a forehoof toward the front of the train. “I believe he is talking with Railright by the South gate.”

“Ok, climb aboard, we are about to leave.” Porter turned to trot up the train.

Indeed, Coal was at the south gate, arguing with Railright. Seemed she was two for three for hot tempered conversation.

“We need more fire talismans!” Railright exclaimed.

“No, you need to produce more! The amount of cargo we picked up here is pathetic! I don't think this is what Red Eye had in mind when he loaned you a water talismans.”

Railright cringed on the inside. Most ponies in town didn't know Red Eye had given them the water talisman. “How am I supposed to produce anything if I’m not able to get raw materials into town.”

“An emergency on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine. Find a way. Pull the damn train up the hill if you have to.” Coal knew he had the stallion by the balls, and he relished in the feeling. Noticing Porter trotting up, he turned his attention to her. “They get those cars tied in?”

“Yes. Gandy and Crane fixed the knuckle, the airlines tied off and we are ready to roll.”

“That's another thing, 150 caps per car. That's blatant robbery,” Railright blurted out, “and you're beating up my equipment. I ought to charge you 300 for that knuckle.”

Coal glared at Railright. He stood at least a head taller than the sheriff. “I will take 200 caps off.”

“I want 250.” Railright said firmly. Money was the only leverage he had over Coal. It was the card he had to play in order to try and get control over the conversation.

Coal looked over to Porter. “Cut the last 6 cars of the train. I just won't take them up then.”

Both Porter and Railright stammered. Coal had called his bluff. Railright hadn’t thought Coal would be willing to miss out on caps to prove a point. Seems he was mistaken.

“Rather get paid for five then none.” Porter said hesitantly.

“Fine. 200.” Railright was quick to interject. The corners of Coals mouth curved up. How nice it was to hold all the power. He thought to himself.

Railright, begrudgingly hoofed the caps out of his saddlebags.

“Have the gates open when we come back through. We are not going to stop.” Coal said. “Now, let's get out of this shit hole.”

Railright’s ears went flat as he bit down on his tongue. Every deal and every pass of this train just seemed to get worse and worse.

Porter just watched as Coal trotted into the passenger car and Railright walked away, ears laid flat. Snapping his tail in the air with every swoosh.

Standing in the veranda, Porter keyed up the mic on her broadcaster. “Overdrive, you have 9 cars still in the siding. Take it easy till we clear the gate.”

“Roger that.” Overdrive’s voice came back.

The quiet air was shattered by the sound of three deep whistle blasts. The knocking sound of slack action raced down the train as the knuckles drew tight and the whole consist began rolling forward. Porter rocked to the side as New Appleloosa began moving away in front of her. She pulled out her pocket watch and released a deep sigh. “So much for first light.”

*** *** ***

Wind whipped through Half Cocked's mane and hair. Wings outstretched, he flew high above the rails, scanning the track looking for broken rail, obstructions, or raiders laying in wait. Twin AR-10’s, loaded and cocked, were mounted on his battle saddle, just waiting for something to spring up.

He could feel pressure building behind his eyes. His vision was beginning to fog and he was finding it harder to stay focused. He pulled up and started hovering in the air. Looking back a half mile, dark, greenish-purple smoke was rising from the ground as the train worked is way across the desert.

Pulling out a can of PTM's, he popped one of the candy flavored drugs.

As the fog of sobriety lifted away, the world fell back into clarity, “Oh there it is!” Half Cocked said with a smile.

The sun was on the downward side of the day as a slightly brighter spot in the clouds worked its way toward the horizon. Looking to the south, Appleloosa was off in the distance with the Hellbound Express only about 30 minutes out from it.

“Hey, Condor, look at what we got here,” a rough voice said from behind him.

“Hey pegasus, you’re a long way from the Enclave” Condor said.

Half Cocked rolled his eyes recognising the voice of that turkey. Turning around, two of Red Eye’s griffin mercenaries floated in front of him. Grenades and ammo belts hanging off their armor. Each carried a modified AK in their talons.

“Shut the fuck up, Sabbath,” Half Cocked said, staring down the griffins.

“Half Cocked?” Condor said. “You're late. Stern is not happy. She'll have your tail feathers for this.”

Half Cocked snapped his tail in the air. “Are you really too stupid to understand how many things are wrong with what you just said.”

Condor tightened his grip on his AK. Snapping off the safety.

“Well then, I’ll just let you take the lead on this dance!” Half Cocked said with narrow eyes and a half smile. Lining up his twin AR-10’s.

Sabbath looked over to Condor, “Lets take this dirt side.”

“Aww, and I was hoping for a two step.” Half Cocked chuckled as the two griffins dove toward the ground.

Half Cocked dove down toward the slaver town. Dilapidated old wooden buildings and derailed rail cars lined the sides of a deep muddy road. The stench of shit and death bucked Half Cocked in the muzzle. The whole place was surely out of Celestia’s nightmare

Half Cocked took a deep breath and kept his descent toward the ground. He circled over the train station. Two tracks came in the North end of Town and exited the town at the South side. A large, three way intersection was about half a mile further down the line where they would turn the consist around.

Flying over the train station, the stench was at its worse. Directly behind the depot were the slave holding pens. Rusted steel catwalks were mounted over the cages with ragged and scarred slaver ponies kept a eye on the slaves.

Ponies so dirty that none had the bright pastel colors ponies were known for. The pens were barely even half full. Half Cocked grimaced. They definitely weren't going to meet quota with this load. Catching himself, he noticed his first thoughts went to there quota, not the fact that living breathing ponies where down there. Maybe Calamity was on to something. Was there a way to take down this town? Could a few ponies get enough of a jump to free slaves? A knot started form in his stomach and weigh it down. Stupid, suicidal thoughts of glory and justice began running though his mind.

Popping another PTM, his mind was quick to point out he had to be worried about the quota or Red Eye might make an example of the train crew. And he cared more about his own hide then these ponies. That was a good enough rationalisation.

There seemed to be a fair mix of mares and stallions. One stallion seemed to be taking advantage of a smaller mare with the guards not doing a damn thing to stop it. A few fillys huddled in a corner, and there looked to be one big bastard chained down in his own cage. Two guards watched his every move. Goddess that is a big buck! Half Cocked thought to himself. Laying down, he was almost as tall as Half Cocked was standing up!

Taking another lap over the pens for a closer look, there seemed to be a little more than 200 or so ponies. Only a few even looked up to see him flying over. It was easy to tell the difference between those born into slavery and those forced into it. The ones who had accepted their fate or didn't know anything other than slavery were thin and weak from a life of malnutrition and hard labor, yet they were the ones that seemed the most coherent, the most alert. They were easy to transport, did not cause trouble, and knew there place.

It was the slaves that had been forced into slavery that were where the trouble lied. Ponies typically went one of two ways. Either they broke down in fear, which could lead to depression and even suicide, or they turned violent. They always seemed to be looking for ways to cause trouble. They would probe defences, testing their limits. They could team up with other slaves and try to riot. The smart ones knew that the best time to riot was in transit. Once they got to The Farm, it was all over.

Half Cocked banked and headed back over town. Landing in the mud outside a large, multi story barn. Walking through the doors, he was again greeted with a horrid stank. But this time, it was booze, vomit, and overworked pussy.

Hoof Cuffs was the town saloon and brothel. Trotting into an open floor filled with gambling tables, a bar on one side and a stage set up on the opposite end, ponies gambled away caps and slaves. Slave ponies could change hooves multiple times a night without ever knowing it. Which wouldn't matter when they got to Fillydelphia. If they survived the trip that was. To the slavers, it only mattered who collected the caps for that slave and the number of catches. Half Cocked even knew a slaver in the top 20 that never caught a single slave, just won them at the tables.

Half cocked surveyed the room. Catwalks of rusted steel lattice bolted into rotting wooden timbers ran over the stage and into some rooms on the second floor. The place was busy, packed with ponies, not all of which were slavers, but they were all unsavory. Along with slavers, there were mercenaries, hit ponies, bandits, and thugs. A few mares wearing colorful yet worn dresses hung off the stallions who seemed to be winning. Doesn't matter if you win at the tables, the whores are the only ones that will be walking out of here with the caps by the end of the night. Half Cocked thought to himself as he trotted up to the bar.

“Hey, get me some whiskey.” Half Cocked dropped a cap onto the bar. The bartender spit a thick stream of brown saliva into a glass he was “Cleaning” and wiped it out with a dirty old rag before setting the glass back on the shelf. He gave Half Cocked a curt nod.

Cheers and whoops from the crowd erupted as an aqua colored mare with a lime green mane and tail wearing a tight tattered purple dress trotted on stage.

A piano played an up tempo tune as she began to dance around. Trying her darndest to act seductive, this mare of the night reared up on her hind legs. Holding the bottom, she made the frilly ends of the dress flow around her, occasionally giving teasing shots of her engorged teats between her legs. For which the crowd gave a great applause

“Well if it isn't the eyes of the Hellbound.” A voice came from behind Half Cocked. “Y'all are a week late and first thing you gonna do is get a drink?”

“I was feeling thirsty. You know dehydration is a major killer out here in the waste,” Half Cocked said, never taking his eyes off the dancing mare who now had her hind quarters in a air for the whole saloon to see. Half Cocked gave a small chuckle at the irony. She put clothes on to give a strip tease, yet most the time ponies walked around naked. Of course, most mares don't go out of there way to show off there clam.

“You know what else is a major killer?! Lead poisoning!” Anger was building at the disrespect this pegasus was showing him, he raised up a hoof to bring it crashing down on the back of Half Cocked’s head.

In the blink of an eye, Half Cocked pulled out a knife with this wingtip and pressed it tight to the slavers neck, causing the slaver to freeze.

Finally turning to look at the green pony, Half Cocked chided “ Now Apple Core. Why you gotta get rude like that.”

Apple Core just eyed him sharply then glanced at his companion, a greytoned earth pony sporting a mini gun battle saddle moved closer.

“Boss wants to have a word with you.” Bare Root said.

“Oh, well, best not keep the queen of this little ant hill waiting.” Half Cocked resheathed the knife, picked up this shot of whiskey with his wing tip, and turned to give one last look at the stripping mare. She had fully extracted herself from the dress and was letting some stallion, or could have been a mare, bury their face between her hind legs, her oversized breasts burying the ponies muzzle. Not that they seemed to mind, but shouldn't they have to come up for air?

Half Cocked trotted into Boss Hoss's office on the second floor of the barn. Condor and Sabbath were already in there. The two Griffin mercenaries were flank deep in an argument with a bright purple mare sitting behind a desk backed by a large, chalky grey stallion.

“Stern is tired of getting train cars full of corpses!!” Sabbath said, his talons beginning to dig into the desk.

“Gental-pon….” Pausing, thinking that was not the best word to use with an angry griffin. “we are working on cutting the attrition rate here in our pens. Most seem to die in transit,” Boss said as he noticed Half Cocked, Bare Root, and Apple Core walk into the room.

Sabbath took his talons off the desk and turned to look at Half Cocked, who took a seat in the chair and kicked his hind hooves up onto the desk, leaning back as if he hadn't noticed Boss’s attempt to throw the 3133 crew under the rails.

“Hey, don't look at us, we just haul them. It's your job to see to there needs.” He held his forehooves up.

Bare Root spoke up. “We have been developing new drugs to give the slaves the stamina needed to survive the trip.”

Sabbath didn't look impressed. “Stern is not happy with your lack of collection recently. That's why she sent us, to judge what kind of operation you have going on here. And we are not impressed.”

Boss was keeping her cool, but small beads of sweat started to form across her forehead. “Well when you get back to Fillydelphia, you can tell Stern I have every slaver combing the countryside looking for more slaves. We are just starting to expand our reach. There are multiple towns and homesteads ripe for the picking.”

Sabbath snorted. “Let me give you a warning. If things do not improve soon, Stern is going to send a…” he paused to think.

Condor finished Sabbaths sentence. “There going to send A “special representative” here to improve your operations”.

Apple Core and Bare Root exchanged worried glance.

“You're here, so where is the train?” Condor turned to face Half Cocked, who was still relaxing in the chair, as he said this. Seeming not to notice the tension building in the room.
Half Cocked looked down at his left hoof. Taped at an imaginary watch with his right hoof. Then brought his hoof to his ear listening for clicking noise from the non existent watch. “Oh, in about 10 minutes.”

The two Griffin looked at each other. “Ponies” Sabbath muttered as they walked out of the door of the office.

Boss Hoss rubbed a hoof against the brow of her muzzle. “What are we going to do?”

Apple Core started, “I think we should start with chems. Mixing Dash and Buck has given some positive results for the caravans.”

“Ok, we can try that.” Boss knew the stakes and they were trotting a razors edge at the moment.

“Sure, till you get the dosage wrong and now we have to deal with 200 charged up slaves crammed into a tight car,” Half Cocked stated as he examined his right hoof. Faking more interest in the chips in his hoof then the current topic.

Boss looked back at Apple Core with a raised eyebrow.

“I can assure you, we have it worked out.”

Bare Root had been sitting on an idea for a while now, and now was as good of time as any to purpose it. “What if we started getting into the foul market? There easier to control and train. You only have too kill one and the rest will stay in line. I know they can't do the work of a grown pony, but we can always play up the investment angle.”

Boss contemplated this. “Not a bad idea. We will have to start reaching out farther anyway we do it. Start hitting up the outlying rock farms.”

“You could always stop beating the shit out of them.” Half Cocked said.

All eyes turned to the large grey station standing beside Boss Hoss.

Having not said a word yet, Whip Crack looked back, “What? I like beating them.” A deep growl and a sadistic grin on his face as he said this.

Boss Hoss turned back to face her lieutenants. “Bare Root, your still keeping those records?”

“Yeah, I had to clean a lot of 200 year old messages off the terminal. Got all but one that seems locked,” Bare Root explained, “Mind telling me the point of records keeping?”

“Yes I do. Be sure to make a note about everything that has happened here. And do it soon, All three of you are going with our pegasus friend here on this run. See that it goes smooth.”

The three ponies gave a sharp nod then headed for the door. There was work to be done this evening.

*** *** ***

Two apples sat on a bar. A magical glow enveloped them as their shapes shifted into glass shot glasses filled with an amber liquid. Apple Whiskey’s horn quite glowing as he took the the four caps.

Another slow night at Turnpike Tavern. But it had been a day for a drink. Railright growned. Feeling a heavy weight of responsibility hanging over him as he threw back his shot glass relishing the whiskey burn as it went down.

“I reckon it’s going to take a few more of those to drown out this day,” Calamity said, taking a seat on a bar stool next to Railright.

Railright just grunted. “It's going to get worse before it gets better.”

Calamity just looked over at Railright. “You could do something about it,” he said, throwing back his apple shot.

Railright shot him a glare.

“This stuff ain’t bad, but ever tried wild pegasus?” Calamity responded, ignoring the glare,

“We need more wagon caravans,” Railright gruffed, “This town is going to die if we keep depending on that train.” Taking a heavy breath he asked, “Calamity, I need you do me a favor. I need you to try and get more caravans to come into town. Don't go east, there is nothing good east. Try running the 52 if you have to. Talk to the White Apples or go see what is in San Anponyo. But we need to do more trading if we want to survive.”

Calamity considered the request. It’s not like the stallion was asking for to much. Calamity was already a wasteland veteran and typically traveled the Equestrian Midwest. “Would it stop you from trading with slavers?” he purposed.

Ting… ting…. Tiiiiinnnng….

Three strums of a guitar rang out from the stage, catching every ponies attention. Drumstick sat behind his drum set starting into a tap, tap, TAP. tap, tap TAP rhythm that seemed to mimic the chugging of a steam engine. Six Strings started singing in a deep baritone voice. A smooth, rich vocal that could touch your very soul.

There's a long black train

Coming down the line

Feeding off the souls, that are lost and crying

Dirty, tired ponies stood fetlock deep in pony shit and mud, locked in rusted steel pens. Steam driffed above the ground as a bright orange and yellow sky lit up the cloud curtin on the horizon backlighting the Hellbound Express. The black engine sat idle next to the line of slave pens. Dark purples and mixed strips of neon greens drifted out of the smoke stacks. To the dirty ponies in the cages, this was death itself. They could feel the heat radiating off the boiler, and even though this giant steel beast sat, almost majestic on the rails, they knew there was a burning fire in her soul. A blistering passion that would consume everypony, slave, slaver, and crew alike. Patiently waiting to drag them to the pits of hell.

Rails of sin, only evil remains

Watch out brother, for that long black train

As the light faded to grey, Apple Core and Bare Root walked on catwalks above the cages as loading ramps were moved into place. Whip Crack moved through the cages, pushing the slaves out of the pens and down toward the chutes. Crack! Rearing up on his hind legs, the whip sliced through the air again. Crack! The whip struck the hide of a seafoam pony as it dropped into the mud. She had been a beautiful mare, the most beautiful mare in her whole village. She was a sister, a daughter, and the bride of a honest stallion. He was a hard worker and together they were carving out a life in this horrible world. She had cried tears of joy when she found out they were going to have a foul. Now, she cried tears of pain. Her love now dead and her baby lost as dark crimson blood seeped from slash's cut deep on her sides and flank. Whip Crack smiled as he brought a hard hoof into the mares soft underbelly.

Look to the heavens

You can look to the skies

You can find redemption

Staring back into your eyes

Porter sood on one side of the loading ramp, IV on the other. As ponies slowly walked into the car IV checked their health, giving health potions and casting simple healing spells. Porter, clipboard in hoof, noted cutie marks, health rating, and recorded “inventory”. A mare, seafoam in color limping bad was next in line. IV flinched, poor girl was hard to look at. Face black and blue, right eye swollen shut, and deep lacerations on her side. Her vaginal cavity was scared and scabbed. She had seen many rappings to receive this much damage. With a hardened attitude of fixing product, IV reduced the swelling, mended broken ribs, and wrapped the wounds nn healing bandages. Finally, IV gave the mare a tablet, mix of Buck and Rage. The dosage of the drugs were unknown, but it would give the seafoam mare enough energy to walk up the ramp and into the car.

There is protection, and there's peace the same

Burnin' your ticket, for that long black train

A small, young, dark blue buck was next on the ramp. IV floated up a small drug tablet and a canteen of water, which the colt drank from. One of his ears was split, and a few of his teeth had been knocked out. IV went to apply medical bandages when she notice this young bucks lack of a cutie mark. He was just a young colt, and not the first IV had seen this night. IV couldn't meet the foal’s tear soaked eyes. Children were hard. Unlike adults, they didn't have a chance to save themselves. But she steeled her heart and moved onto the next one as the nameless colt struggled with his hooves to walk into the car.

There's an engineer, on that long black train

Making you wonder, if your ride is worth the pain

Coal stood on the top of the cattle car, overseeing the loading process. Two griffins also paced back and forth across the top of the car looking for trouble. Coal scanned the rail yard and holding pens. Looking down, he saw weakness. He knew that these ponies were where they were meant to be. The strong rule over the weak. That was the natural order of the waste. If these ponies were stronger they would be free. Looking over at Half Cock he found him sitting behind a monster of a rifle. In situation that could go sideways, Half Cocked pulled out Destiny, a 50. caliber Anti Machine Rifle. The pinnacle of small arms projectile weapons. Half Cocked scanned over the pens, tracking both slavers and slave alike.

He's just a waitin', on your heart to say

Let me ride, on that long black train

A massive beast of a pony, Dark red with toxic yellow eyes and wearing multiple chain hoof cuffs emerged through the opening of the chutes. This stallion dwarfed the two slavers on either side of him, who were large in there own right. Coal was surprised by the size of this one. Weakness was the last things this massive pony portrayed. Both Porter and IV stared up at the massive pony in aww and fear. Porter’s Pencil fell to the mud as her jaw dropped. IV’s hooves shook in fear as she fumbled with a healing bandage. Half Cocked choked up on Destiny, taking a tight grip. If it goes down, this is when that would be.

Well I can hear, the whistle from a mile away

It sounds so good

But I must stay away

No longer confined in the chute, the giant pony looked at either staver standing next to him. He then looked right at IV. Their eyes met and IV felt her heart stop as he gave her a small smile. With unimaginable speed, the stallion reared up swung a massive hoof into the skull of the slaver to his right, cracking it. Brain and blood ejected itself from behind the ponies eyes. Before the slaver’s lifeless body collapsed into the mud, the red stallion looped his chains around the other slavers neck. Pulling back with tremendous might, the chain tightened around the slavers neck and began to dig into his hide. Harder the massive slave pony pulled, cracking of vertebra and the crushing of his windpipe split the air. The slaver pony’s eyes bulged out as his fore hooves tried grabbing at the chain. Blood was streaming down around all sides of his neck as the chain dug deeper into the muscle till it ripped straight through. The slaver head rolled back into the big ponies forelegs as the body dropped into the mud.

That train is a beauty, making everybody stare

But its only destination, is the middle of nowhere

Coal watched the scene as the two griffins began to bring their weapons to bare. He felt a sense of pride watching this stallion take back his freedom. On the inside, Coal could appreciate this stallion. Looking at Half Cocked, he gave a subtle nod. At this range, Half Cocked didn't even have to aim. He pulled the trigger and AMR bucked in his hooves. The giant red pony looked down at the two small mares standing on either side of the loading ramp when the stallions head was liquified by a 6 ounce bullet traveling at 2,800 feet per sec. The round sent a wave of energy rippling around the skull, turning hard bone into powder and brain into pulp. The head exploded in all directions in a shower of gore and pink mist as the bullet exited the cranium and continued on, striking a dirty peach mare behind him center in the chest. Having lost little momentum, the impact drove a small hole through her hide and expanded in the chest cavity, ripping the shoulders apart and blowing the front half of the mare in two, sending blood and internal organs in all directions before coming to rest deep in the mud.

Yes watch out brother, for that long black train

That devil's a drivin', that long black train

*** *** ***

Hooves clicked on polished marble floors. An aqua colored unicorn rushed through the crowded concourse of the Grand Manehattan Terminal, an architectural masterpiece of stone and elaborate granite carvings. it was the crown jewel and corporate headquarters of the Equestrian Transcontinental Railroad. Toner panted as he made it to the elevators. Stomping his hoof hard on the up bottom.

“Come on! Come on!” He slammed the button repeatedly in the vain hope that the elevator doors would open faster. Once the doors opened, he barreled in, prancing in place as he ascended up the skyscraper. When the doors finally opened on floor 76, he galloped into the operations main office.

“How many trains do we have in the Zebrica?!” Toner yelled, catching the attention of every pony in the room.

“Umm we…” several ponies started shuffling through papers.

“Get a massage out to the eastern district! Hold all trains at the Equestrian border! Get every train out of the Zebrica!!”

Every pony stopped and stared at him. This was absurd! Never in company history had they ever completely shut down and abandoned an entire district before.

“Do it now!” Toner snapped before continuing through to the main offices.

Panting hard, he leaned up against the door frame of the corner office to catch his breath. Sitting behind a large polished oak desk was a beautiful ginger mare with several shades of red in a styled mane and tail. Dressed in a grey form fitting suit dress.

“Toner, what is going on?” Daisy Chain said a calm even voice.

Toner, looking stressed and disheveled, pulled out a newspaper with his magic and floated it over to Daisy Chain. Right on the front page, in large bold print read;

Equestria is Going to War

“Princess Celestia has pronounced war against the Zebra empire.” Toner said.

Her only show of emotion was her ears moving to lay flat against her skull. She paused as calculations and priorities ran through her mind.

She was an amazing mare. All the stress of running a railroad, yet she always seemed calm and cool. She always had a solution to every problem. She demanded the best from every pony including herself.

“Hault every train from going into the Zebrica. And get evey train out of the country”

“I have ma’am.” Toner replied.

Daisy Chain got up and began walking toward the elevators. After heading up to the top floor, she entered the antechamber of the CEO’s office. A beautiful young white mare with purple shaded mane sat at the receptionist desk.

“Miss Chain, umm…. Mr. Rail has requested not to be interrupted by any pony.” Glitter Pop stammered. She was a nice mare, if a bit dim.

Daisy Chain knew she had been personally hired by Gin Rail more for her looks then her ability.
Daisy Chain glared at her. “Are you going to stop me from seeing my brother?”

Realizing she was caught in a hard spot, she began to panic. She could not refuse an order from the vise president of operations. Yet, letting her in would disobey the company president. Yet, it would be rude to not to let Miss Chain see her brother.

“Well…. Umm…” she said in a panic. Fumbling with papers and knocking a pencil holder onto the ground. When she bent down to pick up the pencils with her mouth, Daisy rolled her eyes and just kept walking through the doors.

“Umm… Ma’am…. You can’t go in there.”

“Its ok Glitter. Nothing would have stopped her.” Toner said, walking up to her desk. His magical glow engulfed the pencil holder and pencils, lifting them back onto the desk.
“Thanks, Toner. Its just, I’m thankful to have this job. I can’t afford to lose it.”

“Oh, fret not my dear. In my experience, it’s best not to get in the way of sibling rivalry.”

As Daisy walked in, three ponies were laughing. Sitting behind a giant, gaudy walnut desk sat a thin, lanky blue stallion, reclining in a high back executive chair with his hind legs kicked up on the desk. A ribbon of smoke rose up from a cigar Gin Rail was smoking.

“Gentalcolts, I believe we are going into a new age of prosperity!”

“Gin, my good buck! We can assure you that this will make all of us very rich!” A dull yellow unicorn with a red and white striped mane said.

“Remember, Gin, every challenge is just an opportunity in disguise!” the other pony said. They both spoke very quickly and played off of each other. But the way they talked, they just sounded sleazy, it made her hide crawl.

Daisy trotted up and cut between the two dull yellow ponies in matching pinstripe suits. She tossed the newspaper at her brother. “Did you know about this?

“Daisy!” Gin said with surprise as he sat up. Looking at the paper headline. He folded the paper back up and sat it gently on the desk. “Of course I did. Princess Celestial made preliminary announcements last night.”

“And you didn't want to give the rest of us a heads up?! We have trains in hostile territory now!”

“We wouldn't have wanted to give those filthy zebra's a warning of what was coming,” Flim added.
“Wouldn't want to give any disadvantage to our good fighting bucks of Equestria,” Flam said, smoothly finishing Flam’s sentence.

Noticing Daisy Chains anger, Gin Rail quickly brought their meeting to an end. “Gentalponies, I will definitely be in contact with you.”

Being a expert in figuring out what wasn’t said, Flim and Flam turned toward the door. “Of course, Gin. Next time though, how about we bring you out to Las Pegasus to finalize the deal?” Flim said with a bit too much charm.

“That is a wonderful idea brother! We could make a weekend out of it!” Flam finished.

“We will put something on the books,” Gin Rail responded.

As the two business ponies walked out the door, Flam looked at Daisy. “Miss Chain.” His voice was dripping with contempt as he said this.

Toner walked in and sat in a cushion next to Gin's desk. Daisy always liked him to be at her meetings. Saved time on filling him in later.

Once the door was closed behind the swindling business ponies, Daisy whirled on Gin Rail.

“How could you have known and sent trains into the Zebrica! You put ponies lives at stake!” Daisy yelled, unleashing all her anger and stress.

“Like Flim and Flam said, we couldn't raise any suspicion. Plus, we need to get as much coal from them as we could. We haven't sent them any gem trains in a week.” Gin was calmly coming around the desk. “Our country is at war now, sis. Things are going to change, and we need to get ahead of the curve.”

“Is working with those con-ponies part of your plan?” Daisy said, still feeling like she needed a shower after being around those two.

“Actually yes, they just became chair pony for one of our largest customers. Hippocampus Inc.” Gin had a slight smile on his lips at Daisy’s look of disgust.

Feeling her emotions starting to get the better of her, she composed herself. “Not what I would call the best business move. Taking over Equestria's largest energy producer which runs solely on coal.”

“Well, you see, they have a contingency for that,” Gin said, trying to maintain control over the conversation.

“Of course they do”

Sighing, Gin went on “They found Equestrian coal reserves in the Smokey mountain's.” As a after though he continued. “Though, we are having some trouble with the locals.”

“Are you surprised? Have you seen any reports on this coal? Sight surveys? Land deeds? Any legal documentation?”

“Well… no.” Gin said a bit timidly. “But that's what our next conference will be about.”

“The one in Las Pegasus? I'm sure that will be a productive meeting.” Daisy said dryly.

“Well that, and they’re looking into alternative energy,” Gin said a bit defensively. “We are looking into solar power. There are plans in the works to build a solar array outside the Everfree Forest. The hope is to offset our demand for coal.”

“And what about us? Our entire fleet of motive power depends on coal!” Daisy could feel her brother slipping. It was like backing a rat into a corner.

“We have plenty of reserves to get us through this.”

“We have ten months of reserves. A year if we cut trains and increase the length of others,” Toner said dryly.

“Excellent!” Gin Rail said with enthusiasm.

“No, Gin, the labor unions are not going to agree to that.” Daisy reminded him.

Gin contemplated that. “It's being said this war should be over by Hearth's Warming!”

Daisy looked over at Toner who just shook his head. “Of what year Gin?”

Gin Rail just stammered.

“What is your plan after we burn through our reserves? What of the millions of bits we spent on those 4-8-8-4 engines?” Daisy said.

“Those big bucks are the most state of the art engines we have ever bought!”

“One is stuck in Zebrica, two are sitting in round houses in Hoofington. And ELW is six months late on the 4th engine. Plus three more on order.” Toner informed them.

“Cancel the three on order.” Daisy said.

“Wait one Apple bucking minute! We can't just go canceling orders!” Gin Rail said.

“Gin, why would we buy more coal burning engines when we don't have any coal to burn?” Daisy said.

“But I made a promise….”

“Stop, Gin. I don't care what you promised. I’m not going to let you make decisions that could tank this company.” she said calmly.

He nickered and glared hard at her. “It’s so easy for you, isn’t it! It’s all numbers for you! You need to start understanding our social obligations to Equestria!”

Daisy Chain just stared at her brother as he started on his angry decent. No amount of logic could bring him back now.

“You know they talk about you, in the highest circles! You know an appearance in Canterlot would really help out your reputation.”

“My work speaks for my reputation. I don’t care about anything else.”

“Well you should!” Gin snapped “Because it’s not just your name at stake here!”

“Gin!” Daisy Chain snapped back, getting his attention.”I don't play politics. That's your job, I’m trying to run a railroad.”

He paused, staring at her. Ears laid flat. “The Grand Galloping Gala is coming up…”

That was the final straw. She hated the Gala! And not like how everypony else hated the Gala. Daisy flat refused to play the part. Getting back on her hooves, she turned to Toner.

“Get those trains at the border turned around. Let’s see what we can do to get that last train out of Zebrica.” Turning, Daisy and Toner left the CEO’s office to the sound of Gin Rails futile efforts to get an upper hoof on his sister.


Heart of Stone

You have turned a blind eye to the horrible acts against your fellow equine. Sure, you might not be the one who is cracking the whip, but are you doing anything to help the wasteland? Good luck sleeping at night.

---Character Profile---


Gender: Male
Race: Earth Pony
Color: Sand tan with dark brown mane
Cutie Mark: Railroad crossing sign
Job: Engineer
Home town: Ironworks EQ