//------------------------------// // The Christians arrive // Story: Cozy Glow's attempted attack on Equestria // by Robert Emerald Fountain //------------------------------// Cozy returned to Neighsay, to discuss what was going on. "Stop getting rid of Twilight's lesson sheets, Chancellor.", she insisted. "You don't understand. This school needs someone who will PROTECT EQUESTRIA AT ITS BORDERS, RATHER THAN GALLIVANTING OFF ON ADVENTURES BEYOND THEM!!", he shouted back, as he smacked Twilight's desk again. "I already told you that Celestia sent them. They did not go on their own, and she left me in charge.", Cozy argued. "If I was inspecting the school tonight for EEA approval, Twilight would have the longest list of "Red-X" marks that any of my comrades would ever see. Leaving a child in charge would be one of the problems. I plan to run this school, according to strict EEA guidelines, as she ..." Neighsay was cut off, when alarm sirens began to SCREEEEAAAAAM!! They both gritted their teeth, closed their eyes, and covered their ears. Neighsay thought that Equestria was coming under attack, but he couldn't have been more wrong. The Christians had set up an early warning system that would go off when they were coming. Nevertheless, it was EXTREMELY LOUD!!