Her Long Life

by locke_jaw

Apple Slices

“Good, you’re up.”

“Hmm...oh. Shouldn’t you be somewhere else right now? Like dealing with important friendship matters in Baltimare, maybe?”

“Nothing’s more important than your well-being right now.”

“That line is so suspiciously cheesy, as if it’s taken straight from a novel.”

“I-it’s not.”

“And now you’re blushing.”

“Shut up. How are you feeling?”

“Forehead’s still warm. I think it’s going over thirty-eight, thirty-nine...I dunno, forty maybe?”

“Nothing a pitcher of water can’t fix. I also brought some apples for you. They’re freshly picked from the Apple Orchard. Applebloom’s grandchildren helped with the picking, I mean bucking. Those kids are getting stronger everyday. Their grandaunt would be proud.”

“And they chose the best ones too.”

“How do you like them sliced?”

“The usual.”

“You really like my apple swans.”

“Yeah, I really like your apple swans.”

“I’ll go get a knife.”

“Wait. Don’t do it in the kitchen. I wanna see you carve it. It’s fun watching you carve it.”

“But I still have to get the knife.”

“Oh yeah. You do that...geez, you could make some great cider with these apples. Such a waste.”

“What’s a waste?”

“The way how these apples are going down my throat, instead of being made into fine cider.”

“I’m pretty sure they still have a lot to spare.”

“That too. And by the way, how’d you get here so fast? Don’t tell me Pinkie swiftly hopped herself away to Baltimare just to tell you...this.”

“Surprisingly, she did.”

“What? Nooo. You’ve got to be kidding me. There’s no wa-wait, you’re giggling. This is a joke. You’re messing with me, aren’t you?”

“Obviously, silly!”

“Real funny. Although it wouldn’t be impossible for her to do such ridiculous feat. Considering the fact that she’s still hyperactive despite her age.”

“That silly mare. Still a mystery after all these years.”

“But how’d she get to relay the message that fast, though?”

“The explanation for that is rather simple, considering it’s within the realm of Pinkie Pie logic of course. Spike just happened to pass by and she had him send it to me via Dragon fire.”

“So you’re telling me that Spike was in town and he didn’t even make the effort to visit this sad old sack? Or...maybe Pinkie also told him that I’m terribly sick, which also translates to ‘I’m not in the perfect condition to entertain guests at the moment.’ Okay, point countered.”

“Following what I said earlier, when I said ‘passed by,’ I meant he was flying over Ponyville when Pinkie met him.”

“Then how the heck did she...hang on, I think I know what’s gonna happen next.”

“Yep. She bounced so high she touched the sky and landed on Spike as he flew by.”

“Now that’s a nice rhyme. And not bad for a mare in her golden years either.”

“I’m done. Want me to feed it to you?”

“I’ll eat it later. I just want to look at it first.”

“At least eat it before it loses its freshness.”

“Uhuh. Oh, guess what came in the mail today.”

“I saw the letter. Junior’s coming home right?”

“Uhuh. And they’re bringing their daughter too.”

“I know! They want to celebrate her first birthday here. Isn’t that great?”

“It is. I think they’re arriving on Saturday or something.”

“Actually, due to the holiday on Monday, they’re planning to leave on a Friday night so that they’ll arrive early here in order to enjoy the long weekend.”

“What day is it again today? Thursday?”

“Thursday, yes.”

“I better heal up quickly then. There are a lot of things to do now that we got guests coming over.”

“Okay, calm down there mister. Whoops, don’t get up yet. You just had the fever today, remember?”

“I’m just, excited.”

“I know. Just don’t get yourself too worked up. You know you’re n-”

“Not the way I’m used to be. Yes, yes. I do know that. Your perpetually youthful face reminds me about that all the time. I just miss being young, that’s all.”

“You wanna go down that talk again?”

“No. Not this early, at least. Plus, I’m very sick to argue with you right now.”

“Which is all the more reason to use that spell on you.”

“Please, not now.”

“We’ll continue this later.”

“Yes, yes. But only for today and maybe Friday. Not on Saturday to Monday, as we’re probably gonna be so busy entertaining our guests to even think about that. Oh Goddesses, what am I saying? It’s like I’m babbling comprehensive gibberish.”

“Talking nonsense, a clear sign of hunger. Here, eat this.”

“Don’t worry about it. I can...feed myself. I said I can feed myself. I’m not a baby anymore, mom. Oh come on. Start from the wings, not on the head. Now the sculpture’s ruined.”

“I can make you another one if you like.”

“Nah, don’t bother. Why are you still here? You’re wasting precious time by taking care of me. You should be out there, fulfilling your duties. I got this, go.”

“Not until you fall asleep or at least finish your meal.”

“You know this is not a group activity right? And they must really need you in Baltimore right now.”

“I’m still not seeing an apple core here. And to take away your worries for a bit, we’re currently on a thirty minute break. And I still have twenty-four minutes and eleven seconds to make sure you’re full and snoring. Now eat up so you can have your naptime, okay?”

“You’re getting increasingly condescending, you know that?”

“Eat this one, it’s taken from the wing.”

“Your actions are literally proving my point.”

“Here, have a glass of water. It’ll lower the fever in no time.”

“This is getting annoying.”

“What is?”


“Oh come on, it’s not that annoying.”

“Of course it’s not. I’m just exaggerating your actions as a way to take a jab back at you.”

“So did it work?”

“You tell me, did it work?”


“It’s a no then, just like always.”

“I really love how routine this is.”

“Yes. If only we can do this forever.”

“Well...we can, actually.”

“I’m not touching that right now.”

“Okay then, touch this apple slice instead.”