Mega Man I (1)

by Emerldminer

Chapter 4 Part 1

Rock and Spike are sitting at a table in the middle of the library. There is a chess board on the table. It seems to be that Spike is winning, but Rock is setting him up for a chek mare. Twilight is sitting off to the side watching, chowing on her hooves. Rock moves his Royal Guard from 4a to 5a. When he lets go of the pice he pushes a clock swishing it off and turning Spikes on.

"Chek," Rock says as Rainbow Dash walks into the library.

"What's going on in here?" Dash asks walking over to Twilight.

"SHHHhh, They are playing Chess, and Spike asked me not to help him," Twilight says, her eyes never leaving the board.

"So, who's winning?" Dash asks sitting down next to Twilight.

"Right now Spike is, but I think Rock is going to do something cool, come here,"Twilight says as Dash comes closer to her friend.

"See, I think Rock is going to use his Luna and Twilight to surround Spike's Celestia and get a Chek mare," Twilight explains as they watch on in aw as Spike uses his Celestia to take out Rocks' Royal Guard. Spike smiles as he pushes the button on the clock, turning his off and turning Rocks' on.

"I think this is Chek mare," Rock says moving his luna from 3h to 3a.

"Nop," Spike says moving his Celestia back to 5b.

"Chek mare," Rock says, smiling as he moves his Twilight from 8h to 8b. Spike's mouth almost drops to the floor as he sees he is surrounded by both of Rock's Twilights and a luna.

"Celestia Dang it!" Spike yells, almost flipping the table, but ends up just falling his arms into the air. Rock smiles turning off the clock.

"That's what you get for challenging a computer," Rock says packing up the Chessboard.

"One day Rock, one Day," Spike says getting up and walking up the stairs. Rock laughs to himself as he places the lid onto the box.

"Well that was interesting," Dash says getting up as Twilight Teleports the box away. At that very moment, Pinkie Pie comes bursting through the door.

"Dash, Twi, Rockie..." Pinke says bouncing over to them.

"Rockie?" Dash asks raising an eyebrow.

"It wasn't my idea of a nice name alright," Rock says standing up and turning to Pinkie. "Now, what's wrong Pinkie,"

"I.. Saw... Cut Man... go... into the Everfree," She says between big breaths of air. Rock and Dash looked at each other and smile. They both nod to each other. Dash's wings flare up and in 10 seconds flat she is outside and in the air. Rock runs out of the library as his suit slowly appears on him. They both head for the ever-dangerous Everfree with Twilight and Spike following close behind.

"Well, now what do I do?" Pinkie aks no one in particular.

You could go after them, or you could go back to serger cube corner.

"I'll what a little while THEN go after them," Pinkie says bouncing out the door.

"Where are they?" Megaman asks no one in particular as they run through the forest. They make a right and come to a fork in the road.

"ok, who literally leaves a fork in the road, by a fork in the road?" Twilight asks picking up the fork with her magic.

"Who cares, we need to split up," Dash says landing next to Twilight. Twilight then TP's the fork away.

"Good Idea, me and Spike will take the right path and you girls can take the left path," They all nod in an agreement and they all take off down there respective road.

"Why didn't you object to going with me?" Twilight asks as they walk along the road.

"Well he can handle himself, besides, you have no Idea how to fight," Rainbow says as Twilight punches her in the side. "I deserve that," She says chuckling to herself. They then walk in silence.

"Why did you suggest to go with me, don't you usually go with Dash?" Spike asks as they walk down the overgrown path.

"Well, I just want to spend as much time with everypony... I mean everyone," Megaman scratches behind his head blushing.

"It's ok," Spike says looking around. Then something up ahead caches there eyes.

"What is that?" Megaman whispers to Spike.

"I have no Idea," He says as they walk slowly towards the source of the light.

Out of no wire, a loud help comes from all directions.

"That must be Fluttershy," Dash says running down the path.

"What! Dash, it could be a trape," Twilight says running after Dash. When Twilight finally catches up to Dash, she is hiding behind a bush. Dash waves a hoove to twilight saying to come to her. Twilight walks over and ducks behind the bush. Dash points to a cage in the middle of an open field. It holds Fluttershy in it.

"We need to go imperceptible through the grass just in case it's a trap..." Before Twilight could finish, Dash was already flying towards the cage. "...or not," Twilight says reading her spells.

"Fluttershy, are you alright?" Dash asks trying to open the cage door.

"Dash, get out of her," Fluttershy says standing up and pacing a hoove on her friends.

"but I can't leave you here, It's my fault that your hear," Dash says shaking the door harder.

"Dash, just go before..." She was unable to finish when the S-boomerang hits her in the head. She falls over, hitting a rock and passing out. "Dash!" Flutter shy yells griping the bars. The boomerang goes back to Cutman, he grabs it and places it on his head.

"Now I can finally get the respect I deserve," Cutman says walking over to Dash. Then Twilight jumps out of the bushes and fires a light beam at Cutman. He dodges it easily. "You have to do better than that," He says getting his S-boomerang ready.

"That will be my pleaser," Twilight says reading another spell, but before she can Cut Man throughs his S-boomerang at Twilight. She rolls out of the way and fires a light beam, nearly hitting Cut Man and Fluttershy.

"epp," Fluttershy ducks.

"Sorry Fluttershy," Twilight says as Cutman places his S-boomerang and his head. "why are you stopping?" Twilight asks reading another spell. Right then fireman walks out of the forest and over to Twilight. He points his fire blaster at her head.

"You should stop before I blow your head clean off," Fireman says. Twilight turns around to see a robot that looks similar to rock but with a blockhead, and fires coming off the top.

"I could evaporate you right now you know," Twilight says as her magic dies down, but in reality, she just sent a message to Spike.

"YOU WHAT!" Spike yells his eyes widen in shock.

"shhhh, only Twilight knows I like Dash like that," Megaman says looking around to see if the 2 ponies were around.

"Now everything makes sense, you wanting to be with Dash, and you two hanging out... have you asked her out yet?" Spike asks looking up at Megaman. He simply shakes his head, how they got to this situation is up to the imagination.

"After we find Fluttershy and Cutman you should ask her out," Spike says plainly like it was that easy.

"You would think it would be that easy for a robot, BUT NO I had to be as close as human as possible," Megaman says raising his arms in the air.

"If you were not, then you would not love Dash," Spike says. Right then an electric bullet comes out of no were, barely missing Spike and Megaman.

"Elec Man," Megaman says turning around to see a robot standing there, arm extended.

"The name is Electric Man," He says charging his blaster.

"I like Elec Man better, but anyway... Spike, run," Megaman says pointing his own blaster at Elec Man. Spike takes off down the road as Elec Man fires off another blast. The gun fires in 5 directions, one up, one down, one left, one right, and one forwards. Megaman slides out of the way and shots at him. The bullets hit him, knocking him back a few feet.

"You son of a Bich!" Elec Man yells firing off his blaster. Megaman runs out of the way and switches to Gut Mans' weapon.

"Nop, but I am a sun of the future princess," Megaman says picking up a bolder and throwing it at Elec Man. He tries to dodge but gets clipped in the arm, taking it clean off.

"Ok, two things, one, You broke my FUCKING ARM!..." He says charging up his other blaster.

"and two?" Megaman says picking up another bolder.

"How the fuck do you know she will be a princess?" He asks shooting at Megaman. Megaman through the rock in the way and slides to the right. He changes into his normal form.

"I can break the fourth wall," He says pulling out an E-tank. "Found this earlier," He says chugging the thing down. "now that's the stuff," Megaman says charging up his mega buster.

What, where did you find the E-tank?

"From that light earlier, now will you leave us alone?" Megaman asks the narrator as Elec man just looks confused.

"ok... now where were we... o right, You little shit!" He yells the last part as he runs forward. Megaman blasts him right as he tries to shoot him. Elac man falls to the ground died. Megaman walks up to him and scans him.

"cool, a new weapon," Megaman thinks getting up as Spike runs over to him.

"Twilight and Dash are in trouble come on I will explain later," Spike says, not stopping to explain but just keep running down the road. Megaman follows suit.