Shadowed Moon

by Dimond Rainbow

Flashbacks, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

Stygian gazed lovingly at Luna, and Star shine. Luna's daughter, His daughter, their daughter!

He still couldn't believe he had a daughter with Luna and both of them had missed out on most of her life. that filled him with dread, they each had missed her first word, first steps, first everything!

But he had missed it all and had no clue of her existence! He felt terrible for letting himself fall to that low and missing out on his own daughter's life, but it all was in the past and here they were now, sleeping beside him.

To him they were the most beautiful mares in the world, and as memories of his and Luna's pasts came back, that felling grew tenfold.

Star nestled closer next to him and he smiled. "Good night my daughter."
and with that he let sleep take him.


Stygian sat in the gardens looking up at the nighttime sky.

He had interrupted Star swirl's Lesson with the princesses! The princesses! The only Alicorns left! The two beings who controlled the sun and moon!

He was sure he would be punished, but none came to him.

As he stared up at the lovely stars, his thoughts drifted to Lu-Princess Luna. Her short but cute waved blue mane, her teal eyes. His thoughts went just to the point of being almost inappropriate, at least with the princesses.

Luna was walking around the gardens staring up at her night sky, which no pony seemed to care for. 'another beautiful night gone to waist...' She thought.

"AHK! HEY!" Stygian said as Luna stepped on his ear, as she wasn't paying Attention to where she was walking.


"P-princess Luna?! I am so sorry!" Stygian tried to stand and bow but ended up tripping over his own hooves and falling onto Luna.

Both blushed crimson at this.

They stayed like that for a while before tearing their gazes from the others and standing up.

She smiled gently at him. "What brings you out this eve?"

"Just thinking, I like the night it's so much calmer, quieter and... So... So..." Stygian looked away.

Luna looked away from the sky and to Stygian.

"So, what Stygian?" Her head quirked to the side gently.

He stayed quiet for a minute then looked at her and quietly said.


They both blushed but stared at each other.

A few months later their kindship grew to love, and Luna desired to ask him to the Gala.

"But Tia! He's a good pony!" Luna protested.

"True but he's also a scribe Luna! We're expected to marry someone of higher status, not a scribe!" Celestia stated firmly but Luna had a counter attack ready.

"Oh, come I know that you are inviting that 'Discord' or what ever his name is thing! He's not even pony, but Stygian is!" Celestia's cheeks grew red at the mention of her secret love, Discord, she levitated a ticket to Luna and stormed out of the room.

Luna happily gave the ticket to Stygian.

The night of the Gala Luna stood at the front of the ballroom waiting for Stygian, Celestia was off dancing with some strange Unicorn.

She turned around when Somepony tapped her shoulder.

"Might I have this Dance M'lady?" Stygian asked, the suit he wore made him look like a prince, or at least to Luna.

And so, they did, being the center of attention the whole night.

A few years later

Luna and Stygian had been together for years, even considering courtship, But each time Luna would ask Celestia she'd say 'Luna, think of what the nobles will say! We must be careful to whom we wed!' Luna would always leave in a huff afterwards. Once again to tell her love that they'd not be able to Marry.

But over the months they grew tired of waiting for Celestia to approve of them.

Nervously they shared their first kiss.

And from that kiss came more.

And from months of those kisses, lead to one whole night of Bliss, for both parties.

Then Stygian said he was going to show a spell to the ponies of Legend soon. "Please don't leave!" Luna begged once again. "I must, but I promise to Return right after M'lady..." Stygian said as he walked the road away from Canterlot.

Luna bid him a teary goodbye not knowing it would be the last time she'd see him for over 10,000 years!

But not the last Time she'd feel him, no, deep within her, weather or not she knew a life was beginning to form, a life formed from her and Stygian.

End flash backs

Star shine snuggled deeper into her Pillow, her soft, warm, fuzzy pillow.

Luna giggled, she had tried and in vain to wake Star shine from her slumber, but each time the girl would snuggle closer to Luna, she didn't have the heart to forcefully wake her.

So, the girl slept like that, snuggling into Luna. Luna gently kissed her daughter's forehead above her horn.

Star shine squirmed a bit and blinked sleepily. "mom?" She croaked, Morning Star was a very tousled mess.

"Yes, my lucky Star." Luna asked looking down at the girl's sleepy eyes.

"Uh, your wing hug is kinda making it hard to breathe!" She squeaked. Luna hadn't realized that she'd kept her daughter in her wing grip the whole day, but after hearing this she folded her wing back to her own side.

The pair made their down stairs to the dining hall, where quite the sight was.

Celestia and Discord sat on cotton candy clouds, across from each other, laughing, giggling and so on.
But that wasn't what struck the mother daughter duo as odd.

As they were laughing, they would give the other a bite of chocolate Cake, as sweet as it was, Star shine Didn't need to see such an act and Luna promptly covered her daughter's with a dark blue wing.

"Ahem." Luna lightly cleared her throat but neither her sister or the Chaos lord took notice to this.

Luna put a wing in front of Star shine, who kinda wanted to see what her auntie and Mr. Discord were doing.

"EHEM!" Luna said a little more loudly, yet their gazes stayed fixed on the other.

"I'd cover your ears..." Luna whispered over to her daughter who plugged them then Luna sucked in a deep breath.

Luna's Royal Canterlot voice did the trick literally snapping the two of them out of it. Discord did Snap the two of them apart, from an almost kiss.

"Uh-uh... Good morning Luna... Star shine... Stygian." Celestia said in a shade of crimson, as well as the lord of chaos.

Luna had to giggle at her Sister, not long after she, Star shine, and Stygian were seated Star swirl entered the room and sat down, did they begin eating.

"Guess what Mr. Star swirl!" Star shine asked while giggling.

"I've no clue." He replied.

"Auntie and Mr. Discord almost kissed!" the young fill giggled some more.

"I... I uh see..." Star swirl said looking around the table. Both Celestia and Discord blushed deep, deep, deep, deep red. Stygian wore a look of 'oh, how I wish I could un see that' and Luna just looked Star with a 'why'd you tell him' look.

All of these faces were too much for the girl, and she doubled over in laughter.