A Heart in Two Worlds

by Inactive Pone

Precure, Open My Heart!

The changelings seem to be ready for their next attack. I was scouting the area through Twilight’s magic, and they seem to be preparing for a formation or some sort. During their plan, the girls step out into the open wasteland.

“Hold it right there!” Erika announces.

The changelings all change their point of view to face them. They were pretty intimidating- There are probably several hundred of them, all looking at them with their blue, eerie eyes.

“We hear that your kind wishes to plunge the whole of this world into disaster, and we are here to protect!” Itsuki follows.

“We hear you all are fierce creatures. You are a threat to ponykind, wishing to destroy and enslave the nation,” Yuri says, “But you all are taking away their love in selfishness- Instead of striving for harmony and sharing the love of everyone’s hearts in this world.”

“The acts you’re about to cast upon our new friends... Unforgivable!” Tsubomi says, “I... I’ve had enough!”

Tsubomi gives a glance at her friends. In a flash, they whip out their heart perfumes and unlock the compartment to reveal the round slot inside it. Yuri does something a little different- She takes out the heart pot and opens the cover instead.

The fairies fly over as the silver heart pendants they wear around their little necks glow, in pink, blue and yellow respectively.

“Precure Seeds, go!”

The magic shoots out of the pendants, creating three seeds similar to the heart seeds, but noticeably more beautiful. Their color corresponded with the color of their magic. Yuri’s seed was already with her- A purple one, that she wears around her neck as a pendant herself.

”Precure, open my heart!”

They all insert their Precure Seeds into the slot of the perfume and pot respectively, as they start to transform with beautiful colors in mid-air. The magic from the perfume and heart pot help change their outfit and traits like their hair. At an instant, they look very different from their original human form, which really brought out their heroine vibe.

Tsubomi’s hair is nicely tied into a bright pink ponytail. Her costume is mostly pink and white, with her skirt shaped like a blooming flower. Her light pink boots reached her knees, adorning with flower ornaments on her ankle. Arm warmers with dark pink edges are on her wrists. Her heart perfume perches on her waist. The deep pink bow with a heart-shaped brooch on her chest completes her look.

Erika’s cyan locks flow behind her like the waves of water. A heart-shaped accessory with blue ribbons perches on her head. Her costume has a striking resemblance to Tsubomi’s new look, but it’s blue and white dominantly. Her boots are short, but her long white stockings reached her upper thighs. The same heart-shaped brooch is embedded on a blue bow on her chest. Once she finishes the transformation, like Tsubomi, the heart perfume perches on her waist, as she gives a light tap to lock it in place.

Itsuki’s golden twintails shone like the sun. Her costume was yellow and white in color. Her skirt was about the same as the ones above, but her costume was a unique two-piece costume. She wears gold flower earing and an orange ribbon was tied around her neck. Her heart brooch was perched on a bright yellow bow.

Yuri’s mesmerizing lavender hair reached way down to her knees. Her bangs were asymmetrical and swept into a crescent shape on the left side of her head, two rose-shaped ornaments on her head. Her ruffled sleeves were shaped like wings, and her right arm was wearing a long, purple glove while her left wrist has the same arm warmers as the others did. Her silver skirt was hiked up at the front, just below the black ribbon around her waist, a purple layer beneath the silver one. Her heart brooch was a purple rose perching on her left shoulder.

I am already completely fanboying at the sight in front of my eyes, as they all pose and get ready for their introductions.


“The flower that spreads throughout the land...”

Tsubomi lets out a smile and poses.

”Cure Blossom!”

“The flower that Flutters by the Ocean winds...”

Erika puts out a hand, looking like she’s charging a ball of magic in her hand as she poses.

”Cure Marine!”

“The Flower that bathes in the Sunlight...”

Itsuki does a twirl and spread her arms wide.

”Cure Sunshine!”

“The Flower that glistens in the light of the Moon...”

Yuri allows her hair to flow for a second, then twirls as her hair flows along her movement, then pointing to her left with a finger in style.

”Cure Moonlight!”

The four all give a light tap on their heart brooches on their new outfits, and end off their transformation with a group pose as magical hearts get cupped between their hands.

Heartcatch Precure!


“Ahhhhhhhh they’re so beautiful!!” I squeak as I watch what is going on.

Twilight rolls her eyes.

“We get it, Nate. Now stand by!”

“Fine, Fine, haha.”

The changelings know that the four Precures were a threat to them at an instant. They launch their attack on them immediately. With no fear, the Precures charge right forward into the horde and start beating up Changelings for such a long time that it seemed like forever. With their newfound strength, the four all land heavy physical attacks, and because the Changelings are in a much smaller size than what they are used to fighting before, sometimes they have no trouble in completely lifting one of them up, and throwing it against a bunch of changelings at the same time.

It’s not the fact that it’s hard that kept the Precure away from their goal. It’s the fact the changeling horde was much bigger than the group had thought- Wave after wave came to the scene. The good thing is that the Precure was basically taking in all the force and overpowering it all at once before they can land a step on their attack against the main kingdom.

The Precures’ fast reflexes and strength obliterated the horde, sending them flying (naturally) with their punches, kicks and even spells. They can even jump in insane heights that the changelings could not reach before they get pummeled right back to the ground. This fight was nowhere close to a challenge for them, given the fact they have overpowered many alien beings far stronger than what they’re dealing with. Even despite the Changelings' ability to shapeshift, the Precures adapted to their diversion strategies very quickly.

”Marine Impact!”

Marine’s prey gets blasted from the air right back to the ground, knocking over a bunch of changelings. Then, she fires a ball of magic for a combo attack.


Moonlight immediately catches on.

”Moonlight reflection!”

She summons two silver pads of magic, reflecting the projectiles on their enemies. Then, she dashes forward to pick off a few more, before getting overwhelmed by the size of the new horde. She was taking in the damage on her own, but a new wave just came in and they were tough.

But, the others were ready.

”Sunflower Protection!”

An all-around yellow shield, set up by Sunshine, blocks the movement of the changelings charging to them, also defending from their strategy of trapping their opponents with their green gooey slime.

But someone wasn’t too lucky.


The three turn to find Blossom getting spit on, being entrapped.


Marine quickly dashes over and jumps high into the air.

”Marine Dive!”

The force from her contact with the ground sends a shockwave that knocked the surrounding enemies back, also freeing Blossom.

“Thanks!” Blossom sighed in relief. “Now, I have an idea!”

“Go on!”

“Let’s all attack at the same time!”

“Sure thing!”

They all get in position, facing the horde. Blossom and Marine both draw in a circle motion with their open palms, channeling some kind of energy. Sunshine moves her hands in a way that also looks like channeling energy.

”Sunshine Flash!”

”Marine Shoot!”

”Blossom Shower!”

In a flash, waves of gold magic flares, big droplets of water, and pretty flowers shoot out from the magic they were channeling, knocking much of the horde back with a huge force.

Then something interesting happened.

”Moonlight Spark!”

Moonlight casts a spell that was similar to the three, but with the same force of all three with one spell, knocking off the rest at the back with powerful, lavender projectiles of magic.

“Wait a minute!” Marine teases, “You never did that, Moonlight!”

“I’ve never seen you do that, that’s for sure!” Blossom says.

Moonlight shrugs.

“I guess I just never bothered using my sub-attack, but I've used it before I met all of you. Now, Fairies, call Nathan and the others.”

The fairies nod and fly off to notify us, looking from a distance. And what timing, too- A minute later what’s left of the horde start doing a pretty good job at dodging their attacks, allowing them to push back momentarily against the Precure. Well, not really push back, but just hold up their offense.

That is, until...


“We’ll take it from here!” Twilight commands, “You all take the queen down!”

The Cures nod.

“Chypre, Coffret, let’s go!” Blossom says.

“Will do desu!”

In a flash, the fairies summon their magic powers and turn into a bright pink and bright blue cape for Blossom and Marine, allowing them to fly off the ground. Moonlight gives her heart-brooch a tap to summon her bright purple cape.

“Sunshine!” Marine calls.

Sunshine finishes beating up a few more changelings with a leg swoop before responding.


“Right here deshu!”

The baby fairy turns into a bright yellow cape tied around Sunshine’s neck, and away they go as the ponies stay behind. The Precures plow right through any opposition, clearing the path and allowing Spike and I to make our mad dash to catch up.

“*panting* It’s really hard for me to catch up when you all can fly and I can’t!”

I say, trying to keep my pace. The group stops and turns back. Moonlight opens the lid of the heart pot and Blossom takes a red heart seed, placing it in her heart perfume’s slot.

“Here, try this!”

She gives me a spray of the Heart Perfume.

“Now, try!”

They take off, and I notice my movement getting much faster than before. I give a chuckle, readied myself, then took off at a crazy speed, allowing myself to catch up fairly easily.

Inside the throne room, Queen Chrysalis was chilling on her throne. Of course, that was until she realizes what is going on.

”Moonlight Silver Impact!”

The Cures blast through the final changelings guarding the entrance to the throne room after 10 minutes of navigating through the maze of her castle.

“Ah, you ponies finally decided to- What the-!?”

Moonlight is not wasting any time. She summons her magic heart from a tap on her heart brooch.

”Gather, flower power! Moon Tact!”

The heart changes into a unique object- The flower tact. Moonlight’s flower tact is white with silver accenting. On the bottom of it is a purple ornament to match the heart placed beneath the spinner, along with a tiny button further down. A purple gem rests on the very top of the tact. The spinner is a clear glass dome with pieces colored different shades of purple inside of it.


She charges, jumps high, and does an air slash, casting some kind of purple shockwave that almost obliterated the throne, had Chrysalis was not sitting on it and took the hit.


Chrysalis drops to the floor after being blasted by surprise. Moonlight stands before her, her right hand holding the tact.

“Wh-Who are you all?” She says. “What have you done to me!?”

The fairies all turn back to normal form, crossing their stubby arms.

“Stop trying to attack our friends deshu!” Potpourri cries.

“She’s right,” Blossom says. “You have threatened our new friends and their kingdom. As the protectors of all hearts, we strive to protect them from your forces, who are set on taking away their love!”

Chrysalis chuckles.

“So you all work with them, now?” She laughs. “Twice have they tried to defeat me, and I survived. It is hopeless to try- You all should turn around now before I blast you all into pieces. Not even Celestia and Luna can save them- How would just that Princess Twilight, that annoying Starlight Glimmer, and her weak friends supposed to beat me, now that the Elements of harmony are gone?”

Marine can’t help it- She bursts into laughter.

"You're too confident," Marine giggles. “You’re not getting out of here until we teach you a lesson!”


“Do not underestimate us,” Moonlight warns, “Protecting everyone’s hearts- Even though this is not our world, is our mission. And if your kind is going to put them in danger, we shall fight until their hearts are complete!”

Chrysalis lets out a hmph.

“So be it.”

She charges her magic from her horn, about to blast it at the four.

”Sunflower Aegis!”

Sunshine puts up a giant sunflower shield, reflecting the magic beam.

“Our turn,” She says.

The four quickly surprise the Queen with their reflexes and quick-witted attacks. Marine charges right at her, landing a number of punches and kicks despite some of them getting blocked. She kicks her into the air, where Sunshine was ready to drop a roundhouse on her, even using the Queen’s size to her advantage by grabbing her hooves and tossing her back down.

”Blossom Butt punch!”

Miraculously, as awkward as it is, Blossom gets in position, times in just right to strafe back, allowing her bottom to forcefully knock away their enemy right to the other side of the room.

“Seriously!?” Marine yells, half-laughing. “You had to, Blossom!”

“How do you punch with your butt!?” Chrysalis roars, charging back in.

Blossom quickly gets targeted, but unlike the past, she does an excellent job at dodging attacks here and there. She gets out of range for a moment, forcing the Queen to use her magic to blast her. The Cure ducks and jumps her way around, distracting her and allowing a sneak attack from behind.

”Precure Double Punch!”

Marine and Sunshine sidekick against the wall, and pummel a punch to her face on the way down, sending her flying back. Blossom does a cute wink.

“See? I’m not that bad.”

Moonlight couldn’t help but shrug. “You’ve gotten better.”

“Thanks! Haven’t done this in a while, but-”


Blossom gets blasted right to the wall. Marine blows a raspberry and makes a face.

“You get distracted so easily!”

Blossom gets up before she gets pummeled again. “Oh, excuse me, Marine! just watch!”

She taps her heart brooch, summoning her heart and her flower tact. The tact looks similar, it’s just smaller than Moonlight’s, had different colored accessories and the pieces in the spinner were rainbow colors.

”Gather, Flower Power! Blossom Tact!”

She spins the spinner, allowing its magic to take effect. She draws in a wavy line motion, then raises the Tact. A huge ball of pink magic appeared at the top of the tact- Looking like a very spherical peach with three giant leaves at the bottom.


The ball of magic blasts out, heading straight for the villain. But surprisingly, the Queen uses her magic and slowly pushes back the attack, making it unable to reach her. But, Blossom’s allies are prepared.

”Gather! Flower Power! Shiny Tambourine!”

Sunshine pulls out a very fancy looking tambourine- Which serves as a replacement of the flower tact. It is a white tambourine shaped like a sunflower with a row of gem hearts circling it, alternating between yellow and orange. At the center is an orange ring with four glowing light sections, two of gold, one red, and one orange. At the bottom of the tambourine is an orange heart. She does this little dance to kickstart the magic of the weapon before initiating her spell.


A stream of sunflowers busts out in style, targeting Chrysalis and freezing her in place. It was not enough to purify her, but Blossom’s Pink Forte Wave is able to hit its target now. Both attacks send a stream of magic flowing within the evil Queen’s heart, as she levitates in a blank state.

Both Cures spin the glass spinner rapidly to speed up the magic purifying her. However, to their surprise, nothing happened when the spell was done- All that happened was she dropped to the floor, but there was no change to her look.

“Huh?” Blossom asks, looking at Chrysalis. “That’s... Weird, why didn’t her heart flower show up? Or at least... Why does she still look the same?”

Marine comes to give the now passed out Queen a poke.

“Maybe it’s because she is not like the desertrians we fight back in our world,” Moonlight explains. “This is another world, after all.”

“True, if she was one, she would have transformed into a heart flower crystal and we can just find the ball containing her real self to bring her back,” Sunshine says.

Marine gives them a sign their mission is done. “I think the effect just needs some time to settle in! Moonlight’s right, we are in a different world, things aren’t the same here like in-“


“What was that?” Marine Cut her own words off.

“Ah! Our friends are in trouble desu!” Coffret cries.

“We need to hurry up and help them desu!” Chypre follows.

Moonlight nods. “Everyone, let’s go!”


Twilight and her friends, despite the situation now is under control, were surprisingly cornered by the rest of the horde, trapped in their puddle of goop. The changelings are about to start taking away their love- And they are hungry for it.

But then, the ponies heard a few fierce screams from above.


The moment the Precures touch ground, they crash down hard and initiate a powerful shockwave that obliterated just about every last changeling left, also freeing the ponies. They took a few seconds to process what in Equestria just happened.

“Whoa Whoa Whoa!” Rainbow Dash Chuckles, “That, was, AWESOME!”

“Thanks for helping us,” Fluttershy gives a light laugh. “I didn’t know you all can be so powerful.”

Marine laughs triumphantly.

“We used to fight creatures like these on a daily, at most a weekly basis, what’d you expect?” She laughs. “Plus, they are nowhere close to being so easy to defeat like the changelings...”

Twilight titters. “So, where’s Chrysalis?”

“Passed out,” Sunshine reports.

“Okay...? Seems like you all beat her up hard.”

“Oh, we did, haha!”

“Anyway, time to give them the talk and reform them,” Starlight says, “Did this last time, surely it’ll-“


Before she could finish, Marine already whipped out her flower tact during the conversation and fired a similar blue ball of magic like the Pink Forte Wave, purifying a bunch of changelings clumped together after she magnifies its magic.

The ponies stand with their jaws dropped open.

“Too much?” Marine titters, scratching her head and blushing innocently.

The Precures all have a good laugh. Then, I return to the scene.


I was followed by many reformed changelings. Spike is with me as well.

“Nathan-san!” Blossom says in relief.

Spike looks around, levitating in mid-air.

“Geez, a lot has happened when we were gone.”

“Where’s King Thorax?” Twilight asks, noticing his absence.

I was about to reply before I hear whirring from behind and above me.

“Look out!” Moonlight warns, pushing me out of the way.

Chrysalis crashes down, hissing at the whole group. I blush before getting up and thanking my friend. The Queen turns to me, levitating the King in her grasp.

“Thorax!” Spike cries.

Thorax struggles in her grasp before his magic gets completely taken away by Chrysalis, leaving him momentarily unconscious.

“You! Whatever you are!”

I stare at her as I stand in front of my friends.

“You are the one who brought them here... You brought them to foil my plans!”

“Clever. How’d you know that’s my intention?”

“You knew Princess Twilight and her friends will not be enough to stop me. I see you’ve made friends with others from another world, so you can use them to protect your friends. How bittersweet. Not only did it cost you the trust of your old friends... They now realize how selfish you are, using them to win against me. You may win today, but will they still think of you the same way? You have been exploiting your new pals... Trying to complete a mission that Equestria has never managed to finish- Defeating me. Are you undermining their power and society?”

I gasp and look down. Chrysalis commands her remaining subjects to rise back up and get ready for attack.

“He’s not a traitor!”

Twilight and Blossom shout at the same time. I turn to the former, then the latter.

“Nathan-San does not only care about us for our power!” Blossom yells. “He’s friends with us for a reason. He genuinely likes us and enjoys spending time with us. He’s not using us to fight for the ponies’ nation... We’re all fighting together, to protect his friends as well!”

Twilight smiles and turn. “He’s not just our friend, even. He’s our kingdom’s ally, willing to help us with anything he can help with. No matter how drifted apart we might be due to all these obstacles in life, we are still best friends! Just because the Precure have become friends with him, does not mean our bonds are broken. Matter of fact, we are welcome for them to help- To stop your plea!”

I’m surprised.

“Twilight... Blossom...”

“We are not that weak to believe in your lies,” Sunshine says, “To think us two sides will fight over him with no compromise, is the thought of someone devoid of love and harmony themselves!”

Marine gives a nod. “Even someone like us, with a heart wider than the oceans, is at their limit! Moonlight!”

Moonlight whips out her flower tact.

”Shine, Flowers!”


Moonlight’s Forte Wave was much more powerful than the others. Chrysalis was unable to step up to the force- Quickly getting grasped in the control of it’s purifying magic, struggling.


In a flash, Sunshine takes out her Shiny Tambourine, while Blossom and Marine get their tacts at the ready. Sunshine and Moonlight both draw a big lowercase ‘f’ with their weapon. Blossom and Marine do the same behind the Queen.


In two pairs respectively, the four wrap themselves with a huge ball of magic, shoot into the skies and come crashing down upon the villain as their balls of magic get fused into a dual-colored heart, one with yellow and purple, the other with pink and blue. They pierce right through her as they land back down.



A huge explosion occurs, leaving her unconscious. The explosion threw her high into the air.

“She’s not going to get purified, so let’s get her as far away as possible!” Marine giggles.

“Really? Well then! Give her your best shot!” I shout over the smoke clearing sounds.

The four look at one another, then nod. They come together, aim exactly at where the Queen is going to land after the blast, and get ready for another combined spell as the changelings are about to storm in and attack again.

“Ready?” Moonlight asks, giving a smile.


As she gets in their view...

“Everyone! Take cover!!!!” I command as we all run.


A huge rainbow forcefield appears, and as soon Chrysalis and her horde get in range, they all get blasted off by a devastating rainbow shockwave straight into the unknown, out of their view in seconds.


“Don’t tell anyone we’re the Precure- It’s supposed to be a secret.”

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

Pinkie and Tsubomi share a hearty laugh. After the battle, the Precures de-transform and decide to hang out with my pony friends, since they want to get to know each other as my friends. We’re all just casually lounging around in the Friendship Castle. Celestia and Luna, despite having stepped down, also came to thank the four, for their heroic efforts. They have been so used to their regal self, it’s still taking them some time to get used to having given up the throne and their duties, changing their roles to guide Twilight’s rule.

At another corner, Erika, being a fashion designer and all, is chatting with Rarity.

“I wonder what designs your kind has?” Erika ponders.

Rarity does a mane flip. “Darling, do come over for a visit sometime, I have all the time to share everything.”

“Yo, you all were so amazing over there! So cool!”

Rainbow Dash never thought she’ll be fangirling over humans, but somehow, she did.

“Y’all can really give these troublemakers a good beating, eh?” Applejack asks.

Itsuki gives a giggle.

“We Precures are much stronger than our human forms,” She clarifies. “Though, I practice martial arts on a daily basis anyhow, so...”

I have to add this in for the ship, people will kill me if I don’t.

“I don’t think my spells can match up against your magic attacks!”

Starlight is praising Yuri.

“Why not?”

“You, especially- How long have you been doing this?”

“4 years, the others about a year or so.”

“That’s amazing! But, I want to ask something, if you don’t mind...”

Yuri hesitates. “Oh?”

Starlight looks at the three fairies, who are tickling and playing with Fluttershy, making the pony giggle to no end.

“Wh-Why do the three all have their fairies, but you-”

“Don’t ask her about that desu!” Coffret yells.

Yuri gives him a signal to stop. “Well, it’s a long story... *sigh* He sacrificed himself to save me once when I’m fighting.”

Luna gasps, coming over.

“That’s so sad! Are you alright?”

“Don’t worry. I’m trying to get over it.”

Celestia comes. “Well, my sister has the power to control dreams of ponies. Perhaps she can help do you a little favor?”

“If I can do that with humans like you, please, do accept this as our token of gratitude.”

Yuri smiles. “Th-That would be great. I would love to see Cologne again- He’s my fairy and my best friend.”

“Well, Twilight?”

I was leaning against a wall as I watch them all get along. I look at twilight and nudge her.


“You all hit it off just fine. What’s with your weird interpretations that they’re trying to take me away?”

Twilight gasps, and blushes.

“Hmph, I’m sorry, okay?”

I chuckle and pet her.

“Twi, come on. And you call yourself the Princess of Friendship.”


She playfully slap-fights with me.

“Haha,” I tease. “Twi, please don’t think I don’t care about you and think that I think you don’t care about me back. Because I do- very much.”

“*titters* Really?”

“Of course, what do you think I am? A desert apostle with no soul?”


“Whatever, explain on a later day.”

I continue leaning against the wall.



Twilight smiles and blushes.

“Don’t leave me, okay?”

I hug her tight, and whisper, “Why would I ever leave you?”

Our hug catches the attention of the girls.

“Ah!” Erika gasps, pointing to us. “Nathan! *smirks* Whatcha doing?”

“N-Nothing!” I blush as I let go.

The ponies all laugh, and the cures can only shrug at the situation. I give an annoyed sigh.

“This is why I love you more,” I whisper.

“*giggles* You sensitive little guy,” Twilight whispers back.