//------------------------------// // Annoncement // Story: Shadowed Moon // by Dimond Rainbow //------------------------------// Twilight Looked at the princess and then back to Star swirl and then the door where Luna, Stygian, and Star shine left. "Wait... what... just... happened?!" Twilight asked. Celestia chuckled and said. "That my Twilight sparkle, is a happy family." She sat there looking between the Princess, Star swirl, and the door. "So... for the past few years... I have been living next to Luna's daughter... Celestia's Biological niece... and she looks younger than me but is actually... 10,009 YEARS OLD!?" Twilight thought, and would have fainted once again had Discord not dumped more ice-cold water on her. "DIIIIIIIIIIIIIISSCORD!" She yelled at him, this made Celestia Chuckle, but had they paid more attention to her they would've seen the small blush on her cheeks. After Luna, Stygian, and Star shine had made it back to Star's quarters, all the while being in a bone crushing wing hug from the princess of the night, all that time was not wasted just walking, no they talked the whole time! "So... You've studied the moon and stars since you were?" Stygian asked. "Ha-ha Since I was 3, maybe sooner, but that's as far as I recall." Star shine giggled. "Truly?" Luna asked as they sat near the Fire place. "Yeah, it makes sense why I like the night and You so much mom!" Star smiled. "So, when are we going to tell Equestria about... Me?" Star shine asked fluttering her wings a bit. "The day after tomorrow. I know you'll be fine, First the castle staff and then, Equestria." Luna said. "Ok... wait should I tell my...Foster parents?" Star asked, letting out a yawn. "I believe you should, I'd think they'd like to see what a fine young mare you've become!" Stygian smiled at the young girl. When Star Shine awoke the next morning at first, she thought that everything had happened the night been a dream. Princess Luna her mother? Princess Celestia her aunt? It seemed so unreal. But when she got out of bed to stretch herself she realized that she had WINGS! She was an alicorn! And more important she knew who her parents were! But she also worried. What would Salon and Rock Layer say? True, they were not her biological parents, but they had raised her. She did not want them to think that she was ungrateful. She decided to ask her mother and father what she should do. It was early morning and Luna & Stygian were having breakfast with Celestia. Star swirl and Twilight were still there, and Discord was laughing about the whole affair. Star Shine listened to what he said. "I mean seriously Celestia why would you keep your niece a secret from her own mother? It is so laughable! Didn't you ever think that having the child around might have helped her adjust to modern life?" Discord said laughingly. "Discord that is ENOUGH! I was still a bit unstable and confused when I returned from my banishment! I firmly believe that my sister did what was BEST!" Luna talking in not quite the royal Canterlot voice but close. "sort of." she added softly. "I agree with Luna." Stygian replied calmly "She was just adjusting to life in the modern world. A child she could barely remember would've been difficult to handle." "I agree with both mother and father." Star Shine says boldly. "I have heard of you mister Discord, as well as seen what you've done in Ponyville, and I must say that I would not have thought that you would talk about my aunt or parents in that way." Discord was shocked by the boldness of the foal, while Twilight and Star swirl were both laughing at how bluntly Star Shine had talked to Discord. "Well, I must say that Star Shine has certainly inherited her parents boldness." Twilight remarked. "Indeed so young Twilight." Star swirl replied. "And her mother's talent for the night. Perhaps she will be taking on duties as another princess of the night." "Please don't refer to me as 'princess'. I asked that last night. I maybe an alicorn but I certainly don't feel like a princess." Star Shine said looking down "I felt the same way when I first became a princess." Twilight kindly said. "But now that your wings are no longer hidden by a spell it won't be long before other ponies find out." "Well, before we do anything else, can I find out how you and father met mother?" Star Shine asked hopeful. "My lucky star, I wish I could answer your question for you have a right to know. But I have only just remembered that I had a relationship with Stygian and got pregnant by him with you. But unfortunately, that is all I remember." "And unfortunately because of my madness I was banished before she told me about it." Stygian explained. "And I am just beginning to remember our relationship myself. But unfortunately, not exactly how we met." "I do." Star swirl said. "As do I." Celestia says, her voice full of remembrance. "Although at the time it seemed more like a young crush." Flashback Star swirl was in a schoolroom inside the old castle (which would later be known as the castle of the two sisters) teaching young princesses Celestia and Luna. Celestia had a light pink Mane & tail and Luna had a light blue mane & tail. They were not quite old enough to have enough magic in their bodies to have them floating in an invisible wind. Star swirl was explaining the mechanics of moving the sun and moon when a scrawny little unicorn came in. "Star swirl pardoned the interruption but I have-" "What is it Stygian?! Can't you see that I am teaching my students?!" "Yes sir. But you had asked me to research what I could about the monsters known as the 'sirens'. Well I have, and this should help you and the other pillars of harmony defeat them." Stygian says meekly although while speaking he had hardly taken his eyes off of the younger alicorn sister. This however, went unnoticed by Star swirl but he said in ungrateful voice: "Well, I needed this information...but don't make a habit of interrupting my LESSONS! Celestia, Luna, we'll have to continue this lesson later!" At that Star swirl left. Stygian bowed to both royal sisters while giving Luna a rare happy smile. This had caused Luna to blush, while her sister gave her a playful shove. After which Stygian left. End of flashback "Of course, there is more to the story than that, but I believe you ought to wait until your parent's memories are fully recovered to tell you." Celestia says finishing her narrative. Star shine nodded. "And I regret my behavior back then." Star swirl said. "You were pompous back then." Retorted Discord with arms crossed and a smirk. "Discord please." Star Shine said. "Anyway, I think that we ought to tell my adopted parents what is going on." She then wrote them a letter, not wanting to make an awkward situation worse. When the letter landed on the kitchen table both ponies looked at the letter they hadn't heard from their 'daughter' in a good few months. They opened the letter and read. Dear Salon and Rock layer, I'd like you to come to Canterlot, you need to see this in pony! But I'm going to tell you now. You'll never guess! I'm the daughter of Luna! I'm not making this up, I'm not nine actually! I'm 10,009-years-old! It's all confusing but I am happy thank you for raising me into the mare I am now! Please don't think that I don't care about you anymore, or still don't consider you my parents! You'll always be mom and dad to me! I hope to see you at the announcement ceremony tomorrow afternoon! XOXO, Your loving daughter, Star Shine! They stared at the letter, and looked at each other, their chances of becoming famous had just been dashed! No way would they go to this announcement! Star shine paced around nervously near the throne room. "Twilight what did you do when you were crowned? I mean come on you've been an alicorn for a lot longer than I have, so to speak and I... I'm so nervous!" Star shine said, her wings ruffled on her back. Celestia, Star swirl, and Stygian were back there as well, but none of them could calm the young girl down. Luna then walked back. "We are ready, are you ready Star shine?" The young girl didn't stop pacing, until Luna place a stun spell on her. "Hmm? What?!" She asked. "We're ready." Luna said again dispelling the spell. "We are?!" Star shine asked, her panic rising and pacing resuming. That is until she bumped into something warm and Fuzzy, her mother. Luna looked down at Star shine with a gentle smile, she nuzzled her forehead and whispered. "You'll do fine, just be yourself, besides there aren't that many ponies out there. It's all right." Luna's word comforted the filly who took a deep breath then said. "Ok, I'm ready!" Star shine said stomping her hoof on the floor. Luna walked out followed by Stygian, her sister, Twilight and then after all of them Star shine. "-And now, I'd like to welcome my daughter!" The crowd fell into hushed murmurs and Luna saw the need to Clarify. "She was born to me and Stygian, before my turning into Nightmare moon, and was hidden from the world until my sister found her, she was left with a kind family in Ponyville and raised until now, but from now on she shall live in the castle with myself! And now my daughter... Star shine!" Luna said. Star shine gulped, and walked out, onto the stage. "Um hello?" She said waving her hoof towards the crowd. Sweat beaded down her forehead and she then said. "It's nice to meet you all! I Ummmmm Know some of you know me, as a unicorn! But it turns out, I was an Alicorn from birth, and well I don't want to be treated better just because, now we all know that Luna is my mom... So, I'll do my best to be the best princess I can be!" She sighed after she finished, and the crowd, as slow as it started, began stomping their hooves and cheering, as well as chanting her name. She walked down and sighed, later would be the larger announcement. And it came all too soon, Star shine had gone to her room to freshen up, but when she didn't come back after an hour, they began to grow worried. Stygian slowly entered the room, so not to startle her. "What's the matter Shine?" He asked seeing her staring at herself in the mirror. "Do you think, I'm going to be a good pony, a good leader father?" She asked, as he walked closer he saw the tears on her cheeks, he might not have had the same connection that she and Luna shared but, he had only just found out about the filly less than a week ago. "Of, course you are!" He said sitting next to her. "But what if... something makes me go... evil..." She whimpered. "No, no! you'll never be evil!" He said, putting a hoof to her back. "You can't say that!" She snapped at him and sobbed letting her head rest on the table. He just gently hugged her, hoping to make it better. After a little she stopped crying and fixed her mane, they went down to the main Fourier. "Ok, are you ready?" Luna asked as they came into view. "Yes, I'm ready mom!" Star shine said trying to put on her best face, but Luna saw through it. She said nothing as they carried on with the announcement. "-and now my Daughter Star shine!" Luna said, the filly walked out onto the balcony, and smiled. "Um hi everypony! I am Star shine! And it's nice to meet you all, I promise you all, I'm going to try and be the best princess I can be! So... Ummmmm Thanks..." Star said holding her breath as the ponies looked at each other. She bit her lip, but then the crowd broke out into loud cheers and claps. This made the royals smile, and Star shine let out a sigh.