Cozy Glow's attempted attack on Equestria

by Robert Emerald Fountain

Cozy Glow goes to Court

Cozy passed out while they were on the plane. She woke up the next morning, shackled in a chair, in the Royal Courtroom.

"This court session is now in order!", Celestia yelled as she slammed the gavel. "Cozy Glow, you are charged with multiple crimes. They are as follows: Siphoning magic from Equestria, Assault on a Government Official, specifically Chancellor Neighsay of the Equestrian Education Association, Teaming up with a dangerous individual, Lord Tirek to be exact, Capture of Starlight Glimmer, Counselor of Twilight's School of Friendship, and attempting to overthrow the highest leaders of Equestria, which is Me, and my sister, Luna." "How do you plead?"

"Your Majesty, I have no choice but to plead guilty.", Cozy said, shaking.

"You are correct, Young Lady, considering the fact that you locked me in chains.", Neighsay said.

"Not only that, but you trapped me in that orb of magic.", Starlight spat.

"You also tried to appoint yourself as an Empress of Friendship, according to what we heard.", Brandon hissed.

Cozy was forced to confess everything. From being pen-pals with Tirek, to attempting to overthrow Luna and Celestia. She wanted to remain silent, in order to avoid punishment. However, Link had hooked her shackles to a high-voltage power source. He forced her words out, by using "Electroshock Therapy". After an hour and a half of constant argument and debate, Cozy was escorted outside by Colin. While they waited outside the room, everyone decided on the final verdict.