SunDash Streamers

by WittyNameTFM

And We're Live!

Sunset looked up from her laptop as the lock on her door turned Rainbow stepping in. “Babe-oh, hey.” She grinned, closing the door behind her.

“How was work?” Sunset asked as the athlete leaned over, kissing her cheek in passing. The redhead leaned into it with a smile.

“Stressful. I think I'm gonna hop in a shower. You're streaming tonight, right?”

“Yeah, its PJ day.” She said with a smile. “If you wanna wear your night pants, I'd love to have a partner.”

“Sure. Sounds fun.” She said, dipping into Sunset's bathroom. “Hey. Mom wanted to know if you were cool to have dinner with them on Sunday.” She asked, poking her head out.

“Of course. I love your parents, Dash.”

Rainbow smiled. “I'm glad.” She chuckled, heading back in.

After a few minutes the water began to run, Sunset typed idly as she watched the clock. An hour or so until stream time. The story she wrote was coming along epic fantasy of a high lord's disciple making her way through life's challenges.

Her ears perked at the sound of the water stopping. A few minutes passed before she felt arms wrap around her head from behind the couch, Dash resting her chin on her crown. “How's your story going?”

“Well, I think. Wanna read it over for me?” She smirked up at her.

“No thanks. We have enough reading for English this week…”

“I'll get Twilight to proofread it.” She nodded, hitting 'save’. “You're awfully affectionate today.” She noted, her girlfriend climbing over to lean against her on the couch.

“I like you. Sue me if I wanna show you that.” She pouted. Sunset rolled her eyes before kissing her forehead.

“I don't mind one bit, Dash.” She put an arm around her. “You're typically only like this when you're upset about something…was work that bad?”

“I...suppose so.” She sighed. “I'm just frustrated. Its nothing...but I'm making it out to be know how I get.”

“That may be, but I'm willing to listen.”

Dash explained how a new coworker was just stirring the pot, and actually tried to pin something on her.

“Well, talk to your manager...and if he lets it go then talk to your personnel equivalent because that's not fair.”

“I'll do that I guess…”

“And if that doesn't work, I'll just come up with a way to make that bitch miserable for messing with my girl.” Sunset said casually.

Dash burst out in a laugh. “I got an attack girlfriend.”

“And I don't?” She smirked down at her. Rainbow pushed upwards, kissing her gently.

“You're the best…”

“You know what they say.” She shrugged.

Rainbow tilted her head.

“You are what you eat.”

Rainbow blushed dark, reaching over and grabbing a pillow to smack her. “I was being sweet and cute and you-” She pouted.

“I'm sorry! It was too good to pass up!” She giggled as she was hit with the pillow repeatedly. She caught her wrist and kissed her again. “Am I wrong though?”

“...No.” Dash smirked, a little pink still dusting her cheeks.

“Let's get ready to go live.” Sunset pecked her forehead before they sat up and she began prep.

After a few minutes...

“Welcome to Shimmer Code!” She said. “It's Friday night, school's done for the week, you're bored and love games. Welcome to the stream everyone. Tonight's pajama night, and my girlfriend, Rainbow, is gonna be around for however long she feels like.”

Rainbow waved.

“So tonight I was gonna play some more Dark Souls. Did you ever try it?”

“I did. It's not my thing really.”

“That's fair.” Sunset shrugged before pulling up the game. She took a controller and ran her character around, fighting idly as Rainbow read the chat. “We gotta beat this boss and then it opens up a new path. You can read off questions from the chat. Interact with them if you see something I miss.” She smiled over to her.

“JohnnyB.Rad donated five dollars and asks: “how'd you meet Sunset?”.” Rainbow read aloud.

She looked up to the screen seeing YOU DIED as Sunset sighed. “What was the question?”

“How I met you...should I be honest?”

“Go ahead. I'll correct you.” She smirked.

“She was a bitchy bully at school...she chilled out after she got her ass kicked.”

“Accurate.” Sunset rolled her eyes.

“TommayTommayTommay, who comes up with these names?” Dash asked. “No offense. But this person asks: “what's your favorite game?”.” Dash looked to Sunset.

“I think that's to you, babe. You've only been on once before.” She noted.

“Uh...I like fighting and rpgs…” She said with a shrug. “My favorite would probably be...FF9.”

Sunset grabbed her hands. “Really?! We should stream it!”

Rainbow chuckled, smiling. “Sure?”

“I love that game. Any excuse to go through it again…” Sunset said, picking up her controller again.

“Thanks for the subscribe.” Dash noted, listing off the names. “Oh. TheJuice asks: “are you two really dating”?” She read.

“Yep. Get used to that question.” Sunset rolled her eyes. “I got a lot of 'are you actually gay’ when I came out to my audience.”

“Well, Juice, yes.” Rainbow shrugged. “Thanks for the donation.”


An hour passed of progression. Rainbow hugging a pillow as she read the chat on her phone.

“Hey Shimmy, this one thinks I'm hot.” She pointed out a comment.

“You can look, but if you touch you die.” Sunset said simply, looking at the camera with a challenging smirk.

“Oh my.”

“Let's get a quick break. Read through the donations while I order food.” Sunset said, sitting her controller down.

Rainbow read off a few names before getting a question. “How's Tank?” She asked. “Oh crap your fans watch my stuff too?” She looked over, Sunset having picked the controller back up and was mid boss battle.

“Proba-FUCK!” She groaned, Dash seeing she had died with one hit left on the boss.

“Get good, scrub. Thought my girlfriend was a pro gamer.”

“Don't get me started.” Sunset grumbled. “It was a perfect run. God dammit.” She sighed.

“He got you in one hit?”

“He has a grab...I fucked up and got caught.” She covered her face. “There goes all my luck. These next runs are gonna be trash fires.”

“It'll be okay, honey.” Rainbow pat her back.

She grumbled before picking up the controller, running past several enemies as she made her way back to the boss.

“How do you remember all of these paths?”

“Mental map I guess...I never had a problem with it…but I guess I can understand getting lost.”

“You don't get lost in a fantasy world...but you can't go anywhere out of the city without your gps.”

“Listen, you.” Sunset said, shooting her a warning glance.

Dash looked at the chat.

“Oh hey. Someone's asking about that time you got lost. Right guys?”

“You didn't talk about Tank.” She said, trying to divert the conversation.

“He’s doing great. I polished his shell yesterday. Looks real nice.” She smirked. “Now then…”

“Know that if you do this, you're sleeping on the couch.”

Rainbow pouted. “...fine.”

“I...didn't expect that to work.” Sunset chuckled.

“I like sleeping with you. What can I say?”

“Go ahead and tell it.” She rolled her eyes.

“Awesome! So, before we were dating, so this a month or so ago. She was driving me to 'hang out’ which now I think about it…were very obviously dates…” She blinked. “Fuck.”

“You didn't notice until I asked you out point blank.” Sunset chimed in.

“Anyway! We were going to this restaurant and Sunset misread the directions.” She smirked over at her, the redhead covering her face with a groan.

“One time! I got lost one time!”

“You tried to play it off too...which made me actually notice.” She said. Sunset groaned louder from behind her hands. “Wanted to take the scenic route?”

“You're lucky you're cute.” She grumbled.

“Luck has nothing to do with it.” Dash waved her hand, “I work to look this good.”

“You sure do.” Sunset gave a sideways hug before her phone buzzed. “Oh, food's here. Everyone take a break to stretch.” She smiled before standing. “Back in a second. Dash, tell them a story in the meantime.”

Rainbow thought for a moment. “So last week at the gym, I was working out with a couple of friends of mine. Turns out they're just as gay as I am...dunno if our group of friends just attract gay girls...or if we make them gay.” She shrugged. “Either way it's cool with me. I dunno if they're out though so I'll refrain from name dropping. Anyway. This guy comes in and tries to hit on us. At the same time. Oh man they shut him down hardcore! Poor guy didn't stand a chance and then we straight up out worked his ass. Dude was winded before we got done with our warmups.”

“How'd they shut him down?” Sunset asked, walking back over to the couch.

“Well, I dunno what kind of language isn't okay on your stream.”

“Just go for it.” She shrugged.

“One of them told the guy that big muscles meant small dicks, and if he ever managed to get any girl in bed to send them our way to make sure she has a good night.”

“Fucking oof.” Sunset guffawed.

“Those girls are fucking brutal.”

“When I was younger, I knew a group of girls. They used to hit on the guards.” She chuckled. “Those poor guys. They had no interest in dudes.” She shrugged. “But that's how they were. Guess they were the 'mean girls’ of my school.”

Dash leaned in to read the chat again. “Are you gonna be changing to a streaming duo? Uh...probably not unless Sunset wants me to come on more. I just happened to be over for the night.”

“For exactly the reason you think.” Sunset said between bites of pizza.

“I may show up sporadically...if I'm over on stream night, sure.” Dash shrugged.

“We collab with our friends all the time.” Sunset said. “I'm actually gonna be recording “The magic of Baking with Pinkie tomorrow afternoon.” She said. “And Fluttershy will be doing an interview with Ray Monday after school.” She listed off. “Oh...and Applejack asked me if I can help her on a build. She wanted to know how things looked back home. So I've got a booked schedule for a few days.”

“I've got a thing with Twilight tomorrow….then Rarity the next day. She twisted my arm about it.” Dash sighed. “I don't wanna be a with me?” She asked, leaning into Sunset.

“Nope. That's Wednesday.” She chuckled. “She made sure to stress that we shouldn't be booked back to back because we distract one another.”

“I think you're pretty.” Dash shrugged. “Rarity's clothes add to you...but you're what they're showing off.”

“Aww, Dash that was sweet. By the way. You're always welcome on stream.” Sunset added.

“I figured. Just didn't want to assume.” Dash smirked.

“C'mon, no dead air.” Sunset smirked, Rainbow groaned, reading chat some more.

“Why are you using a dex build?” She asked.

“I like stabby knives and katanas.”

“Do you have any funny stories about the other that they'd let you share?” Rainbow looked over to Sunset who tilted her head at the question, finishing her fight with an enemy before speaking.

“Hmm...before we dated, we went to hang out with a few friends at a small get together, not exactly a 'party’, but that's the best word I can think of.”

“You sure you should tell this one?”

“We didn't do anything...but we can keep the names anonymous...good thing you said something.” She chuckled. “I'll be vague too. Certain...substances were there.” She waved her hand. “And they were offered, but not pushed on us.” Sunset clarified. “Dash…” She began to giggle, the athlete's face heating slightly.

“Shut up…”

“Dash didn't understand what they were talking about at first.”

“The music was loud…”

Sunset's giggles picked up. “Th-The person who had the stuff tried like...five times to say it to her before…” She held her stomach between laughs. “She had to basically shout at her that it was what it was, and it was right as the music stopped.”

Dash covered her face. “It's not funny…” She sighed, though a small grin lit her face as Sunset laughed at the memory.

“Your reaction to it was though!”

“Okay. Okay. In that case, I got one.”

Sunset held her finger up, breathing hard to calm herself. “Before you do.” She cleared her throat. “Dash loudly shouted 'no thank you!’ and darted out of the room.” She snickered. “Mm.” She calmed. “Now, if you would.”

“So, let me preface this by saying that I love my girlfriend.”

“Uh huh.” Sunset nodded.

“She's beautiful.”




“And one of the smartest people I know.”


“There are times.” She looked over. “That her brain fails her. And words stop working correctly.”

“Oh no.”

“Oh yes.”


“The time you forgot the word for escalator and called them the 'movey-stairs. For example.”

“Ugh.” She covered her face.

“An airport was once referred to as 'the airplane place’.”

“Stooooooooop.” She whined.

“The coup de grâce. The time Applejack was talking about breeding her farm animals.”

“Oh my god.” She groaned.

Dash giggled. “Aj mentioned she'd have to go get a mate for her horse, but didn't have the money to afford a stallion.”

“C'mon, dude…”

“You embarrassed me, now you get to suffer.” Dash smirked. “Fluttershy suggested getting it done manually for a possibly cheaper option. No research, just a suggestion. There's probably a place that sells the stuff she'd need, right? And what would that place be called?”

“It's a sperm bank.”

“What'd you call it?”

“Dash.” She chuckled, rolling her eyes.

“She called it a 'deposit freezer’.” She laughed.

“Okay, okay.” Sunset hit her with a pillow. “I have my 'off’ moments.”

“Can you freeze eggs?” Rainbow thought aloud, sitting up with the pillow on her head.

“I dunno. Maybe? Why?”

“Get 'em out of there and into the freezer.” She chuckled.

Sunset snickered.

“Put them babies on ice.”

“Fuck off!” She giggled.

“Oh I have another one!”

“Is this as traumatizing?”

“The time I came in and you were wearing a fast food bag on your head.”

“I was the burger queen, god dammit! You respect royals and all you did was laugh!” She crossed her arms.

“Where the fuck did burger queen come from?”

“From the burger kingdom, duh.”

“You know what I mean!”

“No, but shut up.”


After another two hours Sunset leaned back with a stretch and a yawn. “Okay. I think I'm good on Dark Souls. Let's wind down with a lighter game.” She reached to her mouse, making a few clicks. A bubbly song playing as the title screen popped on. “I'll do another hour or two of this and call it.”

“Is this that Steven Universe game?” Dash asked, sitting up from the shift.

“Yeah, it's a pretty sweet show. We should watch it sometime.”

The chat exploded into cheers and discussion about the show.

“Woah. People like it.” Dash blinked. “Who's your favorite character?” She read another question.

“Hmm…” She cupped her chin. “That's not an easy question to answer… I suppose...Peridot.”

“Who?” She asked.

Sunset pointed to the green colored character running around and excitedly building machines to attack.

“She's cute.” Sunset chuckled.

“Favorite fusion?”

Sunset blinked. “Stevonnie.” She said without hesitation. “They're the best. Even in this game.” She said, fusing the small boy with the girl who held a huge sword.

“Whoa! I love the colors…” Dash admitted.

“I know, right?”

Sunset gave her a basic rundown of the first...arc? “The plot kinda meanders until Lapis shows up.” She explained.

“So I can ignore that?”

“Well...I enjoyed it as character building...but I mean...I guess? I dunno I watched all the filler for shows I enjoyed. Sometimes a peek into my favorite character's lives felt nice. Like I got to hang out with some friends I don't get to see often.”

“You're a dork.” Dash chuckled.

“Your dork.”

My dork.” She affirmed, watching the brightly colored characters fighting off light constructs. “I like how chill Steven can be. Like he's got all of this going on and he still tries to be a good guy.”

“Believe in Steven.” Sunset replied simply.


“Thanks everyone for coming out. We're gonna head to bed now. I'll see you next week for Shimmer Code. But! Check my social medias in case I get bored tomorrow or Sunday night. Maybe an impromptu stream could happen. Depends on time.” She shrugged.

“Later everyone!” Dash waved.

Sunset closed out the stream and shut her systems down. She yawned. “Five hours? Not the longest one I've done before…” She picked up her phone. “I may start another tomorrow if you wanna sit in. Fluttershy just texted me.”

“Maybe. What is it?”

“She became aware that I've never played Kingdom Hearts.”

“Oh no.”

“Is that bad?”

“She's a fanatic.”

“How is the game?”

“Fairly fun. The story's a mess...but-” she shrugged. “I bet you'd like it. And it'll be fun to see your first time through.”

“C'mon. Let's get to bed.” She looked at the clock, 11 pm. “We can probably get to sleep by 1.” She smirked.

Dash blinked before looking at the clock. “...OH! Oh. Awesome!” She chuckled.