//------------------------------// // Chapter 4: Time Fly's // Story: The Tale Of Shadow 2 Worlds Apart // by Enigmatic Brony //------------------------------// Chapter 4: Time Fly's It has been almost a year since Shadow has gone back to earth and ever since that day on the beach Phantom…Well Josh has never been seen or heard ever since, Karl was kind of worried about that he thought he would of heard something by know but no, he couldn’t be dead it wouldn’t of been right…well he couldn’t of died from the injuries he suffered from the hands of Shadow…I mean Karl could he? Maybe he just went into hiding never to be heard of again, But Karl was smarter than that he knew he would hear of Josh sometime soon he just didn’t know when, Well the only time he did her something about him was from some guy at school saying he saw him in some forest but that couldn’t be right…Well he did live in a abounded shack for four months so anything is possible, but there were always more pressing issues I had to attend to than going on some wild goose chase. I passed the time by joining everything to do with science and Maths at school just so I can find a way to travel back. Alyssa doesn’t really know what happened to me since I come back from ‘My trip’ all she knows is before I left to go visit my dad in North Beach I was failing Chemistry and all of a sudden I happen to be passing with Straight A’s. I’ve kind of become some kind of science and maths nerd, she may have thought it strange that whenever I had science or Maths on at school I would be there sitting in the centre of the front row I was always there even if I was deathly ill I would still be there in the same old seat. All my friends ditched me but who needs them they only ditched me just because they thought I had become a nerd and they didn’t want to be seen hanging out with one, they would even try to pick on me at lunch times and after school but that never worked out for them. Alyssa was probably the only friend I have now but then wasn’t she always. I used to hang out with a lot of people but they weren’t true friends just an illusion because I was a part of the football team and I got invited to all the good parties the would just try to fool me into believing they were my friend but I was always knew better. I finally moved out of the piece of shit I used to call a house and so did Alyssa, our families were always preoccupied with other shit never payed attention to me or her for that fact, it was probably one of the reasons we were such good friends, My parentd the always got me in trouble for the smallest mishap that no kid would get in trouble for, life was always harsh at home it probably didn’t help my family didn’t even notice I was home after being gone for months so I finally had enough and decided to leave, I told Alyssa of my plans of leaving home and I showed her all the cash but I lied and told her that it was a present from my father, I didn’t like the idea of lying to her but it was far better than the truth she probably would have thought I was crazy and never talked or notice me ever again. So she left her family without them knowing where she was going and moved in with me in my new apartment, and I bought my own car from the money Rarity gave me…before you ask I haven’t spent it all…I still have three quarters of it left so if I need it to buy the equipment to go back to Equestria. Now we go back to Rarity, She has been helping Twilight build the device…well not really helping but she has offered on many occasions to help out but she really has no idea what Twilight and Doctor Whooves are doing…she really doesn’t understand any of that science stuff but instead has helped bring up Dusk which is now a teen Colt that just finished school and has been helping Twilight and Doctor Whooves, Dusk was really good at science but that wasn’t his special talent instead he was alt like his father that was very talented in music, Dusk began working with Vinyl not long ago and so far she is teaching him everything she knew about being a DJ and he finally got his cutie mark Dusk was a white Pegasus pony with a white mane and tail with streaks of Red, he wore red tinted glasses and had to ear pieces in his left ear, he also wore a red bandanna around his neck and a black jacket that was combined with a black belt with a red buckle that his mother Rarity made for him when he was attending school. He also had a tattoo underneath his eye of some kind of tribal design that was coloured in red along and his coat had stripes of red that were located all over the place. (Dusk is the Pony used as the cover picture of this story for now until i make a better Fanfiic Cover soome time this week) Dusk really didn’t know much about his Father Shadow except from the stories Rarity would tell him when he was young or when she would compare his ability’s to his fathers. He didn’t like it sometimes when she would compare certain things between him and his father but his mother would always realize how harsh he was being when she did this and would always apologize shortly after saying it. Dusk looked up to the stories of his father and noticed he was a lot like him in some ways, they both shared a passion for music no matter what style the preferred, They were both kind towards other ponies around Equestria and the biggest thing that they both shared was they both had the blood type of a human…yes human ever since Dusk was born he had the blood type of a human he was kind of some hybrid pony but no one else new it besides Twilight, Doctor Whooves and his mother, it allowed Dusk to grow up Faster and have such exceptional speed as Rainbow Dash.