Shadowed Moon

by Dimond Rainbow


Of all the ponies in Equestria were happy the day that Star Shine's lineage was announced but her adopted parents were the most unhappy of all. They had high hopes that Luna would eventually send Star Shine on some kind of Equestria saving mission with Twilight and her friends. Maybe even have her ascend to alicornhood like Twilight had though some great need.

But no, not only was Star Shine a born alicorn, she was also princess Luna's daughter. There was no reason they could see of expecting gratitude from someone who had turned on their own sister. Everypony knew that Luna had been Nightmare Moon at one time, in and some ponies minds she could become her again. While mulling over this a thought came to Rock Layer.

"You know Salon, that the castle in the everfree forest is still abandoned."

"And as well as it should be! That place is teeming with Timberwolves and all sorts of wild creatures!" Salon answered

"My point is, if we could dig up some dirt on both princess Celestia and Luna we might be able to force them into stepping down. Then we take Star Shine back and train her to fight dragons and other creatures that make our land a disgrace."

Salon thought about this for a moment then said. "But ponies love both Celestia and Luna. Especially princess Twilight. Won't they fight back?"

"There are still some rouge changelings around. We could bribe one of them to kill Twilight and her friends. They are always after love, so we could tell them that once the Mane 6 are out of the way we'll assign them to the royal court. So, they can feed off the love ponies give to Star Shine. But once they finish the job we'll poison them with a dagger." Rock Layer said this plan so calmly that it scared Salon. However, she couldn't help but admire her husband's confidence and cunning. They started gathering supplies to head for the infamous everfree forest.

Later that day while Luna was trying to rest, she had a terrible nightmare. Nightmare Moon was coming out of the castle of the two sisters to kill her, and steal her child. Nightmare's voice was cold and inspired fear.

This is what the figure said, it their bone chilling voice.

"You thought that I was gone? I will be coming to deal with you Luna. Don't get to comfortable with that child of yours, she will not have you long. The world is not big enough for both of us! Your sister will be gone as well! I don't wish for the night to last forever anymore, but I think that I would be a mother to the child than one who has been out of her life for 10,009 years!" She said one last thing as a sick joke "Sweet dreams Luna, Sweet Dreams!"

Luna awoke screaming. "No!"

Stygian hadn't left Luna alone. He was sitting by her bedside and he said in a concerned voice. "Luna what is Wrong?! Did you have a nightmare?"

Luna wept openly. "It was Nightmare Moon! She said she was back! And that she was going to get rid of me and take our child!"

Stygian a little unnerved by this said. "Actually, I have heard similar things from Shadow, my worse half. I didn't tell you right away because I didn't understand it, but now that I do I think that we should talk to your sister and Twilight. Because if they really are back, there's is definitely going to be trouble."

All of the sudden Star Shine appeared in her mother's room. She was crying. That stopped any present problems of her parents for the moment. Their daughter needed their attention and they were going to give it to her.

"My Lucky Star what is the matter?" Luna asked in a tender voice beckoning the foal over to her side, which the filly ran to.

"Rock Layer and Salon didn't come to my coronation." Star Shine said through tears. "I know that they are not my parents, but I thought that they would come to my coronation because they made me who I am today."

Luna felt sorry for her child. It was obvious that something was going on with those parents.

Anyone would have thought that despite the fact that the foal was not their own they would still come to important events of the child's life. She decided that she would ask Twilight Sparkle about them. All the same she tried to calm the child down.

"You said that they own a repair shop of clocks, knives, and other things, maybe they had a large order to fill." Luna suggested, whipping her daughter tears away.

Stygian caught the look that Luna gave him to back-up her speech.

"That's right! Ponies are always breaking things. They probably were just too busy to come on such short notice. After all, you hadn't written to them for 2 months." Stygian said stroking her mane.

"That's true." Star Shine sniffles. "But I don't want to sleep alone tonight. Can I sleep with you mother please?"

"Well I have some duties to perform tonight, but I will cancel them. You are more important to me."

So that night Luna and Star Shine slept in the same room for the first time in over 10,000 years. And it was the most peaceful sleep either had ever had in a long time. But if Luna had known that Rock Layer and Salon were heading for the everfree forest meeting two great evils she would have been terrified.

"ARGH!" Salon said as she tugged her mane free from a tree.

Once it was free she tumbled forwards and Right into her husband, which sent them tumbling down an embankment. Once they stopped rolling, there they laid in front of the
crumbling castle of the two sisters.

They got up and cautiously walked in.

Much deeper in the castle, Moon cooed over Star who was just babbling, week-old nonsense, but to the black mare it was the cutest thing ever.

Shadow who kept watch over his Family, from Timber wolves, Hederas, Manticores, etc., etc.

He saw the two ponies entering the castle, he watched them should they come to close to where his family hid, he'd show them, but if not, he'd not draw attention to himself, or more importantly, his family.

"Rock, what are we looking for exactly?" Salon asked eyeing the castle interior worriedly.

"Anything with something that could ruin the image of the Princess'! A photo, book, letters, ANYTHING!" He hissed.

And so, they did, they found nothing in the Library, Celestia's room, the archives, art room, and then when they spilt up, He decided to Follow the mare not knowing if her weakness was feigned.

But, Rock strayed from the path he had been taking, and moved closer and closer to Star's Nursey, where she slept alone, and unprotected.


After he looked around the room, he took notice to the filly. "Well, well, well, did our naughty Princess have another brat?" He chuckled silently to himself.

"Step away from the crib!" Nightmare ordered making him spin around to face her.

"N-n-n-nightmare M-m-moon?!" He gasped backing up.

Her eye twitched, she wanted to pummel him to dust but something about him told her not to.
After he regained his composure he said. "You're just what I've been looking for!"

"Sorry I'm taken." She deadpanned.

"No, I don't want you! I want your help in defeating the princesses!" He smiled wickedly. "Ok, and what's in it for me? Hmm?" She prompted.

"I'll let you rule Equestria! But that is if you can help me first..." He chuckled rubbing his hooves together like a madman, er mad-mare... no... you know what I don't know he rubbed his hooves together like a Mane-iac. NO! ARGH! Like some crazy person!