//------------------------------// // I can already hear the questions // Story: So Easy // by NYChris824 //------------------------------// "I can already hear the questions you have. Why don't you fix this? Why not do that? Why do we suffer? Blah blah blah. No one would be homeless or hungry, no crime. A perfect utopia. The thing is, I can answer that. I could just snap my fingers and make everything nice and happy forever. It would take me less than a second. Yet, very thought terrifies me. Not because it'd be hard, but because it would be so easy. So easy to twist the world and reality just the way I wanted. To force everyone to love me, change their minds to suit my tastes. So easy that life and being alive would be moot. What is the point of life if you don't face adversity? At some point you have to put your hand in the boiling water. Well I have the answer to that one too. Thing is, no matter what I do, you all would lose something. Tell me, if I gave you just one request, with no limits, what would it be?" Twilight looked at her new drinking buddy. She happened to be in Manehattan for some research into lost civilizations from the Pre-Unification Era and decided to go out the night before she left. Across from her was the human. No pony knew his name, but being from somewhere that wasn't the planet that made him very famous. Plus upon arriving he discovered he was borderline omnipotent. Which he did by answering every question before it was even asked and when he accidentally summoned food when he said he was hungry. He never really talked about himself, always learning about his new home. Twilight had met him a few times when Princess Celestia asked her to help him learn about Equestria. She had always wondered what happened to him. Part of her wanted to keep in touch, just to see how he was doing, but she never found the perfect time to ask him. With his powers known he quickly became seen as an incredibly powerful figure in the world. He was often swarmed by ponies asking him to grant their dreams and wishes. But some were weary of him, waiting for him to make himself the king of Equestria and the rest of the world. He never would grant any wishes, not even his own, at least none that no pony knew of. He never wished for a mansion, money or mares. Not even to be left alone and live a simple life. "Well," Twilight pondered for a moment, "I guess to able to solve any issue almost immediately." That earned a laugh from the human, "That's what I'm talking about, if I gave you the ability to be so smart you'd know any and every answer to everything." He took a moment to take a sip of his cider, "You would lose what I think is your most important characteristic. Your curiosity Twilight would no longer exist. That's a big part of who you are, believe me I know. Rainbow Dash would want to join the Wonderbolts and so would every other pegasi in the country. Rarity would want to be famous all over, just like every other artist. You can only have so famous talented people, someone has to be the starving artist." Twilight could feel the blood rush to her cheeks and quickly tried to cover them up with her drink and a hoof. Of course, she reads to have the answer. She had gone days without sleep and barely any food and drank only coffee to find answers. How many times in the last year? More than she would admit in public. "Or what would happen when two wishes are contrary to each other? You're quite famous you know, and I'm sure you have more than a few individuals who would like to see harm done to you. I imagine Trixie is still a little upset with you. What happens if a pony wishes another to die or maybe be poor forever? What if multiple ponies what to marry the same pony? How many ponies would wish to redo a moment in their life? How many would want to jump into the future? I could sit here and ramble about the hypothetical for the next eight months and two weeks." "You couldn't, you would just say yes to all wishes and possibly plunge the world into chaos." "Exactly. I would make Discord look like a kid having a temper tantrum." "I could tell each and every one of you how you'll die: when, where, and why. I could tell you what lies beyond. In fact, someone in this bar will be dead by next week. A total accident, but I'll intervene this one time. He's a good husband and will make an excellent father next year. After that it'll be a few months. At least in this bar. Since you joined me, six ponies have died. I could've saved them all." "W-Which one?" Twilight always felt uncomfortable talking about death so casually. It was the one ultimate unknown, sure technology will advance and new spells made to learn more beyond the stars. Possibly even visit them. But death? No one returned to say what death is like. He ignored her and kept talking, "I know answers to the deepest questions and every dark secret. I could tell you them, but some things are best left unknown, as the truth is sometimes cold comfort to those who know it. Its why I don't most of my powers. To see the world through the eyes of mortals again. To feel Human again. Sure, I'll cheat a bit. Never get tired of infinite beer and bacon. but with power comes responsibility, and I'm damn afraid of what happens if I misuse mine." With that he drained his drink, pulled some bits out of thin air, quite literally, and walked out. Leaving Twilight to ponder the conversation. She couldn't remember him ever ordering a drink while they were together.