The Dawn of Shawn

by Thunder7669

Chapter 5: Under A Spell (Adagio Dazzle)

My name is Adagio Dazzle. I am known to be cruel to others but also protective and understanding. Despite that, I have issues with my sisters, especially Sonata considering she is the leader of the enemy group. Aria listens but does what she wants.

Today, something strange happened and my sisters were apart of it. I was cleaning around the house until they left to go to the mall. After they left, I called Vignette and Trixie and told them to come meet me at the house so we could hang out. A little while later, I finished cleaning downstairs and in they came.

"Hi, Trixie and Vignette." I said as they came in.

"Hi, Adagio. Why did you want to hang out?" Trixie asked.

"I just wanted to get our minds off of The Dark Sisterhood."

"That's a great idea, Adagio." Vignette said.

"I'm glad you think so. I'll be upstairs in a few moments. I just gotta make us some snacks." Adagio said.

"Okay. C'mon, Trixie. Let's go upstairs." They then went upstairs to my room while I was making snacks. After finishing making snacks, I heard screaming and rushed upstairs.


Today, Sonata and Aria were going to the mall...again. I wanted to come but they said no. As they left, I decided that I wanted to meet Adagio personally so I hid behind her pillow. What I didn't know was that she invited friends over. As they came in and sat on the bed, I went down to under her bed as they were talking.

After a while, Vignette drop her phone by accident and it landed next to me. When she leaned down to get it, she screamed and Adagio came busting through the door with her snacks. I then ran back under the bed in a hidden spot.

"What happened?" Adagio asked.

"There was a bug next to my phone and it ran back under your bed." Vignette explained.

"I'll handle it later. Besides, I brought a movie, chips, cookies, and the guacamole up with me." Adagio then put the movie in and sat down while putting the chips and dip on a table. I then climbed up the table and dived into the guacamole feet first because it was my favorite chip dip. I soon realized this was a mistake as I was unable to move.

"This couldn't get any worse, right?" I asked myself as Adagio scooped me out with her chip unaware of my presence. As she brought the chip to her mouth, she opened wide and showed me her mouth interior. Not wanting to go into the dark abyss of her throat, I freed myself and jumped down to her arm. She must've felt me because after I landed on her arm, she screamed and wiped me off.


I felt something on my arm as I ate my chips and I thought it was just dip. After I looked down at my arm, I thought it was a bug and screamed as I wiped it off my arm. It then ran away but Trixie and Vignette weren't going to let it get away. "Make sure it doesn't get away!" Trixie yelled as it ran from her foot. The bug then ran underneath my dresser which was a tight space for even a hairbrush. We then crowded my dresser and brainstormed.

"Okay, we need to get it out from under my dresser. Any ideas?" I said.

"I'm not sure but I do want to teach it a lesson. Maybe then it will think twice before crawling up a lady again." Vignette said. After she said that, I heard faint crying coming from under my dresser. I then looked underneath and saw it was actually a little boy who was covering his face.

"Girls, It isn't a bug down there. It's a boy who is extremely frightened by us. I just looked down and saw that he was crying while hiding his face from me. I feel really bad for the poor little thing." I said as I grabbed the last cookie and knelt down.

"Hey, it's okay. We won't hurt you." I said as I slid the cookie to him and he took a nibble. This calmed him down a bit but he was still crying and rubbing his eyes.

"Do you want some more?" He then nodded. "Okay, but I need you to come out and then I'll bake you some more cookies." He then slowly walked out with tears in his eyes. I then picked him up and showed him to the girls. They then awwed at him as Trixie gently picked him up. She then held him in her arms as if he were a baby.

"Shh, don't be scared. What's your name?" Trixie asked.

"S-Shawn." He answered.

"Well, Shawn, what are you doing here? Didn't your mother every warn you about wandering into a girls room?" Vignette said. Trixie then turned her attention to Vignette.

"Can you try to be a little bit nicer to him? He is just a little boy. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't do something like this on purpose." Trixie said. Shawn then frowned as Trixie said this.

"I'm not so sure about that." Vignette said while looking at Shawn with a mean smirk.

"Shawn, why did you come in here?" Trixie asked.

"I wanted to meet Adagio personally." Shawn answered. I then got closer to him and said, "Hi, Shawn."

"Hi, Auntie Dazzle. I really wish you, Auntie Blaze, and mom got along better." He said. I was surprised at what he called me but then it hit me. He said his mother was Sonata Dusk.

"Me too, Shawn." I said as I walked out. "Keep a close eye on him for me. I'm going to get more snacks."

"Okay." Trixie said.


As Adagio walked out, I looked up and yawned at Trixie who was smiling at me. "Are you sleepy Shawn?" She asked me. I then nodded. She then sat down, layed me gently on her skirt, and covered me with a paper towel. "Goodnight, Shawn." She said with a smile. I then fell fast asleep.