//------------------------------// // Chapter Six // Story: Of Clouds, Seeds, and Apple Trees (Book 1) // by LotusTeaDragon //------------------------------// CHAPTER SIX Rarity had just put the finishing touches on Applejack's new outfit and had placed it on her counter, when, glancing through the front window, she spotted the earth pony casually walking by the shop. Excitedly, she galloped over to the door, opened it, and called out to her. "Applejack! How fortuitous that you've chosen this very moment to wander by my humble boutique!" she singsonged. She opened the door further to allow Applejack and Rainbow Dash entry. She continued speaking as she walked over to the counter. "I have finished the project that had been wondrously inspired by your words earlier, and I wish for you to see it! I think you will find it positively divine, yet amazingly practical!" she finished as she removed the garment from a small shelf by the register. With a flourish, she presented the outfit to Applejack, who just stared at it, mouth agape, eyes wide. "Sweet Mother o' Celestia, Rarity! Those sure are some fancy work duds! Ya didn't have ta go through all o' that trouble, just fer me!" Applejack replied, her voice tinged with awe at Rarity's hoofwork. Rarity blushed and demured, "Oh, it was nothing, Applejack, you're a dear friend who has a lovely natural complexion, and firm physique. I only wish to flatter form while freeing function." Rainbow Dash, for her part, was more interested in both the floor and the ceiling at that particular moment, not giving the outfit much of a glance. "Why don't you try it on, so we can see if your measurements are still accurate?" Rarity asked. "Well," Applejack hesitated, "ah, uh, ah need to really get back to th' farm..." Rarity pouted, "Aw, please, Applejack. It will only take a moment, and isn't that worth it in exchange for a garment of top caliber?", she said as she stuck out her lower lip and batted her eyelashes. Applejack relented, "Okay, ah guess it's only fair, Rarity, seein' that ya'll worked sa' hard ta' make 'em for me." Rarity, beaming from ear to ear, floated Applejack's new outfit over to her, and began placing it on her. After a few moments, the orange farm pony was now wearing the fashionable ensemble. "It looks lovely!" Rarity cried joyously, "Oh Applejack, you look simply marvelous! It gives you a most lively, rejouissant appeal, if I may say so, myself! What do you think, Rainbow Dash?" Rainbow, who had been daydreaming, glanced in Applejack's direction, "Oh, yeah it's-", she halted as she actually took in Applejack's appearance. Lines and curves. All Rainbow could notice was where the cloth curved and flowed, over Applejack's strong and stout, but graceful, body. The colorful fabric weaved around her hindquarters, making her cutie mark show prominently, while still leaving her hind legs free for applebucking. The neckline curved downward softly, outlining Applejack's lovely neck, and contrasting with the mare's long, blonde locks. A warmth started coursing through Rainbow Dash, from her belly to her head, and she had to take a moment to breathe. It was such a moment when she realized that Rarity was staring at her in what appeared to be concern. "Rainbow Dash, are you alright, darling?" she asked, concern in her patrician voice. Dash shook herself out of her daze, and replied in a nervous, and poorly acted noncommittal tone, "Oh, uh, yeah, I guess it's alright. It's not as cool as, say, what I would wear, but I guess it's okay for, you know, work... stuff." she finished, twirling her foreleg as if to disregard the entire prospect. Rarity smiled, "That would be high praise coming from you, Rainbow Dash", she said with a wink and continued, "I was just telling Applejack about the unique properties of the material, and how rugged it is compared to ordinary work clothing." With that, she removed the outfit, placed it in a garment box, and floated it over to Applejack, and placed it on her back. "Well then," Rarity remarked matter-of-factly, "since it fits flawlessly, and has the approval of my dear friends, I count it as a great success! If all goes well, every hard working pony in Ponyville will want one!" With that, she rubbed her forehooves together and giggled. Applejack couldn't help but chuckle at her friend's giddiness over her work. "Thank ye kindly, Rarity. Ah'll be sure to wear it when ah'm out workin' chores on th' farm", Applejack replied. And with that, the two ponies thanked their dear unicorn friend, and left the boutique, heading for Sweet Apple Acres, and a little alone time. *** Canterlot Ampitheatre 4:00 PM "I disagree that randomizing magical infusion via emitted tycho waves results in an improved form of diastolic variation" Twilight rebutted strongly, as she magically shuffled her papers, and stared back at the disheveled, middle aged stallion occupying the podium next to her, "there's no correlation between modulated mystical output when applied to tendril nodes, neither does the apex cardioform balance out in any appreciable way. Starswirl's Theory of Applied Magic states that any magical fulcrum must be balanced by an opposing magical reaction when energy and thought are applied in a positive sequence." A smattering of applause from the assembled scientists followed her statement, as the dissenting pony across from her fumed silently. Before he could reply, Princess Celestia's voice chimed in, "Fillies and Gentlecolts, honored guests, it is dinner hour. It would behoove us to continue these discussions tomorrow morning. Be at peace, and let friendship guide you. This debate session is adjourned." As the assembled ponies began filing out of the ampitheatre, Twilight trotted up to her assigned section, only to see a dozing Spike in her chair. "Spike, wake up! The debates are over for today, and it's time for dinner." she cajoled as she nudged the purple dragon. Spike woke with a start, and yawned. "Jeez, Twilight, you could of told me this would be all wordy and boring" he said between yawns. Twilight just gave him a stare, and furrowed her brow, "Hey, it was your idea to come. We were all set for you to stay at the library, remember?" Spike nodded and waved her away as he hopped down to the ground to walk beside her as they made their way to Princess Celestia's position by the entrance. "Yeah, yeah, I know, but hey, it's not my fault Pony Joe ended up being away in Coltorado for the entire week. I just couldn't say no to seeing those delicious garnet sprinkled cinnamon twists again" he replied, then added, "maybe he can deliver". Twilight shook her head, amused at the antics of her number one assistant, and sidled up to the Princess as she began walking toward their chariot. "You performed very well in the debate today, my faithful student", Princess Celestia beamed, "your position on anular shield magic was fascinating to say the least, and I daresay you may have converted your fair share of listeners." Twilight blushed, "oh, it was nothing, Princess. It's easily learnable information if one is willing to search it out. Though I have to say, I am lucky in that I have a very good teacher", she said, looking sidelong at the Princess, who leaned down for a moment to nuzzle Twilight's head. "Well, you may be pleased to know that we will have a special guest joining us in our dinner plans this evening. I don't think you will object when we arrive to greet him", Celestia stated as they boarded the Royal Coach, "and of course, Luna will be there as well. She has been anxious to see you again", she added with a slight smile. *** "It's such a lovely evening sky, don't you think, Lyra?" Bon-Bon observed as she nuzzled the neck of her sea green fillyfriend. Lyra, laying with her back against the bench and her hind legs hanging over the front, smiled and nodded her head. The two had spent the day together, as they often did, basking in the warmth of Celestia's light, and listening to the breeze rustle the leaves on the trees in Ponyville Park. They were sitting on a park bench, pony watching, and enjoying one another's company. "Pinkie Pie invited us to another party", Lyra responded a moment later. Bon-Bon sighed and chuckled, "what kind of party is it this time?" Lyra gave her a sidelong glance, "it's a "the Cakes are back from vacation" party. She says there will be pies, punch, cake, balloons, streamers, oh, and..." "Cupcakes" Bon-Bon finished, and they both giggled. Pinkie Pie's obsession with cupcakes just made her all the more endearing, and it was one of the many reasons why she was one of their very best friends. Of course, Pinkie Pie could be a friend to any pony, and that made her all the more lovable. "I'll have to make certain we RSVP her invitation, or she'll start fretting", Bonbon said softly, gazing at a flock of bluejays as they alighted upon a crimson maple tree not a dozen yards away. She was daydreaming a bit, when she thought she heard a rustle in the bushes behind them. She turned toward Lyra, "did you hear that hon?" Lyra pricked up her ears and was silent for a moment, seeking out whatever errant sound Bon-Bon had just heard. After a moment, she replied, "No, I don't hear anything. It could be just the wind." Bon-Bon nodded, "you're probably right." Then they both heard it. A rustling in the bushes, and what sounded like a faint "oof". Lyra raised an eyebrow, and turned toward the bushes. "Whoever you are", Lyra spoke in a stern tone, "come on out, we know you're in there." A moment later, three fillies emerged from the bushes, with sad looks on their faces. One of them, a white unicorn filly with a lavender and pink mane, was rubbing her foreleg and giving an orange pegasus the stink eye. Lyra's expression softened as she spoke, "Okay, now, what's the deal? What were you fillies doing hiding in the bushes?" "Because it's very rude!", Bon-Bon added. The butter yellow one with the red mane spoke up, her eyes downcast, "We all are sorry 'bout spyin' on ya, but we was tryin' to get our love doctor cutie marks. I guess it isn't workin'. Y'all ain't mad, are ya? We didn't mean ta do any harm." At this, Lyra put a hoof to her mouth to stifle the laugh that started building in her throat. She managed to cough instead. Bon-Bon answered in her place. "What are your names, young fillies?" she said. The butter yellow earth pony just rubbed her foreleg. The white unicorn filly spoke up instead, "We're sorry, Miss Bon-Bon, we didn't mean to cause any trouble. We're just trying to earn our cutie marks." At that moment, the orange pegasus filly spoke up proudly, "we're the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and we've made it our mission to earn our cutie marks and know our destinies! I'm Scootaloo, that's Sweetie Belle, and the filly at the end, there, is Applebloom." Bon-Bon smiled warmly, "well, fillies, we're not going to get you in trouble. You seem innocent enough", she said, adding a tinge of sarcasm to her words before continuing, "but I would like to ask why you decided to spy on Lyra and myself. We're already very much in love." Sweetie Belle spoke up, "That's why we were observing the two of you, Miss Bon-Bon. We wanted to know what it looked like when ponies are in love. I mean, we've seen two ponies in love, but it was, uh, under weird circumstances that totally weren't our fault", she finished, her eyes darting back and forth. Lyra chuckled at that, and motioned to the fillies to join them, "Then why don't we explain to you a little bit about how love can work between two ponies, or even other beings." The CMC cheered loudly, "Yay! Cutie Mark Crusader love learners!" They sat down in front of Lyra and Bon-Bon. Lyra looked at Bon-Bon and nodded, who turned to the three fillies and began speaking in a professorial tone. "You see, my young fillies, when two ponies are in love, they have special feelings for each other. They want to be around each other, spend time with each other. Do you understand so far?" Applebloom spoke up, "Shore we do! We spend all our time with each other! We all are the best a' friends!" The other two crusaders nodded at one another. Bon-Bon continued, "That's true. Love can be like a friendship, but it goes further than that. With love, there is this extra special feeling that you don't share with anyone else, and it can be both uplifting and amazing at the same time." Scootaloo raised her hoof, "is it like loving a mom or a dad?" Bon-Bon smiled, "It's kind of like that. See, there's more than one kind of love. There's familial love, where you love your friends and family, and then there's a love that goes even further beyond that. A love so close and personal, that it can only be shared between certain ponies." The three fillies nodded their heads. At that point, Lyra took over. "So it's like this", she began, "Bon-Bon and I give each other hugs and kisses. The kind of romantic hugs and kisses you don't give family and friends. It represents our devotion to one another, that we will always stand by each other, no matter what. Bon-Bon knows that there is nothing in Equestria I wouldn't do for her, and that no matter what, she will always be first in my life." Bon-Bon turned to Lyra and smiled, "and Lyra knows that I feel the same way, and always will." She turned back to the fillies, "do you understand?" she asked, as she took Lyra's hoof and kissed it. The three fillies giggled before Scootaloo raised her hoof again, "So are you always happy?" Lyra raised an eyebrow and looked to Bon-Bon, who chuckled and looked back at the fillies. "No", she said, "things aren't always happy. No matter how much we love each other, we're still different ponies and have different likes and personalities. For example, Lyra likes Michael Colton albums, while I prefer James Neighlor. It may seem like something so small, but little arguments are bound to happen. The truth is, though, that at the end of the day, we love each other and rise above those petty arguments, and reaffirm our love for another." And with that, Bon-Bon leaned over and kissed Lyra on the cheek. Applebloom and Sweetie Belle d'awwed, while Scootaloo stuck a hoof in her muzzle, as if gagging on the saccharine sweetness she was witnessing. Lyra looked to the young fillies once more, "so, do you understand now, just what love means between two ponies?" The Crusaders nodded their agreements. "Well then", Bon-Bon smiled, "I think it's safe for you to go off and continue earning your love doctor cutie marks", she paused for a moment before adding, "but let's leave the voyeur cutie marks for another day." And with that, she winked at them playfully. The Cutie Mark Crusaders all grinned from ear to ear, and thanked Lyra and Bon-Bon as they ran off in the ever continuing search for their cutie marks. "They're sweet", Bon-Bon noted as she watched them recede into the distance. Lyra nodded and replied, "yeah, they're good fillies", she said, before nuzzling into Bon-Bon's neck as Bon-Bon leaned against her. They both sighed as they sat there, watching the Sun start to dip below the horizon. For a moment, all was quiet, and then Bon-Bon, opening one eye and looking up at Lyra staring off into the distance, quipped, "I think we should have foals some day." Lyra's eyes went wide. Bon-Bon laughed and kissed her sweetheart tenderly, melting the sudden tension that had been the result of her off hand announcement. As the CMC ran toward their clubhouse, they heard giggles echoing from behind them. They looked at each other and laughed as they ran onward, emboldened by what they had learned from the adoring couple. ***