The Tale Of Shadow 2 Worlds Apart

by Enigmatic Brony

Chapter 3: News No Pony Wants To Hear

Chapter 3: News No Pony Wants To Hear

It was a long trip back to Sweet Apple Acres from Canterlot’s Warehouse district and Rarity wasn’t feeling up to the task of telling the other ponies about what has happened to Shadow. She finally reached the front step of Applejacks house but hesitated about knocking on her door…Well she hesitated about walking into Sweet Apple Acres fall stop.
“C’mon Miss Rarity, there’s simply nothing to be scared about” says Rarity giving herself a little Pep talk, “You have nothing to be worried about they will all understand”
She mustered up as much courage as she could and took a deep breath before walking up to the front door. She was just about to knock but was put off by the thought of every pony else’s reaction to the news about Shadow how she was the reason he was sent back to earth because she couldn’t just stay away and leave Shadow to his business.
“No...I can’t do it” She mutters under her breath, “I just can’t do it”
She turns to walk down away from Applejack’s ranch until she hears the door open behind her
“Rarity…What are yawl doin’ outside at this time of night” Yawns Applejack
“Um…I couldn’t sleep” lies Rarity hidden behind a nervous smile
“Rarity, you were never a good one at lying to other ponies…you know” Says Applejack wiping the her eyes that were adjusting to the early morning sun, “so what are you really doing out here this early and where is Shadow?”
“Ah, may we sit inside… I’ve got some awful news to tell every pony” Says Rarity walking over to Applejack
“Yeah sure…the other ponies are awake already as well so they won’t mind” smiles Applejack following Rarity inside
“Great” Lies Rarity behind another nervous smile
Rarity heads inside and sits down as every pony Shadow was friends with gathers around Rarity
“Hey Rarity where’s Shadow” Yawns Rainbow Dash
“Yeah I was beginning to wonder that myself” says Applejack
“Well” Says Rarity crystal clear tears running down her cheek, “Um…Shadow…”
“What’s happened to Shadow” Blurts Rainbow Dash get closer to Rarity
“Shadow…won’t be coming back to Equestria” Says Rarity wiping her eyes free from tears, “he was sent back to earth trying to protect me from Phantom”
“No it can’t be…” gasps Rainbow Dash, “Shadow can’t have gone back to Earth…not yet”
Rarity could notice the tears beginning to run down the cyan pony’s cheek and she couldn’t help but ball into tears herself, she had been trying to hold back the waterworks the whole time since Shadow was sent back to earth
“Well…Rarity…What happened to Phantom then” says Dash trying to stop crying, “He better not still be here”
“Settle down, Rainbow Dash…I settled that myself” Says Rarity a small smile running across her face even though tears were still pouring from her lovely purple eyes, “I sent him back to earth myself”
“Good” smiles Rainbow Dash whipping away any remaining tears.
“Im so sorry Rarity” whispers Fluttershy who was sitting next to her at the time, “I Know how much you loved him and cared for him, just as I do with my animals”
“Thank you Fluttershy” says Rarity before giving Fluttershy a hug.
“Well Rarity” says Twilight a sudden thought coming to mind, “There may be a way for Shadow to come back”
“HOW” Says Rarity releasing her grip from Fluttershy and rushing over to twilight eager to hear what she has to say
“Well…Um…You know how you went back to earth for half an hour for Shadow to get his stuff and say his good byes”
“Yes I still remember that Day, it would be hard to forget such a day when I became a human” smile Rarity
“Well…That device was only a prototype model so maybe Doctor Hooves and I could build the same model but allow more time to be spent on earth”
“Yes that’s a great Idea” says Rarity jumping up and kissing twilight out of pure excitement
“Whol’d on there we filly…yawl did hear the part where she sayed that it might work…not it will work”
“Oh don’t be so rash Applejack, of course I heard her, but if there is a slight possibility I could see Shadow again I’ll take it” Says Rarity still exited
“Hold on Rarity…I don’t know how long it will take for us to finish the teleportation device it may take a week or even a couple of years to finish” explains Twilight
“Yeah I know Darling, but at least it is still a chance” says Rarity with a hint of sadness because she knows there is a chance it may not work
“Oh Rarity, I have something to give you” smiles Twilight, “Something Shadow left behind for you”
“What is it” says Rarity confused
“Follow me” says Twilight standing up and trotting into the guest room where Shadow had spent the night
“Why are we going in he….” Rarity stops in her speech as she notices the Dress Shadow had picked up in New Yorke for their wedding.
“Now you have something to remember Shadow by” smiles Twilight
“Oh Celestia…it’s so Beautiful” says Rarity tears beginning to form under her eyes again
“I thought you would like it” says Twilight
“Excuse Me twilight but I need to be alone” says Rarity Trying to hold back the tears
“Sure Rarity…Take all the time you need” says Twilight walking out of the room shutting the door behind her
“It’s Beautiful isn’t it Dusk” says Rarity just remembering he is still in the crib in the room
“Let me get you out of there” says Rarity picking up Dusk
“I know that your Dad may be gone for now but he’ll be back you’ll see”