//------------------------------// // Chapter 2 // Story: Force of Wills: A Duel of Fates Story // by Shadowsnake89 //------------------------------// The custom transport ship blazed a trail through the sky as it ferried the Jedi to there destination. “So, Jedi huh?” Vapor asked the two. “Interesting work you do, I gotta say. Me? I've just always loved flying. Sky, here is a born flier himself.” Sky Stinger turned to them briefly. “Most of my family has served over the years and I guess it was my turn this time. Got an older sister in the army and my little brother is in the training corps. Vapor here showed how good she was as a fighter pilot and Queen Flare made her the pilot for the royal transport. Me, I was her wing-man so she talked her into getting me in as well.” He pointed down to a grassy plain that was just off a jungle. “Here we are.” The transport descended and finally touched down. The two Jedi disembarked from the craft and grabbed their packs. “Thank you,” Tempest said as they bowed. “We'll contact you once our business is finished.” Vapor and Sky saluted them. “Good luck. And be careful. Tribals will eat you alive if you aren't careful.” The drop ship lifted off and headed back in the direction of the capital city. “Come on. We don't want to be out here after dark and we've got a long walk ahead of us.” Tempest led the way as Rose followed closely behind. “Just remember, these tribals have there own culture and customs, so we need to use a bit of tact.” “Don't worry, master. I'm well versed in tribal life.” Rose responded as she walked alongside her. “Really?” Rose chuckled as they moved through the thick brush. “I grew up on Tatooine. My family, my original one anyway, were moisture farmers out on the edge of the Jundland wastes. I was four I think when our farm was attacked by Tuskens. I don't remember all that much. Just that they scooped me up and took me far, far away from anything I ever knew. Thought they'd eat me like all the stories said.” She paused for a moment as she ducked under a branch. “Thing is, they didn't. They fed me, covered me up and raised me like I was one of their own. They taught me their ways, how to forage, hunt, fight once I was old enough.” “I-I wasn't aware of that.” Tempest commented with a bit of shock. “What brought you to the Jedi?” A frown ran across her face as she walked on. “Master Starswirl. We'd raided settlements and caravans off the wastes for years. Suppose the settlers and officials finally had enough of us. The old man came to our village to...put an end to things. He didn't understand our ways. He ripped the language from our mouths and demanded our way of life to stop just because he said so. Our chieftain was furious and ordered his death. For that, he slaughtered us.” At that the master Jedi froze. “That doesn't sound like Master Starswirl. Are you certain?” “Oh I know what I saw. He didn't stop until all of our warriors were dead, my adopted father along with them. Many others fled into the wastes but I stayed. A little girl stayed and challenged a Jedi master. I attempted to kill him but he easily disarmed me. The only thing that saved me was my force sensitivity. He detected my potential and after he'd detained me he offered me the opportunity to be trained and join the Order.” “After all that, I can't imagine you'd join so easily.” “Oh I joined right away if, for no other reason, for power. I wanted revenge but I knew I'd never be able to match his power without the strength he possessed. So I accepted with the prospect that one day I would grow strong enough to kill him. And then, one day, he vanished without a trace on some backwater Outer Rim world. I felt cheated. Cheated of my mission and justice for the family he'd massacred. I was angry for a long time after that until....” She stopped as Tempest, who had been walking slightly ahead of her, placed a hand on her chest. “Don't even breath.” The two froze where they stood as several men and women, all with pale white skin, emerged from the vegetation around them wielding spears, axes and blades. Some wore loin clothes and bands on their arms and legs while others wore clothing that would be see as acceptable to the galactic community. Despite the differences they all sported the same black stripes on the exposed parts of their bodies. They began shouting at the two in a language that Rose could not comprehend. She was more than a little shocked as Tempest began to use the same tongue to communicate with them. Soon the tribal group lowered their weapons and one stepped forward as if to take a closer look at Tempest before he began to laugh and hugged her. He then gestured for them to follow the group. Tempest turned to Rose with a smile and took the stunned girl by the hand as she guided her along. “Don't worry. We're safe.” “How did you do that?” Rose questioned. “That's my cousin, Zed.” The two walked along with the tribesmen and eventually arrived at a sprawling village surrounded by a wall formed from spiked poles. “Welcome to my old home.” They made their way into the camp as the new arrivals drew the attention of the locals. Soon, the two had been taken a single decorated hut built into one of the walls. Their guide led them inside and after seating the two down on a set of mats in a small inner room with a fire in the center, excused himself. They waited as they patiently knelt down on the mats. “Welcome.” A voice came from the doorway. The two turned slightly as an old woman with golden skin came in, her fading orange hair tied back. She was dressed in tribal garb like some of the others in the camp and held a cane in her left hand. Slowly she positioned herself on the other side of the fire and sat down. As the light illuminated her face to the Jedi, she bore a bright smile. “It's been too long, Fizzy.” Tempest strained her eyes in order to get a better look at the woman before she spoke up. “Zecka? Is that you?” “In the flesh, Fizzy.” Hearing the name again caused the Jedi master to blush slightly as Rose chuckled. “It's-It's Tempest Shadow now.” She cleared her throat as she regained her composure. “Anyway, good to see you. It's been too long. I had no idea you'd become the village shaman.” “There were some objections to my taking the position but for the most part the other villagers seem happy with how I'm managing. And who might this be?” Rose lightly bowed her head in respect. “Padawan Roseluck. Pleasure to meet you.” “So what brings you back here? I thought when you left to train that that would be the end of things.” Tempest ends her relaxed composure and looks at the shaman. “The conflict on the planet, I'm afraid. Pharaoh Hisan has sent us to negotiate a peace.” “We agreed to pledge to not rise up against him or side with the rebels.” Zecka said as she stood up. “Yes, but so have the Changeling clan and you continue to attack their settlements.” Tempest responded. “Tempest, you know the situation, the history between our people. Even if the days of all out war are over, the scars from those times still remain.” “I understand, Zecka. You need to understand that these Changelings are different. They are peaceful. By attacking them you risk sending a ripple through to the other clans that could result in chaos, chaos that could be used to destroy all of you.” Zecka turned away from her for a moment and leaned against a table against the wall. “It's not that simple, Fizzy, you know this. Te elders of the village must all be in agreement for these types of decisions and the others side with the battle master.” “Right. Perhaps I can persuade them.” “That may prove to be problematic, I fear.” She paused for a moment and let out a sigh before answering. “Zwide is the new battle master.” Tempest responded with a light smile and raised eyebrow. “Little Zwide?” “Not so little anymore. While you were away, he's proved himself time and again a capable warrior. He is an idol to many of the younger ones in the village. They follow him without question. You know his history. You know he hates the Changeling clan with a passion.” “I know. I assume he is in the clan lodge at this time.” Zecka gave a confirming nod as Tempest nodded and slowly got up to leave. She gestured for Rose to exit first as she followed behind, stopping briefly as she looked over her shoulder at the older woman. “I have to say, you surprise me. I thought that, given your past with them...” The Jedi master was cut short as Zecka responded. “Even the hottest of tempers can cool given time. I've learned that lesson all too well. Others, they fan the flames to keep them hot. Unfortunately, Zwide is one of those.” Tempest left as the woman resumed her spot next to the fire. Rose was quiet as the two approached an elongated wood structure in the camp. Tempest entered first as they were greeted by many eyes of the clan members present. Rose shrunk back a bit as the intense stares from the clan's many warriors intimidated her. Tempest quietly motioned for her to stay close as they approached the center of the room and she spotted the person she'd come for. “Zwide.” A man around her age stood up. His skin was decorated with the iconic stripes and mohawk hairstyle of the clan but his skin was a brilliant gold collar. He wore a pair of goggles that rested on his forehead. He turned to her and squinted for a moment as his brain was seemingly trying to solve the mystery of this newcomer. Finally he smiled at her and stood up. Fizzle? Fizzlepop Berrytwist?!” Rose chuckled hearing the real, full name of her new master. “Sorry, master.” Zwide rose from his position and approached the two, hugging Tempest briefly before stepping back with a smile. “Almost didn't recognize you.” “You either,” Tempest noted. “You've really grown since the last time I saw you.” “And who might this lovely young lady be?” He looked to the red haired girl standing beside her. “This is my apprentice, Roseluck.” Rose nodded her head lightly as her master introduced her. Zwide patted Tempest on the shoulder. "What brings you back here, sister?" Tempest cleared her throat before speaking. "It's about your attacks on the Changeling clan. We've been sent on behalf of Pharoah Hisan to ensure they come to a halt." This immediately put a frown on Zwide's face as he chuckled a bit. "So Hisan asks for our help and now he thinks he can tell us how to handle our business? No. The Changelings need to be wiped out for what they've done to us." "To us or to you?" Tempest countered. "Don't let the past dictate what you do now." “Careful, Tempest. You don't want to go down this path.” Zwide and Tempest traded intense stares for what seemed a long time. Tempest, never taking her gaze off Zwide, gave a small gesture to Rose. “Wait outside for me.” Rose, seeing the tense situation, quickly excused herself. Stepping outside she waited for her master to exit as well. While waiting, she began to draw attention from many of the locals who seemed none too pleased with her presence. The padawan took note of the signals and shuffled off only to bump into Zecka. “Pardon me.” “No worries, young one. I take it...” The older woman gestured to the meeting hall. “Yes ma'am.” Rose's response was met with a sigh from Zecka as the two walked through the camp. “I fear this will not end well. Zwide is...difficult at the best of times. I suppose I am mostly to blame.” Rose looked at her, puzzled. “I don't understand.” “What's that charming old saying? The devil is in the details. You must have noticed that Zwide and I don't exactly match the herd around here. He's my son. I wasn't always here with the tribe. I was once a scavenger, roaming world to world in search of a good haul. Then I crash landed on this planet. They nursed me back to health and soon I found myself staying, taking on a new name and a new purpose.” “I can relate to that.” Rose spoke before letting the elder continue. “Yes. After that I settled down with a warrior of the tribe, Zwide's father. The tribe was fighting a war against the Changeling clans. Zwide was only a boy when his father fell in battle and I...I was bitter. I had lost the only man that I had truly loved. In my anger, I made him swear to me that he would never make peace with them, that he would never rest until he had wiped them off the face of this world. To my everlasting shame, he did.” “But you said earlier that you are against further war. What changed your mind about the Changelings?” “One day after the warriors had a successful raid of a Changeling village, they returned with...trophies. One look and...at that moment everything hit me at once. I trained him, raised him up with the sole goal of eradicating an entire people, making them less than people and now what I've created threatens everything. He won't listen to me and the tribe has been swept up in my vengeance. I only hope that your master can speak reason with him. They have always had a close bond.” As the two walk, they see Tempest emerging from the meeting hall with a stern look on her face. “Master?” Rose and Zecka approach cautiously. “Did it...go well?” Tempest merely let out a sigh before she spoke. “Zecka, forgive me. I wasn't able to convince him, but what is happening here, what's at stake...I could only see one other course of action.” Zecka, seemingly fully aware of what Tempest was getting at and with a stoic expression on her face, gave a light nod. “I will address the other elders and prepare. Padawan Rose.” She gave another nod to the young jedi before setting off. Rose watched as Tempest turned herself and began to head to another part of the encampment and followed. “Master, what is going on? Tell me something.” “I am afraid that when words are not enough we find ourselves having to resort to more...definitive measures. As a tribe member, even if I have been gone for some time, I am well in my right to challenge Zwides authority through combat. If I am victorious, then the raids will cease.” “And if you lose?” “I will be banished from the tribe if I'm lucky.” “If you're lucky?” Rose paused as she realized what was at stake. “Master, you can't! Master!” She called to Tempest who refused to slow her pace as she went to prepare. “Master Tempest, there has to be a better solution than this.” “Believe me Rose,” Tempest spoke from behind a curtain in one of the huts. “I would not be doing this if I hadn't exhausted all other options. Zwide will not be reasoned with and he could ruin everything.” “But do you have to do this? You are putting your life on the line.” “I would have thought someone of your character wouldn't shy away from a fight.” Tempest emerged, barefoot wearing tribal garb consisting of a pair of black shorts and top as well as gold bands on her wrists and ankles. In addition, she was now sporting the same black stripe markings adorning all the Zebra tribesmen, albeit hers were painted on. “It's not that. It's....” Rose was unsure of how to word what she was thinking and paused as her master put a hand on her shoulder. “You don't need to worry. I know what I'm getting myself into and I'd never do anything to leave you alone. I need to finish my preparations. I'll meet you in the center of the camp.” Tempest watched as a still concerned Rose exited the tent before she turned and knelt in front of a small fire in the hut and began to chant quietly. Sometime later, the entire camp had gathered in the village center where a circular ring had been carved in the dirt. In front of the large gathering, Zecka and the other elders stood as she stepped toward the two contestants. “You two know the rules of the challenge. Zwide, the challenge was issued to you. As such you are allowed to choose the terms of combat.” Zwide had a cold expression on his face as he stared at Tempest. “I will fight her with all her arsenal. Her Jedi weapon and abilities. I will win this battle with the power of my clan.” “So be it.” Zecka turned to address the crowd. “The rules have been set. Let the contest begin!” She joins the other elders as well as Rose, who waits nervously by her side as Tempest and Zwide stand opposite each other. A few moments later a bell sounds as the two opponents begin to circle each other, Zwide brandishing a steel short spear and shield and Tempest with her lightsaber. “Forgive me, but I'm not familiar with your rules of single combat.” Rose addressed Zecka who was intently watching the duel. “The rules are fairly simple: The first to force their opponent out of the circle, force them to submit or...kill them wins the duel.” She notices the nervousness of the red haired girl next to her. “These duels rarely end in the third, though I'm afraid, given the stakes, these two will fight to that degree.” This did nothing to settle the padawan as she was even more fearful of the prospect of losing yet another master. Tempest kept a high guard as the two continued motioning around each other. Zwide occasionally clanged his spear and shield together in an attempt to break her focus. He suddenly lunged forward with his shield first as Tempest leaped to his left side and swung downward only for her opponent to sidestep her as well and promptly slashed at her stomach with his spear. She stepped back and slashed at his shield only for her lightsaber to somehow bounce off it as he forced her back. “Not this time.” “What?” Rose was shocked at what she'd just witnessed. “The only thing I know that can block a lightsaber is cortosis weave. How could he have gotten his hands on that? I sure hope...” She watched as the two clashed weapons, Zwide's spear holding up against the saber as well. “And of course it's cortosis as well.” Zwide put his foot forward and kicked off Tempest to give him some space and leaped in again with a slash that cut her right forearm and knocking her saber out of her hands. He went on the offensive forcing her back time and again, maneuvering in a way that kept her from retrieving her blade that was still in the combat area. Tempest soon found herself on the rim of the circle unable to move in any direction unless she wanted to be disqualified. Zwide slashed her again on her left side as she screamed in pain. “Master!” Rose shifted forward, intent on stopping this only for her to realize that someone had seized her shoulder, preventing her from continuing. She turned her head slightly to find a stern faced Zecka holding her back, the woman's eyes fixed firmly on the battle. “Do not interfere. This must play out, no matter how.” This forced Rose to watch as Tempest looked to be finished as Zwide closed in. She quickly dropped to one knee and grabbed a hand full of gravelly dirt and threw it toward her opponent's face, who instinctively used his shield to protect himself. She took the small window of opportunity to rush forward and put her foot on the surface, using the large shield to springboard herself over him and rolled across the ground to retrieve her lightsaber which she quickly reignited. “Give up, sister. I don't want to kill you.” Zwide, implored as he approached. “Where's that conviction, brother?” Tempest asked as she clutched her wounded side before standing up and taking her defensive stance. Zwide gave out a loud battle cry as the Jedi did the same before he let loose with a furious assault of swipes and shield attacks. Tempest continued to move backward, evading or blocking the incoming attacks. A missed spear thrust from Zwide was all she needed to turn the tide as she lifted and brought down her right leg and pinned the spear to the ground before she performed a spin kick to her opponent's face that forced him to release the blade. Zwide soon found himself on the defensive as Tempest let loose an assault that pushed him back despite his best efforts. The Jedi Knight performed several flips to maneuver herself around his shield and, with blinding speed was able to disarm him, removing the hand that held the shield in one swift motion. No sound came from the Zebra clansman's mouth as he fell to his knees in disbelief. Everyone stood in stunned silence as Tempest put her blade close to his neck, the heat singeing his skin. She closed her eyes for a long time before letting out a deep breath and opening them again. The Jedi switched off the blade and turned to exit the circle. “I don't yield!” An angered Zwide shouted as he clutched the stump of his severed limb. “We aren't through! You know the laws!” Tempest ignored him as she stepped out of the circle. He looked down to his spear that rested at his feet. In one swift move, he grabbed it and rushed an unsuspecting Tempest as Rose shouted to her and the others were shocked. Tempest quickly turned as she saw that Zecka, with the same speed, had intervened, having ripped the blade from the hand of her son and pushing him back to the ground. “It is finished. All of this is finished. You've fought for so long to avenge your father and so many others that have fallen in battle. That was your life, the life that I set upon you. For that I am sorry my son. But this senseless killing will destroy us all. I beg you, let it go.” Zwide sat in disbelief for a moment before he struggled to his feet. He shook his head as he stared at the ground before clutching his arm and walking away. Many of the other tribe members attempted to help him but he brushed them off and soon walked off into the jungles as they could do nothing but watch. Zecka herself held back tears and headed toward her own dwelling. Soon the large crowd dissipated, needing time to sort out what this would all mean. Rose rushed over to Tempest and neither of them spoke for a long time until the master broke the stone silence. “We should report to Flare.” She led Rose from the village and back to the clearing as they signaled for the for the dropship. The ride back was completely quite as both meditated on the situation. Before they realized it, they were back at the capital and reporting back to Flare as the Queen and Tempest stood on a balcony and discussed the situation. “This is good news.” Sunny Flare said. “I am sorry for how things had to turn out. I know it couldn't have been easy...fighting someone that you saw as family.” Tempest stared out at the setting sun as she responded. “He allowed hate to fill his heart and guide his hand. I've been in that position but I had a hand to guide me away. Zwide wasn't as fortunate. What's done is done. We need to move forward.” “I couldn't agree more. With this alliance strengthened, we do have a minor problem. The Zebra clan as you know are powerful warriors but the kind of war that they will be fighting as our ally will require more than spears and arrows. They need modern weaponry.” “I sense a “but” coming after that.” Tempest gave a light smirk. “You'd be correct. While I'd like to supply them with equipment, at this point in time we simply don't have the resources to supply them and our own front line troops. Many of our facilities were on the other side of the planet and our either in rebel control or destroyed. My sources tell me that the rebels are planning an attack soon. I have no clue where but I have reason to believe they will try to attack wither a weak point in our lines or one of our allies. If we can supply them with better gear we can ensure that they won't be a one of those weak spots.” Tempest thought for a moment before coming to a realization and smiling. “I think I know just the person to solve our problem.” Later “Hey hey! What are you doing?” Garble yelled as soldiers unloaded crate after crate from his ship. “Tell them to stop.” He shouted at Tempest, who stood by with Rose as the soldiers continued on. “These weapons are going to a good cause, Garble.” Tempest said simply. “They were already going to a good cause. Selling them to line my pockets with credits.” “Queen Flare has assured me that you will be well compensated once this crisis has abated.” Garble's shoulders slumped. “I've heard that before.” Tempest walked toward him as the last of the crates were taken from the ship. “Taken however you wish. I do, require one more thing from you. My padawan needs to be transported back to the Jedi Temple.” “Master Tempest...” Rose said as she stepped up. “Don't argue with me, padawan. It's not up for debate. With this new turn of events I can't leave the planet. The tribe needs me for stability. Without it we'll be back at square one. The council will not look favorably on my actions but I need to see this through to it's conclusion.” “Then I'm staying with you.” “Rose, don't...” “Please. No one else understands me like you do. I don't have a place there if it isn't with you. I don't want to lose another master. I beg you. Let me stay and fight by your side.” Tempest looked down to her before giving in. “Fine.” “Thank you master.” She excitedly hugged her only to realize what she had done. “I uh...don't know what came over me.” Rose was surprised as Tempest reciprocated the gesture. “Well I'm not leaving til I get my credits, so I guess you're stuck with me too.” Garble interjected as the two separated. The trio soon left the landing platform and headed back toward the city. “The council will not be happy when they find out about what we're doing here.” Tempest commented. Rose gave a sly smile. “So what else is new?”