//------------------------------// // Pupil and pregnacy // Story: Shadowed Moon // by Dimond Rainbow //------------------------------// Nightmare fixed her mane as the moon rose up and muttered curses under her breath as the brush caught on snags. "Would you like some help Moon?" Shadow said, using the nick-name he had given her since 'Nightmare Moon' was a mouthful. "Yes, that would be wondrous!" Nightmare said magicking the brush over to him. As he brushed her mane, making her make content hums, He began a conversation. "How long have we been together?" It was a simple question, Moon cracked open a slited eye and looked back at him. "Almost a year, in a few days." She murmured with a content smile growing across her muzzle. "Hmm, and we have been close for most of that time, So, Nightmare Moon," Shadow got down on one knee (or what ever you call it when a pony proposes!) and Took her hoof in his own, levitating a sliver ring with a sapphire in the middle. "Will you please accept my proposal? And be with me forever more, for the rest of our immortal lives?" Nightmare looked at him tears welling in her teal eyes, she nodded vigorously not daring to open her mouth lest she let a sob out. Shadow Slipped the ring on her horn, and stood up to properly kiss her. Star shine adjusted her telescope as the moon rose. Just as she finished putting it in place to view the full moon. "Ther-!" Star blinked a letter in white magic appeared in front of her face. "Wha?" She opened the letter slowly and it read. Dear Star shine, How might you be? I have come to understand in our few letters that you are quite captivated by the night. I would like to invite you to Canterlot, like my sister, I would like to take a pupil, and when this thought came to mind, you were at the forefront. It is your choice though, if you choose to decline I shall respect your wish, but I truly hope you accept my offer. I hope to hear from you soon, Princess Luna. Star shine blinked and read and re-read the letter multiple times. "She... Pupil...Me...? unnnnnnnnnn..." Star fainted on her balcony, in the cool summer night air. Her mother Salon came out when she heard the thud and read the letter near her daughter. She gasped, then moved her daughter to her bed. "Rock Layer, look!" Salon said passing him the letter. "Whoa!" He muttered as he re-read the letter. When she came too the letter was on her nightstand. She went down stairs letter in her magical grasp. "Hey mom, dad. I got a letter from Princess Luna... I believe you should read it." Star shine said passing it to her parents. "Hmmm this is interesting..." Rock said as he took a sip of coffee. "Yes, the true question is 'do you want to go?' I mean it is your choice after all." Salon smiled. "Well do you want to go Shine?" Her father asked. "Of course! I mean this is princess Luna! I've always loved her and-" she wrote a letter in response, accepting the princess's request. "-a chance to train under her would-would be... AWESOME!" Star squealed. "Then what are we doing holding you back!" Her father said handing her a bag of bits. "You mean it?" Star asked and both her parents nodded. She gave them huge hugs. "THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!" She almost galloped to Twilight's castle, Once she got there she was out of breath. "Twilight! Guess! What!" She gasped at Twilight who opened the door. "Um what?" The alicorn asked the 9-year-old. "PRINCESS LUNA WANTS ME TO BE HER PUPIL!" Her voice was so loud it rivaled Princess Luna's royal Canterlot Voice. "Really? That's great!" Twilight said giving the filly a hug. "I've got to get going or else I'm gonna miss my train!" Star shine said as she walked to the train station. She got on the friendship express, and went to Canterlot. When she got to the station, Stygian was waiting there for her. "Ah Star shine! It's Good to see you." The male unicorn said. "Good to be here." Star shine said, they left for the palace. Stygian was Princess Luna's magical adviser. "Um so, did Princess Luna tell you why I'm here...?" Star asked nervously. She almost felt as nervous around Stygian as she did the Princess. "Yes, you're here as her pupil." He said as they entered the castle walls. Her parents smiled wickedly as Star shine left, if she was successful like Twilight she would be Famous, and that would mean they would also be famous! Just like they wanted. It wouldn't be long till she was and then they would be famous, adopting that dumb little filly was a good Idea. Deep within the everfree Nightmare and Shadow laid in a field snuggling next to each other. They had just been wed, well as wed as you get when you're living deep within the everfree. Both of them had never felt happier. "Ah, Star shine!" Luna said and then let out a long yawn. "Pardon me, but we just awoke for our evening duties... I'm glad that you accepted my offer, I truly am looking forward to teaching you." "As am I looking forward to learning!" Star chuckled nervously. Somehow being around the two of them felt right but there still was this nagging feeling in the back of her head. Over the course of three months Things changed, Star shine, Stygian, and Luna became a close Trio, almost like a family and Luna and Stygian had begun to grow feelings for each other. And Nightmare and Shadow were expecting. But not a package or visit, but a foal! Nightmare grumbled as Shadow brought her an assortment of food. "It can't be that bad..." Shadow said gently. "Wait till you get pregnant, and then we'll see how bad it is!" She hissed. Her cravings were kicking in, full force. Star shine was practicing a spell, a luminous spell. "ARGH!" Star shine yelled as she failed the spell once again. "Calm yourself Star shine, you shall get it soon enough." Luna soothed, the sound of her voice did just that, the young mare did not understand how it calmed her in an agitated state, but she was not complaining. "Right..." She tried the spell once again and did the spell. "I DID IT I DID IT!" Star shine cheered, her volume close to that of 'the royal Canterlot voice'. "You did, well done Star!" Luna smiled proudly. Star smiled widely, the princess' words filled her with pride. Flash back, 10,010 years ago The ponies of legend had just banished the pony of shadows, and became trapped in limbo. "So, now what?" Lady Rose asked Celestia who had just been briefed on how the pony of shadows and the ponies of legend had became trapped in limbo. "I do not know... I shall consult my sister in this matter and... get back to you." Celestia said. Celestia informed her Sister Luna who took the news harshly. Luna ran off in tears. She locked her self in her room, and cried the rest of the day. 'not now...' thought the young princess of the night sadly. She had planned on telling her lover that eve, but now he would never know about the filly, not ever. 'Now my child shall grow without the love of a father... this is all my fault...' The months passed quickly, Luna resolved the problem of her growing midsection with many illusion spells, but there still was the fast approaching problem, her foal would soon be born, how was she to hide THAT from her sister? And all to soon a filly was born from Luna, She had a blue coat much like that of Luna's, Teal eyes and a levered streak in her mane and tail much like her mothers but the color that stood out in her mane the most was the dark teal much like her fathers. Luna's hormones did nothing to help her anger towards the ponies of legend, and after her daughter was born she vowed revenge, she would finish what her love had started. She took the filly to a cavern hidden from the world by her magic, Her daughter would be safe there, then afterword's she would come back for the filly. She placed her in a soft crib, much food was stored in the room in case things didn't pan out how she wanted, the filly wouldn't hunger. She looked at the filly and kissed the sleeping child's forehead, casting two spells one to hide her wings, the second to keep her sleeping until the fighting was over. She gazed back at her daughter lovingly before taking off out of the opening. it would be the last time she saw the filly for the next 10,009 years. end flashback Nine months later. Nightmare's midsection had bulged out to almost comical sizes! "This is so annoying... When will this damn thing be over!" She growled as she walked around the castle. The foal she bared gave a series of sharp kicks to her side and back, almost bringing Nightmare to her knees. A splashing noise was heard from behind her, she gulped as the foal kick wildly inside her sharply. "Oh, no, no, no, No, No! NONONONONONONONONONONONONONONONNONO!" Nightmare groaned and made swift steps toward her chambers, why was she so worried you might be asking yourself, well her water had just broken, she was in labor.