The metal HAWKEN

by NinjaTurtle

Chapter 4 Mechanical intro

Chapter 4
Mechanical into

The cockpit was warm. About the only thing he recognised in this new world. The seat was comfortable, the place was warm and the feeling of his limb's on his body. For only being fifteen, he was strong, smart and had gone through a lot for his age. In fact, that was how he became a rider in the first place.

He got up to reach the mechs hatch, the common pops of his body waking the limb's. The heavy opening was pushed up and over. He grabbed the ledge, pulling himself up and out. After he moved about, he then closed the hatch.

Hey, morning DB. How are you? Could you put me down?” I said, rubbing the last remaining sleep out of my eyes.

“Morning sir.” DB said to me, raising his appendages to pick me up. I crawled over and held on. The cold fingers wrapped around me and safely moved me to the ground.

“Sir, I have noticed a significant increase of power of my abilities. My ammo has also been replenished without my knowledge. Would you know about this?” asked the robot.

I wondered how that could happen. “Maybe it's the magic? I don't know. At least it has no bad side effects.”. As i said that, I heard a certain pony stir awake.

Mornin’.” called Applejack, already awake enough for speech.

Hi. I assume you slept well.” I said.

Yeah, although a woulda preferred a bed.” she said.

Well, since we're awake, how about breakfast?” I suggested, seeing that we still had a lot of food still from yesterday.

Rainbow dash's house.

Snoring, still asleep, Rainbow dash laid in her cloud house bed. After turning over, she felt something slowly nip her hoof. Dash turned to the offender with a small yelp.

Oh, hi tank.” she said, now looking at a small tortoise with a copter on its shell. He smiled as he moved back so Rainbow could get up.

Her rainbow coloured mane was a mess as her cyan blue coated body rolled out of bed. She opened her magenta coloured eyes fully and yawned herself to the real world. She flew down to the kitchen, her pet slowly following.

She fed tank and went on her morning flight. She liked it. In the air, less things can bother you and you truly feel free. She also liked the exercise so she could one day qualify for the wonderbolts.

The route consisted of a quick trip around the Everfree forest, over ponyville and back home. This didn't include the little detours and naps inbetween, although they made up most of it. But throughout the flight, she couldn't stop thinking about the big thing that could out run her and disappear.

She was about ten minutes into the flight when Rainbow saw a huge, gray and bulky figure disappear behind a tree. The thing had the familiar green trimmings and the recognisable letters on its shoulder, DB.

She gasped.

That's the metal monster! I have to see where it is going.” said Dash, quietly flying near it.

She saw it walk on two legs like last time through the clearing they were at yesterday. She then saw a weird flame like those on a oven come out of two things on its back . This propelled it into the air with a muffled roar. It stopped them and plummeted to the ground. Before collision, it spewed it's flames again and landed with a relatively quiet thud while kicking up a bit of dust.

It walked a bit towards a cave in the side of the canyon. The foot steps leaving prints the size of a pony and made the small pebbles around it shake. It turned around, looking into the sky. Before it could see her, she flew away. Now with the knowledge of where it is, Rainbow Dash sped her way to ponyville while also creating a sonic rainboom in her path.

As Rainbow Dash landed at the door of the library she knocked on the door loudly. This resulted in a crash and a few quiet grunts from the pony within. A few seconds went by till she heard any sounds from the tree house.

It's a public library so you don't have to knock! The doors unlocked!” called Twilight from with in the literal tree house. She was using her magic to levitate books back to their respective place.

Twilight! I saw the metal monster. I was on my normal flight then I saw it walk to the clearing then it flew with these weird flames on its back then it landed and walked to a cave and then - humf…” she was stopped when Twilight put a hoof to her mouth.

Rainbow Dash, slow down.” Twilight sparkle said using her magic to levitate a quill, ink and paper, “Alright, now tell me everything you saw.”.

Canterlot palace, Princess Luna.

I shall destroy you all! Ha ha ha ha haaaaa...
What happened?...
Please stand back...
And what are you, disrespectful thing?...
We are here for you!...

Luna shot up, sweat running down her dark blue coat. She was breathing heavily and felt nervous. She was confused by voices in it as there were only two she knew.

What was that? It must have been a vision like those of my sister. But who were those three voices? And why did one sound so mechanical? I shall inform my sister as soon as possible.” said Luna, hurrying to her sisters room.

She darted down the corridors, avoiding guards and staff as they went about there business. As she got there, she noticed that there were no guards at her door. She opened the door to Celestia's room. She looked at the lightly coloured room and golden trimmed bed. There were books and scrolls on her desk, a balcony on the other side of the room and rug near a fire place, which was opposite the bed on the left. But throughout the big room, Celestia was nowhere to be found.

She must be on the train. I shall write a letter to her and get a night guard to send it.” she said to herself. But what did the vision mean?

The Princess headed back to her room where she knew her guards were standing.

Cave entrance, Connor

We had gone out to test the equipment and returned. The shield was far stronger, easily stopping a full missles cluster without a scratch. The holograms were somewhat physical in that it could be touched and felt but still let bullets thrown stone's at it pass through. The rage core was only half full and stayed there. The radar had not changed, neither did the HUD. The AI said that he seems to be able to recharge faster as well.

He still didn't know what that rainbow coloured sonic boom was, but it wasn't much of a concern. What ever did it couldn't be any danger. Applejack had unknowingly lead him to the discovery that this place had medieval to early and late 18's. The best thing they had were cannons, swords, spears, bows and arrows and the solar princesses.

The greatest danger to me were Griffin's or the changelings. The Griffin's had a better army and weapons. The changelings could shape shift and could apparently eat love.

"OK, that's the test done. Now we just need to figure out how to get back home." I said as I left the cockpit. The manticore skin was now dry and looked good. The clean bowl and new fire wood, both of which were stacked nicely, sat by the left wall.

"Hey there, ya back." said Applejack, watching as I climbed out the top of the mech.

"Hi, we're back." I said from on top of the machine. "Hey, Applejack, I've got an idea. If you can guide me to ponyville, maybe we can sort out the problem that I probably caused by nabbing you. I mean, I don't think they were happy with me and DB here for that. And, you can get back to ponyville to see friends and family instead of this cave."

"Yeah, sure thing partner. Ma family's gonna be so happy." said Applejack.

With a plan for tomorrow, I felt better. I wouldn't have to worry about being found or attacked by pony's. Tomorrow's going to be good.

End of chapter 4