//------------------------------// // Chapter 1 // Story: Rise of the Super Six // by Nic Nerdy //------------------------------// All was peaceful in the pony capital of Equestria known as Canterlot, where wealthy ponies and Princess Celestia herself reside high in the mountains miles from Ponyville. For the last few weeks since her arrival from her home island, it has also been the residence of one Princess Diana, or Wonder Mare as the press have started to call her since she stopped a group of criminals from blowing up several areas of the castle most prominent in Canterlot. Since that time, Wonder Mare has been enjoying everything the ponies of Equestria have to offer her from foods, music, the many inventions she had seen demonstrated to her that aren't found on her home. On this particular day, Wonder Mare is walking through the streets while waiting for her appointed envoy, Steve Trevor, the stallion she had saved only weeks ago. He had said to meet her near the ice cream parlor for some details on an assignment Princess Celestia asked for Steve to had Wonder Mare. On the way to the parlor, many onlookers stared at her stunning alicorn features such as her wings and horn as they were still amazed of the existence of another alicorn when there is already Celestia and Cadence. For this day, she had decided to wear her armor that was given by her mother after she had won the right to be the Amazons' ambassador to Equestria. "Diana!" A male voice said from not too far away. "Steve, why did you ask me here?" Wonder Mare asked her stallion friend and envoy as she met at a table in front of the parlor. Steve threw some bits on the table when she sat down. "I was asked by Princess Celestia herself to deliver a message to you. She clearly knows you trust me enough to listen." Steve explained. "She knows she can trust me, I'm the daughter of one of her oldest friends, and she did trust me with fighting those invaders." Wonder Mare reminded Steve of Celestia's trust. "You want me to read the message or not?" Steve asked as he wanted to get on with what he was ordered to deliver. "Sorry, you can read the letter." Wonder Mare politely ordered Steve. Steve coughed before he read what was written in the letter found in a bag. Dear Princess Diana of Paradise Island, I have asked Captain Trevor to deliver a message of grave importance I know you'll put in utmost focus. You've asked me about the whereabouts of the "other princess" your mother and aunt told stories of since you were a filly and wouldn't stop asking for the first week you have been in Canterlot. Well, I'm afraid I still can't give you an answer for I must ready myself for the Summer Sun Celebration tomorrow morning. But I promise you will find answers in this year's location for the Celebration, Ponyville. I have asked the Mayor personally to allow you daylong access to the Golden Oaks Library where I know there books you'll find most useful in finding answers. But there is another task for you. It has come to my attention that you have yet to make friends outside of Captain Trevor and it is coming from my experience that everypony should have friends to talk with, interact with, all the things I know you have on Paradise Island, though Equestria is far more different from your home, it shouldn't be too hard for you to make some friends. Captain Trevor also has with him a list of the ponies who are helping with the Celebration. Please visit each one to make sure all is prepared for my arrival where I raise the run and lower the moon. Sincerely, Princess Celestia "Make some friends?" Wonder Mare repeated the phrase from the letter. "Steve, I've made some friends since I have arrived here, right?" Steve had an expression that showed him trying to find answer. "To be perfectly fair, you haven't had that many interactions unless it's ponies who stare at you because you're a alicorn." Wonder Mare did some thinking before talking again. "Well, if she needs me to help with the Celebration, I'll do what she ordered me to do." "Alright then." Steve said as he rolled up the letter and stashed it in the bag he carried. "First, we are going to pack some things in a suitcase. Then, we'll take the train to Ponyville in two hours." "Sounds like a plan." Wonder Mare said with a smile before she asked. "Wait, you want to come with me?" Steve rolled back his hair in a way that describes nervousness. "Of course, I think you'll want somepony you're already familiar with to help you navigate Ponyville, mainly because I have been there before." "What were you there for?" Wonder Mare asked with curiosity. "I was stationed there for some bugbear incident that originated from the Everfree Forest and it got nearly chaotic when started try and hit us with a pillar." Steve explained with painful memories of one of his fellow guards getting hit by the bugbear. "It's most evident that you and your fellow soldiers won the battle and stopped the bugbear, you're right in front of me." Wonder Mare said the obvious. "Yeah, totally." Steve replied to Wonder Mare. "Shouldn't we get things ready?" "Yes, we shall load our suitcases and journey to Ponyville, it is there I shall find the answers I seek." Wonder Mare proclaimed. After a hour of getting things together for the trip, Wonder Mare and Steve Trevor went to the train station outside of Canterlot and boarded the train to Ponyville. On the way there, Wonder Mare read through a pamphlet on Ponyville and its history, learning the town's founding was due to some merchants finding a rare breed of apples that can only be located there. The train finally arrived at Ponyville station after three hours, that station located a few feet from the nearest building in town. Steve was wearing his sunglasses when he got off the train with Wonder Mare. "The place hasn't changed that much, all things considered." "We haven't even got to the town yet." Wonder Mare told him. "You have a fair point." Steve said as he helped with her luggage. "I suppose we are going to the places the Princess asked you to check out?" "Of course, if it means I'm closer to my goal, then we will meet with these ponies." Wonder Mare had stated to her friend. "Let me take a look at the list." Steve said before he pulled out the list of places they had to visit. "Alright, we have to go to the Danvers tech shop/repair to make sure they have the spotlights ready for Princess Celestia's grand entrance at the town hall." "To the shop!" Wonder Mare declared like she was ready for combat. As soon as they reach town, it only takes 30 seconds until they are spotted. "You're Wonder Mare!" A young voice had yelled out. Wonder Mare and Steve turned around and found a filly with bright red fur, no cutie mark on her flank, Pegasus wings, and smooth black hair not that different from Wonder Mare's. Everything from her face pretty much screams that is in awe of the alicorn in front of her. "I can't believe you're in Ponyville! What are you doing here?!" The hyper filly asked Wonder Mare. Wonder Mare stared down at the fill. "What is your name, young one?" "My name is Donna Troy and I'm so excited that you're here, right in front of me." Donna answered. "I'm very surprised to find somepony that is excited to see me." Wonder Mare than said for she was actually shocked. "You can't be that surprised that ponies have heard of you. Me, my classmates, and everypony in town have heard about the mysterious new alicorn that arrived in Canterlot and stopped those bad guys from hurting the Princess." Donna explained to a smiling Wonder Mare. "Can you show me your lasso?" "You want to see my lasso?" Wonder Mare asked before using her horn's magic to lift her Lasso of Truth from her right side. "This was Lasso was a gift from the Princess to my mother, my aunt, and my fellow Amazons along with everything else she gave us." "That is so cool!" Donna shrieked with joy. "It is very "cool". My mother gave it to me when I lift my home to take my friend back to his." Wonder Mare pointed to Steve and he waved to Donna. "Listen, Donna." Steve said to the little filly. "Wonder Mare has some important business that needs some taking care of." Donna had a concerned look on her face. "Oh my gosh!" I'm so sorry to bother you, Wonder Mare! I just got so excited to meet you and all I've been doing is distracting you and..." She was shushed by Wonder Mare pointing her right front hoove at Donna's lips. "Calm yourself, Donna, it's alright." Wonder Mare calmed her. "I'm glad I was able to meet an admirer of my deeds." "Don't forget your beauty." Donna told her. "That as well. But I'm glad to have met you and hope for more encounters." Wonder Mare said to her. "By the way, you may call me Diana." Donna starts to walk away before she turns her head and said "Same here!" After she said that, she was gone. "Looks like you got a fan." Steve said to Wonder Mare. Wonder Mare looks at him. "She is something everypony uses to cool themselves in the heat?" She asked with no clue on what he meant. "Not, the way she uses the word means she is admirer of yours." Steve explained to her. Wonder Mare had an "oh" look and blushed for not understanding. After a few minutes of walking through town, the two arrived at a house east of Ponyville that was surrounded by a few trees and what looked like some machines that gave a mix of traditional and modern aesthetics to the area. Two particular machines were spotlights that were about as tall as a normal sized pony. Walking further ahead, Wonder Mare spotted two mares working in a shed that was a foot away from the decently sized two floor building. One mare had blonde fur and hair that went well with her blues eyes, Pegasus wings, squared glasses, and a cutie mark that had the image of a notepad and pencil. The other mare with her had short brown hair that reached half of her neck, emerald eyes, light gray fur, and a cutie mark that had the image of a red medical cross and a target most common for aiming practice. "So I said to him that he really needs help with his bow tie, but Jimmy wouldn't listen and told me that it was perfectly tight, which it was actually too tight and it started to choke him. Knowing me, I had to save him and ripped the bow tie off his neck." The glasses wearing mare said. "He honestly believed that bow ties will make all the ladies trot to him?" The brunette asked. "He still does, he thinks he just needs it less tight than before." The glasses wearing mare said. "But at least there was a lesson learned." She said and turned her head to the right to find Wonder Mare and Steve Trevor in front of the door. The other mare turned too and saw the two. "Hello, how can we help you?" "Wait, Alex, that's the pony who saved Princess Celestia!" The blonde mare stated to the one now identified as Alex. "Yes, Kara, I can see that it's Wonder Mare." Alex said to the other pony now identified as Kara. "Sorry about her, she is really nice, I assure you." Wonder Mare chuckled. "It is perfectly fine. I seem to make a lot ponies nervous as of late." Steve drew attention to himself by fake coughing. "Anyway, Princess Celestia has sent us to you because Jeremiah Danvers is charge of setting up the lights at the celebration. Is he here by any chance?" "He is our dad. Don't worry, I'll go get him from the house." Alex turned to Kara. "Keep them company." Alex ordered and Kare nodded before Alex left the shed. "So, how about you tell us about youself, Kara. What's your special talent?" Wonder Mare asked. "My special talent is investigative journalism. I work at the Newpaper in Baltimare." Kara started to explain to the two. "The Daily Planet, right? Don't they publish the articles about that Supermare whom has been around for a couple months now?" Steve recalled reading one of those articles the other day. "How do you work so far from home? Must be rather stressful for you." Wonder Woman said with concern for this pony she barely knows. Kara readjusts her glasses. "I took the early train to arrive home for the Celebration. I love spending time with my family." "I haven't seen my mother since I left my home." Wonder Mare told Kara. "I've been so busy with learning about Equestria that I haven't been able to arrive home." "Then I hope you someday arrive home for a visit." Kara said with hope and compassion. "T... Thank you, Kara." Wonder Mare said with sincere thanks. Hearing steps behind her, Wonder Mare and Steve turned to see Alex returned with a dark blue stallion with brown hair, beard, tail, a regular earth pony, and a cutie mark that pictured a beaker and tools. Alongside him was a mare with curly blonde hair like Kara's, also a earth pony, slight wrinkles on her face, and medical cross as her cutie mark. "Hello, I'm Jeremiah Danvers, I'm the one who built the lights over there." The stallion introduced himself. "This is my wife, Eliza." He pointed to the mare next to him. "Hello, it's a pleasure to both meet a member of the Royal Guard and you, Princess Diana." Eliza said to the two. "You didn't call me Wonder Mare, why is that?" Wonder Mare asked. "I figured you'd be sick of being called that everyday." Eliza explained. "So, mister Danvers, would you care to show us your lights?" Steve got everypony's attention on the task on at hand. "Of course." Jeremiah said as he walked over to one of his huge spotlights, switching it on, and shining it at the house. This definitely impressed Wonder Mare and Steve before they had to leave the family for the next pony on their list, a pony known as Jessica Cruz, who was helping with the decorations being set up at the town square where Celestia was to make her grand entrance. She had volunteered due to her status as a creative mind and will filled pony. Wonder Mare and Steve traveled to the town square and found several ponies work on decorating the entire area for the celebration, making finding Jessica a little more difficult. "Hang on, I'll handle this." Wonder Mare told Steve before she took a breath and yelled. "Excuse me, but we are looking for Jessica Cruz on orders from Princess Celestia!" One dark brown, fur colored mare stepped down a ladder where she was hanging some streamers like she was utterly nervous at having to talk with other ponies. "Jessica Cruz?" Steve asked the mare who had braided black hair, yellow eyes, braided tail, and a cutie mark featuring what looked curtains and and doormats, signifying her expertise on decoration and style. "Y... Yes, hi." Jessica muttered some words. Steve didn't hear that. "What was that?" "Hi." Jessica spoke up with a little more volume. "Hello, I'm guessing you know you who I am, don't you?" Wonder Mare asked. "Yes, I do." Jessica said as she recognized her. "I must say that the decorations you and the others have put together are absolutely wonderful." Wonder Mare gave her complements as she admired her surroundings. "Thanks, I have been told that I'm very creative when it comes to these things. It will make me happy to see everypony smile when they look at the decorations tomorrow morning." Jessica said with a normal as it seemed her confidence had improved. "I'm sure the Princess will love it." Wonder Mare said before she spotted a large ring shaped object on her right front hoof. "You have a very nice ring on your hoof." "You think so? I thought it looked tacky on me, a bit too green, but thinks for liking it." Jessica replied to the complement. Just then, a balloon popped and it spooked Jessica that she jumped right onto Wonder Mare's back, Wonder Mare grunting from the sudden jump. "It was just a balloon that popped!" Another pony yelled as he picked up remains of the balloon. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" Jessica said before she jumped off Wonder Mare's back. "It is perfectly alright, I have the strength to withstand it." Wonder Mare with a strain. A few minutes later, Wonder Mare and Steve went to the next pony on the list, commissioner Jim Gordon, a recent transfer from Manehatten that arrived to join the Ponyville Police Department with a reputation for being a great detective. They find the old stallion talking with a younger mare with purple fur, ginger hair braided into a pony tail, glasses in front of her green eyes, and a cutie mark featuring the image of a book with a grapple gear. "Commissioner Gordon?" Steve asked the old stallion and that made him turn away from the young mare. "You Captain Steve Trevor?" Gordon asked back and shock Steve's hoof. "I'm always glad to meet another officer far from home. It's good for some advice when you need it it." Steve said as he pulled his hoof back. "My thoughts exactly. I see you have a friend with you." Gordon said as he stared at Wonder Mare. "Me and the boys at the station have read the papers about you in Canterlot." "It is a honor to meet one who defends ponies from danger in emergencies." Wonder Mare said as she did a handshake with the commissioner. "It's clear enough you two are here to make sure security is well maintained for tomorrow. Rest assured, everything is well handled and my boys could go in league with the Royal Guard." Gordon assured the two before the young pony from earlier walked up to him. "I'm going to check out the guys over at the bakery, dad." She said to Gordon. "Don't worry, I'll be fine walking through town by myself." "Stay safe, sweetie." Gordon said and gave the young pony a hug before she walked off. Noticing the similarities between the two in terms of of the red in Gordon's graying hair, Wonder Mare drew to a conclusion. "Is that your daughter?" Wonder Mare asked. "Yeah, that's my Barbara." Gordon replied. "She's named after her mother, considered the best in her classes by her teachers, and my pride and joy." "She certainly looks like her father." Wonder Mare gave her complements. "But I'm sure she is a lot prettier than me." Gordon said and gave a chuckle. After making sure that everything was ready, Wonder Mare and Steve started to make their way to the Golden Oaks Library and find what they are actually in Ponyville for. Wonder Mare eager to get her answers on where the third alicorn princess's whereabouts. "I just hope you can find a book on the answers you're looking for, Diana." Steve told her. "Or we might need to head to somewhere else." "Don't worry, Steve, I'm sure it will be fine." Wonder Mare calmed him. "In fact, it's right in front of us." Wonder Mare pointed at the library before them. It was built into a tree that had the basic needs for a living space like the fact there are windows for light and for looking outside on a warm day, Leaves covering the top of the tree and its branches,a sign that clearly indicated it is a library, and a candle on the front door of the house. Steve walked up the door and opened it for Wonder Mare. "After you." "Why thank you!" Wonder Mare said at Steve's kindness and she walked in with their luggage. The interior of the library was large to have shelves of books lined up against the wall, scrolls and ink quills used to write, a kitchen that was useful enough, a basement, and living quarters that were occupied by a bed big enough for one pony or two. All in all, it would be a great place to live in. Wonder Mare turned to Steve as he came in after her. "Do you need my help with carrying the luggage?" Steve grunted as he lifted the suitcase. "Sweet Celestia, what did you bring with you?!" "My sword and my shield." Wonder Mare gave a answer. "Alright, I got it!" Steve said as he brought her stuff upstairs. Meanwhile, Wonder Mare went around the library and searched for a book on Equestria's history to find anything that could explain the sister to Celestia and found a book on Celestia's early years as the sole ruler of Equestria. She pulled the book from the shelf and sat it down at a table in front of a cushion which Wonder Mare sat on get comfortable as she began to read for hours without end until about 9:00 pm. At this point in her reading, Steve came to her as she reached the 230th page and he saw she started to look tired. "You wanna take break until tomorrow after we go to watch the sun rise?" Steve asked and picked up a cup Wonder Mare drank from earlier. "It's okay, I can continue a bit...." Wonder Mare wanted to continue talking, but a yawn came from her mouth. "Alright, I think it is time for you to be in bed until tomorrow morning." Steve said as he helped her up and took to the bedroom upstairs where he helped her take off her armor. "Just a few more minutes." Wonder Mare protested. "Diana, you're working yourself a bit too hard." Steve helped her cover herself. "I'll be sure to wake you up tomorrow, got it?" But Wonder Mare was already asleep and Steve couldn't stop himself from thinking how cute she is when sleeping. He went downstairs to the other bedroom he discovered while Wonder Mare was reading and set the alarm to ring at 4:00 am. They both slept until it became that time and Steve was the first to wake up and went upstairs to wake Wonder Mare from her slumber. "Huh?" Wonder Mare murmured as she woke up and saw Steve looking at her. "Come on, Diana, it's time for the sunrise!" Steve said to her. Wonder Mare put her armor back on and only the lasso was brought with her as Steve felt it was inappropriate to bring the sword and shield with her. They arrived at Town Hall where it seemed just about everypony, including the ones Wonder Mare and Steve spoke to only yesterday, were gathered in anticipation of Princess Celestia's arrival. The Danvers family readying the lights to shine on Mayor Mare when she walks from behind red curtains to make her announcement. Just then, a another pony bumped into Wonder Mare. "I'm sorry, I didn't see where I was going." Wonder Mare turned around. "It's alright, things like that happen." She said to a pegasus with dark blue fur, blonde short hair and tail, and a black bird as her cutie mark. "I have heard rumors that you would be here." The Pegasus said. "Your fighting techniques are admirable to a pony like me." "Thank you so much, miss..." Wonder Mare said and wanted to give a hoofshake, but she didn't know the pegasus name. "Dinah Lance." Dinah said and accepted the hoofshake. As soon as they finished shaking, they heard clapping began to fill the room as Mayor Mare stepped from behind the curtains on the balcony. "Citizens of Ponyville, I'm proud to be with all of you on this beautiful morning on a day that truly celebrates our land's great leader, Princess Celestia. We all know she has the most powerful of magic that can rise and lower both the sun and moon. Today, she will show Ponyville her great power to us all and remind us of her great magic." The mayor said as she read the cue cards on a podium located at the balcony where she is. Just then, a most particular moment occurs in the sky as Wonder Mare observes the image of the supposed "Mare in the Moon" vanish from the moon's white surface in seconds. But the loud trumpets that are played by the Royal trumpet players sound out a Royal tune when the curtains pull back, ready to reveal the most terrifying of sights. Princess Celestia is not there and nowhere to be seen. "Oh no!" Wonder Mare whispered to herself. "Where is she?!" One stallion screamed. A mare was acting hysteric. "The princess is gone!" As panic started to spread among everypony in the room. There was blue mist that seeped into the room and onto the balcony and thunder boomed in loud noise as the mist started to take form. What took form from the mist was an alicorn in dark coated fur that was protected by blue armor, crescent moon beneath the neck area, shoes that stretched up the pony's legs, a splotch covered by a crescent moon as her cutie mark, a helmet protecting her head, blue serpent eyes that went well with the fangs in the mouth, a large horn protruding from her head, large black wing from her sides, a crescent moon that covered half her face, eyelashes that identified the intruder as female, and sparkly mist that acted as her mane and tail. Everypony looked at this pony in terror as she looked at them with a smirk, like she was looking upon subjects. "Oh, my beloved subjects." The dark figure said in a caring voice that was also menacing. "It's been so long since I've seen your precious little sun-loving faces." Mayor Mare was cowering as she trotted downstairs. "Guards, stop her, she must know what happened to the princess!" A group of Royal Guards and the PVPD went to running at the mysterious intruder and ready to tackle her. But the armored figure was ready as well. "Stand back, you fools!" She yelled before she used the magic in her horn to summon beams of energy at the guards, sending them to the floor where the ponies in the room watched it happen. The figure then looked back upon the frightened ponies and spotted Wonder Mare among them. "Looks like there is another alicorn besides me and Celestia." The figure cackled. "Who are you supposed to be, young princess?" "I'm Princess Diana of Paradise Island and the Amazons, daughter of Hippolyta, and known to the ponies of Equestria as "Wonder Mare"." Wonder Mare announced to the one who asked. "I know who you are as well." "Oh, you do?" The figure asked in a sarcastic way. "You are the Mare in the Moon: Nightmare Eclipso." Wonder Mare answered with the knowledge she had learned from the book she read earlier. "Then you know what my goal is then?" Nightmare Eclipso asked with a evil grin. "You are here to....." Wonder Mare was at a loss for words as she didn't get to read Nightmare Eclipso's goal. "You truly have no idea, do you?" Nightmare Eclipso mocked Wonder Mare. "Let me explain for you. For you will never see Celestia or your precious sun as my reign of eternal night shall last forever!" She cackled evilly with thunder accompanying her cackle. Everypony questioned what she had proclaimed and couldn't believe it. "But first, how about I destroy you, Princess Diana?" Nightmare Eclipso suggested before she blasted a massive beam of energy at Wonder Mare. Wonder Mare had her bracelets ready to deflect the beam, but the beam didn't them as something else got in the way, a green shield. Looking at a pole connected to it, Wonder Mare found a came from the ring of a mare covered in green fur, white hooves that a ring found above the front right hoove is where the shield came from, short black hair that curled around her horn, a smoothed tail, eyes that were as green as the rest of her, and two lines at the top and bottom of a circle as her cutie mark. "Who are you, emerald one?" Nightmare Moon asked. "They call me Green Lantern." Green Lantern said as she recalled the shield. Another pony came through the door and had wavy blonde hair, blue eyes that went well with her dark blue covering around her torso, a shield with a yellow background and a red "S" on the front, red horseshoes that covered her back hooves, a red skirt, pegasus wings, and the same symbol as her cutie mark. "It's Supermare!" One pony yelled in excitement. Another pony appeared from a cloud produced by a smoke bomb and she leapt from it. She had on what looked like a bat costume with a hole in a maskwhere her red trimmed hair popped out as well as one for her tail, a cape where the back was black and the front was yellow, a harness that had pouches attached to it, and yellow oval with a bat as her symbol on her front. "I'm Batmare!" The Caped Crusader yelled. Once more, another pony showed up in red fur coloring, brown hair and tail that looked gorgeous to some, a golden lighting bolt on her front, a white cape with gold trimmings, pegasus wings, and a unicorn horn. "Another alicorn?" Nightmare Eclipso questioned. "I'm not even a princess, but you may refer to me as Mary Marvel!" The red alicorn said as lightning sparked between her front hooves. A loud screeching noise was heard by everypony turned around to see Dinah Lance wearing a black domino mask. "My friends call me "Black Canary" at the gym, so I figured it fits me." Dinah said to Nightmare Eclipso. "No matter, none of you shall stop from what I have planned for a thousand years and I guarantee that." Nightmare Eclipso said to everypony and cackled once again. The five costume ponies standing or flying in defiance. Wonder Mare couldn't believe it was so possible to find more like her in this little town, nor the destiny that awaits her and the five.