Cozy Glow's attempted attack on Equestria

by Robert Emerald Fountain

Things get SERIOUS

A pegasus ran to Neighsay with a look of panic on her face.

"I heard the sound of glass breaking. Looking outside, I saw an aircraft of some sort next to where those Non-Pony students were. I looked closer with binoculars, and noticed them climbing out the window, into a basket. That was then raised up, and the aircraft flew away. However, the vehicle looked like it came from a place other than here. I think that whoever was flying that thing, may have been trying to rescue the students."

"Attention please, this is a critical emergency. The Non-Pony students have been rescued by someone. I do not know who, but I am afraid that they might try to attack the school. Also, I had personally spotted a second craft. This one was smaller than the one that rescued the students. I saw two individuals jump off and come down on parachutes. We are now in a lock-down. If you spot the students or these individuals, restrain them. The students are not allowed here anymore, and the other foreigners are NOT welcome in Equestria.", Neighsay instructed over the PA.


The next dawn, Brandon and Link gathered the Young Six together and discussed their plan of attack when Neighsay was giving his announcement to the school. They were given amulets that would shield them from Neighsay's power, in case he tried to chain them again. The six of them hid by using a camouflage feature in their amulets. It was designed to drop, 5 seconds after they yelled "NEVER", in unison.


At 8:00, all of the students gathered for the morning assembly. Neighsay strode to the podium with a firm, stern look of concentration on his face. He was NOT smiling.

"I am sure you are concerned about the situation with the magic.", he started.

The students nodded at him, indicating that they were concerned indeed.

"However, I assure you that this institution is safe, despite the absence of your headmare. As your new headstallion, let me be the first to say that the reign of Princess Twilight is OVER!!!!", he shouted as he stomped his hoof on the crystal floor. "FROM NOW ON, THIS SCHOOL IS ADHERING TO EEA DOCTRINE", he hissed strictly, "AS IT SHOULD..."

"NEVER!!", the Young Six angrily screamed.

Neighsay whirled around to see the students appearing from their invisibility.

"How did you escape? That shouldn't have been possible.", he demanded.

"I told you that we knew a secret way to get out.", Ocellus said.

All six of them were staring at him with rage on their faces. He tried to chain them again, but the chains ricocheted off of something. He was confused, until the shield became visible for a moment.