Lulamoon's Legacy

by Crowborn

Chapter 3: Guardian

Trixie let out a long groan. The sound of birds outside told her it was day. She put a hoof over her eyes to block the sunlight coming in from the window. Suddenly, Trixie jolted awake and franticly checked her sides. Everything was normal, no magical bat wings to be seen. She then scanned around the room. No weird star shaped staves to be seen.

Relieved, Trixie rubbed her eyes, "Sweet Celestia, that was a weird dream..."

"Oh! You're awake! Wonderful!!"

Trixie's eyes widened in surprise as she quickly scanned her wagon for intruders. Upon seeing none, she became confused.


Suddenly her chest began to glow a bright magenta before a creature suddenly burst forth from within her, emerging from the light.

"Oh I'm so excited!! Isn't this amazing?! It's time, it's finally time! We're going to be Great and Powerful! We're gonna be Great and Powerful! Yes!" The spectral creature cried in a pure joyous tone.

The spectral creature was a cross between a wolf and a pony, its fur as black as pitch, and its eyes were the same color blue as Trixie's coat, except where the white of the eyes would be, there was a dark, smokey grey instead. It smiled with wolfish fangs, and floated through the air like a specter, which made sense considering her lower half dissolved into a shadowy mist. And that was the other thing, this creature, whatever it was, was definitely a mare, both from her voice, and her more elegant feminine appearance.

Trixie gawked at the creature for a long moment before doing what any rational, self-respecting pony would do.

She screamed.

And then the creature screamed.

And then she screamed some more.

Then they both screamed.

Then there was no screaming.

For a moment, the just stared at each other, until finally, Trixie managed to work up the nerve to ask, "W-What a-are you?"

Before the creature could answer, Trixie, using one hoof, frantically searched for a weapon to defend herself with. Upon finding a spoon, she quickly raised her weapon in order to hopefully defend herself from whatever this....thing was.

"What am I? Oh! I'm your....Guardian! Yes! I think....See?" The creature pointed to its chest and only then did Trixie notice that upon its chest was a large silver star, and within that star was Trixie's own cutie mark. "See? We are connected! I belong to you and you belong to me!" The creature replied, it's voice and face beaming with joy.

Trixie blinked in confusion, "L-Liar! You are just trying to get Trixie to lower her guard so you may eat her! Well, it won't work, I tell you!" Trixie replied waving the spoon at the creature.

Suddenly, the creature lunged forth and Trixie threw up her hooves to try to defend herself, and then--

She....felt it hug her. Giving her a surprisingly warm embrace. "It's okay. I won't harm you. And I'll make sure nopony ever does again....You are destined for Greatness, little one....Greatness and Power...." The creature said in a motherly tone.

Trixie stammered, her brain still trying to process what just happened, and was still not sure she could trust this creature, hadn't eaten her yet.

"Who....W-Who are you?" Trixie asked, pulling herself away from the wolf-mare's embrace.

The Wolf-mare seem to think about it for a moment, then smiled, "I am....Trixie? Trixie! I am Trixie!"

"No, I'm Trixie! You can't be Trixie! Trixie is Trixie!" Trixie protested.

The specter seemed to think on this for a moment, "Um....Moon?"

"No, Luna has the Moon, you can't be the moon as well." Trixie pointed out.

The Wolf-mare nodded, "I'm Lula? Yes! Luuuulaaaa! Lula! I am Lula!" She cried out in joy as she began to swirl in the air in celebration.

"Trixie....supposes Lula is fine...." she said apprehensively, now just more confused than frightened.

"Yes! I have a name! I have a name! Isn't that great?! I'm your Guardian, Lula!" She squished Trixie's cheeks with her hooves and gave a bright and excited smile. Trixie had to admit, even though the smile was filled with many sharp fangs, it was still adorable....somewhat.

Trixie pushed the Wolf-mare away, "But...who are you? What are you?"

"I just said! I'm Lula, your Guardian!" Her tongue wiggled a bit when she said 'Lula', like a foal playing with a word.

"Hey! I'm not a foal! I'm just as old as you, you know!" Lula protested.

Strange, Trixie was pretty sure she hadn't said that aloud...

"But....where did you come from?" Trixie asked, frowning.

"From you, of course! I think...I don't really remember anything from before you...." Lula replied, actually giving a confused frown for once.

"From me? What do you me mean you come from me?" Trixie asked, alarmed.

"I am your Guardian, and you are my Archmage! All Guardians are bound to Archmages, and all Archmages are bound to Guardians! But Everypony only gets one!"

"Archmage? What do you mean 'Archmage'? Trixie isn't an Archmage! Trixie is a Stage Magician," and a failure of one, at that.....

Lula suddenly wrapped herself around Trixie and gave her a warm, motherly hug. "Don't say that, little one. You are not a failure!" Trixie could once again feel that ever persistent feeling swelling in her chest.

"Wait, but I didn't say that out loud..." Trixie protested.

"I told you, you and I are connected. Your thoughts are just as loud as words to me. You are an Archmage. And I am your Guardian. We are destined for Greatness and Power."

"B-But I don't can this be? What do those nightmares mean, and how do you know all of this stuff anyways?" Trixie asked, a million question blazing in her mind.

"Archmages aren't born at random. It's part of your Lineage, little one. As for the Nightmares....I do not know what it is, or where it is, only that it is our destiny to stop it. As for how I know these things.....I dunno....It's just kinda there, I guess? Just bits and pieces really, but they are...ingrained...i think? I don't know. The knowledge just seems to come when it is relevant, I guess...."

Trixie shook her head in confusion. "My Lineage? What? And what do mean by all this Destiny nonsense? And how do you not know how you know things?"

Lula frowned and shrugged, "I dunno..."

"What do you mean you don't know?!" Trixie demanded.

"I mean it's not there, little one. I do not have the answers you seek."

"Well, then who does?!"

"I don't know, but I'm sure we'll find them."

Trixie groaned, rubbing her temples with her hooves. Too much weirdness for one day. Trixie still had a million other questions swimming in her mind, but decided it would be best I'd just went out and cleared her head. Before she could open the door, Lula moved in front of her, "Before you go, you'll need this...."

Suddenly an Arcane circle appeared on Trixie's chest, and from it emerged a very familiar star shaped staff. Trixie's eyes widened.

"So...that...wasn't a dream?!"

Lula smiled, "An Archmage needs her staff." She then proceeded to hoof the staff over to Trixie.

Trixie took a moment to analyze it. It was ornately made, the star made of a brilliant gold, and within the star was a crest with a mysterious magenta colored gem. The staff itself was made from an unknown type of wood. The entire thing shimmered with magical energy.

For a moment, Trixie was almost tempted. Almost.

Trixie knocked the staff away, "There is no way I'm carrying something like that around in public. It looks heavy, and plus I'll look ridiculous. I don't need more reasons for ponies to laugh at me..."

Before Lula could protest, Trixie opened up the door, walk outside, and slammed it shut behind her.

Oh little one, so much pain...I wish I could have comforted you sooner....


Trixie eventually decided it was best to put aside the whole weirdness of this morning and all the questions that came with it. Instead, she decided to focus on the now, and on what her plans were for the day.

First, she needed to continue her path towards Canterlot. Second, she needed to make a short stop at the fireworks store. She was starting to run low, and she was always able to get a good deal on their products, considering she was one of their best customers. Besides, she'd take discount wherever she could find one. Third, spend the rest of her designated spending amount on a spa day. All in all, that should leave her with about 10-12 bits left for the week. It wasn't great, but after all that stress and weirdness of the past few days, she NEEDED that spa day.
Even if it meant scrounging for the rest of the week.

"Ooh! A spa day is a wonderful idea! I wonder what it'll be like?" came the familiar and giddy tone of Lula.

"You are not coming! This will be just for me."

Lula simply smiled, " You couldn't stop me if you tried. Wherever you go, I go. Always. Perks of being an Archmage and Guardian."

Lula gave her a wink, and Trixie groaned. She really hoped this was all just some wacky dream and that Princess Luna would wake her at any moment. But, her gut told her it wasn't, which only made it worse.

Trixie hooked herself up to the harness once more and began moving her wagon once more, except something was a The wagon felt a lot lighter than she was used to. Bit that was impossible, she was absolutely sure nothing had been taken from her wagon, especially not anything that would affect the weight this much. She took another look at her wagon. Everything seemed normal. She even peaked inside to double check. No, nothing had changed. Perhaps a spell was being used?

If there were, it was not one Trixie could detect, she even tripled check just to make sure.

"Perhaps it's not the wagon that's changed. Maybe you are." Lula offered, but refused explain anything more than that. This, of course, irritated Trixie and she stomped her hoof in frustration.

Then suddenly, she paused as she heard a loud cracking noise from beneath her hoof. She lifted it up to see an apple sized stone had been shattered into several large shards, shattered by her hoof alone.

Lula was absolutely beaming, but Trixie could only give a confused look, before dismissing it for now. She groaned, she might need that spa day sooner than she thought...


As she passed the guards guarding the entrance into the city, she worried they might freak out after seeing a floating, sharp fanged Wolf-mare, but nopony seemed to pay attention to Lula, or even acknowledge that she was there, even when Lula made comments on how cute they were and booped them on the nose. The only sign they gave of even noticing Lula's presence was when they wiggled their noses in confusion when she booped them.

As they made their way through the city, Trixie quickly noticed it wasn't just the guards. Nopony seemed to notice Lula at all.

"It seems I am only visible to you, little one," Lula commented, though Trixie couldn't tell if she was concerned or excited about the revalation.

Trixie, on the other hoof, most definitely wasn't. The scenarios of ponies thinking she's crazy and talking to herself already popped into her head. She sighed, perhaps she was crazy. Perhaps all of this was just in her head and she had just finally snapped after her latest failure.....

Trixie felt a hoof on her shoulder and looked to see Lula comforting her, shaking her head no. Trixie wasn't sure how to respond, so she decided to dismiss both the thought and the gesture for now.

She made her way to familiar shop that sat just a few blocks from Rarity's Boutique that had recently opened up. She looked up to see the familiar sign of the Fireworks shop, Blaze and Gaze's Fireworks Extravaganza. A bit over the top, but they were without question, the best fireworks shop in Equestria. Especially after that Flim Flam brothers fiasco two years back.

The Blaze and Gaze was owned by a pair of twins, coincidentally named Blaze and Gaze. Blaze, the brother, worked up front, selling the merchant, though sometimes he would be in the back helping Gaze, the sister, who was almost always in the back. Blaze was was a charmer, to be sure, but he definitely wasn't Trixie's type. And Gaze always unnerved her, though she was kind enough to teach Trixie how to make fireworks on her own, she always felt a She would often stare at Trixie with a very big smile every time she saw her. Luckily, that wasn't often.

With the familiar ring of a bell, Trixie opened the door. Blaze was up front as usual, but thankfully, Gaze was nowhere to be seen.

Blaze noticed her immediately, "Why, if it isn't the Grrrrreeaat and Powerful Trrrrixie, our number one customer! How can I help you this fine day?"

"I'll just take some materials, I don't have enough to buy the usual stock today, unfortunately," Trixie replied with a sad sigh, "It's ten bits for a small barrell of gunpowder, yes?"

Blaze smiled, then reached below the counter, "Yes indeed it is, but for our number one customer, I think I can make you quite the deal...."

Suddenly he pulled up not only a barrel of gunpowder, but a bundle of her usual stock as well, containing several hundred fireworks, and even a few of the newer ones that Trixie couldn't possibly afford even on a good day.

"Blaze....I can't buy all this! I told you, I don't have that many--"

"Ten bits. All of this for Ten bits," he said with a smile.

"Oh, he's so cute!" Lula said swirling through the air.

Trixie took a step back, "But, why? I can't buy all that for Ten bits! Trixie may like a good bargain like any mare, but that feels like stealing. And Trixie is not a thief!"

Blaze waved a hoof dismissively, "Nonsense. Ten bits for it all, besides..." He grabbed her hoof and gave it a polite kiss, "A mare of a beauty such as yours deserves nothing but the best, wouldn't you agree?"

Trixie blushed and yanked her hoof back. "A-As flattering as that is, Trixie doesn't want to make you and your sister's store go bankrupt selling such things at such a low, low price."

"Ah, Nonsense, my esteemed mare! Our shop is doing fine, and I highly doubt such generosity will hurt our profits too much."

He gave her a wink and Trixie, with a sigh, finally surrendered. She handed over the ten bits.

"Thank you, pleasure doing business with you, Miss Lulamoon!"

Trixie nodded and took the supplies and headed out there door.

As Trixie headed towards her wagon to drop off the supplies, Trixie noticed Lula smirking.

"What?" Trixie asked in an annoyed tone.

"That pony really seems to like you. And he's cute," Lula gave her a giddy smirk.

Trixie sighed, and waited until she started unloading the supplies into the wagon before giving her reply.

"He really likes a lot of mares. He's a huge flirt, and the whole town knows it. Plus, of course he's cute, his ego wouldn't be as big as it is of he wasn't."

"He doesn't seem to be a bad pony, he was pretty nice to you just then, after all."

Trixie rolled her eyes, "Yeah, he may be a nice pony, and I'm grateful for that, but that doesn't mean---"

"Um, Miss Lulamoon?"

Trixie and Lula turned to see a pony suited in royal armor approach them. He was the typical white coat, blue maned pony that one commonly found in the Royal Guard. "You are Miss Lulamoon, correct?"

"Um...yes. I am her. What is it?" Trixie replied cautiously.

"A letter for you, miss." He handed her a scroll with a royal seal on it. Trixie quickly took and broke the seal, eager to see what was written within. She had never gotten a letter with the royal seal on it before, what could they want?

To those of House Lulamoon,
you are cordially invited to the royal court for a talk. You are to make utmost haste.There is much to discuss.

"What? The Princess wants to talk to me?! Princess Celestia wants to talk with the Great and Powerful Trixie?!"

The guard gave an emotionless wave of his hoof, "Miss, please read the whole letter."

Trixie gave him a confused look then scanned over the letter again. Then she noticed it, there at the bottom. Her jaw agape:

Signed: Her Lunar Highness, Princess Luna.

"Princess Luna wants to talk to ME?!" Trixie gasped in surprise, then suddenly, she blinked in confusion. "Wait a moment, how did she even know I was here? I literally just got here half an hour ago...."

The guard shrugged, "The message is for all of members of House Lulamoon. You are simply the first and only one I could find."

Trixie grimaced at that. Something told her that this wasn't the royal attention she was hoping for...

"Ooh! Let's go see what she wants! Destiny awaits!" Lula declared in utmost cheer. Trixie sighed.

Why did she suddenly have a bad feeling about all this?