Emerald Fires

by FolkloreBrony

Update: Don't Panic

Okay, so there's something I suppose I should address. I had to take a break from this story for the moment because I was burning myself out and needed to step back from the project before I completely lost interest. I've also been suffering trying to move out of my father's house who's been verbally, emotionally, and sometimes psychically abusive, and that was really beating the steam out of me. I know this is a familiar speech a lot of writers give that usually translates to, "This story is dead." It's not.

I'm planning on coming back to Emerald Fires at the end of the year. I've got the next chapter halfway done, and I have the whole story laid out from start to finish. However currently, and some of you may have noticed in the blogs, but for those of you who haven't I'm announcing that I'm working on a special 18 chapter project that I'll be releasing in the Fall of this year called, 'A Nightmare in Eidolon'. I've already finished the 5th chapter for it and I'm currently juggling chapters 6 and 7. I've had a lot of stress and hardship these past few months and I've been translating that in pouring my heart and soul into this project, and my editors have expressed confidence that this story is going to be one of the special ones on this site. It may not be this story, but I hope that it's something that you may consider a bit of compensation for my negligence.

This is something I've needed for a long time. ANiE has revitalized my interest in writing and has improved it greatly. I'm writing faster than ever before(average 2 to 3 chapters a month) and I've become impassionated again. I feel alive once more. I apologize for the delay, I promise I am working on it, and I will return to Emerald Fires soon.