//------------------------------// // 1. The compleatly sane princess // Story: This sentence is a lie. // by Artuynh //------------------------------// ...7 30 AM in the Throne room...Tia PoV I am a princess not a prizoner. This 30x10 room is my throneroom not my jail cell. My ponies bring me important petitions not just requests to lower the taxes for the nobles.My sister will soon come and we will be friends again and the elements will work again. "Next" I shout exectin the next distraction from my thoughts. But it doesn't come. Nopony comes in. Was it all in my mind? Was I a tyrant? Am I in tartarus imagining I am a princess? No snap out of it. Everything is okay. No it's not. It's not but it will be. It has to be. I just need to open the door and see what the hold up is all about. As I get up to open the door it opens on its own and in walks an aged mare. But I am in the middle of the room and not on my prison chair. Oh no she will think I am incompetent. My ponies will rebel and tousands will die. I can't let this happen I need to kill her to protect my ponies. I am sorry random mare but like my sister you will have to pay for my mistake. "Your magesty my name is Mayor Mare." She bowed. She bowed that means she still respects me as a leader.There will be no rebelion. I don't have to stain my hoofs with the blood of my litlle ponies.No wait I need to focus she came here with a problem and I must help her. "And you can call me Carl." The old mare spoke again with a different voice. And she gave a different name.Is she mad? Is this the problem? I can fix this. No wait listen first act later. She was willing to die for your mistakes.Oh no she is looking at me funny. Did I stay quiet too long? Did I do something wrong? "Um... That is to say my name is Lyra Heartstrings but my friends call me Carl. Yes that's it Ha Ha."She is laughing that is good. I can work with that. "Ha Ha Ha very charming so what brings you here today Mayor Mare and Lyra Hearthsrings?" She is looking funny again. Does she think I can't help her? Is it becouse I aknoleadged both personalities. "Um We are not actually together." The old voice so that means the one named Mare. "That is to say I am here so you can make me her foal. Aperantly the orphanage papers got burned and now I have nowhere to sleep and I can't make bits as nopony will hire a 10 year old foal on a full time job.Look I know this is abuse of power and I am not asking you to do it for nothing. If you make her my mom I will help you." What? She wants me to make her her own foal and the young voice believes she is a 10 year old foal. Was this mare homeless since she was 10? How did I fail her so much? "What? Your majesty you can't do this I am Ponyvile's mayor and the only reason I came here is to ask for more wheather pegasai and more wheather budget as there isn't enough pony power to deal with the Everfree's wild whether. I can sypathise with this young foal but I am nowhere near a good parent or mentor figure.I mean I spent my monthly salary on souvenier trinkets and dont even have the bits to take the train back to Ponivile for pony sake." And now it's the old one and she is rejecting the young one. This is bad if they fight they might destroy each other. I need to do something. "So here is a litlle demonstration of what I can help you with your majesty in exchange for making Mayor Mare my mom.Curently a lot of ponies either don't pay their taxes and farmers require loans at the start of each planting season.You can fix all of this if you remove the flat taxation that becomes less the richer you are and replacing it with a 10% tax for all and make exemptions from tax if there is a bad harvest." Wait I am suposed to help this mare. Wait did she just make up a better tax law than the curent one on a whim? Wasn't it the young voice that just spoke? Is a suposedly 10 year old foal a better law maker than the council of nobles? I need her help she can fix everything. I just need to convince her other half to accept her as a foal.Okay this sounds wierd even in my mind. She is looking at me expectedly again. "Uh um Well Mayor Mare I do believe that Lyra here has demonstrated she can help you with your spending habits and useing her sugestion I can immedietly send more bits to help with recruiting more wheather ponies.I know its a lot to ask but its only do to Lyra that I can help you so please be her mother." She is looking at me with uncertainty. Did I fail? Is she battleing with herself? Tikn Tia tink I need to make Mare except Lyra. "Uh of cource I will naturally give you a subsidy for raising Lyra. And and naturally when she is 12 Lyra is invited to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. I mean she has already proven her math is wordy of it. So what do you say Mayor Mare? Wont you find it in your hearth to help young Lyra here have a warm loving home?"Her eyes are geting big and she is smilling. Is she having a heart attack? "Ok Lyra I mean daughter. But I expect you to be a good foal and not cause too much trouble for me." It worked. Tia you've done it again. You are still the best leader. "Yes Yes Yes Yess....." Oook she left whille shouting yes and jumping circles. I need to find out more about this mare if I am going to have her redo the law system. "Talking pilar find out everything about that strange mare." Yes that should do it. "Yes your majesty." Ha everypony underestimates the knoleadge gathering of talking pilars but that are a wise and mysterious race that has suported me from the shadows for years. Now its time for the next petition. ...8 30 PM Uh finally the last pony has left "Your majesty here is the information you ordered this morning." The talking pilars have done it again and I didn't even see him move all day. One of these days I will learn you mysterious ways talking pilar race I swear it! "Ok lets see." Age 10. Wait so that old mare was actually 10? No there must be a reason I just need to read this. The talking pilars have never failed me before. Pony-Changeling hybrid. Ah here it is. Daughter of Spy Glass after she was raped after failing to infiltrate the changeling lands. Given name Anony Mare Although she strongly dislikes it. She is shy and does not like standing out to the point she turned into her schoolmates and teachers to ensure she was in the exact midlle of the class in each of her classes. She is really good in math having impersonated her math teacher for the past 5 years and her class has continuesly beaten CSFGU in math competitions useing unknown math formulas to calculate faster. Ok this is great Mayor Mare, Carl or Lyra Hearthstrings or even Anony Mare is the key to fixing everything. She claimed to be the mayor of Ponivile I just need to make it so she is and give her the right to make or remove laws there then I will just copy what she does. And then I will only need to figure out how to make the elements work and how to make Luna forgive me for making her pay for my mistakes. But now sleep.