//------------------------------// // Loss of Child // Story: Pinkie Pie's Special Friends // by smirker //------------------------------// Pinkie Pie worked in Sugarcube Corner and was having an easy day, there was almost no customers today, so she was resting. The door opens and Pinkie Pie looks, she sees a familiar looking teenage colt enter, she recognized him and was happy to see him, "Treasure Hunter!" Pinkie Pie said happily and excitedly, he trots to behind the counter and the two hug one another, "How have you been, Pinkie Pie?" Treasure Hunter asked, "Great! How about you?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Alright, just thought I'd come and check on you, I never did thank you for looking after me shortly after my parents passed." Treasure Hunter replied, Pinkie Pie's smile widened, "Pinkie Pie?" a female voice asked, Pinkie Pie looks and saw Rock Candy and her family enter, "Rock Candy!" Pinkie Pie said elatedly, she runs to her and the two hug one another, "How have you been?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Great, my husband, son, and daughter wanted to come along as well." Rock Candy replied, "Hi there." Pinkie Pie said, Rock Candy's family waves at her, "Quiet ones, aren't they?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Yeah, my husband doesn't talk much, and my children are shy." Rock Candy replied, "It's okay, I won't bite." Pinkie Pie said, Rock Candy's son and daughter hide behind her husband, "Who's the older one?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Neither, they're twins." Rock Candy replied, "Who was born first?" Pinkie Pie asked, "They both came out of me at the exact same time." Rock Candy replied, "Oh." Pinkie Pie said, and she walks back to behind the shelf and continues her work until it was closing time. Pinkie Pie finishes and then goes to the cupboard to her left and looks through the glass at a picture of a red male unicorn, his mane and tail were bright purple, and his eyes were sky blue, his cutie mark was not in the picture, "Who is that, Pinkie Pie?" Treasure Hunter asked, "Oh, that's Sky Glider, today's his birthday." Pinkie Pie replied, "Is he a friend of yours?" Rock Candy asked, "No, his picture was given to me by his teacher, he already passed long before I met her and his parents." Pinkie Pie replied, "What happened?" Treasure Hunter asked, "He drowned while saving a filly, so basically, he sacrificed himself." Pinkie Pie replied, "Can you tell us what happened when you met his parents?" Rock Candy asked, "Sure, but this might be a bit hard to swallow." Pinkie Pie replied, and she begins to talk about Sky Glider's parents, Vulture and Dove, they were more special to Pinkie Pie than most because she knew how painful losing a child is, it is one of most devastating things to happen to anyone, she and the others sit and Pinkie Pie begins to tell her tale. Pinkie Pie just left Cloudy's home and was traveling Equestria again, she was walking through the blazing hot summer, she was in an area of Equestria where there was nothing but grass, it was one hundred fifteen degrees Fahrenheit, the humidity was ninety five percent, and Pinkie Pie just walked out of a jungle. Pinkie Pie pants heavily while sweating as she walked with her supplies, her two saddlebags, bags, chest, and some of her musical instruments have partially melted from the summer heat, she was also out of sugar water, lemonade, soda, cider, juice, slushes, ice pops, sorbets, freezies, ice cream, and snow cones, as she has already eaten and drank them all for herself. Pinkie Pie pants as she walks slowly, exhausted from the jungle and heat, she collapses and becomes unconscious. An elderly unicorn couple was nearby and saw her, the stallion had a light brown coat, short white mane and tail, yellow eyes, and his cutie mark was a white vulture's head, and the mare had a white coat, long white mane and tail, blue eyes, and her cutie mark was a white dove, they trot to her and the stallion uses his telekinesis to pick her up and carry her to their home. Pinkie Pie groans and wakes up, she saw she was laying on a couch with a round wooden table in front of her, there was a lot of empty glasses on the table, she looks and sees the elderly stallion in front of her, "Dove, she's up." the stallion said, the mare comes and looks at her, "Good morning, we found you passed out on the road, so we took you here." Dove said, "Thank you, I'm Pinkie Pie." Pinkie Pie replied, the stallion chuckles, "I'm Vulture, and this is my wife, Dove." the stallion said, "Hello, Pinkie Pie." Dove said as she bowed, Pinkie Pie waved her front left hoof at her, "Where are my supplies?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Oh, sorry about that, but we had to put them in the shade, the sun melted them." Vulture replied, "Where are they?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Just outside the door to my right, dear." Dove replied, and Pinkie Pie runs out. Pinkie Pie runs out and sees her supplies were almost completely melted from the summer heat, she groaned with sorrow, "Curse you, summer heat!" Pinkie Pie said loudly, Vulture and Dove chuckle as they walk out of their house, "You should wait until it cools down, your things will melt even more if you go out into the heat now." Vulture said, "Yes, please, Pinkie Pie, come on in, you should stay with us until it cools down." Dove said, "Okay." Pinkie Pie replied sadly and entered their home. Vulture and Dove feed Pinkie Pie several cakes and she eats them, she was grateful for the two, "Thank you, I've been so hungry ever since I woke up." Pinkie Pie said, Vulture and Dove chuckle, "Getting you to drink all of that water when you were unconscious was tough for us, you were so dehydrated." Dove replied, Vulture nodded while smiling, "Well, thank you very much, both of you, but I should get going, I don't want to burden you two with having to take care of me." Pinkie Pie said, "No, please stay with us, Pinkie Pie, having you here feels like a second chance for us." Vulture replied, "Huh? A second chance?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Yes, Pinkie Pie, you see, we once had a son, he passed away two years ago." Dove replied, Pinkie Pie's eyes and mouth opened widely, she felt tears roll down her eyes and she cried impulsively, she thought someone outliving their children was the saddest thing in the world, "Are you alright, dear?" Dove asked, "Sorry, it's just... losing a child is the saddest thing ever." Pinkie Pie replied while crying uncontrollably, "It is sad, we're still trying to get over the loss of our son." Vulture said, "Also, Pinkie Pie, our son wasn't a foal when he passed, he was a fully grown stallion." Dove said, "But still." Pinkie Pie replied as she cried uncontrollably, "Are you willing to stay with us, Pinkie Pie? So we can try to have a chance of trying again for sometime?" Vulture asked, Pinkie Pie nodded, "Sure." Pinkie Pie replied as she pulled herself together, "Thank you, we'll try to make you feel at home." Dove said, and the two left the room. Pinkie Pie stood up and trotted around the room, she looks and sees pictures across from her, they were pictures of a foal, a teenager, and a stallion, it was a red male unicorn, his mane and tail were bright purple, and his eyes were sky blue, his cutie mark was a light blue sky. Pinkie Pie guessed the pony was the couple's children, she looks and sees the last photo was a tombstone with the pony's name on it, she saw his name was Sky Glider, "Loving son, loving friend, may your sacrifice bring good fortune to your loved ones." the tombstone said, Pinkie Pie felt sad instantly, but she sees more pictures and sees pictures of Vulture and Dove with their house guests, they were all smiling and happy, which made Pinkie Pie happy to see, "Enjoying the pictures?" Dove asked, she startled Pinkie Pie and she turned around, she saw her and Vulture, "Uh-huh." Pinkie Pie replied happily since she sensed no malevolence from the couple, the two walk to her, "We've been taking in travelers and those in need ever since we were married, we only started taking pictures of them after our son passed away." Vulture said, "Why?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Ever since our passed, we have felt like there has been this void or empty spot in our family, our visitors fill in that spot for a temporary amount of time, it's back when they leave, we take pictures to remind ourselves of how they made us feel like we had another chance of having a child again." Dove replied, Pinkie Pie became sad, "What was Sky Glider like?" Pinkie Pie asked, "A sweet boy, he always looked up to me and his father, he joined the royal guard just like how we did." Dove replied, "Wait, you're both ex-royal guard?" Pinkie Pie asked, "That's right, that's how we met." Vulture replied, Dove nodded, "Go on and stay as long as you like, Pinkie Pie, make yourself at home." Dove said, "Really? Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, I can't thank you two enough." Pinkie Pie replied as she was on the floor and began kissing Vulture's front right hoof, "Okay, that's enough." Vulture said as he took his hoof away from Pinkie Pie, "You can sleep in that bed there, Pinkie Pie, but you have to work here while you stay." Dove said, "Okay." Pinkie Pie replied, and she jumped back into the bed while Vulture and Dove smiled, they walked away, "Whee!" Pinkie Pie said as she jumped up and down on the mattress like it was a trampoline while she laid down, "Careful, Pinkie Pie, you'll break the bed if you land on it too hard." Vulture said from afar, Pinkie Pie continues jumping on the bed and was having fun, she got out of bed a few minutes later and explored the house. Pinkie Pie went to the left side of the room and found the hallway, she looks to her right and sees one room, she trots to it and saw it was the bathroom, she goes to her left and sees another corridor, she goes to it and looks to her left, she saw the kitchen, "Oh, you're up, Pinkie Pie." Dove said, Pinkie Pie looks and sees the kitchen had two entrances, the one to the left side of the kitchen, and the one to the back, which was currently to Pinkie Pie's left, "Yeah, I had nothing to do." Pinkie Pie replied, "Feel free to look around, our home is your home as long as you stay." Dove said, "Thank you." Pinkie Pie replied, and she decides to look at the room to her right. Pinkie Pie opens the door and sees Vulture, he was painting, she looks and saw a double bed, she realized it was Vulture's and Dove's room, "Hello, Pinkie Pie." Vulture said, Pinkie Pie trotted inside, "What are you painting?" Pinkie Pie asked, she looks and saw it was a painting of herself, "You're painting a picture of me?!" Pinkie Pie asked excitedly, "Yes, I started doing this after Sky Glider passed, taking pictures of our guests was mainly my wife's idea, that's her way of filling in the void of missing our child, this is my way." Vulture replied, Pinkie Pie's excitement died down and she became sad again, she looks at the paintings of the guests and got more and more sad as she looked, "Do you wish I could stay?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Yes, but my wife and I know you have your life to live out, and can't stay here forever." Vulture replied, Pinkie Pie was sad again, "You want to watch me paint?" Vulture asked, "Sure." Pinkie Pie replied, and she does. Vulture paints Pinkie Pie based off of his memory and was almost perfect, much to Pinkie Pie's surprise, but she focused and was trying to think of a way to cheer up Vulture and Dove, she did not know how to help somepony become happier when they have lost a child, "What do you do for a living, Pinkie Pie?" Vulture asked, "I'm a party planner, and a party thrower, birthday parties are my specialty." Pinkie Pie replied, Vulture stopped painting abruptly and looked down with sorrow. Pinkie Pie realized she has saddened Vulture and trots to him, she stands to his right and hugs him while he looks down with his eyes closed, "There, there, Vulture, I know losing your son hit you hard, I can't imagine how much pain you're feeling right now." Pinkie Pie said, "You should go see my wife instead, our son's death hit her harder than it hit me." Vulture replied, Pinkie Pie was still sad at what she was hearing, and was worried about them, "Can you let go now, Pinkie Pie? I wish to resume painting." Vulture said, and she did. Vulture continues painting and Pinkie Pie exited the room to go see Dove in the kitchen, she was cooking some kind of vegetable stew, "Oh, hello there, Pinkie Pie." Dove said, "Hi, I just wanted to make sure you were okay." Pinkie Pie replied, "I'm fine right now, thank you." Dove said, Pinkie Pie smiled and watched Dove cook, "What are you cooking?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Vegetable stew, my husband and I ate it ever since our days in the royal guard." Dove replied, Pinkie Pie smiled, "What do you do for a living, Pinkie Pie?" Dove asked, Pinkie Pie was uncomfortable to answer, "It's okay, go on and tell me." Dove said, "Um, I'm a party planner and a party thrower, I mainly do birthday parties." Pinkie Pie replied, "What kind of birthday parties?" Dove asked, "Um... parties... for foals." Pinkie Pie replied, Dove stopped working abruptly, tears began to form in her eyes and Pinkie Pie ran to her. Pinkie Pie tried to comfort her and turned the oven off since she left it on, "I'm so sorry, Dove, I wish I could do something to help." Pinkie Pie said, Dove continued to grieve. Vulture comes out of his bedroom and sees his grieving wife, he walks to her and comforts her while she cried, "See, as I said, my wife is still grieving deep down." Vulture said, "What about you?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Yes, but not as much as her." Vulture replied, Pinkie Pie began to tear up as well, "It's okay, Pinkie Pie, you don't need to grieve." Vulture said, "No parent should have to bury their child." Pinkie Pie replied while almost crying, Vulture and Dove look at her with surprise, Pinkie Pie could not help but cry, it was so sad for her, Vulture and Dove went over to comfort her, "There, there, Pinkie Pie. Thank you for your support and empathy, but you're sad yourself, you should go sleep it off." Dove said, Pinkie Pie decided to comply and went to the bed and slept in it. Pinkie Pie wakes up the next morning, which was to her surprise, she hears crying and trotted, she saw Dove crying while Vulture comforted her, "I can't believe today's the day again." Dove said, "Yes, I can't believe it's been two years already." Vulture replied, Pinkie Pie went to them and the two saw her, "Good morning, Pinkie Pie." Dove said, "You okay?" Pinkie Pie asked, "You see, Pinkie Pie, today's the day our son passed away." Vulture replied, Pinkie Pie becomes surprised and sad at the same time. Knocking was heard at the door and Pinkie Pie went to it and opened it, she saw a teenage mare, she had a light teal coat, long sky blue mane and tail, light green eyes, and her cutie mark was a sewing needle, "Uh, hi, is Vulture and Dove home?" the teenage mare asked, "Who are you?" Pinkie Pie asked, "I'm Seamstress, I'm here to see Vulture and Dove." the teenage mare replied, "It's alright, Pinkie Pie." Vulture said from within the house, "Yes, go on and let her in." Dove said, and she did. Seamstress goes to Vulture and Dove and she hugs them, "Are you two alright?" Seamstress asked, "Not really, can't believe it's been two years." Dove replied, "Am I missing something here?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Our son saved a filly from drowning two years ago, but he drowned himself, Seamstress was that filly." Vulture replied, Pinkie Pie becomes surprised, "I come here twice a year, today is the day Sky Glider passed away, the other day is on Sky Glider's birthday." Seamstress said, "Wait a minute, if Sky Glider was a unicorn, then why didn't he teleport himself out of the water?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Sky Glider had a habit of living in the moment and leaping before thinking, he forgot he knew the spell when he saved Seamstress." Dove replied, Pinkie Pie was starting to get very sad from what she was hearing, "Come, Pinkie Pie, we're going to go pay our tributes to Sky Glider, you should come as well." Vulture said, and the four leave the house. Pinkie Pie follows Vulture, Dove, and Seamstress and they go up a hill, Pinkie Pie sees the gravestone and recognized it was the one from the picture inside the house, "Look who's here, Sky Glider." Dove said, Seamstress put her head on the gravestone, "I can never thank you enough for saving my life that day, if it was possible, I would go back in time to save you." Seamstress said while crying, she continued to cry while she kept her head on the gravestone, Pinkie Pie was distraught by just watching. Seamstress stops and Vulture and Dove put their heads on the gravestone, they cried silently as well, "Okay, Pinkie Pie, your turn, you're a part of the family until you leave." Vulture said, and she did, Pinkie Pie still felt sad about what has happened, even though she did not know Vulture and Dove, Pinkie Pie finishes grieving, "Come on, we have work to do outside today." Vulture said, and they go back home. Pinkie Pie and Seamstress do manual labor outside while Vulture helped them, and Dove worked in the kitchen, Pinkie Pie and Seamstress helped Vulture mow the grass around the area, the three stayed beside one another, Pinkie Pie was sweating profusely and was about to collapse, but Seamstress catches her while Vulture holds her up with her telekinesis, his magic aura was brown, "You alright, Pinkie Pie?" Vulture asked, "I think so." Pinkie Pie replied, and they continue working, "Where do you live, Seamstress?" Pinkie Pie asked, "In the town to our rights, Sky Glider came quite often." Seamstress replied, "Really?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Yes, Sky Glider went to school there, he made a lot of friends, they liked to pretend to be superheroes when they were kids." Vulture replied, Pinkie Pie and Seamstress chuckled and continued to help him do the manual labor around the house. Pinkie Pie finishes the labor with Seamstress and Vulture, Dove came out to give them lemonade, they drink it, "Pinkie Pie, Seamstress, if you two can, can you two go to the store and buy me some supplies, my legs aren't what they used to be." Dove said, the two chuckled, "Sure!" Pinkie Pie replied, "Of course." Seamstress said, "Thank you, show her the way, Seamstress, since Pinkie Pie's still new here." Dove said, "Okay." Seamstress replied, and the two trot to the town. Pinkie Pie and Seamstress head to town but begin panting and sweating from the summer heat, "So hot." Pinkie Pie said, "You can say that again." Seamstress replied, "IT'S TOO HOT!! IT'S DRIVING ME CRANKY!!" Pinkie Pie yelled, Seamstress laughed a little and the two continue to town. Pinkie Pie and Seamstress arrive into town while they sweated profusely, Pinkie Pie panted and sighed with relief that she was at the town, but her relief soon became surprise, "Huh?" Pinkie Pie asked as she looked around, she saw the ponies looked sad, "Why is everypony so sad?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Sky Glider contributed a lot to this town, this isn't a sad day for just me and his parents, this is a sad day for everypony." Seamstress replied, Pinkie Pie became very sad again, "Come on, Pinkie Pie, let's buy the groceries." Seamstress said, and they go to the store. Pinkie Pie and Seamstress enter the store and see it had everything, "I'll do the shopping, why don't you buy us some drinks on the way back home?" Seamstress asked, "Sure." Pinkie Pie replied, and they separate. Pinkie Pie hops around the shop and looks for the soda and sweet drinks section, she saw sweet tea, lemonade, and many different types of soda, she also saw sugared water, she takes them and hops to the clerk, a female unicorn that had a light red coat, a long orange mane and tail, and yellow eyes, her cutie mark could not be seen due to the bench, "Hi, are you buying those?" the clerk asked, Pinkie Pie nods, she looks and sees a picture of Sky Glider in the back, "You knew Sky Glider, too?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Yes, he found me when I was at my lowest in my life, he helped me get this job, I'll forever be grateful to him for that." the clerk replied, Pinkie Pie felt sad again, but she pays for the drinks and wishes the clerk a good day, "Oh, hello, Seamstress, I hope today hasn't been too hard for you." the clerk said, "Not really, I still wish Sky Glider was alive, though." Seamstress replied, "We all do, we all miss him." the clerk said, and she buys the items, Seamstress and the clerk hug one another and Seamstress heads to the exit and saw Pinkie Pie waiting for her, "Did you get the drinks?" Seamstress asked, Pinkie Pie shows her and Seamstress was a little surprised, "Not what I usually drink, but it'll do." Seamstress said, and they head back. Pinkie Pie and Seamstress drink all of the drinks Pinkie Pie bought and were back, they give the supplies to Dove, "Oh, thank you, you two, now I can make us some dinner." Dove said, and she kisses the two on their foreheads, which made them smile and blush. Pinkie Pie and Seamstress sit in Vulture's and Dove's room while Vulture continued painting the picture of Pinkie Pie, she looks and was liking it, "Can you do Seamstress too, Vulture?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Already did." Vulture replied, Pinkie Pie looks and saw the painting of her, she and Seamstress sit and watch Vulture paint until it was dinner time, "Dinner's ready." Dove said, and the three leave and go to the room just behind the kitchen, it was the living room and dining room put together, they all have vegetable curry with rice, "Hmm-mm, delicious." Pinkie Pie said, and she gobbled it down, Vulture, Dove, and Seamstress chuckle, "Seconds please." Pinkie Pie said with her mouth full and food all around her mouth, "Sorry, Pinkie Pie, but I didn't make extra." Dove replied, Pinkie Pie groans, "I understand why you're so hungry, Pinkie Pie, all that manual labor outside must've got to you." Vulture said, "It's more than that, I grew up farming rocks." Pinkie Pie replied, "Ah, that's a tough job, requires lots of energy." Dove said, "What's rock farming?" Seamstress asked, "You see, Seamstress, some earth ponies farm rocks instead of crops, they move rocks from one farm to another, and have to crack them open to find jewels and geodes, they have to work everyday with no break." Vulture replied, Seamstress was surprised, "I didn't just farm rocks, I had to eat them for every meal, too." Pinkie Pie said, "No thank you, my teeth would break if I tried that." Seamstress replied, the other three laugh, "Well, go on and enjoy your meals." Dove said, and they finish the curry. Pinkie Pie and Seamstress finish the meal and do the dishes together, they brush their teeth and lay down together, "Goodnight, Pinkie Pie and Seamstress." Dove said, "Goodnight." Pinkie Pie and Seamstress replied together, Dove kisses them on the forehead and Pinkie Pie rubs her head on Dove, feeling like a filly again, Dove chuckles, "See you in the morning, Pinkie Pie." Dove said, and she goes to her bedroom while Pinkie Pie and Seamstress sleep. Morning comes and Seamstress was getting ready to leave, "I'll be leaving now." Seamstress said, "Okay, see you around, Seamstress." Vulture replied, and she hugs them while the two kissed her on her forehead, she also hugged Pinkie Pie, "See you around, Pinkie Pie." Seamstress said, "Goodbye." Pinkie Pie replied, and Seamstress left. Pinkie Pie walks around and helps Dove in the kitchen, Pinkie Pie works really fast and was baking cupcakes, "My, Pinkie Pie, you're quite the baker." Dove said, "Thank you, I'm self taught." Pinkie Pie replied, Dove chuckles and Pinkie Pie helps Dove while Vulture worked outside. Pinkie Pie finished helping Dove and went outside to go see Vulture, "I'm fine, Pinkie Pie, and thanks for helping my wife." Vulture said, "You're welcome." Pinkie Pie replied, and she trots to town. Pinkie Pie went to town and decided to explore, it was cooler than yesterday, she heads to town and begins exploring, she saw an elderly female unicorn up ahead, she had a purple coat, a white mane and tail tied into a bun, orange eyes, and her cutie mark was a ruler, she was looking at a picture of Sky Glider, she trots to her, "Excuse me." Pinkie Pie said, the elderly mare looks at her, "You a friend of Sky Glider?" Pinkie Pie asked, "I was his teacher when he was a colt, he was such a nice and sweet foal, also one of my best students at work, I enjoyed teaching him, and I miss him everyday, I really enjoyed teaching him." the mare replied, Pinkie Pie becomes sad, "What was he like in class?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Very sociable and friendly, he helped whoever fell behind, and he was one of the smartest students I've ever had." the mare replied, Pinkie Pie was even sadder, "I'm sorry, but it brings back memories of him, and it makes me sad, I'm going to stop talking about Sky Glider now." the mare said, Pinkie Pie feels bad and she walks away. Pinkie Pie walks around and sees everypony missed Sky Glider, it was making her sad, she wanted to make the ponies laugh, but could not think of how to cheer them up, she especially did not know how to cheer up Vulture and Dove, she keeps looking and sees several ponies looking at pictures of Sky Glider and looking down, she realized they were his friends, she keeps trotting around and sees foals in an orphanage grieving as well, she trots to them and sees a plaque of donors who gave bits to build the orphanage, Sky Glider's name was on it, Pinkie Pie's mane and tail deflate and was beginning to cry, so she headed back, unable to bear the sadness in the town. Pinkie Pie arrives back and saw Vulture and Dove working inside the house, "What's the matter, Pinkie Pie?" Dove asked, "I met Sky Glider's teacher, I saw his friends, and saw the orphanage." Pinkie Pie replied sadly, "That orphanage was built because of us, Sky Glider donated the most bits to have it built, he was planning to donate more bits to build an animal shelter before he passed." Vulture said sadly, Pinkie Pie began to tear up and cried at what she heard since it made her sad, Vulture and Dove hug her and comfort her while she cried, the two look down with sorrow as well, "I think it'll be best if we sleep for tonight." Dove said, and they all rest. Pinkie Pie wakes up the next morning and was still sad, she decided today should be the last day she stays since it was her third day staying with them, "Good morning, Pinkie Pie." Dove said, "Good morning." Pinkie Pie replied, she looks and sees breakfast in her bed, "Ooh, breakfast in bed." Pinkie Pie said, "The ponies we take care of love it, especially the foals." Dove replied, and Pinkie Pie tries it and loved it, "Best breakfast in bed ever!" Pinkie Pie said, and she eats it all quickly, Dove chuckles and takes the trays and cleans them. Pinkie Pie gets out of bed and went outside to see how it was, it was blazing hot again, but she knew she had to leave tomorrow, she sees Vulture mowing the grass again and Pinkie Pie ran to help him, "Thank you, Pinkie Pie, you really are a joy to have around." Vulture said, "Thank you." Pinkie Pie replied happily and she helps Vulture with the yard work, they finish after two hours and Vulture took a break while Pinkie Pie went in to go help Dove, she was cleaning the house today. Pinkie Pie found cleaning the house easier than working outside, but still tiring, "Thank you, Pinkie Pie, you really are different from most of our guests, you're willingly helping us, just like how our son used to when he was a colt." Dove said, "What did Sky Glider want to do when he grew up?" Pinkie Pie asked, "He was going to join the royal guard, just like the two of us." Vulture replied, "What was his favorite meal?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Sky Glider had a sweet tooth, but his favorite was probably a vanilla cake with white icing, ice cream cones on top, and sprinkles around the sides of it." Dove replied, "Ooh, that sounds like a birthday cake." Pinkie Pie said, "It is, I made it for his birthday every year." Dove replied, Pinkie Pie's mouth watered, "How about favorite party drink?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Why are you asking all of a sudden?" Vulture asked, "Because I'm a birthday party planner, and I'm leaving after today, it's so I can come here and put the cake and ice cream on his grave every year on his birthday." Pinkie Pie replied, Vulture and Dove smile briefly, but then frown, "You're leaving tomorrow?" Vulture asked, "Yes, visitors stink after three days." Pinkie Pie replied, "So you follow that rule, too." Dove said, "Doesn't everypony?" Pinkie Pie asked, "No, most foals don't, the ones we let stay here want to stay instead of leaving with their parents." Vulture replied, "Oh, well, moving on, I need you two to tell me what Sky Glider liked for his birthday." Pinkie Pie said, and they do, Pinkie Pie took mental notes and hears Sky Glider liked Neapolitan ice cream, lemon-lime soda, chips and dip, and cheese puffs, "Ooh, I love cheese puffs." Pinkie Pie said, "Everypony around here does." Dove replied, "Well, go ahead and rest today, Pinkie Pie, we'll make this a day for you to remember." Vulture said, "Thank you." Pinkie Pie replied, and they get on with their days. Pinkie Pie trots around while Vulture sits with Pinkie Pie on the floor and reads her a fairy tale, Pinkie Pie was enjoying it, a few hours pass and Dove comes with freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, "Who wants a cookie?" Dove asked, "I do!" Pinkie Pie replied happily and ran to her, she begins eating like a pig and gets chocolate all over her face, Dove chuckles, "Oh, Pinkie Pie, you got chocolate all over yourself." Dove said, and she holds a towel in her front left hoof and wipes Pinkie Pie's face, she makes grunts and tries to resist Dove, "Oh, hold still, you." Dove said, and she uses telekinesis to hold Pinkie Pie, her magic aura was white, she finishes and Vulture continues spending time with Pinkie Pie. Vulture and Pinkie Pie play a board game and they have fun, Dove finished in the kitchen and joined them, the three have fun, Vulture and Dove begin to feel sad and Dove began to cry, "We used to do this all the time with Sky Glider when he was a foal." Dove said, "Yes, I miss those days, too." Vulture said, Pinkie Pie looks at them with a baffled face and sets the board game aside, she trots to them and hugs the two, Pinkie Pie could not express how sad she was to see the two in such a state, Vulture places his front left hoof on Pinkie Pie's back while Dove placed her front right hoof on her back, the three hug one another, "I make it my life cheering up other ponies and making them smile, but I literally don't know how to cheer up you two." Pinkie Pie said sadly, the three continue hugging one another for comfort since they were sad, they finish after a minute, "Let's try to enjoy the day." Vulture said, and they do. Pinkie Pie, Vulture, and Dove were at the bed where Pinkie Pie slept and Vulture and Dove treated her like a child, showering her with sweets and reading her fairy tails, Pinkie Pie was having a lot of fun, "And this is when Vulture and I first met." Dove said as she showed Pinkie Pie a picture of the two together when they were young, they were both wearing their royal guard uniforms, "This is our wedding." Vulture said, and he shows Pinkie Pie the picture, Vulture wore a black suit while Dove wore a white gown, Pinkie Pie thought the gown looked lovely, "Can I see some other pictures?" Pinkie Pie asked, and Vulture and Dove show her pictures of Sky Glider on his birthdays, Pinkie Pie was enjoying them and was inspired to try some of the birthday themes in some of the pictures, "As you can see, Sky Glider was a bit picky with his birthday, he wanted every birthday theme to be different, he also wouldn't want to eat the same meal two days in a row." Vulture said, Pinkie Pie continues looking and was enjoying the pictures, "Well, that's all of the pictures we have, aside from those I hang on the wall." Dove said, "You want to see my painting of you, Pinkie Pie?" Vulture asked, "Sure." Pinkie Pie replied, and the two trot to Vulture's and Dove's room. Pinkie Pie looks and sees Vulture has already finished his picture of her, "Wow, it looks almost completely accurate, it's like looking into a mirror." Pinkie Pie said, "Thank you, I've been practicing for a while." Vulture said, Pinkie Pie continues looking and admiring the picture, "Can you do another one?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Only one per visitor, Pinkie Pie." Vulture replied, Pinkie Pie groaned, "Come on, Pinkie Pie, let's go try to have fun." Vulture said, and they leave the room, they see Dove had a ball with her, "Want to play catch?" Dove asked, "Sure." Pinkie Pie replied happily, and the three go outside. The three play catch for sometime while Pinkie Pie has fun, the summer heat made it harder to play since they had less energy, but they still try to have fun and catch the ball while it was in midair, Pinkie Pie had more stamina since she was still young and an earth pony, Pinkie Pie was fast while Vulture and Dove were slow, they were panting and sweating, they eventually had to start using their magic to throw the ball, but wherever they threw the ball, Pinkie Pie was there to catch it, "What? How are you doing that, Pinkie Pie?" Dove asked, "I just move fast." Pinkie Pie replied, "Move fast? There has to be a secret." Vulture said, "Nope, just running fast." Pinkie Pie replied, Vulture and Dove were confused but continued playing with Pinkie Pie until the sun began to set. Pinkie Pie had broth for dinner with Vulture and Dove, the three have fun while Vulture and Dove recalled events of their lives, Pinkie Pie also talked about her upbringing and the rock farm, "Oh my, you sound like you didn't have a happy childhood, Pinkie Pie." Dove said, "I didn't... until I threw my first party!" Pinkie Pie replied happily, "*chuckle* Well, it's good things got better for you, well, eat up, we still have to do your last picture." Vulture said, and she did. Pinkie Pie laid in bed while Vulture and Dove stood by her, Dove set up a camera to go off by itself, "Smile for the camera, Pinkie Pie." Dove said, and she did, the camera goes off and the three smiled in the picture, the photo comes out and the three see it was developed, Dove takes the picture with her telekinesis and trots around, she gets a picture frame from her and Vulture's room and places it in, she then hangs it on the wall with the pictures of the other visitors, Pinkie Pie felt tired and closed her eyes for a brief second, but fell asleep. The next morning comes and Pinkie Pie was getting ready to leave, "Pinkie Pie, wait." Dove said as she ran to her, Pinkie Pie looks at her, "At least let me make you some breakfast before you go." Dove said, "Oh, thank you." Pinkie Pie replied, and she has breakfast and was getting ready to leave, she opens the door and saw Sky Glider's teacher, which surprised her, "What are you doing here?" Pinkie Pie asked, "I heard you were leaving today, I got something for you." Sky Glider's teacher replied, she gives her a picture of Sky Glider, "What? For me?" Pinkie Pie asked, "Just take it, it makes me sadder the more I look at it." Sky Glider's teacher replied, Pinkie Pie felt bad and took it, "Hope you come back one day, Pinkie Pie." Dove said, "Don't worry, I will." Pinkie Pie replied, "We never did tell you when our son's birthday is." Vulture said, "It's fine, I already know when it is." Pinkie Pie replied, "What? How?" Vulture asked, "Your photos of his birthdays had the date on them." Pinkie Pie replied, and she gets her partially melted supplies and leaves to go elsewhere since the day was cooler than others while Vulture and Dove look at their pictures of Sky Glider's birthdays and saw the date was not on them, which confused them, they look and see Pinkie Pie was gone, they just go in their house and close it while Sky Glider's teacher leaves to go home. Pinkie Pie was in Sugarcube Corner with Treasure Hunter, Rock Candy, and her family, "Why were they named after birds, and one who flies, even though they were unicorns?" Rock Candy asked, "I don't know, maybe because they liked flying with their magic." Pinkie Pie replied, "Maybe, or just coincidence." Treasure Hunter said, "Yeah, that too." Pinkie Pie replied, they hear snoring and see Rock Candy's son and daughter have fallen asleep, "I have to get home, Pinkie Pie, it's past their bedtimes." Rock Candy said, "Okay, have a safe trip." Pinkie Pie replied, and Rock Candy carries her daughter on her back while her husband carried her son, "I have to go, too, the last train to Fillydelphia is about to go." Treasure Hunter said, "Okay, see you later." Pinkie Pie replied, and she and Treasure Hunter hug one another and Treasure Hunter trots out. Pinkie Pie sees it was closing time and she took her picture of Sky Glider and put it in her saddlebag, she got a vanilla cake with white icing, ice cream cones on top, and sprinkles around the sides of it, Neapolitan ice cream, lemon-lime soda, chips with dip, and cheese puffs, she also got two balloons, she heads out and everypony sees her, her friends look at her with confusion, "Pinkie?" Twilight Sparkle asked, her five friends follow her. Pinkie Pie arrives at Sky Glider's grave and saw Vulture, Dove, and Seamstress standing there, who was now an adult, the three have left presents on Sky Glider's grave. Pinkie Pie ties the balloons on the top of the grave, "Happy birthday, Sky Glider." Pinkie Pie said, "Pinkie?" Twilight Sparkle asked, she turns around and saw her five friends, they see the grave, they become shocked and trot forward, they look and see the birthday items, they also see the pictures of Sky Glider on his birthdays and figure out the two elderly unicorns to their lefts were his parents, "What happened?" Rarity asked, "I fell into a river and was drowning, he got me out and saved my life, but he drowned in the process." Seamstress replied, Pinkie Pie's five friends look at the grave with shock and sorrow, "Pinkie... I never knew." Twilight Sparkle said, "I don't talk about it much, it still makes me sad to look back on." Pinkie Pie replied, "Ah wonder about those two, they're probably feelin' the same thing mah Granny felt when ma and pa passed." Applejack said, "You lost a child, too?" Vulture asked, "No, but mah Granny lost her son years ago." Applejack replied, "So, today's his birthday?" Rainbow Dash asked, "Yes, our son was born on this day, Pinkie Pie comes here yearly on this day." Dove replied, "Oh my, it must be hard for you all." Fluttershy said, "It is, it never gets easier for us, no matter how many times we come here on this day." Vulture replied, "Me neither, I'm sorry to you two, but this is the most I can do." Pinkie Pie said with her voice almost breaking, "It's okay, Pinkie Pie, we appreciate it." Dove replied, and they all pay their tributes to Sky Glider and Pinkie Pie and her friends hug Vulture, Dove, and Seamstress, "I am so sorry this happened, if you two need any support, we're in Ponyville." Twilight Sparkle said, "Thank you, Princess Twilight." Vulture replied, they all look begin to go home, they look back at the grave one more time and then turn back around and continue to head home while the sun sets behind them.