//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Come back [Kingdom Hearts crossover] // by Yelilia //------------------------------// “I'll come back to you, i promise. I'll come back again” “I know you will” I know you will. Those four words swirled in his head making it ache. What did they mean? The pain in his temples was so strong he could not tidy up his confused and noisy thoughts. Then a face, like lightning in the dark. A girl. No, not just a girl. Kairi. With his eyes closed, it seemed as if the reflection of his thoughts was real and that she was exactly in front of him. But soon the senses that were turned off until the second before began to manifest again. His fingers were damp, dipped slightly in something wet. The smell of rain flooded his nostrils, the sound of the wind bothered his ears. He should have opened his eyes, yet it seemed so difficult. He did not want to lose the angelic vision of the one who saved, believing that he could finally be able to get home together, instead she had been ripped away from his hands once more. They had only managed to promise that nothing would separate them and that one day they would find each other again. Then the emptiness, and that headache that was not inclined to disappear. He forced his cold arms and pulled himself up slightly. The ground beneath him had scratched his skin, he could feel the slight burning that assured him he was alive. When he opened his eyes his sight was blurred, but he could see a pink spot right in front of him. He lost a heartbeat, maybe he had already returned to her? "Kairi?" He spoke in a rough, scratchy voice, as if he hadn't spoken a word for years. "Kairi? Who is Kairi? Man, you must have beaten hard your head!” Shrill and high-pitched. Anyone who spoke began to appear clearly in front of the boy's eyes. Long and intricate pink curly hair fell on the shoulders of a light-skinned girl, but unusually tending to a too pastel pink, large blue eyes, slender legs covered by long amphibians and a slight dress with bizarre colors on it, careless of the rain and of the wind she had the courage to wear a summer clothing. The boy rubbed his eyes, brushing his clothes from the dirt and dust. He looked around. Where was he? "What is this place?" He asked to the girl in front of him, that was looking at him with sly and curious eyes. Around them a city full of tall and colorful buildings but, at the moment, the gray clouds made them lose their brilliance. The girl opened her mouth in surprise "You seem almost fallen from the sky! Have you lost your memory? And that hair? Do you wear them like this or are they simply messed up? What's your name? Who is Kairi? Am I talking too much? Because if so- " Her questions were abruptly interrupted by the arrival of another person. "Pinkie, are you harassing strangers again? Excuse her, she is only in abstinence of attention " A girl with blond and red hair, pulled the ear of the one who was apparently called Pinkie, giving an apologetic look to the poor boy. Her skin, tending to the yellow of the sun, was covered with black and fuchsia clothes, with boots adorned with studs. "I'm Sunset, are you new? I don't think I've ever seen you here " "My .. my name is Sora and .. precisely 'here' where would it be?" "We are in the city .. Have you lost your way? You look like a foreigner. ” She replied looking at him suspiciously Sora wondered how he ended up in that place. Was it possible that, after saving Kairi, his heart had taken him there? Perhaps those were just the delusions of a broken heart, sucked from the darkness to the deepest part? Was him intact or an illusion? He pinched himself on the cheek, earning a cheerful and amused glance from Pinkie, but skeptical and bored on the other "But do you listen to me when I speak?" The woman with the golden skin continued. "Mh, yes, I'm sorry. I was lost in my thoughts "He tried to laugh, but he was more nervous than he showed, or maybe he was just making himself strange. "Let's say I come from far away," he added, putting a hand under his chin, remembering Donald's recommendations. Keeping balance in the worlds, he didn't know if he could do it that time. "If you need someone to show you the city ... count on us! We were reaching our friends, but you could join us, Sora. Right, Sunset? ”The pink one looked at her friend with a smirk on her lips. The other, however, sighed and with a wave of her hand consented. "While we reach them, though, I think you owe us some explanation. Why are you here?" "Well, I don't know why I'm here, but I know I'm far from the people I care about. I won't stay here much, I hope " "Are you talking about that Kairi?" Pinkie became interested, peering into his face and mentally convinced herself that she had never seen someone like him. Sora nodded "And not only. My friends will be worried about me. In recent times it seems that I have made them suffer often. Above all Riku ”he scratched his nose, smiling slightly. He thought of his friend and wondered if he was still at home, if he was enjoying his well-deserved rest "From your eyes it looks like you miss them" Sunset made this observation, but Sora didn't have time to answer that, prey to the screams of a girl, he fell silent bleaching. "You two are more than late! How many times do we have to tell you to arrive on time? "A blonde with a big hat on her head blurted with anger "Sorry Applejack, but we brought a friend!" Pinkie replied, careless of her friend's angry face. Only then, apparently, the angry girl and her friends behind her noticed Sora who, a little embarrassed, greeted them with his hand, scratching the back of his neck with the other. "Did you bring a boy with us? No, no, no. Return him to where he came from" A girl with rainbow hair and a pout in her face spoke, crossing her arms and coming forward towards Sora "I thought we had decided, after the last time!" she also said "I don't think it's like the other one. This is too stupid" Sunset said, smirking. "Hey! I'm not stupid!"