//------------------------------// // Chapter 5 meet'n'greet // Story: The metal HAWKEN // by NinjaTurtle //------------------------------// Chapter 5 Meet 'n’ greet. The train chugged along with its huffing and puffing audible from their cart. Celestia sat in her seat as stoic as normal. The guards watched out the window, most looked as unemotional as her. They had their weapons ready, or at least nearby. The other few looked slightly agitated. The guards then started to move. Some moved to the entrance and the others around Celestia. This gave the indication that they were soon to be at ponyville. The small town was now visible out the window. “Your highness, we are almost there.” said the guard in charge with a cold voice. He was a earth pony stallion with a gray coat and a light blue mane. His cutie mark was a bow made of the sound sign. His name was mono bow. “Thank you. Are the guards ready?” she asked. “Yes, but some are nervous because of the description of this “metal monster”.” replied the guard. The train gave a small jerk as it came to a stop. Guards filed out and Celestia got up from her seat. She walked out the train cart and headed for the library. As she did so, the ponys of ponyville got curious and looked at her. Celestia wasn't fussed about the stares pony's gave her as it was normal. She wasn't fussed about the murmurs the ponys shared as it was expected. She was not fussed about the sudden stiffening of the ponies as it was common. Celestia was fussed about the conditions of why she was here. A force that could take on timberwolves, get away from trained guards and Rainbow Dash’s speed and foalnap Applejack. A being the size of a two stories building and made of metal. A monster that could survive or thrive in the Everfree forest. She snapped out of her day dream as they reached the library. One of her guards knocked on the door and waited. The door then swing open with a ecstatic purple unicorn made standing there. “Princess! Your here! ” called Twilight sparkle. “Yes, I am. Shall we discuss the monster inside?” Celestia asked, cutting to the chase. “Oh, yes. Of course, come in Princess. ” said Twilight in a polite but rushed tone. She moved out the way to let Celestia in, as well as a few guards. --------------------- Connor Irons, Everfree forest. --------------------- Getting the mech up a canyon was slow. It only had one useful arm to help. It wasn't difficult as we had done it before but it did take a while. Sharing a cockpit with a pony did not make it better and constant fidgeting made it even more uncomfortable. I swear, if that pony doesn't stop I'm going to-. The rest of that sentence stopped as the mech got to the top. “OK, you can get out of here now. DB, lower the pony, will you? “ I said, opening the hatch and lifting her out. That itself wasn't easy as she had a lot of weight, muscle or not. “Yes sir. Applejack, please hold on. “ DB instructed as he raised it's arm. Hesitantly, she put her forelegs over the side as he wrapped the fingers around her. DB lowered her to the floor, where she got off. I climbed back in. “OK, Applejack, lead the way. “ I said through the speakers. She nodded and we walked. On our walk, I saw many animals flee. I even saw the glow of the timberwolves eyes, but not for long as they would soon turn and run. That first fight must have shown I'm the alpha predator here now. They won't come anywhere near us unless they want to be turned to charred fire wood. Through the trees, I started to see a small village. It looked somewhat medieval like it though but the colours were all of. There was pink, white, purple and all the other in the rainbow. It was like someone had painted a picture on a computer but was only allowed fully saturated colours. That went for the ponies as well. They were just as colourful. Among the village, I saw armoured ponies everywhere. They must be here for me. Wow, I know of overreacting but to bring a small army? I hesitated. Applejack saw this and spoke up. “Come on now, if we want ta show your not evil so, ya have to keep up. “ she encouraged, resuming our walk. The moment I was in the village, every pair of eyes were upon me in an instant. Everyone froze where they were. To break the silence, I spoke up. “Uhhh, I come in peace? “. I'm an idiot. --------------------- Ponyville library --------------------- It was quiet in the library as Celestia read the description of the metal monster. Twilight sparkle had gone to continue her research and the guards stayed by the door. Twilight was pulling more book's out when she heard a few screams and shouts. They stopped just as fast when a loud bang sounded off. The same bang sound that came from the monster before we saw the timberwolves run off! She, the Princess and the guards opened and exited through the door to see it standing their, possibly speaking to the royal guards that had it surrounded. They appear over to see what was going on. The Princess Celestia’s longer legs have her the advantage as she got there first. The thing looked at the Princess and spoke in a voice that sounded like it had been recorded, “Thank god, maybe you can talk to armoured horses with pointy sticks to back down cause I'd rather not be harmed for returning a pony I admittedly kidnapped.”. The voice sounded young, which was surprising to hear from a being this big. “Why are you here?” Celestia asked, the authority in her voice obvious. “Well, I felt sorry for nabbing the pony. So, in return for a safe arrival, I helped her get to this place. But these idiots tried to attack me, even after I said I came on peace.” it responded disrespectfully. It acted as if it was talking to somepony about getting there dog off their lawn, not like it was talking to royalty. --------------------- Connor Irons, edge of ponyville. --------------------- The tall white pony, with her crown and regalia, was probably the Princess of this place, if not Queen. She stood there for a moment, thinking, then she spoke again. “Guards, stand down. I shall talk with this thing. Please follow me. ” she said, although I didn't appreciate being called a thing. “Sir, are you positive this is the best course of action? “ questioned the AI, not fully understanding my plan. “Yep. If this goes well, we'll have food and a place to stay. “ I said. Snapping back into the real world, I noticed the big pony stop and turn at me. Her horn glowed. “Sir, power signature detected and directed at us. Scanning... scanning…this power it ineffective.” DB noted. Her horn stopped glowing and she looked at us with a surprised, wide eyed stare. “What spell made you? “ she asked, trying to sound calm. “You can answer this one DB. “ I said, knowing he would give a better answer than me. Turning on the speakers, DB started “I was not created by any spell or magic. My creators made me from metal, screws, nuts and bolts.”. “Where are you from? There is no way you could be made from metal and not magic.” she said, now losing her calmness. “ I was created on planet Earth, a planet dominated by technologically advanced, non-magic, species.” said DB. While he was talking, I was picking up my gear to get out. I wouldn't need much, just my pistol and ear piece. I waited till they had reached a quiet point in the conversation, and opened the hatch. As I climbed out, I saw the guards jaw drop. Some raised there spears at me while others stood there in shock and/or confusion. “Hey DB, put me down, will you? “ I said, ignoring everyone now staring at me. “Yes sir. “ replied the mech as it picked me up and put me on the floor. “You can close your mouths, alright. “ was what I told the guards when I turned to them. They all did, with some embarrassed faces showing. --------------------- Applejack, town hall. --------------------- Applejack was bombarded with questions and concerns. “Darling, are you alright? ” “What was it like? ” “What's its name? “ “Does it like parties!? ” “What does it...eat? ” “How was it ? “ “What was- ” “Just stop! One at a time! A can't answer all of ya questions at once! ” shouted Applejack. She then started to answer the question. “I'm doing fine and well. It weren't so bad as he promised not to hurt me. His name is Connor Irons, the thing ya saw was a rideable robot, or mechs as he said, called DB. I don't know if he likes parties. He's an omnivore, meaning it eats meat and plants. He was quite nice, although he is a bit of a youngin. I think he said that he’s a “hoo-man”.”. They all stared at her. A moment's silence passed when the door opened up and Princess Celestia and a few royal guards entered. Following behind them was a clothed biped with black hair, a chunky and possibly muscled form around the same height as the alicorn, excluding the horn. His clothes were grey and slightly baggy. He had a L-shaped device at his side and a small, black ear plug in his ear. He had a little stick with a metal tip and a black tube in the centre. On his shoulders, in green, he had CI stitched on it. “Oh, hi Applejack. I take it these are your friends. “ is what it said as soon as it saw then. He broke from the group and walked over. They noticed how he walked. He lifted one leg, leaned forward so slightly, it may as well be non-existent. The leg would connect to the ground and he straighten up. This process repeated with the other leg. “Yeah, ya right. These are ma friends from ponyville. The purple one is Twilight sparkle, the pink one is Pinkie Pie, the white one is Rarity, the cyan one is Rainbow Dash and the yellow one is Fluttershy. “ Applejack said, pointing at each pony respectfully. “Nice to meet you. I hope DB didn't scare you to much. “ it laughed, remembering the look on their face. Priceless. “Pfff, me, scared? Nah, I'm too awesome to be scared. “ said a cocky sounding Rainbow Dash. “Really now? Is that true? Wait here, I'll go get DB. “ he said before going to the door and opened it so they could see the giant of metal. “Hey! DB! Come over here! I've got some ponies that want to see you. “. “Yes sir.” said the mechanical voice. It was shortly followed by light rumbles as the metal monster came into view. “Go on Dash. Go say hi to my friend. He doesn't, or like can't, bite. “ he said, grinning. To prove her point, she flew to it. She got halfway before hesitating and stopping. It still looked menacing. “Hello Rainbow Dash. My name is De-11Bea-27, or DB for short. “ it said. “Uuhhh...h-h-hi. N-nice to see y-you. “ she stuttered “You are stuttering. This indicates a disorder or that you are slightly afraid. If you refuse this, you will be lying. “ DB said, leaving the biggest burn mark on her pride that they ever saw. “OK, DB. That's enough. Thank you. “ said the “hoo-man”, a massive grin still on his face. “Well, it was nice meeting you and all, but I have a conversation with a horse to have. “ he said as he walked off, leaving all but Applejack slack jawed. “I shall see you later rider. Pony's, if you would like to talk, I shall accept. I will park myself around the back of this tree house. “ said the robot before walking off and leaving the ponies behind. End of chapter 5