//------------------------------// // What happens after a truth is revealed // Story: Shadowed Moon // by Dimond Rainbow //------------------------------// Star swirl walked into the Throne room and looked to a Worried Celestia, not to long after Twilight sparkle entered the room. "You wanted to talk to us about something?" Twilight asked. "Y-yes... It's about Luna... and... Stygian..." Celestia said shakily. "What might it be?" Star swirl asked looking towards the princess. Right before Celestia could speak, Luna and Stygian teleported into the room. "Sister I need to ask about Star shine... I feel as if there's something you're not telling me, and I want to know no matter what it is!" Luna stated. "I shall answer your questions... This might be hard to grasp everypony but... I truly am sorry..." Celestia's horn ignited and she used her magic to show what she saw during all of this. Flashback Celestia's POV I walked in my sister's old room, I had just banished her to the moon. I stepped on a stone, making part of the wall roll back. What I saw shocked me, inside was a shrine, letters, love notes, and magical Pictures lay all around. I now was shocked beyond Shocked, these all said one thing and one thing only. My baby sister loved Stygian, who had turned into the pony of shadows... 'no wonder she went mad...' I thought. I walked out of the room sealing the hidden room off from the world. End flashback. Luna stared at her sister mouth agape. Twilight's face was much like the 'O_o' or emoji. Star swirl was stone faced, not sure what to think, his student, and his assistant were once in love. Stygian was trying to wrap his head around the whole thing and once he did, his cheeks flushed deep crimson. "But that is not the strangest of the whole thing... There is a reason I didn't want you to take Star shine as a student... I feared that if you did the truth would come out, and now I see that it has..." Celestia sucked in a deep breath and played another Memory in their minds. Flashback Celestia POV I descended into the cave, for years I wanted to explore it, and here I was! But when I landed and lit my horn, something caught my attention. 'that's Luna's hoof writing...' 'When you are old enough you might understand this, I am leaving you here for you own protection, if all goes to plan I shall return for you please forgive me for what I do. I shall always love you, my dear daughter Star shine, your father Stygian and I will always love you and one day we will all be reunited. I love you forever My Lucky Star, Your loving mother Luna.' I staggered back a bit, very taken aback by this. 'my sister had a foal with the pony of shadows? This is not happening, no, no, nope!' My attention was drawn by the faintest whining sound, I turned around and found the source. "So, you must be Star shine..." I picked the filly up and rocked her back and forth until her small cries were hushed. I flew out of the cave and looked towards my imprisoned sister. "Oh, Luna what have you hidden..." I flew to a small town and left the filly at the orphanage with a note, on it I had written her name, I used my mouth to write this, not wanting somepony to recognize my hoof writing. I looked back at her and then took off. End flashback. Twilight fainted from the news, the Daughter of Luna had been living just a few blocks away from her for years! Star swirl's expression hadn't changed in the slightest. Luna's eye were wide, it all made sense to her now. The song, her love of night, her looks, the memories. Stygian looked at Luna as if asking. 'is she mad?' But Luna's face said otherwise. "So, let me see if I've got this all... I and Luna had a romance at one time, from that came a foal, and Luna's banishment... then you found our foal, Luna returned, and you tried to what? Just sweep this under the rug?!" Stygian asked outraged. Celestia sighed. "Yes." Luna's breathing was long deep breaths and sweat dotted her forehead. "Why?" was all she could ask, as her body trembled. "I'm sorry... I should have told you sooner... then this mess could've been avoided..." Celestia said. "Should have told me?!" Luna snapped. "YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE ALL YOU COULD TO RAISE HER! YOUR NEICE! AND ALL YOU DID WAS DUMP HER OFF AT AN ORPHANGE! HOW DARE YOU! THIS IS WRONG CELESTIA, SHE IS FAMILY! AND YOU SHOULD'VE TREATED HER AS SUCH! YOU TREAT THAT POMPUOS PRICK BLUEBLOOD BETTER THAT YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD!" Luna's blood boiled hot, and she yelled so loud it woke Star shine. The 9-year-old teleported across the castle and into the throne room, not believing her ears. "Tell me it isn't true what you did Princess...?!" Star asked shakily. "It is all true..." Star shine looked at Luna, then to Stygian. She sucked in a deep breath and looked to Luna, her mother. "I understand why you did that..." She tried not to cry and said. "Mother." A smile crossed Her lips as well as Luna's. "And I'm not mad at either of you... Father! So... this means... I'm an Alicorn?" Star shine asked shakily. Luna brought her and Stygian into a bone crushing hug. "Yes! Yes... My darling... Daughter!" Luna sobbed, although the words seemed odd, they felt Right. With that Luna dispelled the spell and wings became Visible on Star shine's back. After the tight hug Star shine stepped back and ruffled her feathers, it felt oddly right. "No wonder I could never sleep on my back comfortably!" Everypony Chuckled at Star shine's joke. "So, does this mean I'm a princess now? Because I don't what I'd be princess of..." Star said. "Yes, I do believe you were one from birth... But what you are Princess of is unknown... For now, I'm glad to have you back!" Luna said hugging the girl once again. "Perhaps the Princess of Stars?" Stygian said. "Dunno... Right now, even as a Princess I don't really want to be Princess of anything." Star said. "Am I forgiven for my past mistakes?" Celestia asked head hung low. Star shine did her best regal walk towards Celestia and cleared her throat putting a hoof under Celestia's chin and tilting it up. "My first royal Decree is that you are not too beat yourself up over this! Any of you! I shan't have it auntie!" Star shine smiled widely, Celestia smiled and stood to her full height. "As you wish." They all bowed making Star giggle. "Come we shall tell the Castle staff in the morning, for now, I'd like to spend some quality time with you." Luna said nuzzling the filly. "As would I, I'd love to get to know my daughter Better." Stygian smiled. Celestia watched them go with a smile, as they walked out Luna draped a wing over them and pulled them all the closer to her. "I believe you made the right decision without my Aid Celestia..." Star swirl said, although she was much older than him, he still saw her as a young mare. "I think so..." Celestia smiled, the most genuine smile she'd ever had. Poor Twilight was still out cold until Discord dumped a bucket of ice cubes on her, waking the poor mare. Deep in the Everfree. 'No' seemed to be the only world that left Nightmares lips, as she cradled the still foal in her hooves, her tears falling freely. She gently cleaned the foal off, hoping something would bring the new born back but nothing worked. So, Nightmare just laid there and let her tears fall from her eyes. They trailed down he muzzle, some dripping onto the foal. Its coat was Lavender, and its mane was navy blue and a darker lavender. A tear trailed down Nightmare's muzzle, and landed on the foal's nose. It twitched in her hooves, and shook a bit letting out a small whine. Nightmare gazed down at this life she had brought into the world, now realizing it was a filly, a filly who whined and fussed, but ever so slightly. She rocked the foal gently in her hooves, it's whines turning into coo's. "You scared Mama..." She whispered as a smile spread across her muzzle. 'she hadn't been dead! Just sleeping...' Nightmare thought but then the Filly did something that made her heart sieze. The filly yawned and rubbed one eye with her little hoof cutely, her lips smacked, and she slowly opened her eyes and stared up at her very messy mother. Her eyes were not red or teal, glowing or slits. They were as normal as eyes got, and Icey blue Shining as the stars themselves. Shadow slowly entered the room, and stared with wonder at the filly. "What shall we call her?" His voice broke Nightmare from her trance. "...Star..." "hmmm... It does fit her doesn't it." He whispered as the filly drifted back to sleep. Moon Nuzzled the top of the Filly's head near her horn. Nightmare held the filly for a long while, and then she awoke once again, still quite as ever. Her gentle fussing melted the Nightmare's heart. After the filly nursed and put to bed in the cradle her father had made via spells. It was large and looked like a crescent moon, with a light red lacey shawl over it, with black pillows and deep blue blanket. As Nightmare laid the filly down in the very large bed, big enough for the foal to grow and move. She placed a kiss on her head, and leaned against Shadow, as they watched their tiny Filly sleep.