//------------------------------// // The Sun and The Moon // Story: Day and Night // by Inactive Pone //------------------------------// It is now almost Nighttime in the dream world, but nearly Daytime in the real world. This means that ponies will slowly be waking up from their sleep. The dream world will mostly be deactivated then- And the sisters’ world is not an exception. Every night, the sisters will move their symbols towards the other side to signal the nighttime, and the next day, they will switch it back. Daybreaker got ready an hour early before they actually have to do it, because she had something in mind. Every time the two switch the positions of the Sun and Moon into each other’s territory, they used to do it in a cycle- A circle. The symbol on Daybreaker’s side moves over the top, while the symbol on Nightmare’s side moves along the bottom. This loop ensured the symbols never make contact since, well, they hated each other before and they did not want to get close with each other, and they didn’t allow their symbol to do it either. But now it’s different- They’ve made up. So, Daybreaker pondered what will happen if the two giant orbs actually collided. Would it be just normal pushing? Or would something magical happen? She wanted to see. She came over early to do it. She looked at the Sun, and then the Moon. She looked back and forth, imagining the two orbs together. She was excited. She started to control the sun, and moved slowly on the same level as the Moon. The Sun crossed the border, and into the Moon’s territory. It was placed right near the Moon. Daybreaker stuck a tongue out as she positioned it. Then, the Moon suddenly had a navy aura. Daybreaker looked over to the other balcony- To See Nightmare Moon controlling the Moon. Nightmare gave a wave, as Daybreaker gave one back. She flew over to join her Lunar sister, as they both cancelled their magic on their symbols. “What are you doing?” Nightmare asked curiously. “Oh, Nothing, Something on my mind.” “Hm? Go on.” Daybreaker giggled. “Have we ever made the Sun and Moon contact each other before?” “I don’t think so, actually.” “Well, I wanted to see what happens if they did!” “Mmmmm, that sounds pretty cute, and I love cute!” “Sure you do, you little moonbeam.” Daybreaker tackles Nightmare and messes with her mane. They both let out a laugh before letting go. “You’re such a silly sis, little Sunshine.” “Hehe! Well, are you ready?” “Hold on, let me position this better. Let’s move right to the middle- The place the border is at. They will contact there.” They both nodded to each other, and flew up to get a better view and a better angle. As promised, they both move their symbol temporarily back to their side. Sun on the left, Moon on the right. Slowly and steadily, they moved the two orbs closer in the sky, and frankly, they also moved together as well. Soon, the two orbs are already very close together. After a while... **Squish** The Sun and The Moon drew impact. It was a very satisfying sensation- Every time they touch, they caved in on itself. It’s like they were bouncy rubber balls colliding. When they meet, they seem to squish together and sort of change shape. Daybreaker and Nightmare looked at one another, gave a giggle, and started playing around with them, slowly squishing them together again and again. “*chuckling* So Cute!” “I didn’t know this can happen!” “Hmmm, maybe it’s because we made up? “I don’t know, but maybe! Now they just look like having fun.” Suddenly, they had an idea. “You know what, Day? Now that we know this is a thing...” “Mhmm, Night?” Nightmare whispers to her sister. “Oh, Cool! Let’s add this...” Daybreaker whispers back. “Ooooooh! That’s even better!” “Haha, come on, you have the best ideas.” “No, you do~” The sisters nudged one another a few times before breaking into a giggle. Then they gave themselves some time to prepare for the idea, and got things rolling. ************* The Sun and Moon were in the sky. ”Moony! I told you not to come over to my side!” “What! You were the one coming to my side, Sunny!” “We agreed to only swap places when the dream world is deactivating, but you always secretly come over!” You always do that too!” The two orbs had a little distance before, but now they move closer, right at the border. “*sigh Your world just needs to see more of the light of the Sun, that’s all.” “No! Your side is boring. It’s so bright. Let my darkness equalize it a bit.” “Nuh-uh! Your dark is so ugly, my side doesn’t need that.” “Hmph! Same way about how I feel about you here.” The two were not happy. “I’m better than you!” “No way! I’m better!” “No, I am!” “No! I am!” They both let out a groan. **squeeze** “I’m the better one, Moony...” “I’m the better one, Sunny...” **squeezes back** “I’ll be the one shining eternally among this dream world!” “Not if I beat you and I’m the one doing that!” “Oh, you want a fight?” “Yeah, I’m picking a fight.” “Oh, no you didn’t!” “Yes I did!” “Hmph, then I’ll give it to you!” “Bring it!” The Sun clashed against the Moon, and the Moon pushed back against the Sun. The two orbs start colliding a whole lot, spinning around while pushing the other with force. They would sometimes split apart, have a little chase, before crashing back together. They squished together a number of times, as they start to argue more. It’s like they’re pushing each other in a way. Back down, the sisters were laughing non-stop. “Haha, this is awesome!” “I know!” They gave a high-five. They were controlling the Sun and the Moon. It’s like they’re playing a video game. “I’m coming to get you, Night!” “Nope! Take that!” The orbs clashed furiously. “Waaaaaah! Heeeeeey!” “Haha, this is so fun!” “I know!!! We’re like playing a game with each other, aren’t we?” “Looks like it! Let’s see who wins this game we’ve come up with.” “Oh, it’s on!” The two sisters nodded, gritted their teeth and really got into the zone. Focussing their magic on their symbols, the Sun and Moon clash in different styles. They didn’t equalize the other all the time though- One would get the edge if they’re lucky. At one point, the Sun stays in place. Then the Moon knocks it away on the next. This cycle continued back and forth between Sun and Moon, trying to dominate the sky and make it their own with no border separating each other. But, they didn’t only want to unite the two sides of the dream world- They seem to be wanting to do so by destroying each other. Even staying in place long enough is a challenge. Every time one of the two tried to stay in the middle and increase its side’s spread across the land, the other clashed with it and pushed back. The two orbs chase one another, trying to collide and rip each other apart. Meanwhile, the sisters are still having way too much fun, as they imagined their argument all in their heads. “Out of my way, Moony!” “No, Sunny! Go away!” The orbs clash in the middle of the two sides. They refuse to step back, colliding furiously. Daybreaker stuck her tongue out as Nightmare gritted her teeth, trying to hold up heir defense. “*grunts* You are really good at this,” Daybreaker giggled. Nightmare was panting. “You too! You’re giving me a hard time over here!” “Well, you’re doing the same thing!” “You wanna really push this one?” “If you’re going to, Night.” “Oh, it’s on, Day.” The two sidestepped towards the other, so they’re next to each other. Giving a cold smile and stare, they refocus on the game. The Sun and Moon push intensely with equal strength by their descendants. They would not back off. It was always the little hesitations and exhausted gasps of each other that one of the sisters helped their symbol get the upper hand, before they other picked up the pace and push back, only to reach a stalemate in the middle again. Things got quirky for a while- Because they were pushing against each other, the two tried to maneuver and finagle their way around each other, making an awkward dynamic of them spinning while attracted together. A few minutes, something weird happened. The sisters started sensing some kind of attraction force between the Sun and Moon. It felt as if they were not pushing, but rather attracted to each other. They tested this theory by trying to pull them apart. But they just stuck back together. “What did you do, Day?” “I-I don’t know! Is this something that happens when they contact too much?” “Uhh.... This doesn’t look good.” “Well... There’s no turning back now... I guess?” They tried to control their magic, but they couldn’t. They put so much focus and energy into the spell and it got so powerful it overrode the control from its host pony. The Sun and Moon continue to clash, now squishing together with each push since the force was so great. For a minute, it looked like as if the orbs started caving in on themselves like two giant rubber balloons squishing each other, despite it making no sense whatsoever. “What in the world!?” Nightmare bursted out laughing. “*grunts* I know this isn’t supposed to be a good thing but... *laughing* How is that supposed to work!?” COME ON! You’re in the DREAM realm! I can totally write it that way! Time froze. “Did you hear that?” Daybreaker asked. Uh oh. Nightmare scratched her head. “Uhhh... I... Do not know what that’s supposed to be, but-“ Time started up again. The two sisters got jerked forward by their magic. “Ahhhh!” They both cried. The sisters tumbled and fell. They loosen their grip and control on their spells for a second, and that was enough for the spell to go a little haywire. More magic was instantly sent into powering the spell, causing the Sun and Moon to push harder. The orbs had the property of balloons, even changing shape because of the squishing. The sisters tried to control it, but the magic didn’t seem to agree with them. “*grunt* I can’t control it!” “Me neither! What’s going to happen?” “I don’t know, Night!” “Day, this isn’t good at all!” The two had no idea why this is happening,holding each other in an embrace in fear of what’s happening next. They shiver nervously as they watch their symbols squish and squish. And eventually... **Woosh!** Whatever happened sent a blinding light to the two. When they open their eyes, they see the weirdest thing their eyes have laid upon on. “W-Whoa... What h-happened?” “Y-You tell me...” They don’t see two orbs in the sky anymore- But instead, they were merged together! Half of the sphere was the Sun and the other was the Moon. It made no sense, and that’s why the two were at a loss for words. They stared at each other for what seemed like forever, hoping that one of them has an answer to whatever just happened in front of them. “Uhhhhhh....” They shrugged, showing that both of them have no idea to what’s happening. “Hey, by the way, your horn is kinda on fire.” Daybreaker looked at it, and indeed it was. Nightmare helped to blow it out. “Th-Thanks, sis. Well... This is just great.” “Yuuuuuuuuup. Sun and Moon are fused together now.” “I mean, it’s funny and cute and all, but...” “Don’t feel bad, I know this is weird.” There was silence again. “So... They can do that, apparently.” “Uh Huh. So... We are not doing this ever again.” “Agreed. How am I suppose to have only half of the Sun’s light?” “Well, how am I supposed to have half of the Moon’s glow, then?” The sisters bursted into laughter. “Welp, You were the one who had this idea in mind first, so you’re fixing it! Haha!” “Hey! What!?” “Not my problem, Day! Bye!” Nightmare left before a reply can come. Daybreaker felt her face redden up as her sister slammed the door. “Grrrrr! You cheeky sister!” Daybreaker went to grab Nightmare’s spellbook, letting out a cold chuckle. “I’ll show you, Night... You don’t try to tease me!”