//------------------------------// // Disconnection // Story: Crashland: Equestria // by computerneek //------------------------------// She lets out a sigh as she opens the canopy.  She’d known she’d be seen at some point on her way; she hadn’t expected it to be by an entire squadron of flying natives…  that had very quickly surrounded her as she approached the top of the mountain where the other dangerously-positioned Starcracker missile is resting.  She waits until the canopy finishes retracting, the stealth auto-disabling, before trying to interact with them. “Did you need something?” she asks the armor-wearing natives…  Probably related, in profession at least, to the one that had been helping maintain a safety perimeter around the first weapon. They share a look, and say something she doesn’t understand.  She confirms; her computer doesn’t either. “I still don’t understand you,” she states. None of them seem to understand, but they do seem to get the idea- and start gesticulating.  As near as she can tell, they want her to land… near the missile. She glances towards the drive zone as she goes…  Nope, it’s not clear. There’s ponies practically swarming the side of the weapon, all in a prime position to be killed by its sublight drive.  She flies her craft down, as indicated- and as much as they seem to want her to move faster, she won’t. It wouldn’t be safe; even a small aircraft like this has rather large danger zones around the engines…  that grow by an order of magnitude when it accelerates. At least the natives should be able to see these whirling dangers while the stealth is disabled- but they could very easily miss how the danger zones change when it moves. They seem to want her to land- but the ground isn’t flat enough for that.  She instead climbs out, jumping down to the ground. The canopy closes behind her, the craft floating in place on autopilot.  She looks up at them. Most of them land around her, and guide her down the length of the weapon…  Uphill, towards the center. Then they stop, and bow towards a particularly large native…  White, this one. With a crown. She bows as well. She hears the white one say something- and her escorts rise… Back in her ship, she scrambles for her tablet, punching in some hurried commands.  She just lost connection with her auxiliary in the middle of meeting what she suspects is royalty!  … She reads the diagnostic message on the connection failure. Connection was disrupted by an outside source; reconnection attempt was made, but failed.  Auxiliary has been lost. She sighs, and switches to live video.  Her escorts seem to be in somewhat of a panic, trying to figure out why her auxiliary randomly collapsed in front of their ruler…  While the aforementioned ruler is wearing an expression of outright shock. A touch on the recorded video… Ahh, yes. She’d lost connection- resulting in the collapse- a second after the ruler’s horn started glowing.  She hopes she hasn’t terrified the ruler, and touches the recall order for that little craft. Princess Celestia stares slack-jawed as her Guards try to save Equestria’s latest visitor’s life.  She hears it’s not working… At all. The nearest medic- a unicorn- has finished his diagnostic and already declared her to be, apparently, in perfectly good health, physically.  Just… shutting down. She knows of a couple spells that could have that effect on somepony.  That could sever their soul from their body. Dark arts not taught anymore; she’s made certain of that. She didn’t know a standard translation spell was one of them. They’re in the middle of carrying the body away when her visitors’ strange flying contraption suddenly twists in midair, throwing itself upwards before accelerating away with a blast of sound- and air. She then stops herself.  Twilight had said something about those ‘auxiliaries’ not being truly connected to the controlling soul, hadn’t she?  Had her translation spell been enough to break whatever tenuous connection they use? She hopes that’s the case.  She really hopes she doesn’t have to ban a translation spell as lethal.