//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Over the Brink // Story: Failing Firmaments // by MidKnight Erratum //------------------------------// Over the Brink Twilight sat, crumbling as she muttered incoherence into the crowd starting to gather. Ponies whispered concerns to one another, as Spike pushed his way through the sea of bodies. Fighting his way to the front, before finding Twilight broken and ashamed. Lying in a growing puddle of tears as she stared off into the distance. Forgotten bits lay were they had clattered to the ground. He gently placed a caring claw on her shoulder. “Twilight? Hey, Twilight, are you okay? It’s just in you mind.” He spoke with certainty as concern wrote itself in his expression. Trying to shake her from her trance, but the words wouldn't reach her, instead falling on deaf ears. Twilight’s gaze barely shifted from where she stared. Seeing beyond reason, as she was lost in her own thoughts. Oh, what a scene you’ve made, how embarrassing. The voices wouldn’t stop teasing, as Twilight felt her words vanishing from her voice. As she desperately tried to reach for something, anything to make it stop. The ledge below her had vanished, and she had fallen headlong into the depths of despair. Her mind was under attack from all sides, by the laughter that had grown into a single sickening chord plucked by the tendrils of fate. Ringing out it’s damning sound, as Twilight sought to save herself. But she was too far gone. The ground began to shake, and the crowd began to become afraid. Looking in all directions for the source. Someone shouted above the growing chaos. “Stampede!” Immediate panic followed, as chaos ensued. Ponies scattered, leaving Twilight huddled where she lay. As Spike looked nervously about looking for safety. The world was in total commotion, as Twilight starred. Colors dancing before her vision, as she saw without seeing. The disconnect of reality had seized her, as she felt frozen. The laughter continued regardless of the rapidly dwindling bustle of the street. You have to do something! Protect Spike, can’t you do that at least?! She heard her mind scream. Her heart began to beat, the ground beneath her hooves was trembling, as she rose from her stupor. The exuberance of life once more filling her body, as she answered the call of protector. Determination fixed in her concentration, as her mind grasped for a spell. Anything that could aid her, as her thoughts began to linger on the thunderous ground splitting asunder beneath them. A cloud of dust was beginning to form just at the outskirts of the small town, the road was straight, and Twilight could see. In that simple moment of clarity, as she took command of her life momentarily. “Spike! Get behind me!” Twilight commanded, and the frightened dragon obeyed. She took a deep breath, counting to ten, as she began focusing on the danger at hoof. Her horn gathering magic, as it became alight with mighty power. She thought of a spell, a simple bubble of protection, but it was good enough for her. Twilight cast the simple magic, a shield enveloping her and Spike as the first cow appeared on the horizon. "Yeehaw! Get 'em Winona!" A hearty cry rang out across the hills through the streets of Ponyville, as a sole pony burst from the cloudy haze. Galloping full speed alongside, as she quickly outpaced the fleeing cattle. Followed quickly by a barking dog, running feverishly about trying to herd the chaotic herd. The shade from the earth pony's worn hate, incapable of hiding the determination in the emerald gaze, that shined in the evening solar brilliance. As Twilight watched on in awe. A lasso whirled ferociously through the air, whistling like a tornado. Before it was cast, it's aim unfailing as it caught hold of the leading bovine's horn. The golden brown earth pony dug her hooves firmly into the ground, gripping the taught rope in her teeth. With a heavy tug the leader fell to the earth, causing several cows following close behind to stumble. The stampede collapsed into a disordered mess, as it slowly fizzled and died. Leaving an excited Winona running about the felled stampede. The earth grew still, as the dust settled around the piled up cows. Twilight watched speechless as the earth pony helped the cows right themselves. Exchanging a few words with the bovines, before letting them wander off to tend their mild injuries. Ponies began to peak from windows, a few braver residents stepping cautiously out of their front doors, to see what had happened. A few started to cheer, as their heroine offered a simple nod in acknowledgment, before turning back to tending her farmlands. "Isn't Applejack amazing?!" Twilight overheard a pony speaking in equivalent awe, and she recalled meeting the farm pony during her errands on the first day in Ponyville. She could still feel the sickening taste at the overabundance of apples she'd eaten. The recent memory made her slightly regret buying more apples, but for now she was glad that the town had withdrawn so rapidly. Seemingly forgetting about her disgraceful weakness. The streets slow to be refilled with the bustling cheer of other ponies. Twilight took the opportunity to vanish into the shadows, pulling the jacket's hood over her. Casting her embarrassment in the shadows of lonesome comfort. She had already made a fool of herself, and wanted nothing more than to retreat to the library so she could hide away from socializing. Hoping the townsfolk would forget her entirely, and the pathetic disruption she had been. Twilight walked at a slow pace, wandering aimlessly, as she heard the townsfolk chatting enthusiastically of their farm pony heroine. It relieved her slightly to hear them talk of somepony other than her. Fluttershy had seemingly vanished in the panic, and remembering the shy pegasi made Twilight pause. Looking back at the way she'd come, as her mind retraced her steps. She had completely forgotten about the timid pegasus, let alone buying her carrots. Had she just left the bits lying in the street? How careless. . . Oh well, they were probably gone by now anyway. Picked up by some foal who would spend the money on sweets, or something. Twilight considered going back for Spike. The dragon was no doubt carrying their things back to the library, and she considered helping him. However; the possibility of ponies recognizing her, as the mentally unstable unicorn they'd seen collapse in a rambling mess, made her disregard such a ridiculous notion entirely. Twilight set off walking once more, trying not to be lost entirely to the thoughts brewing in her mind. A nice pot of emotions stewing in her mental cauldron, demanding her attention lest they spill forth for the world to see. How broken a pony she had come to be. Twilight didn't reach the library, she could feel curious eyes starring. She stepped into a few side streets, seeking solace. Twilight glared miserably at the ground, as she passed a few barrels. She could feel tears forming, like rain on a funeral parade. Twilight paused, feeling the cold of the shadows around her, as the alleyway felt like it was closing in. She could feel something drawing closer. The pit in her stomach growing, as she felt dizzying hunger grip her. Twilight jumped at the sound of confetti bursting from a barrel behind her. A pink sponge of joy bouncing from the wooden enclosure, before landing on all four hooves. Pinkie seemed to regain some sense of direction, as Twilight just stared. Mouth agape in bewilderment. Pinkie's eyes exploded with colorful happiness, as her smile broadened impossibly big. She hopped a few more feet, before standing at Twilight's side. "Finally found you!" She said cheerfully, and Twilight offered a wavering halfhearted smile in reply. "I had a feeling you'd be hiding somewhere. I also," She paused momentarily, almost as if on cue Twilight's stomach growled. "Knew you'd be hungry. Lucky for you, I always have a spare..." Pinkie glanced cautiously in both directions, even upwards towards the rooftops, before leaning in and whispering the last word breathlessly in Twilight's ear. "...Muffin!" Twilight thought Pinkie's serious demeanor rather odd for the pink party pony, but the moment passed in a blink. As Pinkie reached into the hairs of her wild mane, before pulling out a neat hoof sized box. Offering it to Twilight with another jubilant smile. Twilight raised an eyebrow questioningly, but Pinkie merely waited for Twilight to pick it up in her magic. Before springing back the way she'd come. "Well, gotta fly! Just watch out for Derpy!" Pinkie called, before jumping high into the air, and falling back into the wooden barrel without another sound. Twilight wasn't sure what to make of the strange encounter. She walked skeptically to the barrel, half expecting to find Pinkie lying in the bottom waiting for her to walk away, but when she glanced inside she was met with a blast of confetti to the face for her efforts. Pinkie was nowhere to be found, and she lifted the barrel with her magic in disbelief, revealing solid ground underneath. Twilight frantically paced about the barrel, wondering what had just happened. It was beyond logic, and Twilight wanted an answer to the mystery that was Pinkie Pie. Yet, she found no answer to her curiosity. "It just doesn't make any sense!" Twilight hissed in protest. There had to be a trick, a misdirection of some kind. But Twilight couldn't figure it out, as she wracked her brain seeking a logical explanation. "There HAS to be an explanation!" Twilight ranted, "Ponies don't just vanish into thin air, let alone earth ponies!" Twilight needed the answer, and yet she knew she would not receive one. Not from the strange pink pony herself. Twilight made a mental note to track down and figure Pinkie's secret out, just not today. With the resolution of procrastination, Twilight let out a satisfied sigh of resolve. Her stomach growled again, reminding Twilight of the box she had carelessly left on the ground a few paces away. She levitated it to her, and proceeded to walk on. Finding herself drawn to a bench in a fairly empty boulevard near the outskirts of town. It felt peaceful, yet unusually empty for the quaint friendly town of Ponyville. For a small populace, Ponyville often felt much busier and alive with the bustling of cheerful ponies going about their lives. Twilight decided to not overthink it, and instead thank the heavens for her much desired solace. Twilight sat basking in the harsh sunlight, as she opened the box and found a blueberry muffin inside. Twilight smiled at the idea of an alternate outcome, of yet more confetti and glitter as a jesting surprise. Though, at the present, Twilight was thankful that the box did indeed contain a muffin to ease her hurting hunger. Twilight decided to pick at the muffin with her magic, rather than bite wholeheartedly into it. She sat letting the time tick by, her eyes cast to the simple box with a single muffin. As she nibbled at the pieces she tore from it. Trying her best to ignore the world around her, in the hopes that any pony passing would do the same. Life had begun to feel like an old record that had played too long, and simply kept skipping at the end of its track. Playing the same few notes, before jarringly jumping backwards through time to play them again. On an endless loop, of meaningless annoyance to all who heard it. Yet, in Twilight's delusion she sought to keep giving meaning to that inevitable repetition. Look at you, grasping for desperation. Admit it, you have nothing left to lose in your pathetic life. Your life ambitions of lifelong education and learning, it has been wiped away in one fell swoop. All because of you and your stupidity, and failure to see what you really needed... Friends? Twilight thought, perhaps she shouldn't have discarded such a small request from her princess. She should have followed her instructions more closely. Instead of disregarding Celestia's plan, thinking foolishly that it wasn't as important as her own. What good would 'Friends' do you now? You'd be better off dead. There's no fixing the mistake that you are! But what about Spike? Twilight immediately shot back at the darkness embracing her mind. Ever dripping like toxic waste polluting a pond of once clear water. Hoping to have caught the problem where it had started. You really think Celestia will let you keep him? She'll come to take him to a pony better suited to care for him when she comes knocking on your door. No amount of walls or facades can hide the truth, you're merely living on borrowed time. What a selfish pony you truly are. Just end your suffering like the weak pathetic foal you really are. Twilight wanted nothing more than to not believe herself, but the harder she struggled, the clearer things became in her muddled mind. The truth cut deeply like razors, chilling Twilight as she sat, lost in a defining moment of decisiveness. But unable to find the strength to protect her hopeful delusions. Twilight's ears perked, following the sound of something dragging along the ground. She lifted her eyes, to be met with quite the spectacle. A tired Applejack slowly dragging a trophy down the road. Headed for the farmlands from the center of the town. Twilight noticed the baskets of apples still on the weary farm pony's back. Even when being presented with a town's appreciation, she never seemed to stop working. Twilight inwardly admired that character of the hard working stubborn pony. But she quickly looked back down, hiding her face as ponies started to filter from the gathering Twilight hadn't even noticed. Perhaps Spike had attended, she made a mental note to ask him about it later. As Twilight had begun to wander away from the bench, she noticed that Applejack had stopped dragging the trophy, and instead hoisted it on her back along with the baskets of apples. A small determination shone from her eyes, despite the bags weighing them down. Detrimentally determined to put on a facade of strength as the street filled once more with friendly faces. Twilight took the opportunity to make herself scarce, heading back in the direction of the Library's overhanging branches of its hollow treetop exterior. She entered the library, admitting the action felt repetitive by this point, another thing to add to the list of mundaneity. Twilight walked through the empty halls. Looking, but not finding what she sought. What she was searching for? She didn't know, the silence felt haunting as she found herself staring up the stairs to her temporary bedroom. Her mind was quiet. The demons left unspoken, as she stared through the graying light. The moment was perfect. Tears brimmed Twilight's eyes, as she found herself holding her breath. Waiting, despite the opportunity of solace presented in a singular thought. The moment seemed tragic, yet fitting. Perhaps it was time. Her hoof was shaking, as she mounted the first step. Twilight felt alive, the blood rushing through her ears. An unseen rhythm pounding the drums as she stepped higher. The abyss of nothingness watching greedily, as Twilight walked on in her daze. Her mind clear of the haze, focused on a single escape. Perhaps today was the day. Like the noose tightening around the last breath. Blood running across the floor, the scarlet halo against a wall from a destroyed mind. The danger of the threatening imaginations of one's thoughts, was enlightening. Yet Twilight's mind was vacant of all these. She opened the door to her bedroom, the hinges squealing in protest, as she passed through to the other side. Shutting it tightly behind her, as she approached the mirror. She knew not why, until she met her own eyes. Twilight stared at the shattered pony before her, eyes empty as death itself. Its sickening smile too wide for any sane pony. A twitch in the other's eye mimicking her own, as Twilight fidgeted restlessly, lost in the moment as she stared into the eyes of her terror. 'Why do you resist?' The tainted glass asked. "I... I can't..." Twilight responded, seeing beyond her sanity. 'Weak... You always were the weakest link...' "I don't deserve that fate!" Twilight glared at her reflection, the mirror laughed its hysteria into the air. Twilight waited, staring before finishing. "Celestia deserves her justice..." Twilight glanced ashamedly at the floor. The laughing continued, this time it was her own. It bubbled and burst from her chest, as tears stained her cheeks. Falling to the floor without obstruction. 'Suite yourself, when Celestia comes, you'll find some fates are worse than death. Coward!' Twilight reeled, raising a hoof to smash the mirror with all her strength. Pausing as she found Spike's reflection peering from the doorway. Worry plastered across his face, visibly on display for her to see. Twilight lowered her hoof, gritting her teeth as she turned to raise up her walls. Attempting to hide her tragedy under a facade of fake smiles and premeditated reassurance, but Spike was gone. Twilight stood, staring at the slit in the door. The darkness beyond seeping through like the abyss insider her desolate stone cold heart. 'You'll see... Mark my words... You'll see... Coward...'