Come back [Kingdom Hearts crossover]

by Yelilia

Chapter 2

The situation was quite strange, almost embarrassing.
Sora, during his long and tortuous journeys, had seen it all but had never been so frightened as by that multicolored-haired girl, her sullen face and her skin tending to a blue sky.
She was screaming so loud against her two friends, Pinkie Pie and Sunset Shimmer, that people in the street turned around to figure out what was going on.

Sora, to calm tempers all round, said that he would go away and let them do their things but, without warning, a girl walked away from the group at the back and came forward.

"Come on, Rainbow. Only this time, not all boys are nasty" her voice was low and her hair was pink, but not pink like Pinkie's. A pink so soft it resembles the color of cotton candy. Her skin was pastel yellow, blue eyes and she wore a scarf around her neck that covered her up to her nose.

"He is also lost !!" Pinkie Pie added, nodding her head as if that sentence was as convincing to everyone as it was in her head.

"Look, here in the middle of the street we're just giving a show, could we move somewhere else?" Another voice spoke that Sora couldn't identify because, standing right in front of him, there was the small but muscular figure of what he understood she was called Rainbow.

With a snort she walked away from Sora, giving him a more complete view of the strange group that was ahead of him.
Was it possible that humans could have those strange skin colors? Well, he was accompanied in his adventures by Goofy and Donald, so he shouldn't have asked all those questions to himself.

In no time, after a silent walk, they found themselves at the Sugarcube corner.
Pinkie, as soon as she crossed the threshold of the shop that was closed to customers at the time, launched herself into a detailed explanation of how much fun it was to work there and live right upstairs, so that whenever she was hungry at night, she could come down to snatch something.

Sora got excited for the story of the intense pink-haired girl "Wow! It must be fantastic! "
"It is!" She replied with eyes full of joy, for the first time someone indulged her so passionately and sincerely

Fake coughing blocked their conversation.
"Maybe it's better if we sit down" A girl with lilac skin and dark hair, with two pink and purple colored drops, adjusted her big glasses on her nose better. She had a sweet and studious face, a schoolgirl's skirt that left thin legs in view, a blouse buttoned up above her neck and low-heeled little boots.

"And if we introduce ourselves" Added another girl.
He had already heard that voice, it was the one he had failed to focus on before, due to Rainbow in front of his perspective.
"I'm Rarity, nice to meet you. Sometimes my friends know how to be really rude ” she continued, stretching out a pale hand, her wrist was embellished with a bracelet with small inlaid diamonds. Dark purple hair fell to one side, covering her neckline, enlivened by a low-necked sweater, and tight black trousers.

"I'm Sora, the pleasure is all mine" he smiled and shook her hand.
All the other girls, some happier to do it and some less, presented themselves shaking his hand.
Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity and Sunset Shimmer.
Their names were all so unique that Sora was not afraid of forgetting them.

Once they were seated around a table large enough to hold everyone, Pinkie placed a steaming cup of tea in front of everyone present.
Before the words of the girls around him caught his attention, he spent a few seconds looking at himself in the dark but clear liquid of the cup.
His eyes were tired, his hair more matted than usual. He felt exhausted, and it was strange. He had a fairly developed physical stamina, after even the most difficult battles, he had always had to quickly recover his strength to foil his enemies' other obscure plans.
Was it that world that hurt him? And how did he get there? Had Kairi managed to get home safely? Perhaps someone had left to look for him?
He wanted to visit Yen Sid, or King Mickey. They would have the answer to his doubts.

"How long do you plan to stay here?" Applejack asked him, who, unlike before, had taken off her hat and hung it on her chair. She had thick, long blond hair. They reminded him of someone, but he didn't know exactly who. It slipped from his mind.

"I really don't know. It's all so complicated. I found myself here by chance "Sora replied, tempted to drink tea to warm himself, but too busy with a thousand thoughts to do anything.

"How complicated?" Asked Sunset, who had already finished the drink

"I'd say a lot," he chuckled. If he had told them what had happened to him, they would never have believed it. "I ended up here by accident. I'll come back to my friends as soon as possible, but it doesn't look bad here, uh? "

"It is beautiful here, dear. But you should definitely change your clothes. Are you a country boy? " Rarity pointed to the clothes that, according to Sora, were very cool.

"What would you have against the country people?" Applejack preceded Sora in response, feeling personally into it. She had a look of defiance against her friend.

"But nothing, Applejack, only you don't have much style"

"Tsk. We have other qualities "

"Picking apples?"

"Now I'll show you-" Applejack was about to stand up indignantly, her eyes furious, but everyone froze when a big laugh echoed through the pastry shop.

Sora's eyes were bright with laughter, and with one hand he hit his leg several times.

"What are you laughing at?" Rainbow Dash asked sourly and suspiciously, sitting next to Rarity.

"Just because they remind me a friend of mine and me" Sora wiped his tears at the edge of his eyes with his finger, returning to his normal and composed position.

The softened girls gave him a small smile, in his eyes they could read how much he was connected to the people he had left behind.
Sora, for his part, could not get rid of the numerous "quarrels" made with Donald Duck between the worlds they visited together.

"Well, back to the previous speech" Rarity started talking again, not before having given herself a long look at the enamel nails "It's really nice here, did you arrive this morning? Because it's a real shame if you missed the "show" of last night "

"Have you seen it all, right? It was something magical. ”Fluttershy spoke with joyful eyes

"Of course! It was completely unexpected. My room suddenly turned blue just as I was about to fall asleep .. I looked out of the window " Sunset explained moving her hands animatedly, to accompany the speech

"I had never seen anything like it, I searched on internet all night and, girls, I didn't find anything about it!" Twilight adjusted her glasses again, sliding too far down where they should have been.

Sora tried to stop them but apparently they were all too busy with their speeches.
"Wait!" He shouted as he got up from the chair "What are you talking about? And what is this 'reternet'? "
All, once again, turned to look at him

"I had said he was a farmer," Rarity said putting her hand on her pale forehead, she earned a dirty look from the blonde.

"Internet, Sora. Well ... it's the place where you can find out about everything. ” Sunset replied, scratching the back of her neck.
Sora's eyes shone "Everything? Really? Can I talk to the internet? ” The boy thought of asking him how to get home

"You can't talk to the internet ... Mmh it's hard to explain, I'll take you to the library, so you'll see by yourself"

"Thank you Twilight!" The hopes in Sora rekindled, so he left his place and went to embrace his new friend.

"It's nothing" replied the girl with the lilac skin a bit 'embarrassed by the excessive affection.

This caused a general laugh
Once he was back in his seat and after drinking his cold tea "Anyway, which amezement did you talk about before?"

"A light beam" Applejack

"A comet" Rainbow Dash

"A rocket!" Pinkie said with too much enthusiasm

"Maybe an angel?" Fluttershy

"Or just a kind of aurora borealis?" Sunset assumed.

"Tell me more" Sora put his elbows on the table and rested his head on his fists. He would have had a good sleep if he could, just like the good old days.

"It was already late yesterday when it happened. I was personally rearranging the books before going to sleep. I hate disorder, I could never sleep well at night knowing that I have books scattered all over the house. Unlike somebody ” Twilight coughed on the last words, giving an amused look to Sunset who was looking up with a smirk on her lips, as if it didn't concern her what her friend had just said.
"Anyway, I was ready to go to bed when, as Rainbow said, the room lit up blue, a strange blue like that of the galaxy. Then I looked out the window and, before my eyes and before the eyes of all the citizens, a huge luminous trail fell down from the sky. It looked like a comet but, seen with bare eyes, they are not so big and not as bright as yesterday's. ” The girl finished the story, biting her lips worried.

"It seemed ready just to fall here in the city. We could have bet on it, but we didn't find any crack or anything. ” Rarity shrugged

"I'm sure something has come to us!" Pinkie began. "Only we haven't found it yet ... or maybe it's under our eyes and we don't notice it"

"Sure Pinkie. You read too many fairy tales to those two monsters you babysit " Sunset laughing told her

"Sunny! Why don't you believe me? I'm sure of it "

Sora placed a hand on his chest, lowering his gaze.

What if ..?