//------------------------------// // Dive To The Heart // Story: Balance // by BioQuillFiction //------------------------------// Zeke “Ugh...my head. Alright, who’s not dead?” I called out. “Still alive… not surprised.” Alucard said. “What happened?” Trixie asked. “We all blacked out.” Raven said. “Well whatever caused it, what do we do about it?” Simon asked. “Perhaps it has to do with our hearts, or minds?” Xehanort offered. “That would make sense.” Peccator spoke up. “We were all different people, the only thing in common between us and all our reflections is, well, our hearts. Even ones as dark as Xehanort's and Alucards, were still balanced. THis might have to do with all our different minds then.” “So… what does that all mean?” Meliodas asked. “It means either out of all of us, only one can exist, or Zeke’s body is trying to adapts to us all.” Xehanort clarified. “Wait, why my body?” I asked. “Because, yours was the one used to become Kingdom Hearts, we were all turned into X-blades, able to take our own forms by the fact you yourself are also a X-blade. It’s like Switching the Keychain off a normal Keyblade.” “Awh fuck… so what’s gonna happen then?” “Whatever it is I don’t like it.” Guts said. “You don’t like much anyway.” Meliodas said. Suddenly, there was a bright, blinding light as we all suddenly found ourselves inside this… massive city, just floating along the water, multiple small landmasses all connected by cable carts. “Woah, what is this place?” Tokoyami asked. “Some kind of city clearly… but isn’t this all in our… or Zeke’s head?” Leon asked. “Scala ad Cilem.” Xehanort said, looking at the location with awe. “I thought it was lost forever.” “Uh, you know this place?” I asked. “Yes.” He nodded. “I spent many years here training with Eraqus to become a Keyblade master… Not long after we obtained our mark of mastery, this place vanished. Seemingly into thin air… could it have been here this whole time… or is this an illusion?” “You are half right, my friend.” We all turned around, seeing a young man, long black hair. Xehanort took a step back. “E-Eragues?! How?” “You forget.” The young Eraqus said, walking up to Xehanort. “You and these fine people here are Kingdom Hearts now, this means all hearts, even of the dead reside within you.” Xehanort, mouth agape, then smiled. “Heh, you sly fox.” Eraqus smiled. “Heh. Come, you all must see this place before you awake.” “So, we are dreaming?” Core asked. “Yes and no. This is where all of you who aren’t controlling your shared body will be when you want some relaxation. There is someone here for each of you to meet.” “Really?” I asked. “Yes. Just follow your heart to them.” Eraqus said to meet him at the main tower, the only one like it among all the island cities here. Follow my heart huh… Who here would I even find? Walking around here was pretty interesting. I saw lots of people here, some I knew from history, some I didn’t. I saw Clementine with Lee, Tokoyami was with his grandmother and father. Everyone was with someone they knew… It was happy reunions all around. I guess I should have expected as much, this is basically heaven… no place here for people like my family.  I headed up to the tower to wait for the others. At the very top of it, in a room with a three-sixty view of this whole floating connected ship/city/island place. It’s… Well I can’t see an ending so… it’s rather big? Yeah, that’s a good word for it. In this room with the beautiful glass window view of this whole afterlife place was a single chair, small, but fancy, elegant with heart designs and a crown adorning it’s top on the back rest. “Did you explore much?” Eraquis asked, entering the room and waking up next to me. “No, everyone is spending time with some loved one, I just… don’t expect to find anyone I know, or care for.” “Hm.” Eroquis said. “Well then, this seat is for you lot. Whichever of you takes seat in this chair, controles your body, and how it appears to those outside. Sleep or even meditation will let you enter this place and swap out if you wish.” “Can I just me… taken off it suddenly?” I asked. “Hm, not likely, while here, X can unlock this rom from the outside, as once you seat and take control this room is sealed off, and no one else can be in here while that is the case. But while in controle X obeys you or whoever is in control, so, they are locked inside til they slumber.” “And, what about talking to one another?” “Merely think it, and they will hear you.” “Alright.” I said, taking a deep breath. “So, what is it you’re gonna tell us all? “Well, for starters this afterlife, or lack of a better word. Operates without your vigilance, but it’s still in all respects a city, a world too. So, you and your twenty others will be a council or sots, mainly just so there is an authority figure here and prevents any kind of confusion and chaos.” “Sounds fair. Anything else?” “Well, aside from that there is the crafting of not only new keyblades but replicating them so there is always more than the one. Save for these X-blades, there can only be one of each, and this is because of their nature.” “Because they are X-blades, you can’t have too many floating about, less they end up in the wrong hands.” “Exactly.” “That sounds alright. So, will… we be making them now or?” “Your Silhouette is at your command, and it’s winner will acquire the right to have a X-blade of their own crafted, for good or bad sadly. So long as they announce the right to participate, they can have the chance, but you can decide how difficult the trial is.” “Oh, that’s good to know actually.” “That is all. You can regain control and when the others all arrive I will explain things to them and show them to their rooms here. They can appear however they wish, same as you.” “Huh, I get a room too? Cool, wonder how I’ll decorate it.” Eraquis left and I took seat on the chair, feeling… sleepy as the door before me closed. I drifted off to the waking world outside my heart… Hope Clementines friends aren’t too worried.