//------------------------------// // Chapter 8 Royal trip // Story: The metal HAWKEN // by NinjaTurtle //------------------------------// Chapter 8 Royal trip The dream with Princess Luna was fun. I played around then we started to talk. Mostly insignificant things like who the ginger one was and how did I get here. The answer to the first question was he was my half brother by blood of different fathers. The second answer was basically a perfectly timed sequence of unfortunate events. Having pleased her mind for valuable info, I continued to play in my dream as she watched. At one point, I showed her a scene of a film I loved. The theme was robot boxing, where a father and son find a robot and get so close to the top, that they became the people's champion. I showed her the last fight and my own imaginary bot. She was interested but time was up before she could try it. Waking up from such a good dream like this was bad. Being woken up by knocking was worse. Looking at the clock, I saw that it was only 5:00 in the morning, which really made things as bad as possible. “Connor, get up! You have a letter from the Princess! Wake up and read it! “ called the annoyance. “I will in an hour. It is to God damn early for this. The Princess can wait one hour. “ I called back. The banging continued. Letting out the humans wake up growl, I finally had enough. “Grrr… fine...I'm up. You better have breakfast or else. “. Having made my demands and hearing a small gulp, I got up and out of the mech. “Morning rider, would you like to be lowered? “ DB asked. “Yeah. Bring me down. I apparently have mail. “. The cold metal hand gripped me and I was lifted into the air. The ground slowly grew as I got closer to the floor. Once I was touching ground, the hand let go and DB stood up. “Alright, I'm up. Now where is this letter and where is my breakfast? Cause if I don't get any with in the next…five minutes, you may have a demonstration on how humans hunt for meat. “ I said as a letter was handed to me before a purple flash. Dear Connor Irons and DB, I have sent this as an invitation to come to canterlot. Me and my sister, Princess Luna, would like you to come to the royal palace. Here, we can talk more in-depth about important matters involving you. A train will come to pick you up. It will also have a flatbed cart for your partner. When you arrive, there will be guards prepared to guide you to the castle. Here, you can demonstrate your equipment and tools. We have accommodations for you so you may stay over night and food to satisfy your diet. While you are here, representatives of the other kingdoms will be there and you will have to attend one of the meetings. This is so they know about you. We shall see each other shortly. Princess Celestia. Great…diplomats. The food and bed better be worth it. I rolled the message backup and stuck it in one of the pouches on my armour. Not long later, the purple flash appeared again with a few sandwiches in hoof. I picked one up. Before I could bite it, I saw a flower sticking out of it. Opening the sandwich, I saw many little daisy's in the food. I put it back with a wary look and picked up a cheese sandwich. “So, what did the Princess say? “ Twilight sparkle asked, using her magic to hover the rejected daisy sandwich to eat. “Diplomats, canterlot, good food, a bed, free transportation. You know, the usual buttering someone up to get you to like them more. Basically, I have a meeting with the Princess. “ I said as if it was no big deal. “Really. I'll go tell my friends. I'll be back. “ said Twilight. “Don't bother with Rarity, I have to go there anyway for some clothes. “ I said. I walked off as DB went to the train station to wait. As I reached the boutique, I opened the door. This rang a little bell that notified my arrival. “I shall be there in a minute, darling. “ Rarity called out. The sound of hoof steps came down the stairs. As she reached the bottom, I waved. “Hey. I came here because you are apparently the best seamstress in town. I need a suit and casual wear. Nothing too fancy. Just something simple and stylish for the suit and even more simple and practical for the casual. Humans like simple designs so they can see all the details without being distracted. For the casuals, joggers or slightly baggy jeans with a plain black, white or a shade of green T-shirt will do. I also need it today, if possible. “ I explained. She processed the information and pulled out a tape measure. “This certainly sounds like a challenge. Could you just stand here so I can measure you. “. She got to work measuring. After five minutes, she was done and had gone to work on the clothes themselves. It was another hour before she appeared with two sets of casuals and a suit set. “Thanks. How much is this? “ I asked, pulling out a few coins. “Oh, nothing darling. The challenge and pride of such clothes was the payment. I am the first pony to make clothes for an alien after all. “ said Rarity. “Thanks, in that case…” I left a few bits on the counter and turned, “...and I shall see you when I get back from my visit. “. I left before she could hand the money back, meaning she would have to keep it. I walked over to the train station with my new cloths under my arm. DB was moving over to the flatbed of the train that must have arrived while I was in the shop. On the platform waiting for me were two guards. One was a earth pony stallion and one was a pegasus mare. “Hey, you must be the guards that will be guiding us. Wait... aren't you the two that chased me when i ran? “ I said as I saw the familiar colour scheme. “Yes, I am blocked heart. And this here is…” he stopped as the other guard continued the sentence. “...Blade wing. We are here to make sure you don't cause trouble on the train. “. We boarded the train. I put the clothes on the seat next to me while the guards sat opposite me. --------------------- Half an hour later --------------------- After a while in silence on the train, I spoke up. “So, why are you two royal guards? “. The first to respond was the one called blocked heart. “I became a royal guard as a family tradition. Every first sibling grows up to be a royal guard in someway, shape or form. My dad is a commanding officer in Baltimare. I also like helping defend those who can't defend themselves. “ he said, now sitting up straight. “I joined because it was the only job I could qualify for. I couldn't get a proper education. I also had a track record for escaping the law. It was either jail or job. “ she said. “Believe it or not, but I am a soldier myself, even though I am under age. The story how is long and complicated, so here's a super simplified telling. After an incredible feat of bravery and skill, I was give the job. I was to do, eat and sleep in the same conditions as everyone else with no exceptions. I even got the rights to wield and use weapons early as well, which is cool. “ I said. “How old are you? You look young but that could just be how your species is. “ Blade wing asked with curiosity. “I'm 15. Birthdays on the 30th of May. Technically, I don't legally class as an adult yet. “ I stated. “And what about the machine? How old is it? “ Blocked asked. “I don't know his day of creation but he is around...10 months old. He has spent 7 of them in action though. Also, IT is a HE. “ I said. “So he has a gender? I thought he was a machine. “ was the next question. “DB is a machine and doesn't have a gender but the voice of his AI sounds male. He also doesn't mind and often identifies as a male. “ I answered. “So, what weapons do you have? “. “I have a standard issue sword and a magically enhanced bow. ” said Blade. “I have a sword and shield. Both are standard issue ones. What weapons do you have? “ questioned Blocked. “I have two weapons. One is a modified minigun with three rotating barrels. It was made so people can carry it, although it's a bit heavy. Every rotation is three small projectiles fired. It spins ten times a second. That's 30 bullets a second, or 1800 bullets a minute. My other weapon is a handgun. It is a single shot gun that is small and versatile with a firing speed of four a second. “ I explained. They looked at me with parts disbelief and parts amazement. The train started to jerk as it started to slow down. As the train stopped, I got up, picked up my stuff and then walked towards the door. As the door was opened, I stepped out. The station was packed with ponies. In the crowd, I saw more gold armour wearing ponies. I, the guards and DB walked over to the guards. As they looked at us, their eyes hovered to the biggest in the group. They looked at the rest of us quickly, not wanting to look at the towering mech in his single blue monitor light. They said nothing and walked off with us close behind. Blocked heart and Blade wing had the sides with DB at the back. The civilians kept giving curious, frightened or amazed looks at the huge machine. The children were in awe as the giant robot walked pass while the parents were concerned at the unknown thing. These were similar reactions from home. Children loved to dream of riding these symbols of hope and power. The adults were worried as the appearance of the weapons meant a battle. Up ahead was a castle that should have been in a builders worse nightmare. It was hanging of the side of a mountain with so little support, it was concerning. But aside from the weird place of construction, it was relatively beautiful. The marble stone was polished and the yellow and gold highlights gave it the royal appearance. As we advanced to the entrance, the number of faces dropped but the intensity of their disgust increased. They were probably the snobby lot of the ponies. We got closer to the door to the castle which was huge. The door opened and the snobbiest pony we ever met passed through it. He had a white coat and a blonde mane. He was tall and big but not so much as Big Mac. He was wearing a suit collar thing. “Guards! What is this foul creature doing here?! Remove it at once! “ He ordered. This was already a lovely start. “If you do, you will be disobeying the Princesses. Don't believe me, I have their letter right here. “. The guards did not move. “How dare you answer back. If these pathetic guards won't remove you, looks like I shall do it myself. “ he said. As he advanced, he stole a guards sword in his magical grip. The guards moved away from the little confrontation. “You can try. “ I said as his sword was swung at me. I stepped back, avoiding the lazy attack. Once it had passed where I was, I sprang forward and gave a decent right cross. This was followed by a left push kick, a jab, cross, jab combo, and a back leg roundhouse kick. The snob was sent back, got up and charged me. I side stepped and side kicked him. The pony skidded on the floor away from me with a black eye, and a few bruised areas. He didn't get up but he was definitely alive, if the groans of pain were correct. I turned to see the guards struggling to hold a straight face. This was either because they found it funny, or they found my handy work impressive. I turned back to the door to see the Princesses heading towards us, unaware of the beating that had just happened. As they approached us, I waved. The guards got back into place and they bowed. “Greetings Connor Irons and DB. I trust your journey was pleasant. “ Celestia said. I and a guard tried to hold a giggle. “Yes, it was. I've already demonstrated some simple human martials arts as well. “ I said. As we went into the castle, the guards left outside the door broke out in hysterics once they thought we were out of ear shot. Wonder what about. It must be the asshole I fought. If i were made to take orders from him, I would do the same. End of chapter 8