//------------------------------// // Counting pennies // Story: My mom is the moon. // by Dimond Rainbow //------------------------------// When The princess and I returned to the castle, I was in a haze. I missed my family, as I was sure they missed me. Maybe even my bitch mother missed me, and even though we never got along... I missed her just a bit... If it wasn't for her, I wouldn't know foreign languages, how to properly sing, or even be alive. She might not have been the best mother but still. I barely remember dinner, apart from the cake and salad. And I barely protested when it was time for bed, I just droned into my pajama set, and climbed up into the bed, feeling weary yet not tired. Luna kissed my forehead and whispered. "Sweet dreams, my Diamond..." Before walking out onto the balcony, overlooking whatever she could see. I couldn't sleep, I didn't want too. Every time Luna would look in on me, I would close my eyes and steady my breathing, when in all reality, I was laying awake, staring at the intricate patterns surrounding me, thinking not of them, but of the life I had left behind. I had been born in April, on a wet, rainy day, in 1998 on the 12th. I don't remember much of my young childhood, other than my parents separating when I was three, and my father remarrying when I was three and a half. Gia had to be one of the prettiest women I had ever met or seen, and she was always so kind and caring towards me. Most of my fondest memories were with her. Then not even a year after they got married my little brother Adam was born, I don't think I was ever so proud, nervous, happy, and I can't even describe how it makes me feel to this day my emotions and strong love for the little jock. And I don't think my other mother had ever been so livid and absolutely enraged before, her face is still priceless, a vicious snarl over ruby lips, her left eye twitching in anger -a trait I gained- It still makes me laugh to think about her face. Then the brutal Custody battle my parents and I went through. It was... hard to even remember it... I did my best to repress everything from age five to nine.... All those fights... the plane rides... lonely nights... It all in a dark spot in my past. But I can smile remembering my father using his top grade attorney skills to gain full custody of me instead of visitation, and the stunned look on his face when the judge said: "Congratulations Mr. Childers. You've got full custody of your little girl." And when John jr. was born, I think poor Adam was more nervous than me seeing this tiny little baby, we called brother. He had asked me why , JJ, as we always called him back then, was so little, and why he always slept. I think I just shrugged the question off each time he asked, not truthfully knowing the answer. My music recitals, trips back and forth to Germany to hear my mother sing, as despite her faults, was still a large part of my life. All of my life was filled with happy memories. The huge shock when I was 12 when my baby brother was born, Dillan, of course I always called him 'Diggy' for I the longest for I don't know why. I think -no- I know it was a shock to a seven year old Adam and four year old John, and even my dad. Highschool, and the almost grueling music lessons my mother would make me take. And the ever so pleasant car rides in a rented convertible with Mom during the summer, the top rolled down, our hair loose, singing to every song on the radio no matter how ridiculous the lyrics were, laughter causing the melody to be incorrect and sometimes end abruptly on both our parts. The arranged marriage my mother had set up when I graduated high-school. I stopped talking to her for years after that. Going to college! I had never been so exited or scared in my life. Meeting Ada one night at a gay karaoke bar. Granted I was attracted to both men and women, but damn! Ada was something else! Her hips, those eyes, her voice, those lips. All of her is burned into my physic to this day. How nervous I was on our first date. The first time I heard her, Ariana, and Sonia sing together, like sweet honey flowing from roses, there was an indescribable beauty to their sperate and combined voices. My first performance at college. My first performance in front of Ada. I was more nervous there than preforming in front of thousands of people. Ada and I, growing closer as time wore on. Me ring shopping for her, I still surprise myself on that one, I never expected I'd ask her to marry me. But I never got the chance to... I hope she at least got the ring... Driving home that day. Contemplating how I would ask her that weekend, just two days away. The impact, and the skin melting heat. Nothing. That's where my memories as Diamant hört auf Childers, a happy twenty-one-year-old woman ended. I still recall everything that has happened in these past two days in great detail. But Why would I recollect that when it only seems to hurt more. Sleep never took me, and I recall watching Luna do something with her magic, my eyes sore and heavy with lack of sleep. The sunrise was beautiful, I can say that much. How long had I been up now anyways? Over an entire day at least. Still, I stared at the wall, recollecting everything, all the good. Of course, this had to serve as the worst part of my life thus far. I mean, dying. You can't get worse than that. Of course living with ponies, I defiantly didn't expect that.